I moved to Nantes 2 months ago. Life in France is definitely different from life in Seattle, but how? What makes it different? Join me to talk about how Nantes got to this point and how, with your help, your hometown will too.

    #lifeinfrance #citylife #urbanism

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    two months ago I moved from my hometown for the second time friendships transitioned to long distance family connection went virtual I left the job I’d always wanted it had been 2 months since my family and I moved to non a city in Western France about 1/3 the size of my hometown of Seattle so how have things been going what have I learned what’s changed well the answer is simple a lot but let me dig in a bit upon arriving in France I was met with little fanfair from the French government no interrogation no skepticism not even a word from the person checking my Visa literally not one word just like that in the course of 30 seconds I had immigrated to France and because of that in a sense this move has felt a lot like moving cross country in the US except for the use of the metric system and transition to speaking only in French this move has been less complicated than moving to San Francisco in my 20s yeah there’s a learning curve setting up a bank account takes way more effort than you’d expect you need to do a series of in-person meetings and corresponding via mail figuring out how to file French taxes when going to a small building in a government complex and waiting outside for your name to be called so that you can be whisked into a locked cubicle for about 15 minutes getting a transit pass was done via correspondant with a direct debit from your bank account as the only option for paying so it took a couple of weeks instead of a few seconds like in Seattle but beyond on that how has it really been [Music] here well at the risk of sounding like an American stereotype it’s been great after staying in a short stay apartment for 2 weeks we moved into our apartment in a neighborhood where anything and everything is within proximity there’s no less than four grocery stores within a 5-minute walk I’m not even going to bother counting how many are within a a 5-minute bike ride my daughter’s school is 5 minutes away just barely inching out the school that’s about 7 minutes away community centers restaurants cafes bakeries pharmacies doctors hardware stores retail services it’s all accessible from my house I can bike anywhere even to a small village out in the countryside no longer do I worry about which route is the safest hell I don’t even care about which is the fastest for the first time in my life I understand the idea of taking the scenic route it’s wonderful Beyond biking Transit is of course abundant the city center is pedestrianized trains connect us to Paris and Beyond I took a flight to Vienna a few weeks ago for about 60 EUR people here are nice they talk to each other in the span of two months my family and I have randomly bumped into neighbors or parents from our child’s school out and about more than the entire time we lived in Seattle these are all things you’ve heard from just about every other person on YouTube who has moved to or traveled to Europe and I’m not here to tell you the grass is greener or that this is some magic intrinsic to Europe that’s just not true trust me some n will will tell me in the comments of this video about how the city is not that great but you know it’s all up to perspective and seriously na is awesome and you should at least visit what I can say for sure though is that none of this none is by accident the abundance of Equitable Mobility options the many parks and public spaces the access to very cheap or free services the abundance of social housing and the fostering of social cohesion the incredible amount of educational opportunities this is all the result of a conscious effort and it’s thanks to people in the local government who still feel like they can do more to improve the lives of people here it comes from Resident engagement and dialogue it happens through cooperation between City or Metropolitan departments it’s possible because of leftist Coalition building as electing leaders who understand the gravity of their jobs it takes political will that seems radical in America but just happens to be common sense in a place like not the city center wasn’t always pedestrianized and I’ll talk about that in an upcoming video there wasn’t always a connected safe bike Network social housing wasn’t always integrated into development projects there wasn’t always a focus on expanding accessible education opportunities in all neighborhoods social mixing and the idea of combating isolation of low-income people wasn’t always considered everything that has made me fall in love with not specifically came from leftist politics it came from ambition to center community well-being it came from a concerted movement which is to say at least in terms of urbanist practices the biggest actual differences between here in the United States are geography and timing smart genuine and caring people do work in government in the US I know I was just with a group of them in Vienna video on that coming up soon too but there’s just not enough the steady stream of big business money into politics personal ambition coming from milk toast politicians and the very well oiled organizing machine of the rightwing in the US has stalled many of our cities there are good people who want to Center Community Care social cohesion Universal affordability and Equitable Mobility working in city government right now in the United States problem is we’re not electing people who care about this stuff at the scale of a place like non the American right has been organizing on all levels of government for decades in both major parties in the US which has squeezed out anyone with socialist or social democratic ideals and while the left has made Valiant efforts the level of organizing is just not the same and it’s hard to out organize the over resourced but it’s not impossible elections happen often in the US if you’ve considered running just run even if you lose you can use that to build momentum for the next person to win if you know someone in your community who you feel should run tell them to run they may be the next person as I’ve said before build coalitions it’s a long game but you got to start somewhere bet you didn’t expect this to be a video about socialism did you well here’s the reality this is brought to you by socialist and Social Democratic principles so is this this too and this now it’s your turn [Music]


    1. The Orca card in Seattle is nothing like the Naolib. The Orca card is simply a card you put money on it and they deduct the price after every ride then you need to charge it again when it's running out of money. Anybody can use it. The Nantes Pass is an unlimited monthly or yearly pass giving unlimited access to the public transportation system. Different prices for different categories so people have to prove their income status or their personal situation, it's issued in a specific name, only the owner can use it, his picture is on the pass.

    2. down with the right, only the left will save us! as long as the money keeps coming in from others there is always hope! I am from Canada and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh. It's okay if he supports the movement that was responsible for the largest act of aviation terrorism prior to 9/11 or if he and his family has and continued to profit from capitalism. he is the ONE !

    3. I will give this video a thumbs down. Comparing any European city with an american city without an accurate historical background is plain stupid (and highly unscientifical)… And then giving all the praise to leftism for all the benefits and the wonderful is just retarded. But then again you don't allow true words.

    4. This is my second year in Nantes (I'm originally from Reunion Island) and I hadn't realized just how important the work of pedestrianizing the city had been. I work near Place Gralins and was stunned when you showed the photos of what it looked like before. Btw your videos are great!

    5. I did my engineering school in Nantes, and in france we have nothing to be shy in term of great education, for a fraction of the cost in the us.

    6. There is nothing leftist about having good schools in every neighbourhood, that's how the system is framed nationwide since school is free in France (18th century). Actually social housing falls under the national law, not the local law, all towns like Nantes have to provide 25% social housing but Nantes, which is a left wing city, is lagging behind pretty bad. Whatever you see right now is them trying to catch up to respect the law. Towns not meeting the requirements in terms of social housing are taxed.
      Same with making the city bike and pedestrians friendly. That's a nationwide movement which has nothing to do with left wing or right wing.

    7. Born east of France, I live 35 minutes from Nantes in a small town of 11,000 inhabitants. I like Nantes, but I'm not a "city dweller". Nantes is always very festive in the evenings and weekends, and there are always good concerts at Le Ferrailleur and friendly pubs like Au Chien Stupide. There are so many things to do in Nantes. I prefer Sud-Loire and Rezé. I come to Nantes from time to time because where I live, I am closer to the countryside, and I have everything I need within a 300-meter radius, three boulangeries, three pharmacies, a supermarket, pubs, restaurants, a post office, a train station, doctors, etc. Enjoy Nantes!

    8. The french revolution in USA! I've noticed how american democrats after covid extreme power transformed into aristocracy ruling class, maybe even regency with current pres condition.

    9. How do you still only have 2k subscribers😢. You make some of the best content I've seen on urbanism and your commentary on community engagement is so refreshing.

    10. As a French, I always told my young fellow citizens to move in the US only if they plan to be really rich and are ready to work hard for that.

    11. I'm glad you are doing well in Nantes but We found it to be the worst city we visited in France and so far in the EU. Dirty, a lot of homeless and aggressive begging, harassment of women was not rare and less friendliness. We spent several days visiting Nantes for the mechanical park and other sites. We spent a month in France from Strassburg, Angers, Normandy, Nantes, Mt St Michel, Liles and Loire valley. We are planning to move to the Alsace region so nothing against France or the many great places we have been. Nantes however was shocking. Germany the Netherlands, Belgium etc have all been very nice, safe and welcoming. Except for Brussels we had nothing but positive experiences but Nantes and to a much lesser extent Brussels were not enjoyable. Having been to Seattle and Portland and lived in Metro Detroit area I cannot adapt to aggressive begging demanding homeless people and wide spread drug use and abuse I have experienced in the US cities. Nantes had no obvious drug connection but the rest was similar sadly.

    12. While it's sad that you had to leave Seattle, I'm glad you have found a better life that works better for you and your family. Thank you for still making videos that are encouraging and promote social activism.

    13. Welcome to Nantes dear new neighbor. I recommend you to follow the "oui in France" and "Baguette bound" youtube accounts who are american expats as you. When americans realize that social democracy as nothing to see with soviet communism they have a revelation. (I guess that not your case you seem to be more educated and smart )

    14. Your video is very interesting because in France Nantes is really saw as a dangerous city because of immigration, leftists or something (that what all right and alt right people say) I don't personally live in Nantes so I think I'll never really know but your video really made me think different about this city. How different people can perceive this city so differently?

    15. C'est vrai qu'en tant que Nantais, j'ai tendance à voir avant tout les problèmes de la ville ; mais malgré tout, pour rien au monde je m'imagine vivre ailleurs qu'ici.
      Bienvenue parmi nous !

    16. I did (expect to see a video about socialism; I know you that well anyway). I'm glad you've settled in so well and quickly. I do have a question: How is the right wing drift in the EU Parliament elections being viewed? Is there any resonance with what's happening across Europe in 'leftist'(?) Nantes?

    17. Thank you for making this video!! 😊 I feel like there is a disconnect in my home country of the US in understanding what social policies actually look like in action for everyday life. This video brings it to life. Every day I'm gateful for so many small things that work well in France because of these policies.

    18. Did the exact opposite years ago. Left Nantes and went to Seattle for ten years. I'm now retired to went back to France (though with an American wife). I really enjoyed my time in Seattle.

    19. Thank you for showing our city in such a beautiful angle! I traveled a lot and came back to my hometown, its a great place indeed and even after all those years i still look at it in owe sometimes ! Was lovely to watch ❤ and Welcome 🤗

    20. I live in France. In terms of criminal activity, there is only one city worse than Nantes and that is Marseilles. A priest, in Nantes, was murdered by a refugee and the cathedral was damaged in an arson fire. The police tried to shut down a rave and in the process, some of the ravers ended up in the Loire river. One of them drowned. Some blame the police for their heavy handed tactics. They wanted to build a new airport, but protests against it lead to an influx of anarchists. They abandoned the project, yet the anarchists are still in Nantes. This has lead to demonstrations against the police. There is violence against women. A woman was knifed by a stranger in Nantes.

    21. For folks commenting on Nantes being a center of criminality, the Minister of the Interior collects national statistics on crime indicators in France. For nearly every indicator, Loire-Atlantique and Nantes are at or below the national average. In several indicators, Nantes is also not even the leading commune in Loire-Atlantique. Crime exists everywhere – even in Nantes, but not to the extent that some comments imply Data set & interactive map can be found here: https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/reuses/delinquance-enregistree-au-niveau-departemental-et-communal/

    22. it has nothing to do with socialism or wokism, because all those existed before with other politics sides, now criminality has never been highter there since the wokes too city hall somes years ago!

    23. An attractive city, Nantes has long been acclaimed for its quality of life. But today, a victim of its success, the city is prey to an explosion of delinquency. Plus 35% on average since 2018. The cause is a poorly controlled demographic increase which has not been followed by a proportional increase in police numbers. Nearly 10,000 new residents settle there every year. Among them, many young people, and residents point out the increase in alcohol consumption in the evening. Others denounce the significant presence of Sudanese and Eritrean migrants, partly hosted by associations in the city center. According to the authorities, “these clandestine networks generate more than 50% of public crime”. Result: by the admission of certain representatives of the municipal team, after 8 p.m., the heart of the city becomes a den of “drug addicts, dog punks and other gangs”. The prefect of Loire-Atlantique himself recently confided that he was “surprised by the level of delinquency in this area”. Snatching, drug trafficking, burglaries and sexual assaults, the city displays figures worse than the national average… To deal with it, around sixty national police officers were called in as reinforcements and the mayor had his city equipped surveillance cameras. The people of Nantes are also getting organized. Residents come together as a collective to repel delinquents, while others make rounds at night. This mobilization, combined with that of law enforcement, has already made it possible to reduce the number of deal points by a third last year, but the fight is far from won. So what is happening in Nantes? Are there structured networks of offenders? And why do the police have difficulty containing insecurity?

    24. As a dutch person I can add that the French government and its people way better understand how to run a country then my own. And that is a sad story whats going on in the Netherlands. In basically one generation the feeling off living freely is truly lost. So..vive la France 🇫🇷!

    25. Enjoy the racial riots, the insecurity and the taxes, dear american.
      Nantes is actually one of the worst citites in France, and I talk from experience.
      You don't realize how lucky you are to have lived in a country without socialism.
      Soon you will understand why all the young French people go abroad.

    26. Having lived in Nantes for 6 years for my studies and now living in Paris (working for bicycle infrastructures), I don't why your video felt special to me, thank you for sharing that

    27. Comme partout Nantes a ses problèmes. Mais la qualite de vie moyenne est bien superieure a beaucoup d'endroits dans la monde! Ok je suis un peu chauvin car Nantais depuis 50 ans! Quand on voyage un peu on se rend vite compte que la France c pas mal du tout.

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