🚴‍♂️ Join me for an exciting preview of Stage 5 of the Tour de France 2024! We recap the thrilling Stage 4 and analyze how it affects the general classification. Discover the stage profile, weather conditions, and insights into the sprinter-friendly course from Saint-Denis to Saint-Vulbas. Who are the favorites to win? Find out as we discuss key contenders and predictions for this stage. Don’t miss out on all the cycling action—subscribe and stay tuned! 🌟

    0:00 Intro and Stage 4 Recap
    3:25 Stage 5 Overview
    5:06 Bookmaker’s Odds and Outro

    #tourdefrance #tourdefrance2024 #tour2024 #cycling 🚵‍♂️

    hello and welcome fellow cycling fans today I will preview stage five of the tour to France 2024 it was a thrilling stage 4 we are going to do a quick recap of it before we dive into the profile of stage five it was a very interesting stage poacher attacked at the end of the C to galib managed to drop uh yonas figer I uh stop watch the time at the top and it was 8 seconds in favor of pogacha uh during the technical part of The Descent uh pogacha kept that at 8 to 10 seconds but then once they hit the really fast part of the downhill that those wide roads he managed to Gap VOR even more extending his lead to some 30 seconds uh rco aeno managed to bring it back that group with AO rogich and Carlos Rodriguez back to Wing so they pce him to the line in the last 5 km so in the end he only loses 37 seconds uh which could have been a lot more had the second group didn’t come back to him rco second he was struggling on the technical part of descent but he was flying on the fast part uh I saw great work from him for team UA Emirates uh he was pacing on the Gia alongside Almeida they were doing a kind of a relay he gets home in third in front of rogich VOR fifth Rodriguez sixth then Landa and Almeida who were also gapped and then like a third group with Chon buo Felix Z mat Jenson aan Bernal Adam Yates and Garen Thomas is almost three minutes down so in the GC pogacha retakes his yellow Jersey kapas had an awful day he lost more than five minutes rco is now second 45 seconds behind pogar and vingar is 50 seconds back AO moves into forth in front of Rog Carlos Rodriguez mikanda Jo Al maida Julio Chon and agan Bernal so three UA riders in the top 10 in the points classifications abrah Hanson managed to save his uh green jersey from bie gay who was first at the intermediate Sprint Pederson tried to break away from the group but in the end he takes maximum points at that Sprint uh check so he’s third that is a wide open race now because ailis is still only eight and has almost 50 points less than gai so it can be really interesting in the coming days for sprinters in the km abrahamsen also manages uh to save his km as poacher was the first over the Gia I made a mistake yesterday I said that gbia is 40 points because it is under this Grand souvenir but no it was only 20 points as Co de Bonet is the highest point of this race and there there will be 40 points on offer Valentine madua was in the Breakaway but he couldn’t overtake abrah Hansson in the white jersey competition aen Paul is still first in front of AO Rodriguez and Jorgenson and obviously in the team classifications team UA Emirates are dominating so now to stage five uh it is a very interesting profile but if this was in third week then I think this would be a nice opportunity for a breakaway but since this is a week one only the fifth stage so a lot of teams won the Sprint Alpin Le now inter Mar as well uh even team like bahin Victorious for bow house lot of Destiny for Arnold Dei Jak ala after Simon Yates is horrible stage today they want to go for kunan so not a lot of teams that will really go in a breakout maybe total energy and I don’t know Aria something also have Aro Demar unox have Kristof who even wants to go in a breakaway tomorrow but there is an nice opportunity for the Breakaway with those uh heels in the middle of the stage but I just don’t see a breakaway uh succeeding tomorrow it is a 177 km long stage from s Dean to S vulbas and we are going uh to the West still but a bit north west in a bit of the Northwestern uh direction if we look at the weather in San VBA we will see that it will be really Pleasant some 20° cels so perfect perfect conditions for cycling not uh hot not cold no no rain just a bit of wind 4 m/s again uh from the Northwest that means that it is still uh head wind but uh I didn’t think that it will have any part in tomorrow stage as it will be uh 99% a Sprint so before we move onto the bookmakers odds don’t forget to subscribe to my channel so you never miss a preview of a grter stage ever again hit that notification Bell and tell me in the comments who do you think is going to win tomorrow and the book makers have yasper philipsson as the favorite at at 2.20 so they are not so sure as they were in the stage three but I don’t think that much has changed Philips had that crash Matthew wonderpole crashed they were held back but I think Alpin is still the team to beat here and yes they are favorites with a reason arodi really fast he’s the second favorite for The Bookies in front of Dyan huner Vin my winner of stage three matz Pon at 11 he’s I think a lot underrated here Mark Cavendish survived today with four minutes to spare so it was kind of a a nervous day for aana as they are backing him a lot in this year’s tour V fard looked bad today he just doesn’t have the legs yet I think uh from his crash and uh without many racing days in his leg this season Fernando gavia fast man from stage three is also in the mix as well as Jacobs and BOS and Kristoff so this is like uh Sprint Royale here in sanba and we will we will see who will prevail uh thank you for watching my videos like them if you like my content don’t forget to subscribe have a great day and I hope to see you tomorrow for the preview of stage six bye

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