Join me on an exhilarating bikepacking adventure from Ilfracombe to Plymouth, as I tackle the stunning Devon Coast to Coast route! This scenic journey spans the beautiful Devon countryside, showcasing everything from rugged coastlines to serene woodlands and the open wild moorlands of Dartmoor. Whether you’re an avid cyclist or just love breathtaking landscapes, this trip is packed with exciting highlights and hidden gems. Subscribe to experience the charm and challenge of this fantastic cycling route for either a solo adventure or with family and friends!

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    DEVON COAST TO COAST – Useful Links:
    5. – Ilfracombe Hostel
    7. – Okehampton Hostel –
    8. Granite Way Cycle Hire Shop –
    9. Okehampton Bikehire shop –

    okay so just uh leaving bille right now and heading to brunon and eventually over to ilen uh took the train from Plymouth all the way up to C um exit St Davids and then from St Davids took the train to ball um which was quite a nice pleasant train journey I thought I’d take a quick look in bable and uh get bite a little bit bite to eat today’s uh well so far so good it’s really looking really nice it’s uh Saturday 30th of March so tomorrow is Easter Sunday and this is the first bike packing trip of the Year 2024 starting in ilum uh so that’s where I’m heading to now just left just leaving bore uh got a hosts um booked staying at the ocean Backpackers hosal uh yeah just staying there for one night and we’ll be setting from ilam to Oak Hampton tomorrow which is halfway and then from Oak Hampton we’ll be staying in another hostel there so which is quite a reasonable price you know about 28 28 lb so and then from Oak Hampton we’ll be heading down to uh P so saride 100 miles uh over well two two full days of riding yes it’s so so nice to be out on the bike again again [Music] [Music] hello here we are in ilum just took a a walk up this hill up here just to get a good view of the uh the sea strange looking what looks like a flower pop upside down those uh that’s the theater in ilam it was a nice ride from barall to Alum took roughly about an hour and a half um and the good thing is it wasn’t you know s only a small section of it was on a on the road um most of it was on a psycle path but it’s a good 50 miles to Oak Hampton and then another 50 miles from Oak Hampton to Plymouth um yeah so I booked already the hostel in Oak Hampton and yeah hopefully get an early start and we’ll get there before the evening so here we are at the ocean Backpackers hostel that’s my bed for tonight so yeah quite happy with that uh pretty decent price about £25 going to go and get some food I think fancy of pizza [Music] actually here we are there’s my bike I make my way to one of the town’s most iconic landmarks for an up close look at Damen hurst’s or inspiring statue Verity standing at a towering 66 ft Verity is an imposing bronze sculpture that dominates the skyline of ilum Harbor it’s a striking blend of classical Beauty and raw anatomical Precision symbolizing truth and justice nothing like a good old Devon Hill to start you in the morning just uh coming out of V but yeah should be in wi for about an hour’s time just riding up on the uh an Old Railway uh that linked up ilum to um brunon I think and you can see some remnants still on the on the track uh like the the uh the wayaway sign post [Music] which still stands this must have been a a waiting room back in the day uh on this training [Music] line seen better days though [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] dad stay [Music] there uh just uh heading into uh barible now uh where we started yesterday and uh yeah it’s about lunchtime so quite hungry going to get by to eat so here arrived at Baran the ball and going to have a quick fish and chips and a coke just to fuel me little bit of a lunch break here at Scots uh yeah just having him kids meal fish and chips don’t think I can handle a really large uh fish and chips otherwise I won’t be able to move wow that’s that’s a kids that’s massive he’s big one that’s right um ketchup May or anything uh ketchup and Sal vinegar oh yeah brilliant thank you wow that’s a kids kids menu massive Sor yeah I don’t know it’s fine I can see my [Music] bike what’s the uh it’s nice and of orange that kind of like a special recipes right okay wow they V chips as well wow thank you so much and enjoy yeah thank you thank you very nice these SPS now I recommend that fish chip shop over there if you’re in bable absolutely delicious I had a kids meal um fish and chips about $6.99 uh but it was massive as you can see feel like I want to go to sleep now after eating that um but yeah otherwise I would have went to the bik shed over there uh but it’s close today it’s Sunday Easter Sunday so they’re shut today but thankfully uh scoffs fishal chip shop was open so yeah recommend that one right we’re going to head to Oak Hampton got uh don’t want to get there too late just leaving bible now as you can see just in right there just riding this nice flat Trail along the est3 um it says 3 hours to Oak Hampton so 3 hours and 21 minutes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] shortly after pedaling alongside the river tour and eventually joining the river torch I reached the Charming historic Port Town of bford one of the town’s most notable features is the old wayway line that once connected bford with nearby towns and Villages today this disused Railway Corridor has been transformed into a delightful cycling track offering locals and visitors alike a scenic route through the heart of Devon’s stunning Countryside [Music] nice uh wind tunnel this one [Music] w [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] yeah I’m done I’ve only got what another eight miles to go yeah it’s always those last stretches where you just like try to collapse would have done 50 miles today which is not bad going really but uh that’s minus the uh the backpacking gear which I usually bring which is the tent the seeping bag and cooking stuff which is more weight to carry this time around I’m just I’m just hosing it really uh and uh the prices for these hostels are pretty reasonable actually they’re really good and nice and cozy and warm it’s nice after a cycle ride you just conch out you know you just you just sleep really well uh well during any kind of all day uh walking hiking biking activity uh yeah really you really earn your sleep it’s now uh 8:00 well just gone past 8 4:00 4ast 8 uh still still light uh obviously the uh the going forward uh means that we get the extra uh bit of daylight in the evenings which is nice um just arrived in Oak Hampton here we go this is the uh the hostel yeah hell hello made it I tell you what you need a stair lift on that that Hill I was like oh my God riding all day as well I’ve been riding yeah I thought oh yeah I’m coming up to Oak Campton now this is it and I thought oh bloody hell this a massive Hill anyway I don’t think I’ve ever successfully ridden up that hill I always end up pushing the bike up no no I I I actually had to come I had to come off my legs starting to shake it’s my favorite thing in the world of sometimes electric bikes are something you don’t quite realize it’s an electric I would have someone yeah see a bunch of guys and stuff like Peak physical condition sweating and dying and pushing and then someone in their 7 he just rides past himot yeah all sorted at the hostel um but uh yeah it was quite hungry so just so you know the there is a massive hill going up to Oak Hampton the you fostel um but yeah I just had a [Music] shower sort myself out and then yeah quite hungry so I’m just headed back down the hill to Oak Hampton the town and going to get some food at the um the whiteart hotel get some get some grub that was a nice uh beef mad dress at the pub uh I sleep well tonight yeah well another long day ahead tomorrow um well the plan is to get to pouth and um yeah we’ll see how it goes right no night everyone looking right out there actually morning it is Easter Monday and it’s also April Fool’s Day it’s the 1st of April today uh we’re here at the Oak Hampton youth hostel uh good night’s sleep um yeah uh going to go and get some breakfast I was going to have breakfast here but it’s like £9 for a full English breakfast and all I want is a bowl of rice krispies so there’s a cafe next door though so uh I’m just going to grab a coffee and um grab a just a small I just need a small light breakfast this morning nothing nothing too heavy there’s also a bike higher Cafe just over there that’s probably where I’m going to have my coffee and the the actual hostel is right next to this um train station let have a look so if I wanted to instead of riding back to Plymouth I could actually get the train but yeah I’m not going to be that uh I’m not going to be that lazy today nice rainbow over there April 1st Easter Monday rainbow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here we are in bike Heaven Easter Monday Happy Easter [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a quick stop at the Devil’s Cauldron a mesmerizing natural wonder nestled within the enchanting liid gorge in Devon England surrounding The Cauldron Lush wooden cloaks The Gorge walls adding to the mystical atmosphere of this captivating landscape a visit to the Devil’s Cauldron is a journey into the heart of Devon’s Wilderness where the ancient forces of water and stone converge in a breathtaking display of natural splendor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] my stomach was starting to rumble so it was time to spoil myself at the cafe situated within the lford gorge with a delightful tray of Devon cream tea a recommended treat when visiting dear old [Music] Devon the light is fading fast from this H we got to go our bags are packs so while we waiting for there’s no point in delay in what we both already know escap the time with [Music] me escape this time with me we could r a room and watch the stars dance around the Moon fall asleep to the sounds of the [Music] se you have found the side such a sweet SK time with me SK time with me no El to be the skap was time with [Music] me escape is time with mecap is time with me [Music] to [Music] be SC [Music] time just come out of the village of horor bridge uh so yeah coming out of the edge of the the Moors and getting closer to to Plymouth only about an hour away uh I’ll be uh passing through yon and then it’s pretty much downhill to Plymouth yeah that’s been a good run oh gosh hopefully this is the last big hill I climb up before we’ll get into Plymouth uh coming up to yelon now uh so be the uh the home stretch back to Plymouth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a that was a close one what want to bump into one of those [Music] starting to get dark uh should be uh should be getting to pth for getting there for 15 20 minutes so I’m just bombing it down this uh this Trail the Drakes Trail which is pretty much just downhill all the way down to Plymouth which is nice [Music] here in plth just arrived s raining [Music] so yeah I’m I am in Plymouth uh but I’m heading to the uh the official start point on this uh Coast to Coast which uh is uh near near the kemell ferry actually in more Willam yard so yeah have to ride a little bit further but that’s all right but uh yeah we’re nearly there at the war William yard one of my favorite little places in Plymouth well here we are finally uh made it to BL um we’re here at the uh kreml Ferry which is the officials uh start finish point of the uh Coast to Coast Devon I don’t know why it’s the official way but uh um anyway we’re here we made it 100 miles ilum to Plymouth uh over two days um yeah really glad I did it absolutely fantastic time amazing uh views and uh yeah it’s just really lucky that live in a very beautiful County uh uh but yeah I am tired and um managed to get here well it’s dark but uh uh it’s must be about 9:00 it’s quite late but yeah going to get some food anyway hope you uh enjoyed the video and uh uh please leave a like uh if you liked it and subscribe for some more if you haven’t already and stay tuned for the next adventure okay bye for now a

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