Myself and two friends have decided to cycle from Malin Head (the most northernly place in Ireland), to Mizen Head (the most southernly place in Ireland) all in order to raise money for two charities.

    Please Donate if you can:
    Spinal Injuries Ireland…
    Breast Cancer Research Institute https://breastcancerresearch.enthuse….

    This is our first few days captured in a documentary style. Over these two short days we encountered punctures, falls and more.

    I really thought this wouldn’t be tough, but I stand corrected!!! It certainly is! From big hills, to lots of rain and even full blown storms.

    Cycling is no joke, and I now respect the pros more than ever.

    I hope you enjoy part one of our journey, and stay tuned for the rest!


    as you may have seen in the first episode myself and two friends are attempting to cycle from Malin to mizen head it’s the most Northerly point in Ireland to the most souly point and we are complete amateur cyclist we only got bikes a couple months ago now we’re doing this all in Aid of two very important Charities spinal injuries Ireland and breast cancer research and at this point I do want to say a massive massive thank you to everyone who’s donated we’re over the moon but anyway it started pretty well well the weather was fairly nice the spirits were high and the landscape was absolutely incredible good unfortunately this was shortlived and within just a few moments we had our first problem Johnny got punct and his tires have a wire in it we’ve been here for an hour and unfortunately things went from bad to much much worse Cor in has had a fall I think he’s broke his col and that brings us to now somewhere in the middle of Ireland where we begin the second half of our journey Ian still alive just bad but the poor fell car his own hel speaking of which my helmet I noticed in the last video wasn’t very good but I fixed it there so it is nice and tight how you feeling in how’s the uh how’s the arm yeah it’s hanging in there so we’ll uh struggle on through just back on the bike about 1 km in it’s theoretically an easier day with just about 80 km but it’s very wet and were’re very cold and yeah definitely tough particularly after yesterday’s Mammoth of a distance Bo we will play on and hope for a bit of sunshine but I think the rain is supposed to only get worse I actually saw that there is a uh flood warning in West cabern which will will be cycling through in a short while but he ain’t still going despite his injury fair play to him if I’m being truthfully honest the next few days were miserable it was rainy it was windy it was extremely challenging and it just wasn’t what we signed up for it seems a little bit sunnier but it’s the wind constant 38 km per hour and ghost of up to 68 km per hour it’s so tough 100K in this and then tomorrow is our biggest day lots of inclines lots of distance as someone who is petrified of birds are not very comfortable here oh my God I’m so scared please don’t attack [Music] me you and [Music] old one tip a lot of people gave us was to go from mizen to Malin because the prevailing wind is from south to North that is a very good tip and if you’re ever doing it do it the other way around this is torture to [Music] headwind I’m in the middle of nowhere awful Gravel Road I’m just so scared to get a p tree KN good for my R and tires of no phone signal and I’m hoping it’s the right way but anyway ping through keeping the speed up to help touch water void punctures but we’ll see I think it’s inevitable on this road though mercifully as we made our way through County Cork life began to get a little bit better the sun began to shine the views were epic and with the end in sight it gave us a new Boost of energy so basically I’m supposed to be finished like 30k ago but my body is feeling good so I’m going to do two days of cycling in one and I’m going to finish this now well in like 3 hours but I’m going to finish it 10K out I’m so tired I’m so sorry but it’s just T [Music] gu all right I have arrived Miss and head already have that is tired that is the hardest physically the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I’ve been rapping for like 15 years but that is just so tough the next morning Johnny and Ian got to finish things for themselves you can do it lad go on Johnny empty the tank I got any flat coming up yeah down hill all downhill is it yeah in the end we all made it to mizen head it certainly was challenging Ing and very very tough from punctures to injuries and everything in between it was not an easy week but I do want to say a massive massive thank you to everyone who supported us from Volkswagen giving us the van to you guys donating we managed to raise almost €6,000 for the two Charities Which is far exceeded any expectations so thank you so much for watching subscribe if you’ve enjoyed it and we’ll see you on our next adventure [Music]


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