Day 2 of Kyle completing his 200km Audax. It’s been 2 years since my first ever Audax! Was lovely to re-visit this one, think Kyle would have enjoyed it more if he hadn’t ridden 350km the day before! But he’s a step closer to his Randonneur around the year so he’s happy now!

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    good morning everybody it is 6 no it’s 7:15 in the a.m. I’m at shenstone Village Hall for a 200 km aax it goes all the way up to Hope in the Peak District where there is an absolutely lovely Cafe so I cannot wait now I’ve got here nice and early because yesterday Kyle did 350 km absolutely smashed it and he’s on his way right in here so today he’ll be doing 250 km so that he has a 600k in the bag the reason he’s doing it is because to get your super Rondon Earth in aax in you have to do a 200 a 300 a 400 and a 600 km ride within the odax calendar that’s till the end of October so he said he’ll get his 600 in this weekend so it’s a very long ECA to this odax which is where you extend the event so he extended the 200 by 400 so I did get a call from him just as I was leaving saying can you bring the physio tape strapping tape so I don’t know how he is feeling maybe he’s got some sort of injury starting so I’m going to talk to him and say don’t risk injury because we got some trips coming up oh yeah and I’ve sacrificed an aox point for him because I was going to ride here and back and he was going to as well but then I said I’ll drive and then you can have a lift home cuz you’ve still done your 600k so that one point is not going on my Odo point so I’m not too happy about it I thought I recognized it here 2 years ago today I did my first ever odax here I did the 160 km darish DS one and I remember coming back and thinking oh I wish I’d done the 200 so yeah things have changed a bit since then BL in it Kyle has arrived hell how you feeling H I Won’t Say I’m 100% my knees a bit sh is it swollen no no it’s not swollen feels like it just last night I felt it when I went uphill and it twanged a little bit it’s not worth risking in no but Steve said just strap it off and stay seated all the Riders have set off I was like where’s Kyle he’s still inside drinking his coffee he’s not even got his root loaded up anyway the aim of today is to just get around we’re going to go nice and slow cuz Kyle’s got a bit of an injury bit worried about him anyway a fellow up there had a cracking idea he’s got a dog tracker that links to a Sim that links to a website so his wife can track him so he doesn’t drain your phone battery cuz I normally use WhatsApp um live location so I’m going to get one of them I’m going to get a dog tracker when I’m on my own we are up and the sun is out are you enjoying it or you not saw KN yeah don’t just be careful with your KNE got your strap on I don’t Advocate riding with an injury but he’s a determined one so let’s just hope he doesn’t turn into a full-blown injury right another feeling good you all right yeah been just a bit Z which I don’t expect right at control Point new1 AKA he’s tea shop at frog Hall we’ve got 97 Malones left to go right so I’ve got a little stamp on my bre it’s a lovely little it’s actually a very nice printed stamp with the address of the tea shop on so you know I won’t forget that Kyle is 450k in to his ride he’s struggling a little bit but we’ve just said it doesn’t matter how long it takes we’ll get to the end you all right Kyle 460k in now I can’t walk you sping your muet careful as precious cargo in there oh you gone for a corn fake sasses I love you yes you can do it K you’re doing so well I believe in you are you prepping for the par we did that last year no I’m just doing it cuz I’m an idiot your jersey that a doges feel much better S is that a dog rescue Jersey a that’s dog for your dog that’s the one on the road for who was in um AR re I rode back fromia oh yeah I saw that oh yeah I didn’t know it was you oh that’s so cool hold on it’s all right it was going really well cuz I got food poisoning a well I think we have a first in history ky’s not finished all of his cake a minute Kyle si do you just be just let it go down a bit yes I I had all intention of taking my time and then you went too fast didn’t you not really you’re going 18.7 mil hour for the first 200k you burnt yourself out you burn you’re like a little cand on you down to the wick so let I’m with your wax and I’m building you back up let you know l oh straight out the cafe straight onto a burner Mama Mia not what you want after you just downed a uh rice krispy bar but we’ll get to the top of be eight and hopefully we’ll have a nice free wheeel just waiting for car someone’s just rode past and said oh he’s struggling has he not got the right gears I said I think he has why and said oh he’s in the really stiff gear going knowing card is probably gear grinded him getting that little ring there he goes I didn’t feel it was appropriate to film his face when he came up cuz I don’t think he wanted to be on the camera at that point in his [Applause] lifeo sweet relief hello sheepy sheepy sheepy we’re 62 km in I keep switching between kilometers and Maloney we got kilometers on my watch and miles on my gy so we keep switching but yeah 62k in on Kyle keep going don’t ose your Brey it’s looking out your back pockets look at this this is beautiful as they say on elf looky here that’s what Santa says when he’s looking in the book in case you didn’t know go on Kyle you doing I’m so proud of you learning Spanish up with Kyle y Las manzanas I think I eat apples they love a go crunchy I’ve not learned crunchy yet yo Esther canado what do that mean I’m tired oh dear we’re at the high point on the Mar Road now and it’s so beautiful I just I don’t know about you guys but when I’m outside of nature there’s something like cuz my mind is constantly I mean I know I speak fast just imagine what’s going up in here the speed my stuff comes out my mouth it’s 10 times that in my head um so when I come out of nature I just feel so nice cuz it just calms me down makes me put things in perspective with little dots and all our worries don’t matter you okay Kyle you doing so well Kyle we’ve only got like 20 miles the cafe cafe come on I’m getting every last in made what one of them being why decid to start riding bikes what about marrying me that can’t that’s why I started riding bloody you you feel good at the end I could have been having beers at weekend this weekend and said I was killing myself riding around the country yeah but think after you’ve done this only got to do one 400k before the end of October and you got it [Applause] woohoo there we go currently burning up a burner keeping on going spinning the legs it’s all I can do here he is he’s sping I told you I remember that one it’s when we did Hing New Year it’s horrible yeah that one it’s really steep I know got down now it’s really steep most of the way up which is not what I needed 10 miles from the cafe we’ve climbed 3,612 ft and according to my mate git we’ve got 3,517 ft left to climb AKA we’ve done over half the climbing and we’re not quite halfway so it’s going to be an easier second half which Kyle I’m telling you now will be very happy about hello sheepy and hello there ladies you’re fine looking specimens y W down hope we go look at that tile [Music] you turn Kyle you bend in the toilet you bend in the toilet you’ll be in the toilet after all your caffeine and gels oh goodness me you can SC the toilet this week some bluming steam thing behind us here that’s been St behind that bu for the last 10 miles now only a few minutes but it was slowing us down I tell you some sort of steam exhibition or something going on hope he hey I’m hoping for a chai fluming there’s another steamer what’s going on get around this freak good morning bling at the cars aren’t happy there a right tail of him back there right Carle The Cafe is just on the left down here get yourself in there and get yourself a mocker Blum neck is fed up now his mine’s on the mocker so we are 108 km into today we’ve got 10 three to go so over halfway PCO up yeah Poco there took my shoes off just rest my feet cuz they’re hurting a bit yeah we figured out that we think car’s seat stem is too seat post is too high but it won’t go any lower so we need to get it cut don’t you did you not measure your seat height when we B fit Kyle that’s very silly they put having a bite fit D won’t be happy with you D I’ll be watching this and no think not very happy with myself no I’m not very happy with you either we’ll have to get we’ll get Jimmy at BB to cut your saddle your seat paste down for you you rating the sandwich today that is the best food of in the last 40 hours is it hey how made you dinner last night made you a SP that’s offensive time for my T Test so first up we’re going for the chai I do love a good bit of thru on there oh yes thru [Music] levels oh yeah that’s definitely powder that’s a good one I think that’s a drink me chai tastes really nice that look cinnamon now banana bread you know I love my bananas oh sorry Kyle Kyle’s getting taty there’s walnuts in there and it’s warm DED and solid it’s almost 10 out of 10 to be honest it’s melt in the mouth it’s absolutely love it I’m going to give it a 10 just because car’s getting angry at me if I don’t shut up grasshopper Cafe in Hope and I have to admit this is now my new favorite Cafe because CH are on point banana bread is amazing the whole menu I could eat it all so it’s my favorite coffee now that’s that it’s yours that bit of bacon I’m cling it for last oh car you going to drink all these drinks now straight out of Hope and straight on a climb give me hope let me tell you gar me you’re playing silly Baggers with me here cuz you told me it wasn’t a climb it was green that was not green that was red car won’t be happy cuz he didn’t think we had a climb coming up here he comes that a joke got Stu behind those cars yeah and then were just both sat there moving oh dear they could get started again come A Minute Dead steep on it it’s just about to snap the leging off right off you go keep rolling Ash borne’s next stop after five more CLS hey look at them floating around in the sky they’re like birds I wonder what that feels like that was a hard climb that was in the heat got some my water you all right yeah yeah have you not got any you got some oh have i w ask your if I I’m sorry you’re doing so wello just been through ashborne which is one of the control points where you meant to get to receipts Pro you’ve been there problem is everywhere we’re shut the coop even the co-op was short CU it’s a Sunday and it’s half 4 so I’ve taken a picture in Ash hoping the organizer will accept that because literally we tried cafes were short we went pass through the places and then everywhere looks short so we just s have to keep going ky’s drank all my water so I’m parched and he’s now currently coming up a hill just waiting for him but probably not going to video him at the top he’s not in the best of moods at the minute so yeah we’ve got 30 miles to go so not too long 34 I think right I’ve just taking a photo of that ashborne Bowls Club so we’ve been in ashborne that proves it hopefully the odx organizer will accept that oh we’ve got 29 mil hours miles going to say Malones went to miles to go and we’ve been saved with a pub so I’ve got a love lime and soda like sweet nective in this seat here he is I got you a pine to Coke oh I need it did they put ice in your bottle for you put ice that’s nice 29 mil to go for our L and ride it’s not as H though pretty KN K if your knees is hurt and you really shouldn’t be riding on it you’ve been saying that since this morning I’ve got 28 miles going now I know cuz you’re not listening to me I’m worried oh Fizz me up I’ve got fizzy bubbles All Around Me Now manag half me l in soda I was oh God I be bloated bloated up like hot air blew my stomach if I drank all that car was drun it instead haven’t you you all right oh God Carl Are you seriously okay Carl’s an advert for doing 600k well what I wouldn’t recommend let do what I did and think was superly hilly yeah you not Pi the best end I would have done the Hills first and finish I didn’t pick the OD you did you signed up for the or not me you signed us up I signed us up and you decided us do a 600 I said sign up for 200 not a 600 mate don’t turn it around on me another Lo’s Tiff now what you doing oh yeah yeah what are they lemon and something lemon Min mint 25 miles to go we’re right along and this lovely group of fellas came along they’re also on the ax on the shorter one so we’re going to ride back with them I think Kyle said let’s go for the toe so I said yeah go on then I’ll take a free wheel a minute what’s happened to your KN Jing it on set taking over and complaining later the home straight about 20 m needs to go we got Steve with us from his Club somehow car’s got a new lease of Life he’s fine now these little knees of mine they will let me shine his little this little knee of mine it’s going to let me ride hey it’s crazy though I think it’s cuz I’m nearly back yeah nearly back you got that motivation I’m excited also I think when you meet other people it like really boosts your mood to just like chatting to the cyclist really helps so Al so off the H Kyle’s done 600k we’ve done 198k today we’ve got 12K left to go because this odax is 111k actually no we’ve got 13k my math wasn’t very quick there he hey you did it Kyle well done not amazing you what you’re not feeling very well oh don’t worry we’ll get you some last dinner hello that was great thank you let’s for our bra in and get back home mhm I’m really proud of you than that own in that Village I tell you what they’re offering jacket potatoes but I couldn’t stomach it in that heat and think we might have a take I mean I was going to have a meal out the freezer but I’m thinking I might just have a takeway you know you only live once don’t you so sure they’re going to fit in here two BS both Wheels come on really open call oh don’t worry I will well the uh the bikes have gone in all right actually mine’s under there under a towel cary’s has gone on top I don’t know why car’s got to go on top mine’s new right and then he’s putting his wheel on there don’t get it on don’t get you could put the wheel behind my seat Kyle H we’ve taken one wheel off each bike I’m bit worried that that that’s not going to that’s the boots going to hit that push that way yeah Lift It Up Lift that’s why I’m wor the boot’s going to hit there that’s not going to hit there when it shs there onto the rubber shorts onto that bit no it doesn’t it shorts onto the rubber that latch sticks out it that bit that bit oh no no don’t do it like that that’s fine it’s not that’s not fine oh my goodness that see that you sure that’s okay all right jobs are good and about to De air it’s like a bling s around here it’s 23° I’m not going to complain though because we’ve been ready for this summer I tell you oh what a day oh blow my neck so I’m driving home I’m the chauffeur today car’s done absolutely epic we’ll do the ride STS when we get home right we’re back home I chaffeur the top man the man of the match the man of the day the man of the ride Kyle home um I’m currently cooking up a lovely for me a fish stew we’ve got mackel we’ve got broccoli we got sweet potato we got mushrooms we got rice all the all the carbs D oh I’m turn the other on there should do a bit more protein so I’m going to add in some canalone beans as well extra bit of protein in there and I’m going to have protein shake as well anyway I’m waffling R ride staties I did 130 Malones AKA 211 km and a total going up of 9,318 Ft average speed 14.6 but that doesn’t matter we had all day I absolutely love it but the main man the man of the moment Kyle can you reveal your stats so it was a big couple of days to be fair yeah so I did two seconds bear with me well bear with takes a bit of loading cuz it’s quite a long ride right I did 3773 mil mhm with 19,200 ft of going up and I average 15.8 mph with a moving time of 23 hours and 56 and now he’s got a Domino’s now we’re actually a bit perturbed at Domino’s because we ordered it for half eight cuz we finished the order at 7 got home at 8:00 and the man was outside the door waiting look at my ha and can I just say something I was very happy about it for all the people that think I shed loads you need to I need to yeah and I probably haven’t I don’t worry about that yeah car’s had some nasty comments recently about his waai and we don’t like but luckily for me I’m not bothered good because I know what I can do anyway it doesn’t matter what weight you are to s enjoy yourself go out and smile I like your belly as they call it so anyway I’m going to eat my jazz and Jazz off I bought some jazz apples on the way home was very happy about that love a good crunchy come out the way I need get the beer out oh yeah you got some beers you go for it and chest has been a good boy at the dog sitters today haven’t you yeah you have a good time we at the dogs love you I’ve got a day off with him tomorrow so we’re going to have all day with chester tomorrow should have a day in bed tomorrow Chester shall we you want to say hello to everybody say hello everybody anyway we’re waffling we’re going to go now thank you so much for watching um I hope you enjoyed Kyle’s YouTube takeover yesterday on the last video so yeah might not be as good as am as usual it will be don’t you worry I’ve not I’ve not actually looked at the footage although it does show me line in the grass somewhere so is it wait I can’t actually look quite look forward to editing it anyway better go cuz my fish is going to burn the rice is going to burn I can’t have that we set the BL house on fire so thank you see you t t the FN goodbye goodbye I just had to come back on and show Kyle’s Pizza look at that bad boy you’ve deserve that Kyle and what’s this little cheeky extra well I need to get some calories back in the what is that pepperoni loaded chips with cheese and also I have bought some ice cream that’s in the Frid to get the galleries back in you do need to definitely you burnt how many calories like 10,000 ridiculous it’s crazy but you’re definitely getting them back in so that’s good we don’t want any restriction going on around here do we Chester AB we get those calories in so we can do the miles yes we do anyway we’re going to say bye now goodbye


    1. Q factor makes such a difference to my knees . Moved cleats to max width and all my pain went away, had no issue or discomfort on the dragon gran fondo even though the weeks leading upto I was getting worried I would not make it due to sore swollen knees.

    2. Well done Kyle! Good support crew Amy. What a team! The great thing about cycling is the eating involved. Fill your boots Kyle and ignore the critics 🍕🍕

    3. Great job mate keep up the great content with Amy don’t take on board the negativity, it’s usually those who do it need the real help 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️

    4. The cycling world needs more ordinary guys like Kyle instead of the pretentious wankers that intimidate people with their set of over the top "cycling rules". At the end of the day Kyle has an awesome bike and an even more awesome missus to go on adventures with so who is laughing now? When I grow up I want to be like Kyle. 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

    5. The Mersey 24 counts for Audax points and SR series. So does Miglia Italia if you're still going for that.
      Kyle probably needs to sort out those knee troubles. I've known a few very strong riders have to quit because of knee trouble and they have a similar riding style to Kyle. Knees Over Toes Guy on YouTube is probably worth trying. My friend who got the 24hr bodyweight squat world record thinks so and I reckon it might be now that I have started dabbling in it.
      Not sure about Kyle eating too much. I think anyone who thinks that doesn't do long rides. I would guess 16000 calories for Kyle to ride that 600. About a whole weeks worth. That doesn't account for recovery.

    6. I would love to do these distances but I just can’t get my fuelling right, I always bonk at 80-100k.

      Amazing effort Kyle (and Amy)!

    7. Well done Kyle. Seriously impressive doing 400km solo before the calendar event. I doubt that many of the troll posters have a PBP, SR etc. in their list of achievements.

    8. You don't need a special tracker. Both wahoo and Garmin bike computers, give you a "live track" feature. The Wahoo one I use automatically sends a link to a set of emails you add whenever you start a ride. The link lets people track you as ride. Not sure how the Garmin version works, but they say they have LiveTrack.

    9. Even if you think Kyle has a little ‘apparent’ excess weight, you don’t go out of your way to make comments about it, that’s just wrong.

    10. Congratulations Kyle brilliant effort and Amy too, you’re both amazing and Kyle you have a lovely body and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! 😊🎉

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