History is made in the Tour de France 2024 Stage 3 in Turin, as Biniam Girmay becomes the first Eritrean and Black cyclist to win in the race, and Richard Carapaz becomes the first Ecuadorian to wear the yellow jersey. #TDF

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    it’s a celebration day here in the 2024 tour to France here in Torino ending the three-stage run in Italy and a reason for celebration a reason for history being made no it wasn’t Mark Cavendish scoring win number 35 he was held up in a crash in the final kilometers instead it was the first adran win in the Tour of France the first black African the first black cyclist to ever win in the 100 plus years of the tur of fr ANS benam gmet winner from Team inter Marche he scored a big one back in the day in the 2022 gent wevan then the first black African to win in a classic now making his Mark in the turt of France a huge day out and kind of a surprise when many of us were focusing on yasper philipsson W fan art mads Pon and Dylan grov and instead it was benam gmet surprising everyone and another bit of History was made today because it wasn’t T Pacha in the yellow Jersey for his second day in a row after he got it in bolognia yesterday it was Ecuadorian Rider winner of the geod Italia back in the day a few years ago Richard kopas from EF education easy post yes the first Ecuadorian cyclist to pull on the Mayo Jean yellow Jersey you’re asking well how is that possible they were all on the same time well when all the Riders are on the same time and we haven’t had a time trial to get those micro milliseconds they do the play scenes in the bunch finish cumulative play scenes over for the last two days in this case and Richard caros his team as you would have saw led by Alberto bettiol they were charging in the last kilometers to set Richard Cara up for that historic moment and we saw T pachar not interested in it and rco a pull right there with him to make sure he didn’t lose three spots which would have put him in the yellow Jersey had he been three spots ahead of taty pachar and said it was over to Richard caras to make history but at the sharp end of the race it was our AR TR and Ryder doing a fabulous bit of work today now they had two sprinters in the group and today it was going to be for benam G because their other Sprinter was not well placed coming into the two final left-hand Corners in instead oh a bit of thunder lightning fortunately it’s happening now and not when the riders came in for the Sprint again it was turned over to benam gmet the other team Sprinter wasn’t the man to do it today and so is going to be benam gmet to get his shot at making history we saw leele Trek up there we saw Lotto Destiny up there Lotto Destiny working for the Belgian Champion Arnold dele and we saw Leal Trek working for mads Pon all those Riders were setting up for a Sprint with Uno X in the mix as well setting things up coming down the right hand side is was Ben gmet making the move on the right hand side to really get the surprise throwing his arms up into the air ahead of Colombian and Fernando gavia ahead of Arnold dele the Belgian champion of lot of Destiny matad Pon fourth Dylan Gran fifth place Phil bouse in six and if we’re looking at the GC now it’s Richard caros on top of T pachar and Remco evap jonis vingo in fourth place in the 230 km stage the longest stage of this year’s tour to France it was no Escape for the whole day we saw early one try but that wasn’t to be the Sprint teams didn’t want to let a significant move go free because they want to control everything anything over three to four Riders they would bring back so we didn’t see an escape all day we did see a move towards the end by toal energy Rider but that didn’t last long instead we saw the Sprint team setting things up and a little bit of incidents along the way with 13 km out Casper Pon from sudall quickstep had a bad crash then we saw mechanical for Vanderpool Matthew Vanderpool of team dunic and he would have been doing the lead out for yasper philipson he had a mechanical wasn’t able to compete up there trying to get back the world champion and then our Focus to turn to that nasty crash at 2.3 km out and in that crash we saw a couple of Israel Premier Tech Riders we also saw Mark Cavendish getting held up and he wasn’t able to compete I think that was David ballerini up there the aana rider that was in the Sprint today but today it was all about history being made for biniam gmet showed so much promise one1 get wgam in 2022 now today after years of trying after coming close last year he gets it and we spoke to the team DS over there and to the Riders and they said he is now going to be the king of atrea the king of Africa and in fact yes we always see the irran flags waving around the fans always super excited to support their Rider and we can just imagine the madness that’ll be around benam gmet when we start stage four of the 2024 tour to France tomorrow but tonight it’s celebration for gmet the first year to train to win a stage the first black cyclist to win a stage in the tur of FRS and the first Ecuadorian cyclist Richard carpos to pull on the yellow Jersey here in Torino at the tur of France


    1. Pride of Eritrea
      Pride of Africa
      Pride of the hopeful
      Simply magnificent , mighty, Juggernaut extraordinary
      BINI BINI BINI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. In Eritrean hills where dreams ascend, Biniam Ghirmay, a race to transcend. With Intermarché Wanty Gobert's might, They forged a path through day and night.

      Together they rode, a team so strong, Through challenges faced, they pushed along. In Tour de France, where legends rise, They claimed the stage, to everyone's surprise.

      No African before had achieved this feat, Biniam's victory, a triumph sweet. An inspiration to all who aspire, Proving dreams ignite, like a burning fire.

      To Eritrea's pride and Africa's gleam, Their unity shone, a shared dream. In cycling's annals, their names entwined, Biniam and team, victory defined.

      Cheers to Intermarché Wanty Gobert's might, Guiding Biniam to his shining light. In every race, in every mile, They stood as one, with infectious smile.

      May their journey inspire, forever more, To greater heights, they'll continue to soar. In cycling's tapestry, a tale so grand, Biniam and team, hand in hand.

      Veni, Vidi, Vici Bini

    3. All credit to Biniam, but what does the color of his skin have to do with his success? you are specifying "Black" for Biniam but not white for Richard? why is his skin color not important? maybe just celebrate that Binaim is the first winner from Eritrea? Let him be proud of that and celebrate it. i know being racist makes more money for those that are pimping it but it gets really old. if you want it to go away, stop making everything about skin color.

    4. FloBikes Gregor Brown: don't marginalize Bini by saying "black African black this black that" he is a hard working proud Eritrean with a heritage and civilization that goes back to 5000 years. You don't have the legitimacy to control the narrative Bini's story, an Eritrean story. The fact that you are bringing "race" into the sport shows that you Westerners specially Americans have an issue and it bothers you for someone like Bini from Eritrea to win in life.🇪🇷💪🏽

    5. Well done Bini we proud of you thank you so much we are so happy Eritrea will shine 🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

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