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    Some of the images are produced by recent advances in Artificial Intelligence. They are just pretty pictures that AI is producing when a text describes a volcanic event or geological phenomenon for them. They are by no means represent the reality and are used here only for their graphical merits.

    A great source for live views of the volcano in Reykjanes Peninsula is the amazing mbl.is YouTube channel. Please SUBSCRIBE and like and share their live YouTube camera views here to help their work be known. Iceland depends on tourism and beyond the Reykjanes Peninsula there are plenty of sites with world class tourist attractions. If you want to help Iceland, plan a holiday to this amazing country. Icelandic people are kind and welcoming people and their food and cuisine is second to none. The clip of starting moments of the eruption is courtesy of mbl Iceland.

    Phreatic eruption here:

    Icelandic Meteorological Office is a great source of information and maps:


    The team that designed the dikes at Grindavík and Svartsengi gained a lot of experience in designing and making them when experiments were carried out with dikes during the eruption at Fagradalsfjall in 2021. It was not surprising to the team when the dikes passed the test in the eruption on January 14.

    Hörn Hrafnsdóttir, water resources engineer at Verkís and assistant professor at the Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering at the University of Helsinki, and Sólveig Kristín Sigurðardóttir, geotechnical engineer at Verkís, are on the dam team.

    3 D Model of eruption here :

    The GPS data is from University of Iceland here:


    GPS animation here:

    Sulfur dioxide distribution map from here :

    The thumbnail for this video is produced by an AI machine based on a text description. It does not represent, implied or inferred, the real ground facts. It is just a pretty picture chosen based on general advise by YouTube on choosing effective eye catching thumbnails.

    #Island #Iceland #Volcano #volcanoiceland
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    #Hagafell #Sundhnúka_Craters

    when we see the map of Iceland some may think all this volcanic system we see drwn in a line connected together may all actually point to a fact for them that these are all connected together like something now that is promoted as a super volcano in campy flri of Italy near the town of the napoi we are seeing a cult forming around this and uh actually promoting every day that such a thing is going to happen a big magma chamber all connected together they will erupt in America we may have such a thing with the you know U super volcano supposedly there it’s almost like a cult every day they have to come and worship every day there is a massage going on to massage the subject milking it as much as possible before you know the the subject dies out so is this the case is this something new unfortunately it is not new in the 19th century and we have evidence for that in the form of a story by the jewes were called Journey to the Center of the Earth probably based on the journeys to the actually magma Chambers some of the uh pipes and uh tubes shafts going down in the Iceland you could actually thinking that are they all connected if you go down in Iceland in one of these channels and pipes you may end up all all the way to the Italy and be out from the Stoli for example so when an average person like that saw the Rocks containing fossils it came logically to their mind that also dinosaurs live in the Rocks Under The Rocks inside the Earth solid earth as we know these are just dead animals we know that we know a lot since then and what we know is mostly related to plate tectonics where the continents Collide Gather in one point and then separate the forces which are causing this are coming from the deep within the Earth we have a mantle of the earth going through convections convection means the heat from the center of the Earth from the core of the earth creating a creeping effect on the solid rock these are not pasted or molten material they’re solid but with the heat the rise gradually creep and these creps create this kind of convection cells behaving as if like paste they’re not paste they’re yet solid when they reach near the crust of the earth they create uh earthquakes and separating the C4 caused by this create volcanism let we see volcanism here is related to the fact that the when the solid material of the mantle reaches the this area and pressure is relieved by this convection movement opening up gaps this pressure relief create melt and the melted material we call magma if it finds a way to the surface erupts as volcanoes volcanoes which may be in a very explosive way like what we know for example in some uh situations or it may just be something gentle like what we see in the Iceland at the moment in the Reus they are like a zeper they move along as the cracks open up due to the different texture and due to the the fact that different rocks behave differently by the shape of the cracks all the uh you know geometry of them impurities in them the location everything can affect them the rate of the expansion and the movement of these cracks and the eruptions followed by that may VAR due to this we may have at one end like what we had in the craft FL in the 1975 to 1984 which is to the extreme North part of these cracks happening and then season activity then 20 some years later in the reinus peninsula we see a new phase of this the Z starts again from there 2021 to present this continues f sangi are continuing this what affects this is the availability of the magma and that magma must be present there magma in the form of the pressure relief rise into the uh causing the mantle rise to the near the surface and then melt and then erupt as volcanoes and also the mechanical properties of the lithosphere or the earthquest in that location most of this eruptions happen actually in the uration part of this uh plate margin in the reinus peninsula that is interesting observation so we have to learn still a lot about this this is not 20 or 30 years cycle this is one of the things that you can put forward maybe there are more than that 200 years 800 years 1,000 years cycle we don’t know what uh causes these Cycles is still and we have to learn more about what is going inside the earth in inside the interior it’s exciting time to be a PhD student doing research on this and I invite anybody who is interested in subject actually try try to actually go and a study in this field and provide some answers who knows maybe the next big Discovery is waiting to be made here of course for sure we can say there is no super volcano here not all the volcanoes will erupt in this area together but there is a Zer action and we have to find the cycle of the opening and closing of this Zer and to discover the cyle cycle and the period of this recurring uh volcanic eruptions in this area and also me may help us with the other super volcano suspects

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