Hosted by experts in the fields of medicine, nutrition, and holistic wellness, each episode of “Inflammation Insights” is a journey of discovery. We explore the latest research, dissecting scientific studies to separate fact from fiction and providing listeners with evidence-based insights they can trust.
    But this podcast isn’t just about information—it’s about empowerment. We believe that knowledge is the first step toward healing, and we’re committed to equipping our listeners with the tools they need to take control of their health. From interviews with leading practitioners to personal stories of triumph over inflammation, each episode is a source of inspiration and practical guidance.
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    uh welcome to another week of Wellness warriors uh here with Shelby again and we’re talking about chronic inflammation today kind of thought it was going to be a little bit more about what I do but now we’re yeah definitely still a lot on you um I’ll work with chronic inflammation when we have different pains within the body um which is a manifestation of inflammation in some way um in our model here I don’t see acute inflammation as often so it suppos that’s probably a good place to start when we think about um chronic inflammation kind of differentiation between acute inflammation and chronic inflammation and I think too though you you kind of do in your world deal a little bit with the chronic inflammation and the great thing about incorporating your guys’ things that you can offer your different injections is that we can help people achieve pain relief so then they can go ahead and make those Lifestyle Changes because exercise for example so anti-inflammatory but if they can’t do it right yeah yeah we touched on that last week too and then we’re a huge part so I’m not taking away from that but I think yeah it’s I guess it’s a a mesh and that’s why that’s why we’re here at reu to be able to to mix those two things together multiple things not even just those two things I mean we have the physical therapy component that adds in the fitness the gym component that adds in and then if your whole body is starting to feel a little bit better then kind of we have the aesthetic Department that can help you look better and feel better all at the same time and even just doing aesthetic things that make you feel better even if they don’t necessarily make you look a lot better things like a um like a a facial a facial yeah there you go um it’s just relax in it’s it’s a way to help d-stress the body which is one of the main components of inflammation yeah absolutely yeah yeah so you mentioned acute vers chronic inflammation so I always like to explain to my patients acute inflammation it’s what we want to happen you have an injury it brings the healing the different parts of healing that we need to wherever the injury is then the inflammation should stop the problem is when that inflammation keeps going a lot of root disease cause is actually kind of that low chronic inflammation so think I like to think of it as almost like a slope like acute inflammation healing factors come in they go away perfect that’s exactly what the body should do yeah chronic inflammation because of poor diet choices because of environmental toxins whether it be mold chemicals whatever it may be anything that creates that inflammation within the body that’s when we start to see the diseases coming it’s kind of this just low level always kind of there maybe some aches and pain can describe it as smoldering yeah oh that’s a great way to put it yeah yep kind of like that fire that is still kind of hanging on but not fully there but we really need to put it out because like you probably see a lot of joint destruction a lot this is all part of about smoldering yeah yeah absolutely even osteoarthritis a lot of people think just like the wear and tear is because it causes I’m getting older not necessarily because of the inflammation that’s going on around it yeah yeah but actually it’s a lot of research shows it’s that kind of low level smolder right right so there is a big difference some inflammation is great and the long chronic inflammation is not so great right yeah leads to kind of big chronic health issues I mean so we talk about we have osteoarthritis which is kind of the wear and tear which can certainly happen because of an injury again because and sometimes that injury doesn’t get turned off but sometimes it just changes that the biomechanical compensations so then all of a sudden we have more or maybe it was something that required a surgery and then you had that surgery that kind of kind of precipitated future events that break things down or you have one area that broke down now you’re compensating so the other side is breaking down I mean almost every day I’d hear people talk about that they worked on concrete floors for all their life and that’s like part of it is the is the breakdown from the feet all the way up through the body and I mean we think about that because of the concrete floors but why exactly it has something to do with how the Arches are are how the Arches are flattening and compensating to that concrete floor because it doesn’t give it all what type of shoes we’re wearing what our hips position what that looks like how that’s affecting our knees our back all the way up to the upper extremities because everything is connected which will be a little Prelude to the bio sensity that we can talk about next time yeah I’m looking forward to that that’ll be really good so say we can talk a little bit more but say you have somebody like that because a lot of things a lot of my patients too they have stressors like I wish I could modify them but unfortunately we can’t so we have to help the body adjust even in inflammation um sometimes people are willing to make certain lifestyle changes or they can to offset that chronic inflammation but sometimes we have to find other things to do what kind of things do you find that are helpful to help your patients who have that chronic inflammation especially like if it’s a job where they can’t change their job yeah um I mean that part is one of the most difficult pieces I always try to find something something that we can do to to modify say that it is work um and sometimes it’s like we need to like kind of take a a big Global look kind of look down at what is going on and sometimes it is the hardest change to say you know what this job probably isn’t right for you or we know it’s not right for you so now what do we have to do we have to make some conversations around it um look at those stressors and see if we can modify them in some way sometimes it’s diversifying what you do delegating things to other people sometimes it’s it’s the only job that you know how to do it’s the only thing that you can do that’s what your your skills are and sometimes we can’t avoid it and we need to allow them to continue to manage that but we need to kind of at least if we can still manage that stressor and do a little bit that we can to help calm that down then hopefully we can especially on my side it’s pain um I mean it’s the number one thing that people can feel for their inflammation as well as fatigue is probably the other big inflammatory thing that people actually feel um but pain is one that’s very loud and and it’s there and you can tell when it’s there and when it’s not um just like fatigue you can tell if you have energy or not and how much that changes what you’re able to do so if we can decrease their pain um while maintaining the joint I think that’s one of the big things that we do that we’re not just giving you a strong anti-inflammatory I mean all this talk about inflammation um that’s probably the the big elephant in our room is is cortisone isn’t anti-inflammatory so if you have a joint that’s inflamed and we’re going to talk a lot about inflammation and we give it an anti-inflammatory it should feel better right it should get better but those cortisone injections actually will break Break Down The Joint further causing more destruction um quieting down our body’s ability to response to that little bits of minute acute effect uh inflammation because we’re always inflaming we’re always repairing from that inflammation but if you now put a drug in there that stops response to inflammation you cause more breakdown so you have more cartilage loss you have more um Integrity of the joint loss so then you have more pain in the future even though you may be had a short time of no pain so yeah when we do injections and again we talk more about the things that I do differently later but we’re using something called dextrose which is a sugar compound which actually gives energy to the mitochondria which this I was telling Shelby earlier that I I know a lot about inflammation but like The Chronic inflammations of what’s going on within the body are different than my inflammation within joints in a way again all connected so it’s yeah just researching more on it and it’s actually the mitochondria so we all so thinking about cells we have all these little like cells make uper body um then cells are made up by these little organal and anyone who studies biology has known that knows what a mitochondria is so they think about them as an energy House of the cell so they they make the power they make the ATP the ATP is what runs cellular functions throughout the body um but mitochondria interestingly are also the turn the the signal to turn off acute inflammation to say okay we’re healthy we’re okay we can keep going and doing things normally to allow other benefits coming into the cell so by injecting dextrose or a sugar compound we can actually get more energy into the cell so the cell can repair itself better so the mitochondria can turn off and say okay we’re okay we can keep going I think that’s such an important part because inflammation whether it be acute inflammation especially more of that chronic inflammation will cause are you familiar with the cell danger response at all uh remind me okay I feel I I think I know the idea but not the the term so the cell membranes all of our cells they have a cell membrane things need to go in they need to come out all of the waste from the mitochondria from producing energy needs to get out of the cell good nutrients need to get in for the mitochondria to be healthy so a lot of chronic fatigue and inflammation kind of they go hand in hand like you were mentioning um but our cell membranes will actually shut down if we have that chronic inflammation and that’s what is turned off by the mitochondria so I didn’t again B concept was wasn’t there but yeah it was just interesting I was at a conference last December and they’re talking about cell danger response and we can give our body all of these things all of these nutrients whatever you know to support mitochondrial Health but sometimes people’s they’re still not um getting inflammatory benefits they’re still not improving their energy and until we take a step back and say okay cell dangerous resps why are we not able to help these people feel better so we can give them a lot of times we notice it we’re like we’re giving them supplements they’re not feeling better um they’re not sleeping so we’ll take a step back Implement things like red light therapy methylene blue is actually really great for the to help with that um the electron transport chain okay help with mitochondrial Health but we also have to think about phospholipids and supplement with some phospholipids to say Okay C you’re safe yeah yeah but then the important piece of it too kind of like you’re talking is removing that inflammatory and that is a big piece of what you do yeah yeah exactly is figuring out where that inflammation is coming from so maybe kind of dig in a little bit to what are the maybe some of the maybe the top five or top three if we only have time for three things that you’ll find that are kind of underlying kind of this smoldering that might not just be like an acute injury that now has pain there but kind of full body inflammation yeah so honestly diet diet’s a huge thing especially we talked a little bit last week but our society has this diet full of process Foods pesticides herbicides whatever it may be so food we eat the food goes into our gut things should get absorbed but it can actually increase inflammation especially for seeing people with leaky gut which a good majority of people have because they’ve been on antibiotics they have stress they’ve eaten inflammatory foods which we all have so you know and I try to explain to people like no reason to feel bad about it you didn’t know let’s just do what we can moving forward this is what we have available to us exactly exactly and it it it can become a financial concern too I mean food groceries are expensive especially if you’re getting organic gluten-free options so just trying to meet people where they’re at make it affordable but honestly I would say diet is definitely number one um everyone who has inflammation I’m like we have to pick something that’s inflammatory and the ones I use a lot gluten dairy processed sugars I kind of see which one they eat the most of and then we work on cutting that back I’m never like okay no gluten no Dairy no sugar I’ll see you in a couple months right although the funny thing is I think some people hear that yeah cuz I come back and they’re like I can’t eat anything yeah yeah well that’s not exactly true we just we need to yeah kind of Step it back and try to yes yeah because some people honestly they can eat it once in a while they can have dairy once in a while and they feel okay and they can have gluten so I just tell them listen to your body but a lot of people notice they’ll they’ll take something out they’ll take gluten out for a couple weeks and then they’ll reintroduce it have a huge flare and joint pain they like okay actually it it was making me feel better because sometimes people don’t realize it until they reintroduce it um so definitely diet um I would say also stressor stress can be very inflammatory stress is also a huge part of our society unfortunately so we do a lot with trying to manage the stress hormones whether we’re using adaptogens we can do some vus nerve stimulation to help the body handle that stress kind of like you were saying we can modify some things some things we can’t but we can modify how the body responds to those stressors honestly even pain pain is a huge issue with patients who have adrenal fatigue chronic inflammation so we really need to address that that adrenal response whether it be in whatever way works for the patient whatever they prefer um and really support that I would say the third one honestly Environmental exposures because there’s mold everywhere there are different chemicals that were exposed everything that is yeah since the Industrial Revolution this is one of those things that I learned I guess there’s there’s like 80,000 new chemicals that are just around us existing um whether it be the foods we eat the air we breathe the the even if you get so you get an organic thing of strawberries what are they packaged in plastic what does that plastic have I mean so we we have these pieces that you can you can isolate and try to clean things up but they’re still everywhere oh and you can kind of go down a rabbit hole and it can get really overwhelming because you’re thinking okay this is organic but was it by a field that was non-organic and then it’s being packaged in plastic and how long has it been in there so one thing I like to recommend to people is if finances are an issue and you’re trying to go more of an anti-inflammatory diet um organic Frozen fruits and vegetables are actually a great option because they haven’t been sitting on the shelf for weeks or months they’re flash frozen right there so they’re actually pretty fresh yeah so yeah part of the processing piece actually is yeah saving them yeah yeah absolutely so then they last a little bit longer but I would say those are kind of the top three things some things we can modify some we can’t but and what about so again when I I did a lot of research before coming in so different infections so like lowlevel infections and I think that’s one of the big things that you look for here in functional Med compared to kind of overlooking them because they’re not kind of loud and present they’re smoldering and underlying so what type of infections might you look for so we’ll look for lime a lot of tibn illness we’ll look for Epstein bar which is the virus that causes is mono um we’ll look also for other sorts of antibodies that are kind of low-lying so thinking about thyroid antibodies thinking about um like an Ana looking at that just kind of that immune response so I like to explain to my patients there’s something that’s stimulating this immune response that’s leading to inflammation so inflammation is really the end of it right what’s stimulating that immune response for everyone it’s different so that’s where that history comes in we’re thinking about um antibiotic use as a child do we have like a low-level candida overgrowth within the gut do we have sibo small intestin bacterial overgrowth in the gut that’s triggering some sort of inflammatory immune response so really there are we we kind of Deep dive into it for each patient depending on their exposures we check a lot of labs some Labs come back normal some people don’t have lime but then sometimes our lime testing isn’t super accurate so we look more to alternative ways or if we know they have a history of a tick bite and things seem consistent with a chronic lime or chronic tick born illness will treat it based on their symptoms as opposed to needing to see that lab value yeah and I think that’s one of those big things that’s different again functional medicine and not just here functional medicine in general I think compared to standard medicine number one we take a little bit more time to look into everything that’s I should say you I I mean and I do two joint yeah you do to um but when we’re talking about that chronic inflammation underlying within the body you you take a lot more time to talk to them and figure out what is going on what is kind of underlying causing that inflammation versus just treating those symptoms so probably one of the biggest in inflammatory conditions that almost everyone sees is diabetes Well whether you have it but know people who have it so diabetes is based off of inflammation and certainly there’s some that are kind of well and they’re all like autoimmune so maybe kind of going into I mean autoimmune so we talked about um exposures so kind of diet um things in the air we talked about a few viruses that can cause it and then what about autoimmune I think that’s another big pocket of inflammation completely so at the cause of autoimmune is you know inflammation because kind of like we talked acutely we’re exposed to something whether it be a viral illness right like Co a lot of people got covid and then all of a sudden they starting to have fatigue and we’re finding they have thyroid autoimmune disease so it’s interesting to go back to okay so we have covid our body says hey there’s this this illness I need to start creating antibodies to fight this but then what should happen is that immune response should shut off sometimes it doesn’t and it keeps going and it keeps attacking and it’s like oh things that should be safe they’re now identifying as foreign starts attacking the body develops this immune response so really at the what cause of autoimmune issues is also inflammation but why right so there are things we can do so I always struggle with this idea I’m like okay so some antibodies are good right like we think about we give a vaccine we develop antibodies but at what point does that become pathologic I still haven’t been able to find an answer on that by the way so if you have one and I brought yeah I know I brought that to people because I’m like so we’re at sometimes it’s good to stimulate an immune response right but should we be doing that in people with autoimmune disease I don’t know because their immune systems already confused so are they further going to continue to develop antibodies right so I’m still trying to figure that out but yeah and of course we all have that inflammation and autoimmune disord is inflammation chronic inflammation in general I mean we look at heart disease we look at diabetes we look at rheumatoid arthritis um things like Lam disease they are they are all climbing exponentially compared to in the 1900s and of course we’re living longer as well being able to treat some of those things longer so so more of it is manifested later in life but it’s all there it’s all underly so things that worked years ago may not be the same things that we should be doing anding with at this point even though we still want to keep Society healthy right right and it’s hard if you look at a lot of the research like what came out around like the late 1990s a ton in 1980s a ton of like high fructose corn syrup which in ADHD and autism so I think there are definitely things that went on in the 1980s and 90s that we’re seeing the result of now because I mean I don’t know about you but I don’t remember seeing so many autoimmune diseases is I I definitely did not um and even like coming through medicine I mean I’ve only been practicing for well 14 so 10 years um that I’ve been truly practicing kind of medicine in the PA world compared to athletic training before which I definitely didn’t Focus as much on anything that I know now yeah yeah yeah um but yeah during that time I mean the amount of of kids with autism the amount of people it heart disease has always kind of been on a climb and Cancers have always been on a climb but I mean that’s been for a very long time and getting exponentially worse things like colon cancer inflammatory botel diseases I mean that used to be something like in the 50 60s of 50 60 year olds that you start screening for colon cancer now I mean 45 is I think the new recommendation but even into the 30s you should probably start looking if you have any kind of history or any kind of vowel stuff going on um and you talk about the gut and the health not just the inflammation that happens within the gut but how the gut influences inflammation outside of the gut yeah and how the gut gut is a direct Communicator within everything in close proximity I think I went on a huge tangent no no that’s great so that’s a great segue because I think that’s a good point so 80% of our immune system which is responsible for that inflammatory response is in our gut so for eating inflammatory foods we’re saying okay here create this immune response and then further leading to development of autoimmunity and it’s interesting because a lot of rheumatologists so there’s a big correlation between rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease so people who have RA are getting red for IBD and I’ve asked rumatologist like okay so if if we treat the gut for inflammation what are what do you think the effects are going to be on the rheumat arthritis and they’ll Point BL say there’s no impact there’s no correlation but I’m like yeah but you’re telling me rheumatory arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease are correlated so honestly a lot of my autoimmune Place patients that’s the first place that we start is the gut looking for leaky gut looking for food intolerances um stool testing to see if there’s like chronic parasites chronic infections bacterial imbalance and honestly a lot of people get better I’ve had patients have a positive ana ana meaning that there’s something autoimmune going on might not be full autoimmune disease might not be full ra lupus where they’re seeing Rheumatology but kind of this pre- autoimmune state so we I’ve seen anas go from positive to negative and in the rheumatologic world it it’s like we don’t recheck anas because once they’re positive they’re going to be positive but it’s super cool to see that and be able to deliver that news to patients and because all of their hard work that they do I mean it’s hard like we don’t ever discredit that the work that they’re doing is so hard it’s not quick and we live in this world where people want the quick fix the and this is all of us I mean we we all want instant gratification I mean I’d much rather have it now than wait for it me too I want to feel better now not in 5 six months um but if we make all those big changes to see that end result I mean then we can sustain it for a lot longer too because we’ve made changes to get us to that point um and so much of our medical model right now is fixing the broken symptoms show up and then we manage those symptoms because something is wrong versus being able to just kind of live in this healthy world I mean it’s kind of the concept of medicine 2.0 versus 3.0 2.0 is the something’s broken let’s fix it um 3.0 is let’s stay healthy live longer kind of decrease that kind of that curve of decline so we can like healthy healthy healthy and then we die instead of healthy we get worse and then eventually we chronically sit here and then we die like we don’t want to live longer we want to feel well while we’re living longer and part of that is is trying to kick this inflammation put out that smoldering fire early on and we’re always going to have some of it we can’t get out of our environment we we are going to have those things that are going to inflame us and there will be people’s bodies all react differently they have different signalers and we we don’t live in a vacuum we don’t have this one inflammatory thing that is driving it it’s like we don’t just have Lupus we don’t just have heart disease all of these things come back into it so we’re able to again kind of modify it and and have a healthy body going forward or a healthy and and everything even um our our heart and soul and how that’s attached so this was a very interesting thing that again a big huge tangent but my bra just went there um is the idea of our nuclear family so the a very so when I heard about it it’s like right away it’s like well I mean there’s truth to that I mean we we bring happiness we have connectivity between those people around us um but what if you like look at animals that are social anal and if a social animal loses partner loses something or a human we see a lot of humans who would die of a broken heart and how that stress of a loss can really turn into something bigger um so just think how I mean we have a family that we grow up with but then everyone separates they go I mean Miles and Miles Away we might never see them compared to always having that kind of nucleus of a family to kind of help us and and get better I thought that was a super cool and and kind of touching and yeah kind of enlightening way think about’s going in our it is it’s so important like that spiritual connection the emotional connection as human beings we’re meant to have that so I think we saw some pretty detrimental effects a few years ago not having that and even if you talk to teachers like their kindergarten class that came in after Co it’s a whole different ordeal they don’t know how to interact which is so sad so I think honestly as parents as an adults we can really help our kids you’re talking about prevention also we can help them you know like giving them better food options as you’re able to or encouraging them to come EX exerc with you like really showing them that healthy lifestyle it’s going to carry them through the lifespan they may derail for a few years as they get out of the house but that’s okay because they have that Foundation right and I I agree with you I’m so excited for 3.0 because 2.0 is not working right right and it’s never too late even if people have full-blown rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or whatever it may be full-blown autoimmun diabetes for example there are a lot of things we can do to help them have a healthier longer life right yeah and we don’t just want to just give you a medication to men that medication because that just that hies the symptoms that are underly everything compared to being able to actually correct and sometimes we still need medicine I mean that’s that’s why it’s there is to help those that that need it and there’s ways that we can do that some natural I mean most things are natural medicine so we can find something whether again foods that we eat or ways that we prepare food um I mean there’s a lot of things that we can do and I think exercise like honestly probably one of the easiest things to do is to move I mean it doesn’t you really anything as suppose if it’s really cold out you need warm clothes but you could even like you can move inside the house you don’t have to you don’t have to get a gym membership but just kind of getting up and moving and and this was another thing that I learned when I was uh researching this morning was that it takes more energy to sit idle then it will be just to move that a little bit just because of how the processes are all working together I mean it doesn’t really make sense if you just think about it but like kind of when you break down of how the body is meant to function it’s just more efficient to move and keep moving than it is to just stop and rest our bodies were made that’s how we were designed I mean think about Hunter Gathering days we were active we were busy we didn’t have all this chronic disease I mean people died of other things but we didn’t have all this chronic disease because people were eating what they were supposed to eat another part important part about eating so you should eat seasonally also so like this time of year fresh fruits are great fresh veggies are great when it comes into the fall things like squashes soups that’s actually how our body was meant to eat so thinking about yeah going to into more that anti-inflammatory diet back to medication so we don’t prescribe many medications as far as anti-inflammatories we try to figure out why but we do use a lot of lotos n trone we can have a future episode on all things the end a huge topic yeah huge immune modulator as well as exercise so sometimes if we’re like okay we need to help this person feel better quicker while we’re working on all of the cause issues We’ll add that in or some turmeric or fish oil or whatever their preference is but there is definitely a place for medications never discrediting that but if we can figure out why then hopefully we can get rid of especially the biologics for autoimmune disease right which is essentially chronic inflammation right right and then so we talk about yeah the the those big immune modulators they just so like REM is probably one of the most well-known um anti-inflammatory Med well biologic anti-inflammatories but they just they stop that inflammatory molecule yes and again what we talk about earlier we need inflammation so if we block that inflammatory mediator now I mean we yeah we can feel better and sometimes we need that we need and it might just even be just to kind of Kickstart the body back into a neutral but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a lifetime medication to make you feel better we should kind of reassess kind of put that fire out get that smoldering down um kind of get back to kind of a neutral and then work on our body’s ability to get under control yeah and honestly even if patients do op to do that or we’ll see them a lot they’ve been on Humera Remicade for years and they’re like my pain still a seven out of 10 I’m exhausted I’m getting sick all the time because they with the lotos N trone it’ll help modulate the th1 th2 immune response so th1 is our good immune system that’s kind of how I explain it th2 is more of the autoimmune a lot of times in autoimmunity th2 is too high our good immune system is too lot that’s why people get sick a lot with the the biologics we’re not balancing that out like we do with the lot snow trcks on so lotos trone comes in says okay good immune system I need you to come up a little bit autoimmune system come down and really balances that out it’s not necessarily a lifelong medication like a lot of the other ones because we’re working on fixing the other things in the meantime more of just a okay let get you through improve quality of life helps with hormonal balance stress response all the things that can contribute to inflammation yeah yeah such an awesome drug and and a lot of people like they’ll they’ll get started on it and then they’ll come back and well again this could be for a future episode but it’s like I don’t I looked at it and I yeah because people you read the the insert and it’s like well this isn’t me I don’t have I don’t have opid addiction yeah they do there is a lot of confusion regarding that but we we try to help you through that um uh where we prescribe it through usually usually they’re going to help you through it too I mean because those that are prescribing low do n trone usually understand what it’s being used for so they’re going to try to help patients through it and understand what’s going on with that medicine because it’s not your typical medicine we’re not just giving it to it in high doses just to to stop a problem we’re trying to regulate what’s going on yeah absolutely helps rebalance people’s inflammation gets better their immune system calms down a little bit and they’re feeling a lot better fatigue is better because of that a lot of people with autoimmune or chronic inflammation they feel tired they have a lot of fatigue like you mentioned it’s kind of one of the body’s ways of communicating with us because the reason people ask well why am they so tired while we find these inflammatory markers their immune system is always always active and over always working towards their cells are working even if their body isn’t yeah they’re exhausted so again back to that cell danger response the mitochondria aren’t even able to get energy in or out so people are exhausted right yeah and then that can lead to things like diabetes if we and sometimes you have that that one piece of inflammation that can kind of trigger these other Cascades down the line that yeah we get other inflammatory conditions because of one inflammatory condition because the body is now kind of primed yeah to respond that way yeah yeah like I’m tired now I’m eating crappy because I’m tired I’m not exercising and then comes the whole Cascade of chronic inflammation autoimmunity fatigue and even kind of pulling into my world a little bit then injury so we have this chronic I mean so we’re not exercising we’re not moving so the joints aren’t getting that that same effort that they need we’re tired so again we’re not really doing it so those kind of go together but then that chronic inflammation actually I don’t want to say infects actually affects the the ligaments of the body so they start to break down when we have loose ligaments then we get breakdown within the joint and we have breakdown within the joint so now inflammation is seated in there and now they hurt so now they don’t want to exercise they’re tired yeah it’s like this vicious cycle yeah yeah so yeah if we can try to fight all of that and again this is it’s not easy it’s not just a one quick simple and so often we want that because we want to go back to our lives more or less undeserved we want to continue to do what we were doing because we’re we’re happy and content there and then and contentment a lot of times comes with familiarity if we are familiar with what we’re doing we’re happy with what we’re doing and we kind of stick to it kind same as like traditions we like our traditions we like what we do yeah um we like our normal lifestyle we like the things that we’re doing and that’s again all the things in this world all of our exposures they they make us kind of content and happy yeah yeah all the dopamine the dopamine implex constantly yeah that’s a huge issue yeah so yeah to actually break that and change um our ideas and our our way of thinking about how we’re going to react and how we’re going to move and how we’re going to do and some of us are are luckily born with that desire to say maybe to move or to like kind of go towards healthier things just because of sometimes it’s things that we learned growing up sometimes it’s just our own personal preference sometimes it’s things that we’ve learned as we’re older and it’s like you know what there’s a lot of things I don’t want to happen and a lot of things that I can enjoy um so we all make those changes and we have a lot of kind of self motivation towards it um compared to yeah we have all these things that are kind of holding us back and I mean they they pull back from the motivation they kind they’re they’re holding you back and to be able to switch that into motivation you need to see improvements and that’s where a lot of times when you’re working with the professional you can actually see those improvements and and of course you can work on your own too you can figure out ways you can look online and see some things but I think the online world is so vast to try to individualize it to you is is going to be very difficult I mean even here we talk about different supplements different things that we can do but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be the right piece for Shel right yeah yeah that’s so true it is so individual and a lot of times people we see a lot of patients they’re like I used to have a mo a great motivation to work out or eat well and now I just can’t I can’t get myself to do it so then we we go back and we say okay well when were you able to last and what was going on during that point in life a lot of times there’s a big trauma or there’s a huge stressor which worsen inflammation and then they cause adrenal fatigue and then people just really lose that motivation so I explain to patients a lot like it’s it’s not that you’re not disciplined or that you’re not motivated it’s not really a you issue it’s can be a hormone issue can be an adrenal issue can be a thyroid issue so it is important to try and figure out you know we think of all these things like inflammation but then what is the trigger for that person right right yeah and then even to kind of double down on that is the piece that some people don’t recognize it and they feel fine overall but I mean there’s a reason they call things like uh they’re silent killers they they go and they smolder our body is just so great at in hiding things and compensating and continuing to function the way that it needs to function but everybody’s body genetically compensates a bit differently yeah we’re not a textbook at the end means some diseases kind of show themselves as a very kind of you you see it like you you have a heart attack you have chest pain or but again a heart attack I mean how many different symptoms of a heart attack in people’s house you have like the textbook left arm pain yeah my chest hurts feels like there’s elephant on there but then you have the people that just feel more tired than usual just feel nauseated or right so I mean we nothing just follows that textbook and this is the way it is so yeah we need to look at again how are you manifesting and what can we look at because even on the outside if you look okay I mean that’s only I mean what percentage of your body can you see compared to what’s actually going inside and we’re also really good at at hiding things like yeah you know I’m yeah I’m fine yeah um I don’t need the extra help I don’t need to go to the doctor because I’m feeling well or I’m feeling okay but again A lot of times you can break a little few more things down and find out you know you are getting more tired and it’s not just because of age you are having more aches and pains it’s not just because of age that’s such a sad myth too people in our society have this expectation a lot of people say that well I’m so tired and it’s probably just because of my age or they primary care provider well I mean you are 70 and it’s like H we we don’t have to be tired just because we’re aging that is the natural breakdown and process if we don’t deal with the inflamation or whatever is going on that’s causing that fatigue but we don’t have to do that right yeah yeah and it’s just it’s amazing how our society builds so much of and even just expectations of what we should do and what we don’t want to do or don’t need to do um in society obviously is huge because we live in it but at the same time we need to look at like what what will make me happy what will make my family function well and I want to say happy because that’s probably the the thing that we look for is kind of happiness and contentment I supp is probably the number one thing that you would look for um what can we experience to have better contentment in our lives so we can want to live healthier and live longer and not just continue to break down yeah yeah all right well I think we I mean we touched on a lot of different things about inflammation chronic inflammation a little bit about acute inflammation how we need it um chronic inflammation is when it hasn’t been turned off appropriately appropriately and our bodies are continuing to to smolder and and one thing I just thinking about the inflammation I just want to come back to it is one is that inflammation comes from like the word inflame so I think smolder is a great way to think so inflame is on fire yeah smoldering is still a fire still yeah will light up with very little kindling with very little aggravation so you really need to get that smoldering almost out completely to help prevent those flare ups of the fire again I talk about that a lot with with joint pain and aggravation is that there can be like the smoldering inflammation here but then pretty soon it starts to come down and now the elbow hurts or now the neck is hurting because we have the smoldering here which is affecting kind of the the underlying brush in the area and then all of a sudden you have a fire in the other spot as well so we can try to put some of that out so we have acute inflammation and we have chronic inflammation the smoldering and different ways of managing it and you talked about things like the environment um different infections that might be existing autoinflammatory conditions diet and then yes and diet all about diet and then the things that you can do so yeah talk just I mean a quick overview again on those little things that we can do with that big things little things that out to big things in the long yeah absolutely so I think it’s just really identifying what your individual triggers are kind of like you mentioned is it do you eat a pretty inflammatory diet do you do you exercise do Smoking AL yeah we didn’t even talk about the toxins yeah yeah there’s just yeah so many lifestyle things so honestly when I think about diet kind of a quick recap I’m thinking really The Big Three that we see a lot gluten dairy processed sugars if we can minimize those or if you eat one a lot try and minimize that one the most it honestly makes a big difference in most people so I think that’s huge even getting in like a short 10-minute walk after you eat so anti-inflammatory helps put glucose where it should go yeah brings down the blood sugar blood sugar disregulation insulin resistance very inflammatory so I’m like it doesn’t have to be huge no it can be 10 minutes 10 minutes is great yeah and you can even March in place in the house like you don’t have to again if it’s blizzarding and it’s raining outside you don’t want to go outside yeah you can just March in place or you can march on the couch some situps or squats or whatever your body allows you to do but just moving for 10 minutes if if you smoke or you know drink in excess trying to reduce those those are very inflamatory smoking is kind of in excess yeah smoking just get rid of it entirely alcohol I try to get people Society we drink a lot in our society and it’s very inflammatory it’s a known carcinogen tied to yeah crappy eating exactly exactly so and sleep disregulation which is inflammatory and so a whole piece we didn’t even talk about yeah stresses and yeah and sleep and recovery and things like that so luckily we’re going to keep doing this so we’ll be able to talk more on those other top yeah it’s a huge I mean to try to cover that within I mean 45 minutes to an hour is I mean nearly impossible to cover inflammation but I think just opening eyes to what inflammation is and that it can exist without huge symptoms I mean sometimes it is just it’s the tiredness it’s the aches and pains that that don’t have to come with age and not to say that we can get rid of all of them and that you that you’re expected to have no pain because that’s not a a valid expectation either but to know that those things can be signs that it’s not just aging it’s not just what you did um it’s not something that you just have to live with that there are ways that we can treat you elwives so um I mean big things I mean we’re here at reu um I mean I work in the orthopedic Department kind of chronic pain management uh Shelby is working in functional medicine we have a gym here we have Aesthetics here we have IVs we have all kinds of we have supplements in the shop too I mean different things that we can do to kind of to help you and I think one of the the big things again we talked about the indiv individualization of it and if you know your body great and you have a good handle on that awesome if you need some help or we need have some testing that we can do can come see Shelby um as or another functional Med specialist in your area because I mean we’re talking here in central Minnesota but you might be listening in Pennsylvania or somewhere else so um of course look around your area how do you find functional Med Specialists so there are yeah yeah a lot of different uh websites so like ifm is a certifying board for functional medicine they have their certified practitioners um functional medicine University they also have their list of certified functional medicine practitioners so I think that’s a great way to find somebody credible referral I think is huge because if people are having good experience like talk to your friends see if they’ve seen somebody talk to your family try and find out that people that they’ve had good luck with as well are good ways to find and we can talk about that again later I just wanted to because yeah you get so hung up on what we do here and what we have access to here and we see it every day but um yeah how can you find it for yourself and I think that’s yeah just going somewhere to look into things just a little bit more whether it be hormones inflammatory mediators um just a good solid sit down and talk about what is going on in your life and and how things can be affected mhm absolutely um so um again to kind of find out where we’re at or send it to other people reu is where you’ll find us online um should be on other social media platforms to be able to kind of catch us and and tune in next week awes and maybe it’ll be biot and security looking forward to it please note that the opinions expressed in the wellness Wars podcast are those of Shelby tents and their guests that are meant to be educational and informative this podcast is not intended to provide any medical advice or replace the guide is have qualified Healthcare professional if you have specific concerns about your health we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us by calling us at 320 217 8480 to discuss your individual needs with our team of experts remember always consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your lifestyle or treatment plan

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