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    Filmed and edited by Garrett Horner
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    welcome to the butterfly effect I’m Chris horn this is stage three of the Tor France brought to you by Ketone 8 I’m told the pros when we’re talking about aan on pseudo quickstep they use $50 of Ketone Aid every day that’s a ton of Ketone Aid to use so if you need to save 15% click the link down below use code butterfly and you’ll save yourself 15% on your next order of Ketone 8 now let’s get into today’s race CU it’s the first Sprinter stage we’re talking about stage three 230 k om and we got Mark cous trying to break the record but we got a host of sprinters while vanard tried to win stage one now he is a field Sprinter so he might try to win stage three here too and then you got last year’s green jersey that he’s going to have to beat yasper Phillipson from albine dunic who has the current road world champion Matthew vandero leading them out now we got a host of other sprinters it’s a quality fil because we’re at the tour to France but we got another Dilemma to look at on today’s stage three there’s all kinds of problems cuz there’s four guys that are sharing co-leadership right now we got yonas Vino he’s a co-leader we got carapaz from EF education Rimco evop and we got Tyler pagach wearing the race leaders yellow Jersey but they’re all tied on time so you know carass would love the race leaders yellow Jersey for EF education Rim coab in the pool I’m not so sure but the Belgium kid first time doing the tto France he might like it yonis Vino he’s wore it many times before I don’t think he cares and T Pacha well he’s won the tourto France twice too so he probably doesn’t care much about it either but we’re we’re going to see at the finish of today’s stage because anytime it’s a Sprint stage that means you can start getting some separations in terms of the placings on the stage and right now when all the time between the four leaders at the front are solidly the same you know there’s only five six seven eight 15 different places that are dividing these four guys there’s zero time so if you can get 15 guys in front of one of the guys wearing the race leaders yellow Jersey like T pachar or a few guys in front of Rim cool or a couple in front of yonas fneo or you flip all back around again well T Pacha could keep yellow if he finishes in front of him basically what I’m saying you got to stay tuned all the way to kilometer Z to find out who’s going to be race leader at the end of today’s stage three of the torto France now when the race finally rolls out out in kilometer zero once we hit it with 230 km to go nothing happens go back to bed it’s a sleeper nothing’s happening once we get into about 80 kilm go the director sportti from Vis molisa bike hops on the radio and he says guys it’s time to wake up get up it’s time to get up get out of bed get ready to race to Tor of France they’ve only been going for 150 km 100 miles in length but now it’s time to wake up with 80 km to go about 50 miles 65 kilm too we see the first and only attack here on stage three with Fabian gay there from total energy is going up the road marvelous plan 65 km to go you just got to get out there and do a little bit of work for total energy and you can grab yourself the most comat up jersey at the end of today’s stage he’ll get that when he gets wrapped up with 30 km to go now if you’re really awake if the visma director sportif didn’t wake yet but 80 kilm ago while while his while his Rider W van art was still sitting at the back talking to stoens back there with 80 km to go hopefully you’re getting up with 25 km to go because now it’s starting to get nervous it’s getting curb to curb we got all the GC teams up there and we got albine dunic so we got a few Sprinter teams a ton of GC teams at the front and we get into about 22 km to go if I give you a little little Advanced knowledge on what’s happening in today’s race well under 20 km too there’s about 15 16 17 roundabouts there’s more roundabouts than I can count they’re all over the place littering the field you start getting into 1.1 kmers ago there’s two left turns then you go into 700 meters there’s the last left left turn that once you come out of seven you go into 500 that’s the last left straight into the finish so there’s obstacles all over the last 20 kilom of today’s race if you’re a GC team trying to get into the 5K rule they’ve bumped it from 3K to 5K on today’s stage three it’s a practice Run for the UCI so all the general classification favorites have to get into 5 kilm to go if they don’t want to lose time but remember if you’re a GC favorite and you’re one of the four names I already mentioned carass yonas Rim cool T pachar well you got to get all the way into kilometer zero if you want the race leaders yellow Jersey so there’s a big Time battle going down with 22 kilom to go we start looking from above it’s UA te members UA team members were told from their director sport te we want the left side so you see Civic Ops on the left now they start going through the first first multiple roundabouts coming here civicos flying through he picked the long way around this roundabout going the left he’s sprinting full gas but he’s got Neil’s plet and he’s gapping him off too much this is inexperience from COV right now he’s pulling too hard and Neil’s Pet’s wising up because he’s got T pagach back there so cof’s going full gas up there back to film up to the beginning of this roundabout look over on the right side that’s Yan tratnik that’s yonis Fino going through the inside of this roundabout and they took the short way so now they’re quite a ways in front of COV who’s sprinting like crazy without his leader on his well so as you look at yon tratnik he’s looking over left he realized he’s way in front of UAE emerance and they want the left side of the road too so Yan try just moves over with Jonas V go all the way to the left and cof’s getting all his feathers R ruffled he comes back up on the right side there and then he starts bumping over on Yan tratnik as Neils pette and T pacha’s coming up this wasn’t a real wise move from COV at this moment you already lost the left it was your pro it was your fault for coming through the left side of the roundabout you’re too far back you left your teammates then you pass Yan tratnik and of course we see a little bumping with Yan tratnik and COV cof’s getting upset Yan tratnik is getting upset then the camera show us the front angle of what’s happening and you see Yan tratnik just throwing over there like dude I’m already over here on the left side of the road I’m sorry you went the wrong way around the roundabout and then you took it too aggressive so i’ had to give you a little bump and then you see COV well he doesn’t even want to look anymore cuz he knows Yan tratnik is probably the the more experienced rider and COV made a mistake now they’re coming up into the next round about Neils pette with with t paga and the race leaders yellow Jersey started coming up on the back wheel there’s COV like I told you but Neils pette doesn’t want to be anywhere near COV when he’s battling there with yon trat because they might crash and take down the race leaders yellow Jersey and the next roundabouts coming up Neils pet doesn’t want to get caught behind the roundabouts so he moves to the right with Toad pagach and goes around the right side of the roundabout comes out and then puts his whole UAE te memat on the left side of the road cof’s dropping back now cuz he wasted too much energy at the front at 60 km an hour sprinting out of the roundabouts arguing with Y tratnik when your sole job is to look after Tad paga so now he’s dropping out the back Neils pette Tim wellins he going to have to go to work on the left side there with Neils pet to keep Tad paga in a fine position Vis micia bikes there we start looking over to the right side of the road albine theix lined up on the right side of the road too and it’s a drag race going into all these roundabouts UAE team members like like I said they went went the long way around with COV on the first one they started figuring out the second and third now all of a sudden the favorite way to go through the roundabout instead of it being the right becomes the left UAE team Emirates and jonis F goes Vis Melisa bikes doing a solid job of going around the left we come up to 15 kilometers to go Michael quos is on the right side look at the veteran xroad world champion here from enel doing a fine job right now with Carlos Rodriguez on his wheel all the way on the right side of the road but he’s looking ahead his head’s up up he’s looking at the roundabout and they’re aware right now that could be the left side could be the right side it could be even when you go through any one of these roundabouts so quios is already telling Carlos Rodriguez we got to go to the left because that’s a short way so kakosi goes to the left side he goes through the roundabout solid with Carlos on his wheel and they come out in good position now we’re coming into about 13 kilm to go as they go through the roundabout there’s an island there as they if we see the island we look at the back of the pelaton there that’s Casper Pon from pseudo quickstep coming up on the inside on the left inside there of the island and as he’s coming up well I going to assume he’s either bumping his bars or getting tangled with the riders coming from the other side of the roundabout Casper P’s going to go down hard crash he’s going to finish today’s stage but he’s going to need some x-rays on his shoulder we look at the front of the Pelon viz Mal Lisa bike’s in good position UAE team mem’s in good position and enter Marche starting to line up they got six Riders here trying to do the Sprint because they got Kobe gusen and they got Louis MZ at the very back of the peleton cuz those are the GC guys so that means they have two sprinters gerbon T there is their main Sprinter for fast fast Sprints curb to curb action straight ways down the down the line that’s what he’s good at but they got benam GMI the a Tran now we start looking over to the right it’s albine dunic over there and they’re lined up with their own guys and it’s the roow world championship Matthew Vanderpool that’s in front of yasper Phillipson last year’s green jersey wear here at the torto France we start looking over to the left side of the road we see the radio contact come up from from aana car remember the contact from the radio is always appearing 1 2 kilm later but we start seeing the Stana director say hey we want to get up there in front of the GC teams UAE te Emirates and VI molisa bike we want to get in front of them I start giggling on the couch you’re not getting in front of Tod pachar Neils pette up here you’re not going to get in front of UAE te members you’re not going to get in front of V molisa bike if you’re going to say it correctly there and you’re the director sport te from estana say get up alongside or say get on the wheel there viz molisa bike or UAE team members cuz there’s no way a is going to be able to go past two quality teams like that and it’s curb to curb now we start looking under 9 kilometers ago wal van Arts over there with albine dunic we see deum Gite he’s there close to match Pon we go into 6.3 km ago there’s another crash from Bruno Ira that’s the cathon ag2r I don’t know how he did it but the bike just kind of spun around and then he went down now then shortly after that Matthew Vanderpool just over 6 kmers to go he’s having a problem he’s got a change bikes he changes bikes gets on his spare bikes and starts sprting as fast as he can but every time they show him he’s about 40 seconds back eventually he’s going to have to sit up but first we go back up to the front of the group as it’s curb to curb coming in the 5 km to go check out the lady there on the right side of the road left of your screen wearing the kind of pink or salmon color top right there Step too far out in the road as the pelons coming full gas curb to curb this is a nightmare for albine dunic and all the Riders on the right side of the course there luckily the ladies just starting to back out of the way but she’s still in the curb as the pelaton comes straight by she’s still in the gutter now we look back there you could just see a picture she’s still standing she’s still in the gutter so the pelaton must have just been Brazen right past her we go into 3.5 km to go now it’s EF education on the front caraz wants a race leader yellow Jersey so efk EF education are drilling as hard as they can to keep caraz out of trouble go into 2.5 km just about there’s a crash on the right side of the road big crash taken down all kinds of riders there but when we start looking at leaport looking backwards there he made it through the crash he’s looking back I assume that means w van Art’s back there otherwise leaport wouldn’t been hesitating looking back we start looking at the back there once we start seeing the crash well we see albine dun got held up one of those is yasper Phillipson as he’s out of the picture that starts going back up to the front of the Pelon the camera angle they’re about 50 Riders it’s not the whole field made it through this crash but we start seeing with under two kilometers to go about 1.8 1.7 enter Mar is on the left side of the road we look Tre is sitting there in the center that’s Gibbons there Ryan Gibbons the South African jersey he’s trying to do the lead out because he got yasper Stans and mads Pon in POS good position as they’re driving down the center of the road looking over to the right dsm’s in a drag race right now with aner Marche they get a little bit deeper into the stage three aner Marche is leading but they lost their fourth Rider on the front now they’re down to three Riders we’re talking about 1.3 km to go as anther Mar’s drilling on the front with Lawrence Rex Mike tunison stage winner here in 2019 at the Tour of France and got the race leaders jersey in 2019 he’s sitting second wheel just on the wheel there of Lawrence Rex in front of him just behind him that’s his Sprinter right there gerbin now gerbin is there he’s the third Rider but three three Riders at 1.3 km to go going to be a tall order Ben and gmi’s in the picture so they really got four but he’s a little too far back at this moment as enter Mar’s going full gas with 1.1 kilm to go now we’re coming up to the first of the final last three left turns with 1.1 km to go we see Lawrence Rex going full gas Mike Tunis in sitting second third gerbin I said we look a little further back what we see that’s lot lot Destiny right there that’s CED we look behind him it’s the cathlon ag2r with two Riders there that’s n and that’s Sam Bennett Sam Bennett’s W stages here at the torto France and the green jersey in 2020 he wants some Redemption and he’s in a good position behind Sam Bennett host of talented Riders still back there as stens mads pson beniam GMI are all lined up just the further back in the top 10 still now between the first and the second Corner we’re going to see cedic from Lotto Destiny there he’s looking back he’s trying to find Arnold dele who’s out of position we look at the same time while he was looking back stoens is looking back over his shoulder left and right because he’s trying to find mads Pon I back you up into that corner as we see mads Pon was getting swarmed on both sides there’s nothing he could do he had the back off the throttle but he’s losing his sprinter’s wheel up there as Stans is trying to find him now what are these guys going to do well we’re coming into the second left corner here and as we’re coming in the second Lawrence Rex is done with about 700 meters to go he’s pulling off to the right Mike tunison stage winner of the Tor France he’s coming through the inside there he’s trying to lead out his man back there gerbin as as that’s a sprinter but benum GMI still back there somewhere somewhere around mads Pon just in front of him as matad Pon was getting pinched off now as Mike tun’s got the front he’s coming into the last and final corner with about 500 meters to go as he’s flying through the corner with Sprinter on his wheel you got to believe his legs are getting tired and you look at CED from lot Destiny he’s pulling out hard right cuz he knows Arnold Del is nowhere in the picture Stans is still staying there dsm’s Fabio yakobson is in the picture and solid with a chance here of winning stage three look further behind him what’s happening there well mad Pon is still in the picture but he’s a little bit off sten’s wheel who’s sitting up there just behind ag2r as ag2r is starting to see that Mike tunison is starting to blow hard to the left ag2 RS n throws in a huge acceleration at about 400 m 450 M to go he starts his acceleration as Mike tunison starts to blow with that acceleration we’ll see Sam Bennett sitting second wheel he’s coming into 350 met to go but n starting to blow what’s Sam Bennett gonna do he’s got to pull up right now he’s got to do the same thing gerbin did as gerbin teammate Mike tunison started to pull up as ag2r went flying by him now s Bennett’s got to pull up he’s got to back off the pedals cuz 350 me to go it’s too far for the Irish Rider to win stage three if he jumps from here so he backs off the throttle at 350 as he’s backing off look at Stans on the right side the little Trek Rider starting his attack going up the right side at the same time mad Patterson’s going up the left will he meet in the middle I don’t know but you start looking there at stoin as he’s coming up the right side he’s got Arnold de Lee on as well B him gmai slotted into third position as they’re coming around the the cathlon ag2r rider Sam Bennett and he’s trying to get back on the mads P’s flying up the left side gavia Fernando gavia from moar the Colombians on his will coming around the right side now now mads gets up to the back wheel there of stoens but he can’t get in the draft stoens looks over his shoulder realizes mads can’t get in the draft because Arnold Del is occupying the space right now so mad Patterson’s just got to go he’s throws on the kick there he’s starting to go with about 225 met to go benum GM coming up the right side passing Arnold dele there Sam it’s blocked he can’t do anything about it Fernando G is still following the left side there trying to win today stage three as we see mads Pon go from the left side to the right almost all the way over to the fencing as benum GMI coming up the fencing mads pson holds steady though leaves the Gap there benum GMI does not slow down the air Train full throwing full gas for inter Marche he wasn’t even supposed to have a shot at winning now he’s leading right here as he’s starting to pass mad Pon Fernando gavar is coming up fast Arnold lead there he’s bumping over on the right side we got about 50 m to go the air train with 40 m to go is solidly in the lead he sits up with 10 meters to go celebrates the victory here for inter Mar and of course for errea now when we’re talking about second it was a bike throw Fernando gavia will get second Arnold Del will hold on for a Podium spot here mads pson drifted to Fourth it was a fantastic finish now if I back it up just a hair let’s look at the bunch back there as it’s about 2530 guys well it’s EF education care pass he made it through the C crash made it in the front group here finished in the top 25 he’ll put himself in the race leaders yellow Jersey at the end of today’s stage three it was a sleeper throughout 230 km from the start all the way into about 25 km ago so you got to go ahead and let the first 205 km go by watch the last 25 because it was definitely magnificent and the air train benum GMI man did you have some nerves of Steel coming up the right side fencing there now if I dissect some of the tactics here well got a little bit interesting right stoens was looking back and forth for his teammate mads Pon as he lost him through that first left left turn there three to go and then of course that messed up the Rhythm now stens when he jumped at 350 meters to go I don’t think he should have did it if it was me I would have pulled out just like CED rck did from Lotto Destiny I would have pulled out and moved hard right and then just let let my Sprinter have to figure out and hopefully there’s some chaos up there so mads pson can come up instead he hit full gas at the the same time mat pson was coming up the other side but that’s not the only complaint I have when I start looking at inter Marche yes they won with the air tray benum gmet he did nothing wrong he was spotless he was a floater Sprinter he wasn’t a pure Sprinter like gerbin tent is so he was a floater Sprinter back there he needs chaos he needs something to happen so when you really look at inter Mar’s tactics remember they got two guys that are racing for General classification or Racing for stage wins Mountain to Stage wins when Lou menz and Kobe Goen so they’re only down to six one of them is the floater Ben and gay the other is their Sprinter but when you’re coming into 1.3 km to go with only two guys left in front of your Sprinter and Lawrence Rex is up there and Mike tunison is up there I’m going into that first or second left turn and I’m opening up the Gap right there so that the non the nons Sprinter the lead out guys have to come around me and close the gap and then if I’m gerbing I can slot back in because maybe he knew where benum gay was maybe he knew they had a second Plan B back there that it would work out the way it did but if you are plan a plan a always has to think about the win which means he’s got to open up the Gap let his two teammates go have the other teams from behind have to close that and then gerbon is can put himself in a better position instead of coming out with the last corner with 500 400 met to go and then have the fight to get back in the same problem that Sam Bennett had at 350 met ago he had to let his teammate n Go up the road coming out of the last final Corner when he started his Sprint cuz Nathan didn’t have the legs to get him all the way in the Finish after he blew 100 150 me to go little bit harder to plan that your teammate Oliver n in there you don’t know he’s going to blow in such a short distance but he did and that left Sam Bennett hanging out to dry of course inter Mar got hanging out to drive but benum G well he cleaned up all the mess from an Marche came up the right side threaded the needle there from matad Pon who left the door open the right way that he was supposed to benam gay wins a fantastic stage three of the torto France hope you guys like the tactics here that I gave you here on stage three make sure you like And subscribe we’re back into the mountains for stage four of the torto France tomorrow so I’ll see you real soon


    1. mr. Horner. What I want to say and it does bother me a lot is how there are riders in peleton acting as they play hockey! One of them is Mads Pederson and Jasper Philipsen as well…..Yes they are great rides but…….And yes among all of the comentators and experts on cycling, you mr Horner are far ahead of all of them, thank you !!!

    2. This is why these 'So called' greatest races are 95% of the time….mind numbingly boring.
      Racing for 21 days produces one thing…..very little action as they are constantly saving as much energy as possible….
      The spring classics and one day races make these tours very poor viewing

    3. So many 'what-ifs' here. The crash seems to have disrupted some of the sprint teams. Then MVDP taken out with a technical. Somehow it opened up for Girmay, who only had one path to the line. He grabbed his opportunity and went for it.

    4. Great finish today!! Super stoked that Girmay finally got a stage !! Hope he gets many more. Super happy that Carapaz wearing Yellow, probably not for long. But now maybe J Vaughters can stop complaining about other teams being greedy about winning so much. I know it's only stage 3. But does it seem like everyone is really waiting for the TT to put the official hurt on???

    5. I think Mads "felt" Gaviria coming up his left and as he moved the bike to the left Girmay got that nice opening for the win! Perhaps if mads stays close to the barriers Gaviria wins tho

    6. This is huge for Bini as he also has Giro stage. Tadej was probably glad Billy Carapaz took the jersey so he can deal with all the interviews and ceremonies. Today's stage 4 will be fire. Great job breaking down the stage!

    7. Hopefully Girmay didn't crash himself out of the race with the champagne bottle like he did last year. 😂😂😂😂

    8. But harsh calling Biniam Girmay a floater!!! I think he's a bit more than that. Don't know if in the US a foster is called the same as here in the UK, something that is still there after you flush, if you know what I mean. Never heard this term before.

    9. The Peacock coverage is so frustratingly brutal if you're a cycling fan. Always cutting away from the race for irrelevant nonsense, hyping everything when most of it will not be a factor – I spend every morning cursing the broadcast and not enjoying the Tour.

    10. I've always felt that in sprint finishes, it's the sprinter's job to be there or there-abouts on the wheels of their leadout riders. This frequent looking back and subsequent sudden pulling up/out, can be dangerous. A bazillion years ago in a smaller pro/am road race in New Jersey I was a Cat 2 with leadout duties on my team. Coming into the finish I was on the front and I had the field strung out. I give a quick glance and see the Navigators pro team on my wheel. I had to trust that "my guy" was close enough, and so I kept on the gas if for no other reason than to keep things safer for the field there at the front.

    11. Couldn’t be happier for Bini. Also for Romain who has had a great career. Thanks Chris. The Tour is even better with your reviews

    12. Great job, Bini and Richard, to first in the history of the TDF.
      And as for the brain dead fans and their cell phones, they are going to cause another gaint crash riders at going to get hurt. This crap needs to stop. These riders train hard, and it one moron to destroy their season or carrier. Just stop.

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