Kane, Bellingham, Stones, Toney & Rice speak following England’s dramatic 2-1 win against Slovakia

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    England were looking over the edge a defeat sum it up yeah that’s that’s the desire and the attitude from the boys and and the staff and everyone involved you know uh yeah it looked uh it looked tough for a second there but you know you keep going we we work on so many details throughout the week and you know we we put in a long throw uh late a couple days ago and we said we might need it be prepared for anything and then uh obviously Jude does what dude Jude does and what an unbelievable goal and then uh yeah he’s kept our tournament alive so uh all I can say is you know incredible support incredible I know the fans back home would have enjoyed that but uh yeah what a win for timing for technique for importance where’ you place that goal by Jude Bellingham one of the the best in our country’s history I reckon um look what a player he is you know he he works so hard for the team uh there’s been a lot of talk about him the last couple days but uh it shows what can do in the big moments he steps up uh and that’s what we need we need everyone to step up in moments and uh he done that today what pulled the team through in extra time as well when substitutions are made when changes to formation have to happen yeah I think that just comes down to preparation again you know we we had a lot of attacking players there on the on the pitch and we had to find a way to to balance the team uh and then the subs who come on halfway through extra time done brilliant so uh in this in this competition you find a way to win and that’s what we’ve done today and what does the manner of this win mean do you think now in terms of a bounce for this team a lift yeah no for sure but we know uh we’ll do whatever it takes you know we have another game right this in the quarterfinal then so be it this team knows how to dig deep uh and that’s exactly what we’ve done today of course uh we could have been better we could have played better but ultimately is a results business and that’s what we care about so uh we can enjoy this we can enjoy the comeback uh and hopefully take that momentum into the rest of the tournament well done Jude well done what a match what a comeback and what a goal from you yeah um good win through to the next round very happy you know it’s been tough the last week or so um to try and keep the negative energy outside of the camp and I think um today they’ll have been ready for us I’m sure you’ve got a few questions scribbled out on that piece of paper there but um you know we showed that kind of character that England’s missed especially in the times of uh before you know and yeah we showed it today and it was really important for us to get through Harry had said that England had been working on that long throw that very long throw that led to that goal yeah yeah we’ve been um you know you try and find all different edges in uh at this level of football because it’s so difficult to score goals you know every team plays to defend and keep a zero um and that’s really difficult so any chance you can get to uh maximize a situation like a throw in you have to take it and we did where’ you place that goal for you personally for timing for technique and for what it means depends how how we’re looking in two weeks you know if it’s um if it ends up being one that helps a tournament the team uh lift the cup then um it’ll be right up there but until then we’ll see but as a moment for you as well and the technique yeah I know what I can deliver in those moments you know regardless of what people say I’ve done it this year for Madrid I’ve done it for England before and just happy to help the team tonight you know and what do you hope this win can mean the nature of it in terms of liftoff now for for the group massive I think the performance was real good until their goal and even after their goal to be honest we had massive control of the game we were always punishing threatening sorry and in the final third maybe still just lacking that little touch to create the the big chances but even then we had a few that were kind of halfers and that we showed really great quality to maximize but um yeah it’s going to be important for us going forward definitely physically it’s been tough I know for a lot of the players the squad had to do their part tonight didn’t they massive look at who came on there we’ve won this game together and not me not Harry not the individual moments where you know you look back on it in maybe a few years time and talk about the game it’s the likes of Ivan Tony eie Cole Palmer um and I could name all the rest coming on Bayo going to left back you know that sacrifice that you make for a team um and that’s the energy we need to keep within the team regardless of what goes on outside it they’ll be saying they’ll continue to say who writes your scripts I do well done even John you’ve been involved in a lot of tournament matches with England um but where do you place this one roller coaster of of emotions I’m sure for everyone watching at home in the stands was on the pitch um I’ve been in a lot of matches where we’ve gone behind um had to show that Spirit both um country and club and and uh today was one of those where we had to grind it out again we didn’t play the best football but to play the pitch it was it was really difficult at times um and and credit to them you know they they set out well they pressed us really well couldn’t find uh the boys in the pockets um but you know I I think I hope everyone at home and everyone in the stands today saw that we’re you know we’re fighting for for everyone that’s watching supporting ourselves our teammates families um and with that Spirit I’m sure we’ll we’ll go further and we know we’ve got Improvement to make and that’s what um we’ve got to concentrate on now where’d you place that goal by Jude Bellingham in terms of England’s tournament history yeah long throw um do you know what we cover every uh every part of the game we work on that that’s part of our our set P our set pieces um and it’s come off you know that’s um part of that Never Say Die attitude and and and people being in the right uh spaces the guys in in the back room staff doing their their research and you know finding those those weaknesses in in certain areas and um I think it was kind of maybe a last resort for us put a long throw into the box but you know it it came off and honestly we uh we wanted to give it everything and and and that first half was uh was not up to standard and and um we need to uh we need to correct that what do you take from this and the manner of the victory do you think now for the Switzerland game I think togetherness um we uh we got shown a quote from one of their players before saying about um our togetherness or our spirit and I think questioning it um well yeah maybe that’s not why we I can’t remember the quote but I think that kind gave us a bit of fire in our bellies you know we know what we’ve got um in that dressing room and we played um we played with our hearts on our sleeves at the end I think the boys that came off the bench made a huge impact um and that’s credit to them because it’s not easy um not getting the minutes that they want um and to have the attitude to come on and and put the themselves about um create havoc and use their strengths and and um that’s what a team’s been a team is about everyone digging in everyone coming in at difficult moments and um yeah that’s team Spirits massive maybe from what would have been one of the worst defeats to one really meaningful and uh really strong feeling victory yeah 100% to come behind never h from behind is never easy and um that’s a quality in itself I think what we um what we’ve got to brush up on is is our is our general play our um controlling of of situ uations and I think the positives speak for itself today you know the win the the fight everything that I just explained and um we’ve got to build on that we’ve got to you know have that mentality and and keep going um and hopefully everyone um can see that belief and and we felt it today so we thank everyone as well well done John thank you Ivan well done um what an incredible victory for England yeah massive win massive win um I think in the end we deserved it that never said that attitude uh we show it throughout the 90 minutes and uh obviously Jude doing what he does getting his back in the game with uh over kick and then hat doing what he does pointing it back at the net how do you sum up that uh that goal by Jude I mean he’s where he is for a reason you know he is capable of things like that he does things like that on on the training pit so I expected it from him they say great players I suppose do great things when it matters that’s that’s the definition yeah of course um he’s got himself in the box and got himself in the right areas and uh he put it in the back of the net which obviously helped us massively and then start of extra time you helped Play Your Part Two in the winner yeah I mean obviously I didn’t play for the first three games you have to be ready you don’t know where your Chance is going to come and I was in the right place at the right time to flicky back post where H was we literally spoke about that just before the game kicked off and uh he put it back in the net after that what was key in extra time because there had been a lot of changes there was a change of formation too and it it it was very much a squad effort from that point I think yeah uh players drop into positions they don’t normally play but it’s just um we have quality players that’s capable of playing anyway I feel and uh as long as we have the ball it’s going to be good but obviously we had to defend at times and I feel like the players that were playing out of position defend very well what does this do potentially for England because there’ll still be doubts about the level of performance um but you’re into the quarterfinals and you’ve done it in a manner which is is um is wonderful in its own why um yeah I feel like um this hopefully kick us forward now it should be a Kickstart um yeah with the performances haven’t quite been there but listen we’re getting results and uh we we are where we are and for for for good reasons so hopefully we can uh continue from this and for you to come on and play a part now that must be a big booster some something in in terms of um a career ambition almost fulfilled yeah of course um playing the part do try and do what I can do um obviously playing playing with England it’s a massive honor so hopefully I can do what I can do when I come on a pitch and uh hopefully the results keep coming and Switzerland next take one game at a time and hopefully we can do the job well done Ivan thank you very much thank well there’s some aches and there’s some pains and there’s some blood on the shirt and there’s a lot of swea in that shirt as well but England won yeah we won um tough difficult I think tonight if you could ever question our spirit and desire and mentality and I think it can be questioned I think what we’ve got as a team so special I understand that we can be better um can probably create more and score more but to do what we’ve done and do it in the way we did I think that shows big guts and um I think that’s what we’ve had over the last few years in tournaments you know we’ve had that Never Say Die attitude and we’ve had every player that’s come on tonight players and not even have minutes come on and make big impacts and uh I think you know we need to keep kicking on and keep keep being positive and keep pushing on because even the fans tonight without them you know without them pushing us on you don’t understand what we’re feeling out there as players and every little cheer every little raar it just it gives you such an uplift so let’s keep moving forward together there was shock on a lot of fans when that Bellingham moment happened was was that what you were thinking feeling too yeah there’s that like no like I think there was two throws so there was the first one and I said to him dude get stay in the box cuz I’ve just come on and then the ball went out for another throw and like we were saying saying to K Walker C Walker was saying to the lads keep believing you know keep pushing can get something here about sticking to our roles sticking to our job because if we don’t do how we set up to do that long throw if we just make something upup on the spot you know the crossover the flick on you know to cause Havoc it don’t that goal don’t come and judee’s not free and uh he was free in the end and if I tried that i’ have brought me back and he’s put it in the back of the net so yeah big moments big players and uh Fair plays of the boy you know it’s uh a special for him Jon Stones told us that um that the players were shown a quote by one of the Slovakian players to motivate them that quote had questions character Spirit yeah we see that I think the manager made that clear to us in the team meeting a couple of days ago see a few of the players midfielders have been saying a few stuff and as players you see that AR tired to take too much notice but it’s nice in the end when you get questioned with spirit and uh desire how that game’s planned out tonight maybe it’s best to to stay quiet and uh do it on the pitch you I think that’s the main thing and what does it mean what do you hope this means it’s taken a lot out of the players physically you’ve gone to the well but for you got sixday break now and for the Switzerland game and the manner of the victory now because you want to get an elevated performance yeah definitely I think we see that in the second half even though it was one nil to them I think I hit the post we had a disallowed goal we kept probing some half chanted um I understand on the outside it wouldn’t look like that you know fans want more and want to demand more he’s starting to feel like he’s coming together in that top half of the pitch you know training’s been really good I feel like in we’re playing against teams obviously sitting in Low Blocks it’s really hard um they’re really good players but we just got to keep going keep probing keep believing and uh Spitz or a top side it’s about recovering because 120 Minutes you know if you want to win tournaments you can to have games go go 120 and uh you’re now about just preparing being mentally right for the next one and um yeah just staying on it maybe you can think about now how close it was to being one of those nights where team and manager are heavily criticized it was right on the edge I know and as that was happening I was thinking I don’t want to go home here and I knew the players didn’t want to go home as well because we were having an absolute unbelievable time at this tournament um the way everything’s been set up for us and how the staff have been and they wanted to do everything for us we didn’t want to let them down we didn’t want to let ourselves down we didn’t want to let the manager down and uh that just showed our character you know we we’re back there now for another six days I think we’re all delighted because no way we wanted to go go on holiday we want to win this championship and uh yeah you know we’re going to keep giving absolutely everything whether that’s another 120 for another for three games or we do it in 90 whatever it takes we’re going to give and uh yeah we just keep going now


    1. One of the worst goals you mean. We should be out! The better team lost. It’s a shame we don’t deserve anything but soon come Switzerland will knock us out lol 😅

    2. Kane just shave the hair off lad.. never seen someone pull there hair forward covering receding hairline is such a short time span.. own baldness!!!!

    3. Bellingham needs to push on from here. Great goal! He needs to stamp his authority on the game and the rest of the tournament. Palmer, Eze and Toney added impetus! It's a shame they can't all start under Gareth..

    4. Subs made a big difference, but that won't stop southgate from changing his tactis of 85th-minute subs. How they can't see with their eyes and on the data that mainoo, walker, bellingham, kane were exhausted.

    5. Team should just be told to go for it. This strategy of passing the ball back over and over isn't working. See what happens when you let the players do there thing. If we played like it was the last minute all game we'd smash teams.

    6. ❤ 정말 무지한 국민들의 무지한 선수들이다. 남을 인종차별하기 전에 니들 자신의 수준을 봐라. 무식한 국민들.

    7. ❤ 툭하면 싸우고 욕하고 침뱉고, 손가락질하고. 지들이 잘난줄 알아요. 흑인 차별 하면서 흑인 없으면 축구나 할 줄 아나?

    8. Bellingham carried the team. But they tried to sneak in privileged Kane and put him in the middle of the thumbnail 🤣. Typical.

    9. "Jude is a great player, but as a person, he leaves much to be desired, especially after that vulgar gesture towards the opposing bench. What a small man."

    10. To be fair just about everyone was off it today , however they’ve now got a week off to rest and prepare for the Swiss. It’s coming home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

    11. Ffs you have been knowing that the team has to improve for 4 games now and yet nothing really changes. Don't embarass us against Switzerland. We have to make the final realistically. Come on, lads. It's coming home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

    12. Ti-83 plus equations prgm time reference,,range tables, guide time loops. 42-88 takes ,wave effects of goals happened,calced, graphic,blinking cursor, show numbers on 8 line graphic not 2 or 1 line calculator,, statics,samation notation, limits of goal scored. John.

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