With more than 39,000 inhabitants, Monaco is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Space in this city is a rare commodity.
    To expand this country further, The Mediterranean is the only option, and man-made development project ideas are in the pipeline. The latest Project, Mareterra is the most impressive.

    00:00 Introduction
    00:58 The Ultimate Millionaire’s Haven
    02:57 Mareterra, A Bold Expansion
    05:34 Progress and Luxury at Mareterra
    06:43 Sustainability at Mareterra

    #monaco #mareterra #megaproject #construction

    imagine the likes of Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Larry pagee Mark Zuckerberg or Francois Meyers all living in one country and not just any country but Monaco the second smallest country in the world known as the billionaires playground famous for its lavish lifestyle and home to some of the world’s most prestigious luxury Brands Monaco boasts the highest density of millionaires globally with over a third of its residents owning assets worth over a million dollars excluding their homes now to meet the ever growing demand for luxury Monaco doesn’t hesitate to invest in ambitious Mega projects crafted by world-renowned Architects and one such project is a $2.3 billion plan to extend its territory into the sea but how is this small country balancing extravagant taste with environmental sustainability in this Grand expansion and what can we expect from this audacious development let’s find out Monaco is an independent and sovereign country located on the Mediterranean Sea’s northern coast it’s surrounded by France on land with Italy’s border just 10 mies about 16 km away now this might be the second smallest country in the world but it’s also one of the wealthiest about 70% of the population is foreign born while just 10,000 are native monagas that means Monaco’s 38,000 residents are packed into less than one square mile an area even smaller than New York Central Park to add to the congestion an additional 40,000 people cross the borders from France and Italy daily for work but why do millionaires flock to Monaco let’s break it down first there’s the tax Haven status no personal income tax except for the French citizens and no inheritance or gift taxes for direct relatives but it’s not just about the money Monaco boasts incredibly high security with one policeman for every 100 residents the highest ratio in the world on top of that the modern infr structure top-notch healthc care excellent education stunning natural beauty and favorable climate make Monaco a Millionaire’s Paradise life in Monaco is anything but dull for those who can afford it imagine a playground for the rich where luxury is the norm you can try your luck at the famous casinos dine at the most elite restaurants and dance the night away in exclusive clubs the social scene is buzzing with Charity Gallas and cultural events ensuring there’s always something happening Sports enthus will find plenty to do from yachting to various leisure activities speaking of Yachts many residents have their luxurious vessels docked at the local port a common and impressive site in the streets they’re filled with premium cars like Ferraris Lamborghinis and Bugattis showcasing the opulent lifestyle that defines Monaco but how does such a tiny country continue to accommodate its growing population as more people and money have poured into Monaco the country has been reclaiming Land from the sea to accommodate its growing population and wealth since the early 19th century Monaco has gained an additional 100 acres accounting for 20% of its territory the latest land extension project launched in 2015 aims to add six hectares or about 3% to Monaco’s total land mass one of the most exciting developments from this project is marera an exclusive residential area set to become a new iconic landmark in Monaco suppose you’ve ever watch watch The Monaco Grand Prix in that case you might have seen glimpses of marit Tera from the maribo or portier Corners where Formula 1 cars zip around a famous hairpin Bend and vanish into the Fairmont tunnel this new neighborhood shines with the contributions of a star studded rooster of global Architects who’ve worked tirelessly to bring marit Tera to life so who are these key players we have K valod and P Architects and the Renzo Piano building workshop the valod and John P the founders of valod and P architect are renowned for merging man-made spaces with natural settings meanwhile the Renzo Piano building workshop founded by the world famous architect Renzo Piano is celebrated for its open and Ultra Modern designs which are clearly evident in marit tera’s Innovative architecture it’s more than just a backdrop it’s set to feature over 130 super Prime residences almost all of the housing has already been sold with estimates suggesting prices as high as €120,000 per square meter which is double the current average of 62,000 per square meter in nearby larvotto but creating such a luxurious neighborhood comes with its challenges building into the sea is no easy task and poses potential risks to marine life however the team behind this Eco District emphasizes their highly ambitious Target of sustainability and Environmental Protection before construction began they relocated protected plant species from the area to nearby Marine reserves and installed special submarine screens to insulate the site and minimize environmental impact officials have reported that they haven’t seen any other projects with this level of environmental consideration silt was dredged to expose the rocky seabed which they filled with quarried rocks to support a seaw wall made up of 18 massive concrete filed chambers called queson each Quon stands 85 ft tall and weighs around 10,000 tons once this protective barrier was secured in place the final backfill of marine sand sourced from northern Sicily was added so how how far along is this Grand development While most of the building structures are complete work is now focused on the facades finishings and public areas by the end of 2024 a 1 km Seaside prominade a small port and a park will be open to the public this massive project managed by ANS de portier currently involves around 2,300 companies from the Mediterranean region some of which have been part of the project for nearly a decade notably it’s Europe’s largest real estate estate project entirely financed by private funds and what can the residents of marit tera’s Villas expect well for those lucky enough to live here luxury truly knows no bounds each Villa comes with its own private pool this is a far cry from old Monaco which used to have nearly 600 Boke era waterfront homes by the early 1950s most of these were replaced by highrises due to aggressive real estate development Mara’s commitment to building seven new waterfront homes plus three more on artificial Hill is a rare architectural gem attracting world famous designers and you know who got so lucky with this early buyers who had the chance to bring their own Architects to the project but there’s more sustainability is at the heart of marera Monaco’s first Eco neighborhood perfectly aligning with Prince Albert II’s ambitious goal of making Monaco carbon neutral by 2050 Fortier Cove is leading the way with Cutting Edge Green Technology the project features one hectare of green public space filled with a thousand mature Aleppo and umbrella Pines and a variety of Mediterranean plants these have been carefully selected by experienced landscape architect Michelle pist who also designed the public spaces at levado Beach and buling grin Gardens but marera doesn’t stop there it’s gone above and beyond the requirements for Green Space outshining rival designs that prioritize rerouting the F1 circuit the valley design Blends seamlessly into urban life inviting people in with new connction connections to existing cultural attractions like the Grimaldi forum and the Japanese garden a new Coastal walk will extend the levado beach prominade by 1.5 km to Port Hercule while Pathways along Avenue Princess Grace will lead to a new Square paved with French cor Blan Stone and flamed Limestone sustainable transportation is also a key Focus renewable energy will supply around 80% of the cooling and heating needs and there will be four parking spaces for the Mobi car club’s electric vehicles addition Ally 200 dedicated electric charging stations and 600 M of bike Lanes will promote eco-friendly commuting solar panels covering 45,000 square m a rainwater recycling system reclaiming 50% of rainfall and thermal pumps are just a few examples of the green initiatives in place the marina at marera is designed to be a Vibrant Community Hub reflecting the significance of Harbors in Monaco with around 15 births available the marina will be bustling with activity surrounded by shops and restaurants it promises to be the perfect spot for a leisurely day with friends and family offering opportunities for shopping dining and enjoying the beautiful surroundings on schedule and set for 2025 delivery this Marina will soon become a centerpiece of Monaco’s luxurious lifestyle and once marera is completed even more spectacular projects are on the horizon including Les plad de p on choir and ear down on Port Hercules so will this ambitious expansion attract even more millionaire and billionaires to this tiny paradise and could this blend of opulence and eco-consciousness Inspire other cities around the world to follow suit share your thoughts in the comments below 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