25 Strict Rules Royal Kids Must Follow

    Being a member of the British Royal family comes with a lot of special traditions, ceremonies, and strict rules. These guidelines are in place even for the youngest members of the family. Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, who are growing up in the royal spotlight, have their own set of protocols to follow. These rules cover many aspects of their lives, from what they wear to how they should behave at royal events. Let’s dive deeper into some of the important dos and don’ts for royal children.

    [Music] being a member of the British royal family comes with a lot of special Traditions ceremonies and strict rules these guidelines are in place even for the youngest members of the family Prince George princess Charlotte and Prince Louie who are growing up in the Royal Spotlight have their own set of protocols to follow these rules cover many aspects of their lives from what they wear to how they should behave at Royal events let’s dive deeper into some of the important dos and don’ts for Royal children birth announcement for months the world had been waiting for this [Applause] moment the first rule for Royal children starts even before they are born the birth of a royal child is heralded by a meticulously observed protocol that commences even before the arrival into the world before the Royal baby’s birth there is a well-established tradition that must be meticulously adhered to immediately following the birth an official Proclamation is swiftly issued to notify the public of the momentous event this Proclamation divulges not only the gender of the newborn but also the precise time of their birth to ensure widespread awareness this pivotal information is prominently displayed on a dedicated sign placed at the gates of Buckingham Palace this long-standing custom ensures that the the arrival of the newest member of the royal family is communicated formally and transparently leaving no room for speculation among the public and marking the beginning of the child’s journey in the public eye from the earliest moments of their life it’s a boy it was expected to be a baby announcement like no other steeped in centuries old British royal Traditions a jealously guarded secret released being baptism and so to the pictures for which the world has been waiting the first official film record of the infant Prince Charles baptism is another essential tradition for Royal children baptism holds profound significance as an essential tradition for Royal children within the British Monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II serving as the head of the Church of England adherence to this religious right is deemed crucial for all members of the royal family the baptismal ceremony itself is presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury the spiritual leader of the Church of England underscoring its solemnity and importance within the Royal tradition Central to the baptism is the use of holy water sourced from the Jordan River symbolizing purification and renewal within the Christian faith this symbolic act not only connects the Royal child to their religious Heritage but also underscores the sacredness of the occasion in the eyes of the monarchy and the public the significance of baptism extends Beyond its religious implications to embody a broader cultural and historical tradition within the royal family this tradition was notably observed by Megan Markle now Duchess of Sussex before her marriage to Prince Harry in 2018 her participation in this centuries old ritual exemplifies the continuity and reverence with which the royal family upholds its customs and Faith demonstrating the enduring importance of baptism as a unifying and sacred right within the house of Windsor the American former actress was reportedly baptized in a private ceremony by the Archbishop of Canterbury London pretty christening gown when it comes to their christening Royal babies have a special outfit to wear called the hoton christening gown when Royal babies are christened they Dawn a unique garment known as the hoton christening gown which holds a deeply storied past within the British Monarchy originally crafted for the christening of Queen Victoria’s eldest child this gown has since become an integral part of Royal baptismal Ceremonies for Generations its historical significance is underscored by its enduring use in welcoming each new member of the royal family into the church this despite its venerable history the original hoton gown now over a century old has grown increasingly delicate with age quite a lot of time ice everybody laughing you as a result a meticulously crafted replica has taken its place in recent ceremonies to ensure the preservation of this cherished tradition for instance Archie Harrison Mount baton Windsor son of Prince Harry and Megan Markle was dressed in the replica gown during his christening thereby maintaining the continuity and symbolism of this age-old custom the tradition of the huntan christening gown serves as more than just ceremonial attire it acts as a tangible link between each new generation of Royals and their illustrious ancestry by wearing this gown Royal infants not only honor their familial Heritage but also symbolically connect to the lineage and traditions that have shaped the monarchy over centuries thus the Honiton christening gown stands as a poignant reminder of the enduring Legacy and continuity within the British Royal Family’s cultural and ceremonial practices curtsying to the queen respect and manners are highly valued in the royal family and one of the ways this is shown is through the act of curtsying according to established Royal protocol female members of the royal family regardless of age are required to courtsy to the queen upon their first encounter each day this Timeless tradition underscores the reverence and respect accorded to the monarch embodying the values upheld within the house of Windsor even Royal children are not exempt from this protocol princess Charlotte among others has been observed gracefully curtsying to her great- grandmother Queen Elizabeth II on notable occasions such as Christmas morning this gesture not only illustrates the adherence to traditional etiquette instilled from a young age but also serves as a poignant reminder of the continuity of respect and manners within the Royal lineage the act of curtsying goes beyond mere formality it reflects the Deep rooted traditions and values that shape the conduct of the Royal Family by observing this protocol each member including the youngest generation pays homage to centuries old Customs while embodying the principles of respect and deference that are fundamental to their role within the monarchy thus the practice of curtsying remains a visible symbol of respect and tradition ensuring that the protocols and values of the royal family endure with each passing generation addressing the queen despite the multitude of formalities governing Royal protocol how Royal children address Queen Elizabeth theum in private settings exhibits a more relaxed and affectionate approach while the formal and public address for the queen remains your Royal Highness her grandchildren and great-grandchildren have endearing nicknames for her such as granny or gan gan these familiar terms offer a glimpse into the personal and loving relationship sh they share with their Monarch grandmother interestingly Prince William himself famously referred to Queen Elizabeth II as Gary during his childhood a Charming anecdote reported by The Daily Mail this playful nickname underscores the genuine warmth and familial closeness that coexist alongside the formalities and responsibilities of Royal life it demonstrates that beyond the public eye and ceremonial duties there are moments of intimacy and affection within the royal family these endearing nicknames not only humanize the royal family but also emphasize the bond of love and respect between Generations they serve as a reminder that while tradition and protocol are integral to their roles moments of familial connection and personal Rapport are cherished and nurtured within the house of Windsor thus the use of these special names reflects a deeper dimension of the Royal Family’s Dynamics where tradition and modernity harmoniously converge in their private interactions they must have a passport Royal babies unlike most infants are promptly equipped with passports soon after birth to accommodate their frequent international travel obligations from a tender age this essential document ensures that they can accompany their family on diplomatic visits State tours and other Global engagements without delay underscoring the Practical necessity of Readiness for travel right from the start of their lives they have to get a driver’s like license despite their elevated status all members of the royal family except the queen herself are required to adhere to National driving regulations this means that even Royal children such as Prince George and his siblings will eventually need to obtain a driver’s license by successfully passing the standard driving test when they reach the appropriate age this requirement reflects the monarchy’s commitment to upholding legal and societal Norms ensuring that Royal individuals like other citizens fulfill their responsibility ities and abide by the laws of the land they have to attend Royal engagements from the earliest stages of their upbringing Royal children are gradually immersed in public life through their attendance at a diverse array of Royal engagements while they are not yet considered full-time working members of the royal family these young princes and princesses actively participate in a spectrum of events throughout the year these engag ments Encompass both intimate family celebrations like christenings and weddings where their presence highlights familial unity and tradition as well as more prominent public occasions such as trooping the color trooping the color an iconic ceremony commemorating the Queen’s official birthday exemplifies one of the many public events where Royal children make notable appearances their participation in such ceremonies serves a dual purpose firstly it acquaints them with the formalities and protocols associated with representing the royal family in public and secondly it cultivates their understanding of their future roles and responsibilities within the monarchy they have to go through etiquette training etiquette training is an important part of growing up in the royal family according to Etiquette expert Micah Meer Royal children start learning proper manners and behavior as soon as they’re old enough to sit at a table they are taught how to handle formal meals attend events and practice everything from the correct voice levels to appropriate dress this training includes learning how to curtsy and bow ensuring they know how to act in various situations us my right hand open the door still facing into the room a little spin hand on the other side of the door and they have to join their parents on Royal tours there is no specific age requirement for Royal children to join their parents on Royal tours if their parents are traveling for Royal duties the children and accompany them for example Archie went on a tour of South Africa with his parents Prince Harry and Megan Markle when he was just 4 months old this allows the children to experience different cultures and represent the royal family from a very young age two heirs can’t travel together to protect the line of succession there is a rule that no two heirs to the throne can travel together by plane this means that Prince Charles and Prince William or Prince William and Prince George cannot be on the same flight unless the queen gives special permission this rule ensures that if there were to be an accident the Royal lineage would be preserved they greet the public with a royal wave the royal family has a distinctive way of greeting the public known as The Windsor wave Royal children learn this special wave at a very young age to use during public appearances princess Charlotte for instance has perfected her royal wave and uses it to greet the crowd from the Buckingham Palace balcony just like her [Applause] Elders they usually learn a second language learning a second language is common among Royal children many members of the royal family such as Queen Elizabeth Prince Charles and Prince William are fluent in French continuing this tradition The Duchess of Cambridge started teaching her children Spanish when Prince George was just 2 years old this helps the children become well-rounded and prepared for international engagements Premier Min thank you boys should wear shorts regarding fashion young Royal boys are expected to wear shorts in public this tradition stems from the belief that long pants are more appropriate for older boys and men while shorts are for young boys historically pants were seen as a sign of middle class status so Royal boys wearing shorts distinguish them as part of the aristocracy girls should wear dresses similarly young Royal girls are typically seen wearing dresses this tradition can be traced back to the Queen’s daughter Princess Anne Royal expert Marlene kig explains that little girls in the royal family tend tend to wear smocked dresses when they are out in public with their parents this preference for dresses maintains a traditional and Polished appearance for young Royal girls siblings tend to match in public it has been a long-standing tradition for Royal siblings to wear matching or complimentary outfits when they are out in public with their parents this practice helps present a coordinated and Polished Family Image while this might seem unique to the Royals it’s quite common for many families to dress their children in matching outfits for family photos or special occasions playing outside is encouraged The Duchess of Cambridge who is a strong advocate for the benefits of outdoor play encourages her children to spend time in nature she believes that playing outside helps children develop a connection with the environment and supports their physical and mental well-being this aligns with her broader supportive initiatives aimed at helping children appreciate the outdoors fun they don’t eat baby food Royal babies are not fed canned baby food instead they enjoy meals prepared by the Royal Family’s private chefs former Royal Chef Darren McGrady has shared that he used to prepare some of Prince William and Prince Harry’s first meals which included simple nutritious dishes like steamed apples and pears this ensures that Royal children receive fresh and healthy food from the start I’m Darren McGrady former Chef to the queen Princess Diana Prince William and Prince Harry and today I’m going to be making the roast chicken that I prepared for them at Kensington shellfish is off the table to minimize the risk of food poisoning the entire Royal Family avoids eating shellfish including the children shellfish is known to be one of the most common foods to cause foodborn illnesses given that many kids are not fond of seafood anyway this rule is likely not much of a burden for the royal children William and Harry loved this with corn with Shu corn but when Nanny was in the house M she always insisted the they have to attend school unlike earlier Generations who were educated by private tutors modern Royal children attend schools this practice began with Prince Charles and continues with the current generation for example princess Charlotte now attends Thomas’s battery the same school as her older brother Prince George this allowed Royal children to experience a more traditional education and interact with [Music] peers where they go to school isn’t set in stone the choice of school for Royal children is not predetermined Prince Charles broke tradition by sending his sons Prince William and Prince Harry to eat in college instead of his Alma moer Gordon stown this decision highlighted the flexibility in educ ational choices for Royal children Prince William and The Duchess of Cambridge are likely to continue this trend by choosing schools that best suit their children’s needs and circumstances this approach ensures that each child receives an education that aligns with their interests and strengths they must remain impartial Royal children like all members of the royal family are expected to remain impartial especially regarding politics and cultural affairs they are not allowed to vote or run for office maintaining the monarchy’s neutral stance this rule extends to seemingly innocuous actions as well for instance Prince George caused a stir in 2019 when he was photographed wearing an England lionist Jersey some critics felt this could be seen as showing support for one UK soccer team over another illustrating the importance of impartiality even in everyday activities they aren’t allowed to play Monopoly Royal children are traditionally dis discouraged from playing Monopoly because it can get quite competitive leading to Monopoly the popular board game is banned from the Royal household this unusual rule stems from the competitive nature of the game which reportedly caused tension and overly competitive Behavior within the family in the past as a result you won’t find Royal children like Prince George princess Charlotte or Prince Louie playing Monopoly during family game nights instead they likely enjoy other games and activities that promote Harmony and fun without the risk of causing disputes they have to serve in the bridal party at Royal weddings Royal children often have the honor of serving as page boys or flower girls at Royal weddings their participation adds a touch of innocence and charm to these Grand occasions recently Prince George and Princess Charlotte played significant roles in the weddings of Prince Harry and Megan Markle as well as Princess Jan and Jack Brooksbank their presence in the bridal party not only endear them to the public but also strengthens family bonds and introduces them to Royal duties from a young age they have to listen to their Nanny given the busy schedules of their parents Royal children are often cared for by nannies these caregivers play a crucial role in the upbringing of Royal children providing stability and support nannies like Maria baralo who trained at the prestigious Norland College are experts in child care and discipline despite the more Hands-On approach of modern Royal parents like Prince William and The Duchess of Cambridge the presence of a professional nanny ensures that the children are well looked after and adhere to the routines and rules set by their parents complete with bow tie felt hat and white gloves a look that’s barely been updated since the college’s conception in 189 they have to adhere to security measures ensuring the safety of the youngest members of the royal family is of utmost importance the palace implements stringent security measures to protect them from potential threats each Royal child has a dedicated security detail that includes bodyguards who accompany them at all times these bodyguards are highly trained professionals responsible for the children’s safety during public engagements family outings and even within the confines of Royal residences the security protocols extend beyond personal bodyguards the Royal residences such as Kensington Palace and Buckingham Palace are equipped with Advanced security systems including surveillance cameras secure perimeters and controlled access points these measures ensure that the Royal children are safe within their homes in addition to physical security there are measures to protect their privacy in 2015 the palace issued an unprecedented statement reprimanding the press for using deceitful tactics to capture unauthorized photos of the young Royals the statement highlighted incidents where photographers used long lenses and drones to intrude on private moments this action by the palace underscored their commitment to safeguarding the privacy and security of the royal children they can accept gifts Royal children like all members of the royal family must graciously accept gifts from wellwishers this practice is part of their upbringing teaching them the importance of showing appreciation and respect towards those who offer tokens of Goodwill when attending public engagements the children often receive various gifts ranging from flowers and handmade cards to toys and clothing the act of accepting gifts is not merely a formality but a way to connect with the public it demonstrates the Royal Family’s appreciation for the support and affection shown by their subjects accepting gifts also allows the children to engage with the public in a positive and personal manner fostering Goodwill and strengthening the bond between the royal family and the people to play with this is a big but they usually can’t keep the gifts while Royal children receive many gifts they typically don’t get to keep most of them according to Royal protocol the decision to keep a gift rests with the queen this protocol exists because accepting and keeping all gifts could lead to ethical and logistical issues the sheer volume of gifts received during public events would be impractical to store and manage the gifts that are not kept are often donated to Charities or given to hospitals ensuring they benefit others this practice reflects the Royal Family’s commitment to philanthropy and Community Support by redistributing gifts the royal family can bring joy to a broader audience particularly those in need the gifts that are kept are usually those with personal significance or those that can be integrated into the children’s daily lives yeah pop that in right I think you’re done will these bags are donations and then we have to then go and sort them and put them in posture is important proper posture and etiquette are critical components of the royal upbringing from a young age Royal children are taught the importance of maintaining a dignified and respectful appearance this training includes guidelines on how to sit stand and move gracefully for women in the royal family The Duchess slant is the preferred way to sit at formal events this involves sitting with knees and ankles together angled slightly to one side creating a modest and elegant posture this technique minimizes the risk of wardrobe malfunctions and ensures a polished appearance for men standing with hands in their pockets is considered poor etiquette this rule emphasizes the importance of presenting oneself with confidence and respect hands should be kept at the sides or held in front or behind the body particularly during formal [Music] events these posture guidelines are part of a broader etiquette education that Royal children receive covering everything from table manners to appropriate conversation topics despite these strict guidelines it’s understandable that young children might occasionally forget or struggle with them for instance there are instances where a Young Prince William or Prince George might have been seen with hands in Pockets or sitting casually however as they grow older they are gently reminded and encouraged to adhere to these standards ensuring they represent the royal family with dignity and Grace they can’t wear black to daytime events in the royal family black is a color traditionally reserved for morning this rule app applies to all members of the family including children wearing black to daytime events is generally avoided to maintain a clear distinction between somber occasions and regular public appearances this tradition ensures that the royal family presents a positive and uplifting image during their engagements by reserving black for mourning the family can convey respect and solemnity during times of loss while other colors are used to reflect the celebratory and formal nature of different events an exception to this rule was made for Prince George who wore a black military suit as a page boy at Prince Harry and Megan markle’s wedding this exception was allowed because the outfit was a special uniform and part of the ceremonial dress not a standard black attire worn during morning such exceptions highlight the flexibility within Royal protocols to accommodate specific occasions and roles by adhering to these wardrobe guidelines Royal children are taught the significance of tradition and respect for the family’s Customs they learn to dress appropriately for various occasions understanding the symbolic meaning behind different attire choices this education in wardrobe etiquette is part of their broader training in Royal duties and public appearances they must always have a black outfit on hand in preparation for unexpected events all members of the royal family are required to travel in a black outfit this rule ensures that they are prepared to observe morning protocols should a family member or close associate pass away while they are away from home Queen Elizabeth II instituted this protocol after a poignant incident when she was caught without a black dress during a trip to Africa when her father King George 6 unexpectedly died this experience underscored the importance of being ready to pay respects and uphold traditions of mour at any time and in any location they’re expected to serve in the military traditionally male members of the royal family are expected to serve in the British Armed Forces this commitment reflects their dedication to public service and their role as symbols of national unity and pride each member selects a branch of the military based on personal preference and family tradition for instance Prince Charles and his father Prince philli both served in the Royal Navy Prince William chose to serve in the Royal Air Force where he completed operational tours as a search and rescue pilot Prince Harry served in the British army undertaking two tours of Duty in Afghanistan these military experiences not only provide valuable training and Leadership opportunities but also demonstrate solidarity with Armed Forces personnel and Veterans they always have to attend trooping the color trooping the color is a prestigious annual event that celebrates the official birthday of the British sovereign it involves a colorful military parade and fly past on horse guard’s parade in London Royal children typically make their debut at trooping the color after their first birthday accompanied by their parents and other senior Royals this event not only not only marks an important tradition but also serves as a public introduction for the youngest members of the royal family to the British public and the world most recently Prince Louie joined his older siblings Prince George and Princess Charlotte at trooping the color delighting Spectators with their adorable presence of Wales felt about being here for them because it will mean a lot to them and the prince of Wales of course is riding as Colonel of the Welsh guards they must be older to attend the Christmas service while Royal children are born into the public Spotlight they gradually participate in more formal Royal Traditions as they grow older one such tradition is attending the Christmas Day church service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham despite being visible in public from infancy Royal children do not join the rest of the family for this service until they are a few years older for instance Prince George and Princess Charlotte attended their first Christmas service in 2019 accompanied by their parents Prince William and The Duchess of Cambridge this gradual integration into Royal Traditions ensures that the children are comfortable with ceremonial duties and public appearances as they [Music] mature they have their table at Christmas lunch Christmas at Sandringham estate is a cherished tradition for the royal family where they gather for Festive Celebrations during the Queen’s Christmas lunch which is attended by extended family members the junior Royals including the children have their own designated table in in a separate room this Arrangement allows the young Royals to enjoy the festive meal in a more relaxed setting while also fostering bonds with their cousins and relatives it is a time for the younger generation to engage in festive activities and create lasting memories within the Royal Family Circle they can’t open any presents on Christmas day in a departure from common Traditions the royal family follows a German custom for Christmas celebrations instead of opening presents on Christmas day which is the norm for many families around the world they open their gifts on Christmas Eve this tradition rooted in Queen Victoria’s Heritage involves a festive gathering on the evening of December 24th where the family exchanges gifts the next day Christmas Day is marked by attending the Christmas morning service at St Mary Magdalene Chapel in Sandringham followed by a traditional Christmas lunch with the extended royal family this unique approach allows the royal family to honor both German customs and British Traditions during the holiday season unmarried women can’t wear Tiaras Tiaras are often synonymous with royalty and are typically worn by married Royal women during formal occasions and state events according to Royal protocol unmarried women including Royal princesses like princess Charlotte are not permitted to wear Tiaras this tradition reflects the formal etiquette and hierarchical structure within the royal family where Tiaras symbolize marital status and Royal rank despite not being able to wear Tiaras publicly until marriage Royal princesses still participate in various ceremonial events where they showcase other forms of Royal attire and protocol they can’t go by nicknames publicly while Royals often have endearing nicknames within their family circles such as Prince philli affectionately calling Queen Elizabeth II cabbage using nicknames in public is considered improper formally members of the royal family are addressed by their full names or official titles for instance Cather Middleton upon becoming a member of the royal family now prefers to be addressed as Catherine rather than Kate in formal settings this adherence to formality and tradition helps maintain the dignity and respect associated with the Royal household in public appearances and official engagements Mommy I have a feeling that they are given different last names unlike most families who share a common C name Royals traditionally do not use a last name instead they are recognized by their titles and styles however in Practical situations such as schooling or military service Royal children may adopt specific surnames for example Prince William and Prince Harry used the surname Wales during their school years derived from their father’s title as Prince of Wales similarly Prince George and Princess Charlotte used the surname Cambridge at school reflecting their parents’ titles as Duke and Duchess of Cambridge the Duke and Duchess of Sussex upon stepping back from their roles as senior Royals chose to use the surname Mount baton Windsor for their son Archie combining elements from both the Queen’s and Prince Philip’s family names the bottom line they have to behave in public despite their Royal status and future roles Royal children are still children who experience emotions and occasional meltdowns however they are expected to maintain a high higher standard of behavior and manners in public compared to their peers this expectation reflects their position as representatives of the monarchy and role models to the public while Tantrums or outbursts may occur efforts are made to gently guide and educate them on appropriate conduct ensuring they embody the values and responsibilities associated with their Royal upbringing these rules and traditions illustrate the unique upbringing and responsibilities of Royal children within the British Monarchy from adhering to formal protocols regarding attire and behavior to participating in significant family traditions they are prepared from a young age to fulfill their future roles as members of the Royal Family [Applause]


    1. สวัสดีคะดิฉันยังไม่ได้บอกว่าไม่ไห้คุณโจแอนใบอั้นไม่ไห้เป็นธาณาอธิปัตดีนะคะฟีดท่าเพื่อท่านลาออกนะคะคุณโจแอนใบอั้นหนูเคารพท่านมากมากนะคะฟีด

    2. Let me first say, anything royal family is so intriguing to me. Seco day, I hate the fact that they have children just to produce an heir. I understand most men and women want to ha e children, but not with the pressure of making a baby bcs they have to. These children have no idea when they are born what is expected of them. I'm not jumping on the Harry train, but I can see why he would bounce out. Who wants all that pressure on their shoulders to rule a bunch of different countries?

    3. I would not praise the royal security service. The Queen woke up to a stranger in her bedroom in Buckingham Palace; a man shot a gun with blanks at her atone Trooping the Color parade; Princess Anne was almost kidnapped from her car, etc. Makes Prince Harry’s security concerns for his children seem reasonable.

    4. Why did you show an Anglican Christening immediately followed by an Orthodox Christening in the clips? Have any Royal Children been Christened in the Orthodox manner?

    5. The word ",cabbage" the announcer mentions, is actually from the French endearment, "Mon petit chou", my little cabbage. As it is a pet name I hardly think he bluntly calls her Cabbage. More likely my dear cabbage, or something with a bit of heart in it!

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