In this video join us as we leave Switzerland and drive two hours north into France so I revisit the brand new Ducati Mulhouse dealership and visit some friends that have been in the Ducati industry just as long as I have 

    eating and now we’re going to hop on the freeway and go to another Ducati dealership in France so right now we’re going to cross through Switzerland and um and yeah got Michael on the street fighter looking and feeling comfortable either way a bunch of Swiss traffic stuff I’m going to tune back in in a second get through all this [Music] traffic and yeah oh these people here know how to use roundabouts the next to lose from my understanding is ducti look at the new building ducatti muru brand spanking new brand spanking new dang dang we got homeboy h hyper looking sick holy smokes look at this place all this is completely brand new oh it’s really pretty d m own all right guys I’m going to switch back to the camera mode we made it what’s up everyone we just arrived in France I was normally supposed to film going through the Border but I just like to stay focused but guess where we are we’re at the new Ducar m I’ve been waiting to see this whole new store for like years ever since I’ve known James who’s at Harley Davis right now we’re going about to meet him he’s been telling me about how he was going to do the whole entire dealership we’re here we’re in Switzerland now we’re in France let’s go check out this dealership and I also might talk French cuz everyone here is in French and I’m French so just learn how to speak French M LC who sweet wa Street Fighter yet and I really like it I like I like it how they did the mat the mat and the gray stuff like this and now this is the exhaust I want to get on my bike right here yeah it’s super cool there’s my boy James we’re going to let him chat for a second but wow this dealership used to be way way smaller oh my god look they got the Des [Music] sadici oh my God this bike is so beautiful I always love to see when they have this in the do just like that just it means a lot it’s very very cool then we got our Dias as usual either way I just like to come here and say hi to everyone because I can French but let’s go check it upstairs so that’s the ducatti mulu dealership just left Ducar M had a nice talk with my boy James my boy James is in the guy with the white shirt right there so we’re going to go riding with him he’s like been one of the most loyal people I’ve know to Ducati France working in their dealerships and stuff like that but we got 50 more minutes minutes of straightway before we get to our home and bar s on all right and we’re off wait hold on I got to put my phone in all right and we’re off later guys this is the whole big new side of the building chatti M okay this might be the end of a moto Vlog so there you go hope you guys enjoyed we’re in France we might get a little bit of rain but we’re going to head on as fast as we can and get to the house and we’ll tun back in I’ll turn on the camera when we get back to the house I guess just show you guys that we made it all right rain suits because a be airpod’s on the ground no wonder they make so much money out these things they’re so easy to fall and break silly I’m trying to get my wet suit on need help yeah well this is stuck in there there you go you good I’m good yeah I don’t think it sticks like how yours does yeah I know we could go right through it or the it might be raining when we get there so no we’re going to beain huh we’re going to get hit by the rain yeah we’ll get hit but it’s just like can we ride through it and be dry or are we going to ride through and get soaked not anymore not anymore now now we’re good thanks again to held for getting us these suits now we’re all suited voila opla all right we’re suited let’s go Lotus Type R and he doesn’t have his hood on he doesn’t have his roof on this Lotus this greed lotus in front of me I want to see if I can get a better view this gu is going to go through a rainstorm without yeah that’s awesome dude look at him he’s like yeah dude that’s so cool I know dude it’s fcking awesome that’s so cool home booy got no roof and we’re about to ride into that storm let’s go if it really starts pouring and he’s still driving I I think I think he’s going to pull off he has to pull off but yeah we’ll see that guy’s going to hop off all cramp and immediately slam that cover on or he has no cover and he’s just running away from the ring and he’s going to take a right and dive right and really and everything all right I’m getting so because look at that thing I’ve never seen a p like that dude that’s so funny oh my god oh that’s funny sorry I just wanted not a li so uh it’s recording so we’re driving through the rain and I was just trying to get a shot of Michael he’s so St he’s so so that’s what it looks like right there boys boys and girls getting soak and wet I think Michael has his laptop in the back which he probably should have uh put a trash bag over his backpack or something but this is what it looks like when you’re Runing in the soak in wet fromis or in the rain suits with the clear skies or less rain is up ahead but okay I just want to get that little video all right we made it we did it made it from B to Germany and all that stuff and back yay me you we’re here with the babies and the bikes who has the keys to the house you you better have the keys to the house oh God all right well that ends the Moto Vlog guys more to come but that’s like that’s going to be like a 5 six part Moto Vlog this is the last bit you’ve already seen the rest all right

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