Abuse and violence against shop workers has risen by 50 percent to a staggering 1,300 incidents a day – according to a survey by the British Retail Consortium.

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    These range from racial abuse and sexual harassment to physical assault and threats with weapons. Shoplifting has also shot up to its highest on record. Retailers say the government’s response has been “woefully inadequate”.
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    shops are under siege from big chains like the co-op to small stores like this one in Kent look at the way she’s Bing the no shame for shopkeepers seil Su the rent is rising the cost of electric is up and this Valentine’s Day the Heartbreak is being caused by persistent shoplifters emotionally it hurts me a lot because every piece of merchandise we lose to shoplifters there’s a loss to the business have any of your staff being attacked yes multi times you know they punch the staff and still take the basket away and do you have faith in the police yes I do have trust in them but not in terms of taking action against the shoplifters and that’s why shoplifters are becoming more courageous here things have gotten so bad the store has erected this Wall of Shame outside so on this aisle alone there is a camera just behind me and another in front of me in the entire store there’s about 20 surveillance cameras and on the door is a sign that says that thieves will be prosecuted the problem is they know that they won’t be and this comes at huge cost research by the British retail Consortium found record levels of crime in shops shoplifting doubled in 2023 to more than 16 million in incidents a year the BRC estimates that this has cost retailers more than1 billion and its staff who pay the price with more than 1,000 violent or abusive incidents against shop workers a day what we’re seeing is a real epidemic of of issues being caused by the fact that there just isn’t the response that is needed from the police the followup and there is really um no deterrent cameras are becoming more shop decoration than deterrent and the problem is that even when the police forces arrive very little follows why are you failing to tackle shoplifting I think the police have a lot of demand and on their time undoubtedly you know most criminals will hone their skills by stealing in the first instance uh and they will then move on to other types of crime and we’re seeing it now with the organized gangs who are highly organized know this is happening on an industrial scale so it is time now for policing to really understands the threat the risk that this poses and the impact Brands like boots have now spent heavily on Tech any evidence of theft will be given to police last year the number of prosecutions increased but 93% of reported offenses were not prosecuted now police have a new action plan the home office say there will be more patrols especially where violence has occurred and a greater use of fatal recognition software but due to the large numbers of offenses and the Court’s backlog just how possible is justice


    1. A Lot of shoplifting is due to drug addiction steal whatever to fund
      there habit This Government are
      Powerless to stop it If caught they
      Get a slap on the wrist & told to put
      the stuff back No deterent whats so
      Ever just the sofly sofly aproach
      Doesnt help these stores what Loose millions of pounds does it

    2. Though maybe it’s not always the poor who are shoplifting it may be them buying some of the stolen goods. Can’t entirely be blamed when you look at the state of the economy and the rich/poor divide..basics are expensive so a stolen treat will probably look very attractive…

    3. If the goverment can steal millions and millions of taxpayers money and get away over and over again, i can steal a bit of food at my weekly shop. Stealing is acceptable bit not from youe local offie, from asda, tesco and the big companies who are making more wnd more profit every year from the regular working peoples suffering.

    4. Just bought myself a copy of 'The Asylum Seeker's Cookbook'= recipe number one= HOW TO BOIL AN EGG=
      First, steal an egg, a saucepan, a bottle of water, and a box of matches, or, even a lighter will do at a pinch!👍

    5. Police not gonna do anything because you all animals for each other god knows everything and these times is not god times is antichrist times be very grateful that this country is not same like Ukraine country…
      if ppl get help enough not only from government but by other ppl life around will be more beautiful now job center sanction everyone even the ones who just come out of street thats exactly what happen when human have no job and taken his last poor money what government provides job center corrupted a lot normal person without drug problem no help from job center cracked going on streets and selling brand new phones from job center 😂

    6. It is the plan. Allowed in order to close down shops. Then everyone has to order online. Digital currency. Then social credits and spying on who spends how much on what. Then restricting income and dictating what people can buy depending on compliance with taking untested witches brews, eating bugs, giving children up to the state to be raised apart from parents, and complying with what they are told to think, say and do.
      The thieving idiots are inadvertently aiding and abeting the banksters plan to the downfall of all of us.

    7. LOL this is all political, what persuasion would let special little people loot shops without what seems to be very little to no intervention. Who is that desperate for votes, wouldn't begin with con and end in tive by any chance would it. make them feel special.

    8. As someone who works in food retail in the uk and am from a poor background these thieves don’t realise that their only hurting the staff enough stuff gets stolen the store closes and people lose there jobs, and the fact I get threatened on a near daily basis now for doing my fucking job is a joke sentencing needs to be harsher for repeat offenders and new policies to protect the staff we’re all struggling the same but people think it’s a victimless crime

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