A Quick look at the next bikes that i will be working on.

    A Sunbeam and a New Henley, both from the 1930s and both wanting new exhaust system making, to replace the ones already fitted to the bikes. which when looking at original photos, are clearly the wrong pipes and silencers for that model of bike.

    I will probably link these two jobs together as they are very similar. and i can sand bend the two different pipes at the same time.

    Thanks for calling in, to the Raysons Workshop.
    I hope you can come by again, some time soon.

    If you time it right, you may catch me bending the pipes, but if not, there is always something interesting going on inside the workshop.

    Thanks Ben Hardman
    Rochdale England

    right guys update update update as you can see sunbeams back out not done much today you probably come in you comeing through the door you saying what’s new Ben what’s new there’s not much new going on sunbeams in there’s another bike over there that I’m going to show you in a minute uh for most of today though I’ve just been picking up parts putting everything back away from me messy messy messy messy messy Workshop uh good news is though I’m starting to get used to all this it’s all me draws being on that side I’m down on floor I’ll get up uh yeah it’s looking a lot cleaner and it started sink in when I first did it you just like oh everything’s all over at sure you don’t know where anything is weld is in wrong just everything’s in wrong place not right used to it yet but I’m getting there I might do a little reel after you might have seen this before I’ve actually done it but I’m I want to do it you probably all want to do it let’s do it you reminds me of I think that’s what he didn’t he reminds me of Fred dner when he used to knock down chimneys you ever seen that he goes he runs away when when chimney’s ready to go runs away just to move everyone out the way he just knows that that chimney is coming down uh so yeah what is new bench is new still still looking for a Blackboard it’s a bummer that me uh that me Van’s broke but Van’s broke van if Manan weren’t broke I’d just go down to Woodyard pick up a a 2V1 I think I need a 2V1 MDF stick it on there Blackboard paint have exactly same as what’s going on over here over there uh that’s new biking frame yeah I wanted to I thought about it I thought about just taking that black board off there moving it over there but then I’m just going to end up with same empty white space over there and it’ll annoy me so that one’s going to stay I’m just going to have that as like a a secondary board I don’t know I think this one over here might be more for so it’s in that big white space it’ll be all right for doing bits of drawings cuz we tend to do the drawings on this bench and then I’ll I’ll mess it all up move our stuff around and it just knocks all we do it with chalks we got lad of uh French chart got it everywhere box full of French chart so we’ve been doing drawings on that there’s like an old airf frame drawing here which is me sealing up above that I think and then that’s a subframe drawing I think for the Pilla the little it needs a bottom rail putting on that so that was just an idea that we’ve got at the moment but by the time customer comes back that that won’t be there I don’t think or it’ll look like that it just be remnant of so yeah it’d be good if we could possibly do that on that board and put jobs that I’m current jobs information phone numbers emails all that kind of stuff on that board maybe some dates things that more important than that board which might just still be a list of names people that might come in the future so like I’ve got on the bottom there over that site Alan FBS at the bottom I about coming in September October November with that bik so it’s it’s miles away but he’s like put put me name down put me name down so his name’s down but I don’t have to worry about that at the moment it’s in the brain out the brain gone so let’s look at this new bik cuz I’ve not got much to film today I’m going to do some Hydra forming or I’m going to start doing some Hydra forming so for next week I don’t know what I’m going to film uh this has coming it’s a local bike this one it’s only come from like 15 minutes down Road he said he’s had it on bamb R he said I’ll bring it after I’ve been up b r which were a couple of weeks ago uh basically that pipe is all wrong it should go out down the front of that timing case then under so that should be really square and then it wants a get to about the foot Peg or waggle up to there little s Bend and then it should follow that rear triangle bit there and the silencer is totally different so we’ve got a bit of literature for it I think he said what 350 this again a 350 it’s called the oh it’s a thought it said the Henley but it’s a new Henley it’s a new Henley 350 nice nice little bike it looks a bit like an AGS he’s give me this just always stash them end up pipe so we can find them uh normally put people’s names in there which is what I say about the board people drop the bikes off and then I forget whose bikes they all are so as you can see from that if I focused in a little bit let’s give it some Focus there we go I say dead Square in it out of there 90 probably it seems rad top and bottom that one at bottom looks a bit tighter than the one on the top but yeah Square 909090 little waggle from the foot Peg up to the gearbox and then that silencer I’ve got a James I’ve got a a silencer up there labeled up as a James but it looks very similar to an AGS silencer that looks very similar to an AGS silencer so we’re going to take the dimensions off the one I’ve got and then just offer it up to buy try trying and get the proportions right so the one end wants to be there in middle of wheel other end wants to be at that end of the rear triangle so it’s roughly about as long as the rear triangle is and we can sus out the proportion of that tail pipe as well so that’s going to be a week or two away yet told in two weeks it should be ready so yeah already I’ve got this Jam silencer we’re going to take the dimensions off that and make a new one for it the customer brought this one but this one’s got a rounded end on it really sharp round and I’m drawing on there don’t know if you’ll be able to see it but yeah it’s got It’s got a taper on the end so that’s a corn on the end of there and a corn on the end of there this one has that one’s got the same so it’s got a corn going in and then a corn coming out not a rounded one that he said use that and I said I don’t know it’s not right that one I think I’ve got the right one upstairs them two are the same diameter so this one’s a lot more like that photograph oh that’s sketch I think it’s a photograph what we’re talking what we’re talking there 1930s don’t really say what date it is but yeah it’s a 1930s B that uh we’ve got that one to do this bit here is the literature for the sunbean I could actually do with somewhere stor in the literature cuz that’s the Parilla that’s my notes for the Pilla this is my notes for the Sunbeam and this is what the bench ends up looking like so got pilla pilla that’s the new endly stuff that’s that’s a Sunbeam pipe that I need to make for the Sunbeam guy that’s Pilla Sunbeam pilla pilla pilla pilla pilla I think uh one of my dad’s mates M guards they’re for the Pilla that’s a Speedway thing that’s proper mangled on the end some guys tried fixing it mangled it more I tried fixing it mangled it even more so no go that want a scrapper I a scrapper I’ll proper Pull It in P bits and remake it so let’s let’s get this let’s get the Sunbeam look let’s have a quick look at this before I just turn camera off cuz you’re 7 Minutes in now 8 minutes in so that’s the Sunbeam like I said in that last video he thinks this is an xtt racer that’s been converted to Road trim the big Brooklyn’s can horrible looks like an a that pipe wrong shouldn’t have that big gap there just all it’s all wrong that pipe all wrong uh basic we’re going to run it straight through and on the pictures you’ll see tips on the ends like this I think that could be a Sunbeam end but we’re going to try copy it make it fit the pipe diameter cuz I think it won’t be right B and then the OES are slightly different on on one of these photographs uh but it’s give me enough photographs interesting thing about that bike is they come as a they come as a twin Port these it’s the guy said it’s there should be twin ports and then the racers used to set the twin Port heads off and put single port heads off which me give them more power apparently uh normally you put twin twin ports on are more powerful than a single port I think uh but yeah that’s what it should look like so that is a twin Port you see the pipes on the opposite side of bike so it’ll have another pipe on other side which you could probably see if I study the photograph more but not off that one you can’t see but that’s that’s a good example so you’ve got that one that side and then you got that side that’s a twin Porter again you can just see the pipe coming down the back there little shine line that’s the opposite pipe on it but that’s the kind of run we’re going to get with it that’s the see no Gap there between chain case nice and tight underneath the chain case little flick on the end nothing like that too much Gap just gaps everywhere that’s not a race pipe never SE being a race pipe another twin Port there so you see piping background pipe on front the pipes are similar but they’re not the same I’ve had an email off a proper Sunbeam collector uh and he says yeah I’ve seen loads of them and the race pipes are definitely different than the standard pipes so that’s similar again nice and tight in on the casings Fair straight run on it I think that’s what we’re going to aim for but not a slash cut uh shouldn’t have a slash cut on it you you start studying a lot of these photographs and you know what’s start suting at what’s right and what’s wrong having a look at the bite that’s what tips it should have on you know what they’re very similar to that tip I’ve just had out with them multi holes in it fact it could bit same thing you got all them moles in that one all them Mes in that one I think that’s the same tip but it’s that’s definitely running on skinnier pipes these tips should fit inside the end so on each each one of these drawings each one of these pictures they’ve all got this little all in the end of the pipe there and on the end of my sample that I found upstairs one of grandads look it’s got this little dent in it there so the pipes come into there where there’s a rough fly on it and then that’s where it’s been grub screwed in same on this end here that’s got another two there where it’s been dented up with a grub screw so that’s what that is so we’re going to copy that to to make the original ones and then yeah just rings and rs and rings of paper I’ve got a battery flashing at the moment so we’re going to leave you at 10 minutes and I’m going to start doing some Hydra forming but yeah be doing that one at the same time nice number 22 that’s that’s a it’s just a meaningful number to us cuz that’s what dad’s last race number when he died number 22 ever see that lovely number absolutely lovely number so yeah so that’s that bite nice golden blackens I like the golden blackens this one golden blacken that’s what we’re doing in about two weeks time I’m going to get someone patterns out now we’re going to knock up some megaphones for the Honda Tron n thing uh and then by end of week hopefully I’ll just have to try and think of some random things to make I’m going to make some PE clumps actually now got some PE clumps to make for eBay then we’re going to crack on with some making some hydrofor bits that’ll take me most a week to do I’ve got some other errands to do in car uh by end of week we’ll have a look at that we’ll get them fitted on there but in between I’ll just run you through some bits of B we’ll do a little bit I might show you making these PE clamps but for now we’ll get that battery on charge it’s another day done uh I’ll see you all tomorrow in a bit

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