Hey hello lovely human being! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Welcome and thank you for stopping by. My name is Phylicia Joy Kloes, and in this video I share my four day trip to the French champagne region. My two girlfriends and I explored different houses, ate delicious foods, and went sightseeing.
    (04/05/2024 – 07/05/2024)

    Phylicia Joy Kloes

    🎡 Music 🎡
    This video consisted of the following (copyrighted) music:
    * Headlands – National Sweetheart
    * Espeluznante – Luna Cantina
    * Trabaja Duro Juega Duro – Luna Cantina
    * Some College – National Sweetheart
    * Serenity – Lish Grooves
    * 368 – Dyalla
    * The Urban Groove – Hanu Dixit
    * Cosmic Love
    * Tasty Waves – National Sweetheart
    * It’s Almost Over – SefChol
    * On The Rocks – TrackTribe
    * A Huevo – Luna Cantina
    * Fin de la Noche – Luna Cantina

    πŸ“š Chapters πŸ“š
    0:00 Intro
    0:32 The Vegan Bakery, Zaandijk
    1:06 The Belgian Border
    1:29 The French Border
    1:49 A Home Tour
    2:33 Strolling Reims
    3:17 The Cathedral
    4:00 Le Parvis, Reims
    4:03 The Garden
    5:06 Le Clos, Reims
    5:31 SaΓ―gon CΓ  phΓͺ
    5:38 Good Night
    5:41 Good Morning
    5:56 Going for a Run
    8:41 Reflect and Relax
    9:54 Vegan Breakfast
    10:00 On the Go
    10:23 Pressoria, AΓΏ-Champagne
    14:02 Outside
    14:56 Hautvillers
    15:26 Champagne G. Tribaut
    16:08 CafΓ© d’Hautvillers
    16:22 Exploring
    17:08 Champagne Dominique Bliard Labeste
    17:18 Champagne Marion Bosser
    18:49 Italian Trattoria
    18:55 L’apostrophe
    19:06 Playful
    19:43 Breakfast from the Bakery
    20:43 Domain Vranken-Pommery
    22:19 Tasting (NL)
    22:53 Epernay
    23:00 Kitsch Cafe, Γ‰pernay
    23:08 Matin Gourmand, Γ‰pernay
    23:16 On the Road
    23:29 Champagne Veuve J. Lanaud
    24:16 Champagne Franck Bonville
    25:47 Driving with a View
    26:02 Bike Tour Champagne Michel Tixier
    28:01 Tasting the Champagne
    29:17 Au Petit Comptoir, Reims
    29:34 Grocery Store
    29:57 Morning Walk to la Boulangerie
    30:44 Last Stroll in Reims
    31:46 Au Bureau
    32:25 Lunch Time
    32:59 Going Home
    33:22 Shop Log
    33:34 Outro

    πŸ“Έ Beyond YouTube πŸ“Έ
    In case you’re interested in what I do on other social media platforms, you can find me on Instagram: @PhyliciaJoyKloes πŸ“·

    πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ About Me πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ
    My name is Phylicia Joy Kloes. I’m a 90’s woman who was born in the Netherlands. After graduating high school in 2011, I lived in Florida where I learned that borders are men made and grew my understanding of what β€œhome” meant to me. In 2013, I started to share my journey online as I decided to go to college in the United States.

    A couple years later, my English improved, a teaching job was realized, and I kept capturing life as this vlogging hobby grew my interests. Currently, this channel is used to post weekly bits and pieces of my life which I’ve categorized the following: vlogs, creations, explorations and growth. πŸ“½

    good day how are you being feeling at this moment my name is pcia and in today’s video I’m going to take you along a trip to the H in France we are currently in the train with all luggage and in morning I’ll meet up my friends and then we’ll take a car to continue our journey to France it’s about a 5 to 6 hour drive um so it’s going to take us a but first step [Music] here we have a quick little stop at the vegan bakery because of course we went a delicious lunch and these are all vegan I’m so excited I have three Savory things one sweet thing but I’ll show you once we get around to eat them so good though we have a stress to choose it’s time for a little break we just went inside and it’s time for lunch slash snack this is a pesto cheese roll and below is just a cheese roll [Music] [Applause] we have arrived at a at our apartment we just have to get the keys and then get in and we’re next to a liy house that’s so cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] I did an outfit change a makeup activity cuz I feel like doing that and we’re going to head into the City wo see you there in a couple of seconds we’re [Music] here that Boutique was very cute a lot of cute things however price a little more than I want but we found another light [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these streets are really lovely to [Music] [Applause] [Music] stroll so we’re just checking out this Cathedral and all of a sudden we real realize one of these statues is kind of funny um why why is he holding a so head wow so much detail [Music] [Applause] [Music] you call me the in there [Music] so we were walking to La Claus or CL I’m not sure how to pronounce it properly um however we found this Garden that we’re exploring now so cool [Applause] [Music] Che [Music] [Music] hello there I am leaving the h H tell behind me as I am going for a run in 4 days my 10K starts so therefore I want some practice in in um left HS so I’m going to check out this park first and see how much I’m going to do I hope five let’s see if that’s going to work wow that’s so cool the fun thing about this is that I’m exploring them no clue where I’m going really but this is fun this is so pretty Garden wow this is so cool what oh my goodness okay this is fun such a pretty Garden little Bridge the branches are hanging about duck I found some water I don’t think I need to go there though but that’s cool this playground is cool things I don’t know if you can see them but these caterpillars are hanging on threads there’s a bunch of them Wow Let’s see one two three you can’t see of course four five wow that’s cool okay I’m going another way then I don’t want to bother them pretty that’s cool cool cool it’s a Pity that that’s empty but well oh this is cool too I feel like everything I think is [Music] cool oh man I didn’t expect it to be so hot I’m sweating a bunch I didn’t want to wash my hair but oh well I did some stretches and I really know I want to go back here there’s a swing up there there is some workout tool behind me there or now next to me there’s hammocks I want to lay one and then I’ll head home it’s really close by I just have to go towards the uh sign and cross and that’s it I’m back home and I can drink my water 6K it’s not bad I aimed for five I did six feeling pretty good energy is good tast is good so pretty happy about that let’s find these hammocks it looks comier than it is the NOS kind of hurt but it’s cool [Music] though breakfast is served second coffee guac bread we have freshened up and it’s time to go to our first tour a audio visual tour um we have to go there by car though it’s about a 30 minute drive we have arrived [Music] we’re Underground [Music] Earth there’s an earthworm uh leave [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hi hello and this is the winery behind me the wine Fields or the grape Fields I should say and a cat leave a push we just took a picture right there but as I’m sitting there running from the camera as it counts down to take the picture I just realized that I dreamed this before that’s so funny really big Deja Vu moment of course already at the car [Music] we’re currently in the village of hota or really Dutch house fillers and unfortunately lunch is not available right now so we made a reservation but thankfully there’s another champagne spot that we’re going to try out here we go [Music] [Music] lunch was a success in this restaurant behind us and it’s time to stroll and explore [Music] Qui we are currently this this is cute wait hold on oh this is cute too oo okay wow so cool oh it feels kind of cold when I’m mirr this okay now let’s check out the statue [Music] [Music] soaking in the views okay I’m ready now [Music] we chilled at our apartment SL hotel for these couple of days and now we’re walking to a restaurant because it’s time for dinner [Music] are you ready to see something fun look at this look at that it’s trampoline I’m going to try out this one up here Tor good morning it’s the next day and Jay and I are on our way to the bakery laer [Music] [Music] so I wish you could smell the sense that this Bakery has given the street because it smells amazing not a lot of vegan options however ever just as simple AET it’s awesome yeah pretty day oh yeah smells amazing but we got our breakfast our baguette our fresh baguette and at home I have a guacamole dip we are currently at p and we’re going to do a tour so let’s go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] walking STS is so cool so cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] CH we’re currently in the city center of eper and we’re going to find a lunch spot yay so I thought they had lunch as well but it’s more like snacks it looks good though [Music] this Village of we have visited one house and now we’re on to the next beautiful um oh we’re right here I think or no maybe not is this it oh wow but it’s pretty though [Music] this so cool so cool [Music] so unfortunately we didn’t end up joining The Taste participation group however we’re so lucky that we were able to do this because those two people that we were with they actually hosted this whole setup and they were so kind to let us join them through the questionnaire and um what’s it called uh walk through the whole building and company that was so cool Pur purchased some wine and now we’re heading to our next tour which is going to be on bike [Music] we have arrived at the biking tour I am wearing my extra sweater that I was wearing for my run the other day rather than my jacket because the sun is [Music] shining because it’s going P one line and Char it’s three but we can see before the flower oh yeah oh normally we are for the Cherry for the raspberry we have the flour and the flower give the fruits but for the grapes no okay no we will have the flower in in on the grapes and if we have a good flowering but we will have a good grapes a beautiful grapes big grapes and uh if we have a good bad condition of weiv We Will We Will lose a part of the GRS M during the flowering and when does it flower June and Mon it’s waer easy to recognize when we we can see the difference [Music] cycling this is so fun we’re learning a lot [Music] too had a big big property and in the village in the top she had [Music] of 20% Shard 20% P we blend the N villages we blend 50% of the AR 2021 and 50% of the [Music] Reser mon we have some PL in ch and some in we have some and the is we have region of Val in the first then the n and in the second CH we taste the Harvest 2020 and 20 % of the Reser wi% of the CH Ros are Blended wow really and this is a bleeding method what grapes are us for this 100% we produce two different it [Music] we’ve had a lovely meal the main chorus plus um uh apparati or starter was not vegan was vegetarian but it was delicious we’re full we’re currently in the grocery store getting some water and just looking around how cool is this machine h it’s the next day it’s a sunny next day and we’re currently on our way to La again to the bakery to get some bread it’s our last day today so we don’t have a lot of time but it’s still going to be a good day [Music] [Music] um uh cookie pepy [Music] we just got a coffee to go because we need some more energy and it’s nice just stroll around in the city of um like a little cup of coffee [Music] there are lots of options for a tashaka or to sit in the Sun and have a drink however we can’t make up our mind so we choose nothing we’ve checked out four different spots I feel like already it’s like I don’t know we don’t know [Music] yeah hey girl [Music] before we go we first had to get some bread I had another baguette so we got another baguette because of course you have to when you’re in France but look at this [Music] a it’s time for a break we’re at barlos and it’s time for a bathroom break as well as a lunch break let’s do this time for snacks [Music] ch [Music]


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