How Wout Van Aert just missed victory in Tour de France 2024 Stage 1 in Rimini due to the dynamic duo of Frank Van Den Broek and DSM teammate, and eventual winner, Romain Bardet. #TDF

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    2024 tur of France stage one the Breakaway made it a Roman b day Blockbuster here on the Italian Coast in reminy starting from Florence the Cradle of the Renaissance to finish here after over 200 kilomet and yeah the Breakaway made it and the Breakaway Rider I’m talking about is Frank vanderbrook who finished second team DSM Rider who helped his teammate Roman B in his last tour to France secure the stage Victory after the Frenchmen attacked up to join the Dutchmen and along with Stage victory of course you know in stage one comes the famous Mayo Jean which will mean so much for b day four stage win in the turn of France but to put on the Mayo Jan it means a heck of a lot I want to talk about those Riders I want to talk about who finished third on the stage and what happened behind first let’s talk about how it all unraveled we had a breakaway in that escape was mat morit strong Breakaway Rider the South African Ryan Gibbons also in there Valentine madis from team groupama fdj because that team was having a hard day out so he played an important role early on in the day we saw those images of Mark Cavendish who was here to try to win win number 35 and break the alltime tur of France stage win record he’s now tied with the great Eddie MKS well frankly coming into this race uh we’ve seen him not climbing well in previous races in the tour of Hungary in other races the tour of turkey that he’s done so it was no surprise he wasn’t climbing well right away on the first climb in stage one of the 2024 tur France all the estana teammates Dro back with him all but one they kept one Rider up front hoping that Mark kavenish could at least survive the day and race on to another day and perhaps a chance to win a stage but with so many top sprinters here it’s a tough task for the Isle of Man Rider they saved his day he was second last on the day I’ll already break the news for you the last Rider on the day was Fabio Jacobson who’s also from Team DSM now up front Frank vanderbrook was part of that move you would have heard his name earlier this year in the turve turkey he was going so well there picked up a stage when 23 years old then he got the call over the radio hey Roman B is attacked it was about two climbs out I think or and he attacked joined up Frank vanderbur dropped back a little bit at that point he had a couple Riders still up the road including Jonas abrahamson from uh the team Uno X the Norwegian at the end of the day thanks to all of his work over the climbs he would get the polka dot Jersey the mayoa that was a big move out for the Norwegian riding for the Norwegian team uh because never has a Norwegian won the polka dot Jersey worn the polka dot Jersey as to saying and he took it at the end of the day today and what a hard day of racing folks 4,000 M of climbing seven climbs on the day from Florence over the appan to arrive here on the coast in the region of Amilia Romana leaving Tuscany behind today in our 3-day Odyssey here in Italy before we cross over the Alps a tough day out of racing and we thought the GC teams particularly Tedy pachar would light things up behind today UAE well they were at the front on some of the climbs it was EF education really working hard all day to try to set things up for a Berto betal he didn’t seem to have the legs we saw Sprinter after Sprinter getting dropped today it was first Mark Cavendish Fabio Jacobson had a worse day in the end they saved it for Mark Cavendish but we saw some of the other sprinters being dropped as well Arnold dele he was riding well in the Belgian national championship Jersey it wasn’t to be for the GC Riders uh it wasn’t to be for yonas fingo who was feeling good in his first race back since April 4th also feeling good and we saw him here we go third on the stage Walt van art and they were closing down we saw EF education also working as well closing down on the two Riders only left up front and there are two DSM Riders and they weren’t playing about because both of them were committed to the cause 23-year-old vanderbrook working for the experienced b day who was once pipped as the next GC hope for French cycling he never lived up to that but he did win some stages and today was going to be his fourth stage win in the tur France and it was all thanks to his young Dutch teammate who set things up and cut it up for Roman who turned to look at his teammate and congratulate him for his help in the stage win when he crossed the line victory in hands a massive win for the team team DSM because take note the team is one of the lower budget teams on the cycling circuit for them to pick up a stage win in the tur of France and do it on day1 and get the yellow Jersey along with it it is massive the only thing bigger could have been had it been on French soil for Roman b day wasn’t to be wal fanart came in right away uh I followed the Fighters coming in left and right it was hectic a lot of Italian fans I hear to scream on for their fans wal and art churn came back around gave an interview I caught the end of it and we saw tears in in his eyes and why because I think he’s so happy to come back after his suffering that he’s had he crashed in the doors DF lern early at run his classic season he had a hard fight back and he said ahead of the race that he really wasn’t on form to win stages here but he came close today 5 Seconds they were off of the front DSM Duo and his only race back before this was the tur of Norway and the Belgian national championship so it was a bit of an unknown how he’d go today as to it was for his GC team leader Jonas vingo the Dane who performed well out there at one point we heard him over the radio say to his teammates guys I’m feeling good the GC battle didn’t materialize today we thought T pachar would rip it up didn’t happen instead we saw surprise Duo DSM ruling the day out here the first day in the 2024 tur to fr celebration for DSM celebration here in Italy and celebration in reminy for Roman B


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