A simple bike drop ruined our tour and maybe more

    hello youer old here and welcome to my channel well we’re on his way down to Devon we having a little bit of a tour so stay tuned and watch the intro [Music] so as a mention we’re on his way down to Devon for a few days um got an nice hotel book and then on the way back we’re going to spend a nice in Western Superman to break the journey up a little bit but look at this everyone Sunshine can’t believe the lot we’re not ready to forecast any rain could summer be finally here so at the minute we just done the a46 approaching eum then hopefully I think we’re going to make us way through to two spray and then jump on the M5 southbound [Music] well there we are we’re off the motorway and uh just having a ride through this beautiful Devon Road weather’s very nice what more could we want oh we got overtaking Lane there be rude not to use it it’s about 10 miles now to the hotel according to back street Betty so we got about 2 and 1 half miles to the Hotel this is outside the uh the pub where we’re staying it’s called the py moing look at that hey they got a biker on the front so bikers must be welcome it’s in a nice little village with very steep hills called North Molton and the other way is south Molton which is that way so just been another cracking meal and now we’re just on the way back down to The Lodges it’s a bit steep they’re sort of weird they’re all like little semi detaches this one’s ours and the bike got a nice picnic table there to sit at the main bit is this view how good is that the Sheep there’s horses there’s a couple of young foes earlier on ideal place so here’s the lodge [Music] inside shower [Applause] bathroom but then we got a little balcony which basically looks over that view again and there’s a little picnic table to the left very nice indeed well we’re on his way to uh linmouth and Linton first then we’re going to have a ride around the coast probably wome and INF ome that’s the one I think the sa was bringing me uh right across country [Music] somehow for [Music] [Music] here we are in Lon probably can’t see it on the camera but there’s that uh water powerered lift up the cliff very pretty little place advertizing boat trips but only problem in it is no water as soon as the tide comes in I bet they’ll be starting find that balcony there I spend me life sitting on there looking out [Music] yeah always back in the same place every [Applause] whatever TR is they saying Out Below and above that point by not making it wi they want can’t all the time very clever even more absolutely yeah time before the iPad now upon leaving uh linmouth we was going up an incredibly steep hill and at the top it’s probably got a well what the locals call a nightmare Junction um I’d got a turn left a car basically came in from the right and took it a little bit too wide they didn’t hit me but I moved my position in the road a little bit further to the left I had to come to a stop I put my foot down and even though I’m 6’2 by the time my foot reached the floor due to the very steep cumber over we went and basically broke the footrest off the bike so sort of really put a bit of a a dum on the [Music] date and there’s the famous Damian in her statue right not far to go home now on the a46 so still jump on the A m69 and then home so I left uh Devon this morning use the a316 M5 and then the a46 I have no Pion ever since I dropped the bike the other day uh okay we were station neither of us got hurt which was good but it’s just put my wife off completely uh I don’t even think she’ll ever go back on a bike again which is a [Music] shame yeah so she’s uh she got a bus from the hotel to the next Village no she didn’t she got a taxi to the next Village and she got a bus to Plymouth but she’s going to wait 2 hours at Plymouth and then a bus to Birmingham and then bming come to leer so the bike was dropped on the Thursday which was the first full day there uh Friday so the wife refused to go on the bike so basically we just sat around the lodge all day which is a total waste of time uh today Saturday so I was supposed to be going to Western Superman and uh meet a couple who have got a YouTube channel Great British bikeing Adventures a brilliant Channel where they’ve been riding around the coast and it would have been nice to met them tonight and had a meal but I don’t want to go on my own the wife just wants to get home so Telly fair I go there with her I also have a threaded bolt as a footrest which uh the mechanic in Linton a big shout out to him what a guy um he did a job on it for me but at the end of the day it’s only a thin bolt so I don’t really want to risk it by having another stop just get home and get safe a big shout out to Jared and Esther from Great British biking Adventures they’ve been in touch with me and they’ve offered me all kinds of help and it’s absolutely truly appreciated what a couple so anyway I Haven like this so I don’t probably many other people will but at the end of the day if you have do the ticks to like And subscribe and as always take care ride safe and bye for now


    1. I'm so sorry to hear of the incident. Such a shame it put a dampener on what looked like a great week. Carol & I did Lynton & Lynmouth a while back and I know there are some steep difficult sharp corners there. There's an amazing run from the top very near to the top railway station called the valley of the rocks.
      Loved the accommodation lodges, they looked quirky and comfortable.
      It would be a massive shame if this stationary drop marks the end of your wife's riding when bikes are such a big part of your life.
      Not much more I can say other than you didn't record the the actual drop! YouTube loves watching adversity unfortunately.
      Hope the bike is an easy fix and catch up with you soon.
      Cheers Richard & Carol

    2. Hi Younger,
      Nothing to do with this post. I noticed a previous post Highway Robbery earlier in the week, but didn't have time to watch. I have since looked for it but have been unable to find it. I think it was to do with the AA, and I wondered if it had been taken down, by yourself or You Tube. Regards Ian.

    3. Oh, Richard, so sorry to hear about the abandoned tour, it was going so well. The hills around those parts are truly epic and certainly not biker friendly. What a lovely lodge, if my wife and daughters stayed there, the foals would be fully broken in before we left ! Such a shame your lovely wife was badly affected by the mishap, it might not be permanent, who knows ? At least you both survived to fight another day. See you soon.

    4. What a shame you couldn't complete your tour after your spill Richard. Hopefully your wife might reconsider riding pillion again after she has time to get over the incident. The accommodation in the lodge looked spot on. When I first had my BMW G310r, Penn and I were out on a ride and we came to a junction, I went to put my foot down and my trouser caught on my foot peg and over we went in slow motion. Laying on the ground we couldn't stop laughing. No damage to the us or the bike. Catch you soon. 😊👍🏍

    5. That is wimmin for ya, best to ride solo anyway as you have more control. Just leave the dragon to her knitting, she will come round soon enough.

    6. Love how brave and honest you are bud, I am 70 in a couple of months and ride bikes most days year round here in Scotland. Having broken most of the bones in my body riding dirt bikes, the most debilitating injuries have been smashed ankles and feet. Metal plates pins and screws amongst all these wee bones is no fun, and getting RSD ( Sudecks atrophy )almost put an end to my life. So please all bikers please wear top quality calf length footwear at all times. And always carry a condom.

    7. So sorry for your spill, we always ride two up and have had a couple of small stupid offs, I really hope you can persuade her to change her mind in time. Take care

    8. I have led a solo biking life as my wife would not be a pillion following the death of her friend a pillion once. My daughters all rode pillion and 2 of them have bikes. My heart aches for you as so many times I wished my wifehad been with me. I hope it changes for you. Life is full of risk but you need to live it.i could never be pillion myself having endured “lifts “ to places😂. Hoping all ends well. All bikers drop their bikes at sometime. I wont use a dis lock as seen so many people try to ride off still attached. Also stalling a common time.

    9. A dropped bike is an unfortunate occupational occurrence, usually caused by an unforeseen or unexpected anomaly. It’s no reflection on your ability but on someone else’s incompetence or misjudgement…it happens. I’ve dropped my GS so many times I’ve given up counting. They’re heavy, with high centres of gravity and once they get past the balance point, there’s no stopping them falling. At least you and your wife weren’t caught under it. Ride safe Richard. 💪👏👍🇿🇦

    10. Hi Richard sorry to hear about your spoilt holiday. Can I suggest maybe a lot lower bike say a Harley might be your answer as I find the trend with the latest trend by bike manufacturers is bigger and taller which r3sults in a overly high centre of gravity and of course difficulty putting your feet down if there is a slight chamber on the road. Most older bikes look small compared to the new range of bikes. Years ago the aim was for a low centre of gravity which results in stability, better handling and of course seat lower to the ground. Just a thought. Thks

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