Hope to see some of you busting out 100s on the 24th! & raising money for a good cause.

    Strava club – https://strava.app.link/hp7oy4ZPOKb

    ^ Strava – https://www.strava.com/athletes/30216361
    ^ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/amy.cycling.adventures/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
    ^ Chai latte fund – https://www.buymeacoffee.com/amycyclingadven

    If you’re riding, enjoy it and stay safe x

    * Any activity that you do is undertaken at your own risk, Amy Cycling Adventures hold no responsibility or liability.

    Thank you so much for watching, if you can spare a second to hit subscribe with your pinky that would be awesome.

    The following brands support me either via paid sponsorship or gifted items and you will see their products in my videos, I’m beyond grateful & in disbelief that I get these opportunities! :
    Pinarello UK – https://www.pinarellostore.co.uk/

    ^ Selle Italia – https://www.selleitalia.com/saddles/
    AMY-SI for 15% off Saddles
    ^ Panaracer – ZAMY10 for 10% off https://www.panaracer.co.uk?sca_ref=6451602.0o2mqK81q5GY
    ^ Veloforte – https://veloforte.com/pages/about-us
    AMY-20 = 20% discount
    ^ UK Bike Fit – https://ukbikefit.com/
    AMY10 for 10% discount on shop & bike fit & performance lab
    AMY10COACHING for 10% off coaching
    ^ SunGod – https://www.sungod.co/en-gb/?rl=GHe8c9RS
    ^ Exposure lights – https://www.exposure-use.com/Brands/Exposure-Lights
    ^ Garmin – https://www.garmin.com/en-GB/

    hello everybody it is a sunny Friday morning so I’m using the most of the sun’s nectar to power my Cod loins around a 200 km ride I’m not going to film loads of today basically I just want to make a little announcement about something that hopefully you can all get involved in on August bank holiday that’s the UK bank holiday Monday’s a bank holiday in the UK so there’s no excuses not to get involved cuz you got a day off after um but yeah I’ll give you the details as I ride today I’m resuing a route that’s going to be part of it for 12 people with me and Kyle um and I hope that everyone else can get involved in their own way as well and it’ll be for charity right so I’m 10 Malones into my ride and I’m at my local bike shop valarian they’re not open it’s too early in the morning but hopefully when I come back here later they will be and I can pop in and say hi so my idea is called 100 for happiness and what I want everyone to do is do something with a 100 and raise money for charity any charity that is close to you that you want to raise money for so you could do 100 mile bike ride you could do 100 km bike ride you you could do a ride together two of you do 50 Mi each make it 100 you could do 100 Hill reps you could do 100 laps anything with a 100 and it would just be really nice for everybody on the same day to know that everyone is doing something hard a challenge for you whatever is a challenge for you it’s different for everybody um I’m raising money for a good cause now I’m now going to be doing a 100 mile ride from here and then back home which means it’s 200k for me and what I want to do is get 12 people to come and do the ride with me and Kyle on that day in August um so so we have a straa group Amy C Adventures so if you join the club I’m going to be putting a post on there and anyone that’s interested and then we’ll pick 12 people at random to come and do it with us but if you don’t get picked I still want everybody to do something 100 if you can obviously if you’re on holiday don’t worry about it we all need a break 3 years ago last week me and my dad actually did our first ever 100 miles and we took all day we didn’t have like we didn’t have cleat I did on my Carrera and we absolutely loved it and that feeling of doing your longest ever run it just you feel proud of yourself and it doesn’t matter how long it takes so yeah don’t be worried to give it a go obviously if you’ve only ever done like a 10 mile ride before I’d say don’t go and do 100 because you don’t want to push yourself too much but even if you got a group of five of you to do 20 miles each that’s 100 miles together so do what works for you but don’t be worried you don’t have to wear light cray yeah just enjoy yourself and do it for a good cause might pop into M and D on the way on my route because could have a b a lunch there I’ve got some sweet potatoes in my back pocket I love them for a snack mid ride and I’m thinking if they’ve got a tinner tuna I could whack it on there this weather it feels like summer is here I’ve L just been riding with a smile on my face I just thank goodness I’m in short sleeves I’m in bib shorts I’m not cold I’ve not got a jacket with me I’ve not got a rain jacket with me don’t want to jinx it it did say it’s not going to rain I mean the sky is blue so it’s just great anyway I’m just stopping to note down on my phone how many miles into the ride the cafe is cuz that’s very important I’ve just gone past it CU of course any ride I’m doing involves the cafe but not today actually I’m not I’m not stopping today I’m I’ve got more my snacks with me I’ve got my Jackie potatoes so I’m doing it on a budget today but um yeah so far the route looks good hopefully we’ll get this weather I hope we do if not like I say we’re not made of sugar paper not going to melt so we have to just get on with it won’t we hello there old fellow look at that Beast so just riding along thinking why haven’t I gone through Mom and Dad’s Village I’m sure I was meant to go that way I was like oh no just follow the Garment I’m sure I rooted it on just looked down I’ve gone past where they live and I’ve not rooted on I’ve did the route last night I’m sure I put it through their Village but obviously didn’t so I’m not going to get me bling tun on a jacket potato now but it doesn’t matter I’m over 100 km in 63 Malone and yeah over halfway I’m going to have my Jack of potato in a minute though cuz I’m a bit hungry summer is here hallelujah I’d also love that anyone that gets involved to like send me in a little video of what you’re doing in landscape mode and I’ll try and include some on the YouTube that I do about the day so it’ll be really nice to see what everyone else is doing and obviously like share what you’ve done in the straw group so we can all celebrate each other’s success and hopefully raise some money for good causes I’ve done eight 86 Malones I’ve got 39 to go and I thought well I’m not having a cafe today so let’s stop and eat my sweet potato I’ve already eaten one of them but you just can’t beat an ice salty potato on a ride just the best snack all got to make sure me tin for doesn’t drop on the FL it want a litter no littering around here now it doesn’t look very appetizing it’s got this little hair sticking off it um I don’t if you meant to eat that bit but I’ll eat it I don’t care um it doesn’t look great but nice Natural Energy it’s what you need doesn’t always need to look pretty these on the other look pretty these roses are they roses P Junius I don’t BL me know they’re nice anyway H penni’s looking nice too oh I’m loving to Daylight I just feel this is the first ride where I feel like my energy is back my loins feel good my mind feels good the sun’s out what more could you want m m this my friends is a top a snack used normal potato as well but I didn’t have any left so sweet it was and sweet it is cheaper than a chy latte but that be anything at top this ride having a chy latte but I can’t carry them with me so I’ll have to do without but I have got a secret weapon aka the banina I’m back at the bike shop I’ve done 10 10 Maloney so 101 Malone route actually for the charity thing got to get the extra Marin anyway I’m going to go and say hi see if Luke and uh Matt Jimmy will be back there I’ll go and say hi to him cuz he’s in the mechanic mechanic Den um I did actually email Luke about this ride yesterday cuz I had the idea when I was brushing my teeth actually um so he doesn’t actually know it’s happening cuz he hasn’t replied to my email but if he says no then we’ll just do a different rout it’s all right here we are I’m in the shop I’m just annoying Matt over here say hi to everyone hello are you on your way home from work yeah well I’m on the way to being C so yes then it’s 2:00 what’ you call this slacking ick Friday hour that’s what I call it right anyway what um what flavor do you like the best dark chocolate apple cinnamon and caramel or date almond and sea Sal there’s no point even asking about that one apple cinnamon or chocolate put in I like I like cinnamon or chocolate right okay I’ll get you one of them then got any yes they got loads of gels um they’ve got mix Berry citrus fruit caffeine plus the Mi one right all right then fantastic all right see you then all right thanks wol bye bye he’s doing 600k tomorrow actually he’s doing 350k tomorrow 300K on Sunday I’m joining him for the 300K on Sunday or potentially 200k depending if he wants me to drive to the Oda and back but we’ll see while I’m here unveiled onve old equ speaking excited yesterday the brand new pinell look at this bad boy how many shops have got this in six um so there’s three in the north and three in the South so uh you’re one of them we’re lucky to have one on them how much is this going out the back bank balance down by so one of the key points is as well as all the advancements in the bike they’ve actually kept the price the same as the old model so in a market where it seems to be a increases all the brands pin have kept at the same price in this iteration with your race it’s 12,600 still still a lot yeah still a lot but if you got the dollar you go for it the ultimate right yeah yeah wow Kyle don’t be getting any ideas we’ve got a kitchen extension to be doing it’s okay we’ve got the yes from Luke 100 miles can go ahead this bit dress them in are you I’m not Bill Gates so I’m not Mt called me Bill Gates here cuz I thought I’d fix the computer but oh I haven’t so I’m not if anyone’s got a new computer they want to donate to Luke really appreciate charity yeah it’s good charity Luke and set up his own charity donate a computer hey so we’re on for the 100 miles from BB AKA Val Bavarian right I’ve got Kyle snacks in my back pocket for a 600k and his gel’s in me side pocket I’m just going to go and say hi to Jimmy before I go because I love Jimmy I found Jimmy is working hard Luke upstairs just so you know he’s he’s doing a great job down here there he is hello what you working on the minute J just uh a gravel bike that he’s going to do a tri on on he’s got two sets of Wheels bit tub oh tubless yeah very nice they look like new are they new tires yeah yeah got some new tires oh lovely yeah I love all the the car have been heav an here all these tools I tell you what’s what do you use that one for it’s the gentle persuasion tool so something that’s not quite moving how it should like you can realistically use it for I normally use it for sort of knocking out um like a a crank so you’d hit like a spindle with it so you don’t want like a you don’t like a hard Ender of a hammer so you kind of just knock something right or uh yeah stuff that’s kind of got a bit stuck but you don’t want to hit it with like a solid Hammer use on kle when he’s annoying me exactly are you riding tonight oh no you racing tonight yes little need nine more points to get to his cap 2 so wish him luck everyone see let’s hope you can win we’ll see summer is here I’m having a rice bar Buzz I’ve ate that rice but it’s gone right to me and let me tell you I’ve got a right buzz on now but I’m only 5 milon from home so I’m nearly there I’m not filmed much today I just wanted to share with you what was happening just dodged a pole um so yeah we’ll go home and see if Carl and Chester there oh god I’ve been eating water for the last 13 miles K could Le fi truck for me sorry but I’ve got me own things through woring about about also there’s no gling glasses gr I’m going have to use my special hot chocolate gtin come on go I’m so thirsty at the bike shop I should have filed the water and I BL forgot can’t be drinking out the to you don’t know what’s been in there might be lime scale in there oh that’s the best drink of water ever out desert for the last 10 miles right ride stats just cut the camera off the road D 12528 Malones which is just over 200 km 6,293 ft of going on up I don’t know what that is the meters I’ll put it here I’ll put it in some writing and time with my ass on the saddle 7 hours and 42 minutes average speed 16.3 mph not that that matters it’s a great ride I feel like my energy is back up after all points no first ride where I felt these lines you give me something good here the last few weeks I’ve been like what what’s happened to them but feeling good and hopefully all of you can come and do 100 for happiness and me and Kyle the week after we’ll be cycling home from Italy all the way to Derby via pinell in London so we are also going to have a 30 mile section of that from the Sor Hills to the pinell store in London that we’re going to invite people Along on so if you can’t call come to the end of August that will be on the 7th of September so by that point we’ have done 1,100 miles so we will quite happily be the broom wagon and you guys can pull us along and we will need Cafe to be honest by that point I need Char latte on a drip to be honest got love mockers on drip won’t you here he is I’m actually layout layabout I’m actually supposed to be resting today I know because I’m setting up this beauty turn PCO into my ax rig let’s have a look so I’ve got my little roll bag on the front there look you’re not going to be to get anything out while you’re riding I don’t need to I can stop I can take to I can unzip where you going to put all your tools cream and my food and stuff like that crucial that I need you’re not going to fit much food in that look how big it is not much food as I add in that beans on toast food we be making a few car so as P or right um but yeah so my new Calia saddle’s sponsored byal excited about this so I have actually been mapped on my bike fit for this particular saddle so it’s going to be good yeah I did get told off for using me that on the last par so Dan we’ll be happy with that you will no but I’m really excited to actually I’m actually doing 350 tomorrow 360 I think it works out K KY can I just to point out one thing I’m going to come on the com to so why aren’t you doing 300 tomorrow cuz doing 300 on Sunday then you’re going to be end up doing 3 660 is just how my route worked no no sorry it is 350 tomorrow right right and 300 on Sunday yeah so it’s actually 650k but that’s just how my route worked and it has been submitted so there’s no changing now I’m actually going to be giving car the camera tomorrow aren’t I I think but I’m a bit concerned where the camera’s going to go cuz I normally have it on a top Tu B I’m put a top Tu bag on no way you need to put you need to put a sadle bag on for your tools cuz you you can’t do I’ve already tested no I’ve tested I can get all my Ines my spares in there as well can you and even if I just put my snacks in my back pocket I don’t want it rubbing on Po’s F seat post yeah but you need jacket K you got to be prepared you’re doing 350k it’s not a park just going on I don’t want a phone call tomorrow when I’m on my nice Girls Club ride saying a me and need something cuz I won’t be coming out to can I just point to out yeah whenever I ever rang you for assistance you rang to cry to me last time you did a 600k but I kept going yeah I did it and you’ll be here sleeping tomorrow so I can get you nice dinner I’m not doing 600k before I get back home so it doesn’t matter yeah you’ll be all right Chester right Kyle is actually going to say you fancy taking Chester to the marina for a walk for coffee I’ve been out heat all day I’m getting my stuff set up and I need to rest okay I’ll take him on my own then should we go to walkie you can’t be jiggered can you who’s done the ride today has he been riding when I got back from work yeah I left him out in the garden and he was lounging about in the garden for a while so he’s probably a bit lazy you feeling lazy oh the Heat’s got to right then anyway we’re waffling on now so the next video will be car of 600k if he doesn’t take the camera with him we’ll just fil on could take the camera without the handle so yeah 24th of August that’s the whole point of this video put a link to my straa in the description so you can join the Amy cycling adventures club on straa all the info I’m going to put in there when this video’s gone out and yeah hopefully we can get some money raised for charity my mom might be doing 100K um for a caner charity um and me and K will obviously be doing our big ride the week after so we’ll be raising money then for mental health eating disorder charity so yeah um can’t wait really and I had the idea when I was brushing my teeth so I’m glad that Luke said yes anyway TT to the FN goodbye goodbye


    1. Shortest summer ever, at least here in Wales where it has been miserable weather all weekend, and the forecast for the coming week isn't impressive either 😯

    2. Fab idea Amy. I’ll definitely be doing 100 for happiness. I ride for my mental health, to beat the negative thoughts, and help reduce anxiety. You and Kyle have been a huge motivation 💚

    3. I actually have a 100 mile ride planned for August 24th. It's called Hotter-N-Hell. This ride is in Texas, USA, so the temps should be around 40C. Nice and warm.

    4. This is awesome! I’m still working up to the long rides, I’m in the US so I should do miles but I don’t think I can ride that far yet. So count me in for 100 kilometers.

    5. Summer, what's that…I was riding around Liverpool in temperature of 59 in the rain, cold toes and fingers with several base layers on….this morning…Summer, what is this Summer you speak of 🤔🤔🤔 and over £12,000 for a bike, that's just ridiculous…

    6. Do you know where the idea of beans and toast came from…the USA Company Heinz. Created as a national food during WWII. Became so popular in the UK, Heinz had to build a plant there to keep up with the demand.

    7. Good luck with the charity bike ride, you got this, I raise money for cancer research and done 250 miles bike ride with 10000ft of hill over two days 👍

    8. Its funny you should mention longest rides in this video as I did mine yesterday😁170 miles which beat my previous best of 162 from 2 years ago, I do it every year to honour the memory of my dad😊I cycle from my front door to St Andrews and back and its such a beautiful ride, it was his special place😊Awesome video once again Amy, good luck with the charity ride👍

    9. Just an idea when you do your ride back from Italy, you post your route so people can come out and cheer you on just an idea. Love you channel by the way Amy.

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