Last summer I visited Vilnius the capital of Lithuania. I went without much knowledge of the city and explored with not much of a plan.

    To my surprise it became one of my favourite travel destinations.

    Vilnius is a beautiful city surrounded by nature, great architecture and some really cool art neighbourhoods such as Uzupis and the cool hipster zone of the Station District. A hub of bars and nightclubs on a train platform in a bust station.

    I would not have discovered so much of the city if I didn’t hire a electric scooter. It was my first time using one and I loved it. It was a real fun way of exploring Vilnius and allowed me to go further than If i was just walking.

    I got to ride through the old town, lovely parks, speeding along the river and into random parts of town further away from the centre.

    I filmed in 360 with my gopro.

    yeah it’s my um second day here in Von I was ready to explore again the river Ville near that cuts through the city um had some really nice quiet areas for um a nice swim I carried on my caffeine addiction in the Oldtown and then uh yeah got onto the scooter to uh aim towards this industrial area that had a lot of street art and wall art that I read about online then after that there was no real plan just exploring on the scooter it was a really good way to explore saw some local uh Estates house in state ended up in um one of V’s biggest parks then took a ride along the river and ended up in this random derel Wasteland I think it was some old boat yard or something then chilled until uh Sunset where I took another ride with um an aim to get to the station District it’s a cool kind of bar area at nightclub clubs that’s actually on a train platform had quite a few Ramen coats yeah it was a real good time in B so far he was becoming one of my favorite travel destinations [Music]

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