June 30/2024
    Hey Riders…..

    Well it’s that most wonderful time of the year, yes it’s Tour de France time. We hit the ground running with a section of Stage 1 of the 2024 edition of the Tour. This is also part of the “Vive la France Easy” Challenge on ROUVY. Ride with Team GRC for our Sunday Short Races, get a deadly workout in, and also complete steps of the ROUVY challenge. Oh yeah….did I mention Bonus Gold Coins? Yep race in these “Official” events and you will earn gold coins much quicker. Why do it solo when you get grab a wheel, enjoy the draft with Team GRC.

    Apologies for the 20 minutes of dead time at the end, I have no idea where that came from. It does end in the right place that I had intended, so you only have to pretend to sit through 37 minutes of my antics.

    Jump into the Team GRC DIscord, and help support the channel
    Thanks Riders!

    hey Riders good douche you know what time it is team GRC Sunday short race and this time it’s stage one part of stage one of the tour to FRS 2024 if you’re new to the channel welcome with board my name’s Colin at inside cycling world that’s the channel you’re watching right now uh channels just slowly puttering away uh trying to grow it a little bit so if you can like subscribe throw some comments into the Facebook Ruby page I think that gets a lot of attention from the powers that be if you get my drift uh so today on to we have uh San Pier to some place Castello Coloma uh 26 km 123 M of climbing not really climbing there’s a couple of bumps along the way those will be the Strategic points in the race there should be a rocket launch quarter wi you see another little bump halfway in before the first split actually it’s before yeah it’s that first Little Dot is before the first uh the halfway point there’s a kick there there’s probably like three or four important kicks here to take on did did this ride earlier this week uh so I’ve already done the easy challenge I think there was four rides in that really enjoyed them all I think all four of them they might have been on a stage one itself and that’s stage one of the turle France yesterday all I can say you guys know full Annihilation uh that was incredibly hard yesterday loved watching it have I ever cheered for Romain B before never ever yesterday I was screaming at the top of my lungs watching him and that 23-year-old race for their lives like Superstars I don’t care about the big guns like whatever they don’t take those chances so I get it there’s different strategies trust me I’ve been watching cycl since the 80s wherever I could find it but I’ve always cheered the Breakaway uh it’s pretty gutsy it’s either Glory or complete failure and I mean they were almost caught within what 50 60 M of the line so for b day first ever yellow Jersey it’s been around a long time says it’s his last her of France think he was on the podium yeah he got a second place on the podium way back when uh you know really good climber maybe B just never had any time tring ability a little bit of bad luck maybe not on the best of teams at times um it’s a whole bunch combination of things right so we’re about a minute and a half to the start sorry the fans going sorry not sorry uh I got to stay cool right so I’m going to do this one I think I’ll go quiet I don’t know you guys tell me in the comments or wherever what do you want to see do you want to hear me suffering and dying I’m thinking about maybe uh doing some of these videos on Twitch as well I used to do that uh internet was bad plus I had a let’s just call it a special admirer on there so I kind of jumped off that I got a bit more control over YouTube here but uh yeah I’m at the point where I need to do something here quick to grow this channel uh hey I see Nelson Snider in the start line so yeah for all you guys at the front you big hitters I’m gonna miss a lot of it uh because I’m not GNA be there apparently some people like when I do it this way let’s just see what happens if I see just a huge amount of views then I’ll know okay folks we’re going quiet uh you know the drill I’m going to unplug crank the tunes Metallica uh whatever I can find let’s rock hey Riders and here we go again okay so for all you that know and for all you that don’t know this is the after uh the ride commentary that I’m going to plug in as to what happened from my point of view so for some reason here I went out pushing you know 7 to 10 watts per Kil at the very start I just wanted to get up that first little climb no problem I do have the video sped to 150% just for this section of the uh the video uh I’ve already lost my audio once I shouldn’t say lost my audio it just H I didn’t you know sometimes doing this stuff can drive you insane I was like 2223 minutes into doing my audio for this part that you’re watching right now and um I guess I hadn’t properly optimize the HD whatever they call it the HD clips and what happened was that the video started stuttering so I was trying to just fill in as I’m getting like one frame every 45 seconds of what we’re all doing on course together okay so anyways uh video is spit up to 150% uh hopefully it’s not too fast but I just want to get this done um I’m supposed to be going out for dinner tonight uh so let’s get this going on so I’m sitting in 14th Place at the beginning uh got Peter Joe ahead of me uh looks like another guy Peter boan Don Matteo’s up there Ben’s up there silly sill is in the event today so glad she could join us and she just joined us in the Discord today perfect move we’re so glad you could join us uh at this point here you know with that little bit of a rocket start I did uh again not really planned that way just okay I’ll just start pedaling and see what happens here uh I wanted to let people see what it looks like following me for a little bit because usually I’m following you guys um okay so we got a nice little group here at this point got Ricky Bobby here Chico uh bike and dog trips is here again and you know Alex is right here with me too so I’ve got one GRC member with me G sein is here strong Rider I’ve seen this Rider around a lot lately um so you know this is again back to stage one of the 2024 tour to France you see we got a couple of riders up the road here will we be able to pull them back I think we should be able to um lots more Firepower coming up Hardy’s coming up here uh a rider antisocial Brigade brand new R to me we got pavl coming up another strong new Rider scrio is Right In the Mix as well um I’ve got a nice group here you know there’s probably five or six of us remember if you’re too far over on the left you’re going to ghost out you can just see it happened there uh Chico Chico is just ghosting in and out uh I guess that’s the anti-collision algorithm they have on so you don’t smash into a car coming the other way uh Lane mosier’s here uh soon to be far up the road uh you know so I’m feeling pretty good at this point uh just doing my thing again this is uh stage one 2024 Twitter France that stage yesterday was incredible uh watching The Suffering of Cavendish the hardest single ever stage one okay I shouldn’t say that because I’m talking in the modern era I’m not talking about stage one back in 19 whatever it was when the stages were like 4 or 500 km long each and the guys rode on single speeds if that uh had no breaks rated restaurants for Foods things like that right uh had to weld their own bikes back together those were the crazy days but usually stage one is pretty chill it might be a prologue so the the prologue special come out everyone probably remembers back in the day guys like uh Chris Borman would come across and just absolutely smash the prologue um and I mean Chris borbon was a track star uh but could put in an incredible time trial as well trying to think of some other ones right now from like the ’90s the 2000s that were like basically they were just prologue Specialists that was their thing uh after that I’m not even sure if did Chris Borman ever finish the Tour of France H that’s a good question right I hope he did uh but that was his strong suit was doing those prologues well for for some reason on this uh the 2024 edition of the race we start in Italy first time the grand departs been in Italy uh stage one is about 200 km with 6 to S categorized climbs I think they’re all twos and threes mostly threes but it ends up being 3600 met of climbing on the very first day of this tour like I mean you could lose the entire tour just today uh Mark Cavendish is going for his 35th win he’s tied with Eddie MKS right now 34 uh state wins each uh I think Mark’s turning he’s like 39 or 40 and he was going to be done last year uh but he had such a good strong year last uh in 2023 that he thought why not let’s give it one more go I think for a lot of these guys like either when they retired they’re like I’m so dumb with this I’m out you know you just you’re just sick of it and some of these guys it’s like I got to give it one last goal just see what I can do like why not like just it’s your retirement year look at it that way and I mean do you remember him at the 2023 jro that was just incredible on the very last stage of his very last jro he wins it uh like just like out of a out of a movie right and G pulling for him garant Thomas he took a turn and he helped pull for him that was just incredible to watch and they’re not even on the same team if you don’t know who I’m talking about okay so at this point here I’m riding with uh yeah I’m back with my friend bike and dog trips I noticed a lot on this ride today to here too that this Rider stuck with me a lot there was times when I had a few hesitations I fell off a bit it just seemed like to me that this Rider wanted to give me a bit of a hand today so I really appreciate that whoever you are I don’t know your name uh get into the Discord uh join up with us so again we’re nice strong group here got tuna tornado SR71 coming up here some more reinforcements are coming up to add some Firepower to the GRC train here at the front Hardy’s here very strong Rider uh we got this pavl Rider here Andy uh what’s Andy’s last name it looks like Andy Christian maybe uh again I’m doing this all on my small screen I didn’t have an extra cable to hook up to the TV uh so I can actually see what I’m looking at here and again a little bit frustrated with this one uh because it’s the second go around here uh that’s why I’ve sped it up a little bit I think 150% is not bad what do you guys think let me know comments YouTube uh throw some on Facebook tell me how much you love this you know what what I’d like to know too is do you guys like when I’m in these races and you get the huffing and puffing calling because this is the chilled out calling right now after the fact but later on in the video you’re going to see where uh I jump actually I didn’t even get off the bike I just Jam my headset back into the recording thing and put my headset in and I started going again um they are fun to do that way and I get to ride with people otherwise I’m just riding solo all the time uh but I can’t cover the race as well in fact I heard in this one since Big Brother AKA Colin inside cycling world was not watching today we had some small child uh leading the race and won today I’m just only kidding there uh we had a rider with a weight of 20 kg in our race today so all I can say is benefit of the doubt whoever you are you didn’t calculate your weight conversion right uh your calculator broke on you you know when your LCD screen starts fading out or some of the letters don’t uh the little lines don’t show up you just didn’t put it in right that’s all I can say uh maybe yeah somehow your 60 turned into a 20 maybe a couple of the lines were burnt out when you did your conversion from weight uh from pounds to kilos it’s 2.2 lb for a kilo so if you’re a 20 kgam Rider and we’re just approximating on this that means you weigh 44 lbs and you and you rode 12 watts per kilo all the way uh yeah little shady little sus uh let’s leave it at that uh and the good news is that that person got disqualified um and a lot of people will say like hey why do you care what someone else is doing all that stuff I care because I want legitimate racing and there’s a lot of us that want legitimate racing there are a lot of us um what it does for the very front front part of the group that was chasing after that Rider uh they don’t know that that Rider has the wrong weight input so because of that they might work extra hard hoping to catch them and just completely blow themselves up um it’s just yeah it’s just not cool so I want everyone to ride with the legit weights do the best can anyways like I mean you know if you’re out by a few pounds that’s fine but when you’re out probably like 100 lb um that’s a whole different story you’re like a super person out there right uh so yeah got a nice group here um we got rocket here Here Comes John cruising up right now on the downhill there Jayla bombard is here howdy 1963 is it uh so I’m using drafting here as much as possible I took a few turns on the front hey check this out see all this construction here I was thinking during this part of the r when I was doing it um because now that I know this was stage one of the Tour of France I wonder if this is them getting these roads all prepped up for this stage of the Tour of France because it seems like whenever there’s a stage near a town uh the roads get really improved or really updated for those stages I mean you can you will always see it at the tour the roads are so nice um so they probably had to do some road work on a few of these segments for the Riders you know again they’re doing some here just off the screen um okay so up at the front I know Nelson’s up there uh shik’s up there our polish friend from Kau uh but La strong Riders here here too there’s KET Koka uh Clyde 235 now that is Hillbilly uh hillbilly in my first video that I did I hope you see this I decided to call you Hillbilly Jim and then I laughed my head off I’m like yeah I watched too much wrestling when I was a kid that’s all I can say WWF era is the only one for me uh so I decided to call you Hillbilly Jim for a while and then I realized it’s just hillbilly in the Discord and again folks the Discord link is at the top of this YouTube channel on the front page just get in here uh there’s so many writers that you’re going to know in there um and there’s a lot just a wealth of information you can get coaching advice in there there’s several coaches that hang out in our Discord um I’m not saying they’re going to build You full structured training workout programs but they can probably give you a lot of good advice that you’re going to spend years trying to learn by yourself nutrition uh how people train equipment talk how to fix things you name it one of my favorite sections is the Sherie board believe believe it or not that’s where people post what they’re eating after their rides and some people know how to cook for me I kind of walk into the kitchen find a couple of old pieces of stale bread slap some peanut butter and jam on it and boom I’m good I’m not into the fine dining uh but anyways uh yeah check out the Discord uh it’s the home of Team GRC uh get in there learn something meet some new Buddies some new friends some new comrades uh we can all ride together uh yeah and um I know that the uh I was using the Kudos thing here a couple times again I’m going to take that off for the next one just wanted to say I made a comment on Facebook and I do really want to say this again I think the Kudos button should be called like shapos maybe like the French always say means the same thing or even better now I did have to look this up uh what about slavaska the same as Kudos so I just did a quick Google Translate is what I did there so let’s just I’d love to just see it called Slava like we all know what it means who cares what it’s called right um I’m not saying that in a bad way I just think Kudos that’s kind of on someone else’s system and I yeah let’s just stand out on our own here look at this here all these GRC Riders now you can’t even see them all because uh some of the Riders are ghosting in and out Clyde just ghosted in and out there two Clyde 2 35 here uh tuno tornadoes coming up coming to and uh Aid some support up front here yep more rock you got rocket here tuna’s here SR71 is here Rogers here as well so we got the r and the C of the GRC here together uh jills I’m not sure where jills was today he doesn’t miss many of these I’m the one that usually misses them yeah look at all these GRC jerseys here yeah absolutely love it this is so good um I haven’t even watched stage two of the tour yet today I started the first few minutes of it then I jumped into the race uh chores this that the next thing kind of got clunk down making this video when I had to basically just delete the 20 something plus minutes of audio that I’d put into it uh but yeah I wanted to get this done and I want to work on another video here today too let’s get some more videos going let’s grow this channel if we can folks let’s get me commentating on everything I see there’s I think I saw on Facebook here today too uh was it ruby summer league and I got to say I think it’s put on by Peter I believe Peter is that right Peter I think you’ve ridden with us um well if it’s the Peter I’m thinking is I know you’ve ridden with us uh I I think I’m going to do some commentary on those like do you guys want me to uh what style do you want here’s the next big question do we want to see a camera on me as I’m dying I mean maybe not all the time uh I just got to get things sorted out because the laptop that I do all my work on and I have ruy on does not talk to my starlink so even though I have the starlink upload speeds now to probably stream no problem my laptop here does not talk to the starlink it just can’t connect it’s just a little bit too far what’s funny is all my other stuff can like my other laptop can um my phone can my TV can but this laptop just doesn’t like it for some reason here me and tuna going on a little bit of a watch out for this tractor geez oh that was scary uh I noticed Clyde 235 said uh hillbilly in the Discord said that me and tuna passed him and then he just decided to let off he said his legs were really hurting at that point and so I kind of just saw where happened there me and tuna just went to the front and pushed a little bit almost got smoked by a tractor we’re okay though um so I see what hillbilly was talking about now again big groups here lots of drafting going on and you really got to be careful we talk about this a lot there was two occasions today where I was changing music and you know I like to joke about how I was listening to some kind of soft pop maybe country I I always make it that it’s going to be I’m listening to like Barbara man Mandrell country music or Kenny Rogers and then the next thing you know I’m putting on thrash metal it’s really not that extreme and it’s just a running joke have going look at gtcr he says yeah I’m pushing to the front now let’s go folks bike and dog trips is still here Kapa is riding right beside me at the moment howdy 63 okay so we we’re caught up with gtcr I think he finishes ahead of us at some point here uh we got some moves going fromont bike and dog trips is hitting it bike and dog trips don’t know who you are but you hung with me a lot today appreciate it really appreciate it uh I think you need to get in our Discord maybe you are uh I keep telling people I have trouble keeping track of Ruby names YouTube names Discord names Strava names so if I screw up who you are sometimes I got a lot of brain uh names in my head right now uh there’s been times when people have commented to me on YouTube and I’m like I’m I hate to admit this but I’m just being honest sometimes I’m like who am I talking to at this point I do figure it out eventually but it takes me I can’t just reply sometimes I’m like um yeah don’t know who this is and then I just oh yeah okay gotcha uh one of the coolest things I saw today too was I saw Dawn’s back Dawn from Florida uh Dawn I think it’s Dawn b341 he’s back uh hasn’t been in the Discord for a while Dawn was one of the first supporters of my channel and I always remember that Don’s got some great stories uh basically uses Ruby to train for his epic uh Mountain K assaults um because he lives in Florida no elevation you’re at sea level pretty much everywhere in Florida so way back when I’m going to say like last September October maybe Dom would drop a comment hey can you give me a good 18 kilom long 6% grade and i’ just done one the day before so I said yeah try this one out man here you can see me getting dropped here I was just not paying attention there I’m like who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m just dripping back here getting back someone com are from behind here to give me a bit of a hand who is this it’s good old tuna tuna tornado comes back and look at this here’s bike and dog trips hanging back a little bit I swear that at least this is how it seems to me and I love it this is what I want to see everyone’s pushing hard such a good workout here hey um also I’m so glad my video is working good this time because the last time this is where it kind of cratered it was like skipping so I’m trying to talk talk and it would be a frame and then it would wait 15 20 seconds load one frame so I could not it was just not smooth at all uh there will be a as much as July 4th is coming up for our friends in the states very important day for them there’s an important day for tomorrow here in Canada Canada Day is on July 1st very close to our friends to the South uh Canada became a country in 1867 uh so we have a holiday here here tomorrow and because of that the team has organized a Canada Day ride we will be doing one of the rides it’s the fort skatan Crossing ride that’s uh not in Saskatchewan you may think uh sorry I think I said Fort I said I meant to say North there’s a town in Alberta actually call Fort sukatan believe it or not um is that right I better be right about that uh I think I like I know my geography but it’s called the North Saskatchewan Crossing and that’s because the river there is called the North Saskatchewan and I guess you’re crossing over it or maybe it’s where it crosses the Continental Divide I don’t know what really why they call it that uh but it was a rout that was uh put on Ruby last year we’ve all written it before and it’s going to be a fun one so I’m in that one as well hopefully I can do it again this way uh so I can be involved in like do the ride do some Rambles you know how it is uh I’ve got a few other ideas coming here soon I’m going to really try to grow the channel so I need a lot of support from people comment comment comment and my favorite thing is when you comment on the Ruby Facebook page because the powers that be that look at it uh I want to get something going with Ruby I’m just being honest uh I can do the commentary for everything I can just give me the chance uh I think everyone enjoys it here the guys are still pushing pretty hard you know I’m going hard too three watts per kilo I think at the end here I just kind of like let off I don’t really want to Sprint anyone and I think Roger was thinking the same thing um at the end here I saw Roger just his power just dropped off as well and I just kind of coasted past him so you can see there Roger just kind of like a I’m done maybe you was Switching gears not too sure folks um but yeah that was such a fantastic event we’re going to see you again soon um there’s going to be a bit of problems with the video coming up here but it’ll get going here’s all the little after awards that you get for doing your things reaching level 72 so coming right back at you with the outer breath colum coming right up yeah buddy we’re back oh my what’s going on here ass this is downloaded right there watch okay folks yeah that was a good little workout uh so awesome seeing all of the team GRC o I don’t know what’s going on here it’s downloaded uh event down data download failed look it’s having trouble sinking things here not sure why hopefully this isn’t an end to the video if so I’ve got another one coming today from inside cycling World your favorite commentator long pause the only commentator here so this is as good as it gets uh okay so if this doesn’t work I’m going to back out all the way to catch all my friends at the back here we go here we go folks okay so here’s shark of the Alps coming to the Finish I saw them earlier on great to see them out uh last little straightaway coming up hard right-hander up this finishing shoot here probably in the uh 6 7 8% range let’s have a quick put how good am I at doing this there we go 6 7% Perfecto nice finish for the shark oh that’s not what I want to do you know I should be better than that folks let’s just jump up here’s Peter again Peter’s Chasing After Dawn hey Dawn’s back Dawn is back Dawn I was talking about you yesterday racing with Orel Le David 1951 and Peter puts in a huge Sprint at the Finish to come over a couple people’s shoulders the fans are running in the background and by the fans I don’t mean all my adoring admirers I mean my fan trying to cool off here uh heart rate didn’t get too crazy on that one I did feel that ride though everyone uh you know again I like to talk about this a lot just ride every day ride every day ride every day uh you know maybe take one day off here and there it’s the only way you’re going to maintain your condition or improve it all when you have your buddy who uh hasn’t worked out since high school you know that guy telling you how okay you did your three workouts a week and now you need to take a few days off and watch some baseball football soccer or other football uh don’t listen to that person cuz it doesn’t work in cycling you have to maintain your cardio all the time I’m living proof of it right now uh maybe my next video which I’m going to crank out already so scrio is coming to the Finish excellent job scrio looks like they’re just taking a little bit more cruisy today then we got Lan CE here’s a new Rider uh never seen them before welcome aboard uh we got Scottish Terrier coming in strong here Nelly 68 got to say I think I’ve seen Nelly before lives in Canada but with a Welsh flag so probably some Welsh Roots now in a Canadian join the club uh I’m originally born in the UK outside of Newcastle I heard it’s a pretty rough Place actually the song that I was finishing up today uh riding to was uh by ACDC shoot the thrill Brian Johnson I uh I listen to his book I hate to say I read his book cuz it’s not the same but I’m listening to books now that’s how lazy I am uh Brian Johnson lived in Nori’s time mouth that is my actual home time apparently he lived a couple of blocks from where I am from what my mom tells me uh actually I found out that sting was born there too like just a few blocks away or a couple communities away but like still like in that time mouth area maybe more Newcastle upon time but whatever that’s geography for the day so yeah again this was uh part of stage one of the uh tour to friends 20 24 the one where we all saw Cavendish just get pummeled to death uh and just think about it this is the easy stuff they’re riding this is like the in between valleys uh where the sprinters the bigger more powerful Riders have to work extra hard to catch up on these Flats before the next climb starts I believe yesterday there was six to S uh Cat 2 cat 3 climbs obviously more cat 3s than cattoos maybe there’s only two cattoos actually could be one hey here’s Don on uh so let’s mention this person here we got seniva it’s like a Polish Rider I believe donon cruising along here uh big turn off for today too I’ll explain more about that check this out here eat more cake Bernardo KB Jake back and uh Dez Dyer I said Dez is always getting stronger always getting stronger KB Jake uh Gem City Rider I believe Gem City I’m going to say it team GRC Gem City we’re like sister teams we all ride together all the time when you’re seeing people here with GRC jerseys on some of them are Gem City Riders supporting the cause thank you very much Fletch 369 yep absolute classic Chevy Chase movie uh miss Connie decked out in yellow here riding with Celtic German I think it’s a German Rider eight Celtic however you want your name pronounced miss Connie and Celtic riding together I wonder if they know each other got the exact same jerseys on here uh Rosa Rossa oo getting some miles in with us then we got South Lake or Frank hey Frank nice to see you Frank’s new to the ruy platform you can see here level 11 uh followed up with okay Cochran C okay so I think this Rider’s name it’s a ladies Rider I can see the ponytail right now I think this writer’s name is Christy uh I believe she commented last week on the Ruby page and everyone please comment on the Ruby page please comment on the YouTube channel I’m really trying to grow it it’s been pretty stagnant for a while now it’s really not a uh you know a booming business model if you get my drift um f bares Vos Vos our wider body rides with us a lot too Tracy Styles is back yes Tracy great job it’s one of the little harder kickers that Tracy is on right now uh we got sarve here new Rider to me it’s funny I we seeing these new riders that you know are pretty high level Vincente 73 so looks like vincente’s just taking a little break uh Vincente has been around Ruby a long time level 63 just taking a little break here probably a nature break just jumped over the rail there the side got hung up tour is bibs apparently uh we’re having a little bit of a costume malfunction on the side of the road at the moment uh hopefully the camera stay away actually the world tour for you just taking me right now uh Vincente a little bit of indecency there but it’s it’s okay things happen in cycling uh moving back up through the field we got sarve Tracy Styles let’s just jump to the front here I see I think we got a couple Riders together here yep Celtic and miss Connie actually still sitting on the bike right now that’s how dedicated I am to this so yeah let’s uh I’m going to start asking for people to just uh you know more likes more uh whatever you want to do to help me out here um you know what I’m going to throw it out there too I’m looking for sponsors I want people to start backing this proposition here who wants me to be your one and only Ruby commentator let’s let’s just throw that out there why don’t we uh yeah so we’re in like the peak of cycling craziness now I think there’s going to be a lot of people that are kind of like new to the Discord hey yeah don’t forget about the Discord Discord link is at the top of the inside cycling World Main Channel page click on it get your butt into the Discord talk with other cyclist who know tons about cycling tons there’s people in there that have been riding 40 50 years um hey and yeah huge shout out today uh I think I I mentioned it last week in the Discord uh Ricky Bobby was here today saw them on screen with me Ricky uh Ricky Bobby had a front tire blowout outside he said he was doing 28 29 miles an hour smashed himself to Pieces um I don’t think anything was broken just a lot of horrendous Road Rash uh we had a little little chat about it um I think on YouTube you might might have seen it there but yeah so apparently Ricky Bobby is feeling better again uh hopefully all the wounds are well they’re not going to be healed up yet but you know they’re not oozing anymore all that kind of stuff so yeah miss Connie here you’re almost done little straightaway coming up you’ll see Celtic Celtic just taking the hard rer up ahead here we’ll bounce up to Celtic here at this point just up this little ramp it’s kind of like a little Bridge here jump back to miss Connie she’s taking the same Corner Rosa Rosa I wonder how you really say your name uh South Laker Frank pushing a nice two watts per kilo here F baros chrisy I think it’s chrisy hope Christy or Christy chrisy I believe our wider body Tracy Styles then we got sarve coming in everyone’s getting close to the Finish now uh well I guess sar’s a little always out sarb might have been a late starter to this uh Vin Vincente still hanging out back here uh waiting for the backup team car to pull up he’s going to change his bibs uh I just having a bit of fun here folks just trying to make up little stories on the Fly Lon BRS French Rider put a 60 kgam Rider pushing uh four or five watts per kilo here very nice okay folks what I’m going to do we still got uh 2 4 6 8 nine Riders out on course I know vincente’s going to finish this one I’m cheering for him uh I’m going to jump off here because I still need to do some more audio of what was going on during the race my thoughts uh my ramblings you know I’ll talk about a lot more stuff there so uh I’m going to catch you real soon e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e


    1. Thanks for covering this race with great race commentary and general cycling commentary. I did like seeing your name as one of the riders during the race.

    2. Getting an 'invite invalid' when i click on discord.
      Good to see my two rouvy friends, you and bikeandogtrips, riding together

    3. Nice video Colin. I was wondering, does it actually help your channel if we watch the adds in full rather than hit "skip" when it pops on? Just had a Quadlock video pop up in the middle of this that's all. keep up the good work!

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