Hilarious Strategy for playing Austria in patch 1.37
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    it is June 14th 1496 I managed to conquer a majority of Europe prior to the 1500 you can see here I have seven personal unions and I nearly have conquered all of the hre you can see here this is what remains of the hre you guys will find the strategy pretty interesting and if you do please consider subscribing we’re trying to hit 20K the summer and any help would be greatly appreciated with that said let’s jump into the video start off we’re going to want burgundy friendly which he is and we’re just going to go ahead and Ally to burgundy Al Castile and then we just want to complete our elector Mission so we need four elector allies I’m going to avoid Brandenburg if I can cuz I want to kill him the soonest but we’ll do reier the palatinate Saxony and then let’s see who else cologne should be fine so that mission’s done we’ll go through the German unification Branch we’re going to do a States and first States I’m just going to do the ab and Mana privilege and the military we’re going to hold off on the Diplo for a bit to keep our cran in a good spot so we don’t get too much autonomy other than that we’re just granting priv for equilibrium so we can Seas landine without Rebels and we’ll also do indeed let’s grab advisor I’m going to grab those half off admin Half Off Diplo and then just a level one military I’m just going to remove all my fors except for the one next to the gold mine I’m going to go and rival to behia and then my next two Rivals don’t really matter I’ll probably just do something to fill my slots like England maybe the two towns I’m going to hire the independent Army to start off the way the strategy works is you need poen not to get anything he just needs to stay in the 0000 status while you win the war and if you’re able to do that then you can complete this Mission here which allows you basically to get a pu with Poland but if he gets the Pu first then it kind of screws you over and you don’t get the Pu okay I’m going to break my alliances with the electors I’ll keep Saxony because he’s good at attracting them going to declare war on Bohemia restoration Union RIS land of Saxony cuz he’s a distraction and let’s just do it we’re going to go ahead and break the alliances otherwise so like Mains I could break I was not Allied to him never mind Trier we could break I don’t want to put my leader in the Army because he’s has careful to start but I think I’m just going to send both Stacks to each for and then maybe just like send these eight guys with just reinforcements to either of those places if they get attacked just have like kind of just set up here where I have two saacks here and then one stack back here I’m going to encourage Dev in the gold area and just occasionally use abin and Diplo to Dev but not military speaking of I need to focus that forgot to do that earlier but I like to focus military to have that Advantage really but deing the goal up a bit can be helpful although it does suck to Dev a mountain Province so really my save to before the war because I wanted to Ally the pope to start getting the more or start getting the points here so I can get the Dipper up later is something I was planning to do but I kind of just forgot could also buy indulgences CU if he likes me a lot then I’m going to get more points basically see how many do we get yeah we get two a year so that’s good wow look at that all right so I had to Ala for that that let’s just get that Alliance indulgences again so 11 December we’re going to be going for the restoration Union promising land to Saxony let’s encourage Dev here Dev up the gold mine but only use Diplo points I’m not over our relation limit at the moment we don’t really need clog either I’ll put the general in the backup stack here we do is just send this guys here these guys here and then send these guys to just kind of chill so we have a general that’s ready to reinforce each battle if needed I want them to get distracted with sax and not attack me but want Curry favors with Castile like pretty much straight away I want to be able to get enough trust to get him as a subject all the teach of prag is over to have gold a little bit be nice if Saxony would quit the war which he might like it’s better for me if he loses land CU that just kind of goes to me Saxon is just a sacrifice pretty sure the way this event works is that once it hits 47 it becomes pretty likely to happen I think like meantime to happens like a month and or something I’ve heard so you kind of want to win the war before 1447 but you don’t need to take Prague or anything so once you have the minimum to get the union you should be okay come on sax are you frustrated aren’t you frustrated by all that province that you got occupi perfect so sax left the War I should be able to get that union now a little bit of money really I don’t need much money I just want to get that done with grab that mission crown of bohemia and El grab Sur pass the PS which will give me the Pu CB rather supp I’ll Ally to hungry as well don’t want him to get attacked by the Ottomans a pretty good start think we go sail down and get ready to no Granada he’s only lied to Morocco anyways it would be good to intentionally lose Granada later I just want to complete the mission I think cuz we don’t really want to piss off Castile not really the intent we just want to get the mission here done they beer relations so we’re going to try to get four provinces to do that we’re just going to know Granada cuz he has four provinces we’re going to get military access from Castile and I’m just going to send this 10 sack down there and we might have the gold a little more being above 20 crown line is usually helpful too suppose we could rival to Poland and then we could rival the Ottomans I don’t know if we’ll fight the Ottomans but it’s always a possibility I need to improve with Bohemia of course he chose local Noble so that’s going to be ala four there we go that just took a second try so I think we’re just going to wait until Castile would help me in this war we have enough favors we could call them in as well we’ll probably just attack Morocco I just need to make sure I have troops that I can steal the capital so I can get the subjugation and then truce is in February 48 so it’s not long strateg is going to be one that’s kind of like we’re not going to be doing a ton and then we’re going to go crazy we’re just waiting until next year and then we’re going to go to war it’s going to be an no CB so we probably should save some points to fix that stability wise so I’m going go ahead and declare war on Granada we going to call in Castile it’s going to be a Nob of course so bit of a stab drop but basically we just need the control his Capital Saving our points not going to spend our points on anything for a bit in this war we’re planning to vassalize Granada just for a mission that we probably want to lose that vassalization as soon as possible I probably don’t even need to help much here it’s better for me if Aragon doesn’t go into the Republic either I want Aragon for free as well if I can get it just go and white peace Morocco and then we should be able to just send the war and I’m just going to be vassalizing Granada oh I’m a war with Portugal Cas still you want to kill Portugal I know he does this wasn’t part of the plan but it’s funny and for this Mission here you don’t want to click it straight away cuz it only gives you a CB for 10 years so if you don’t have the 190 relations and four dipl rep and 80 trust you’re only going to have 10 years to get it I learned that in my last front do not press that straight away so I’m just going to grab this Iber relations so I have the uh restoration Union and then I’m going to force myself to cancel my over ship so that castle doesn’t hate me and I don’t really want him as a subject to be fair yeah all I really need now is dipl rep which I’m getting from the church and favors to 60 and then we should be good to get that Union troops are still exiled I do want to go to war with Poland though probably do that now we’ll just go rest Union and Poland and then we’ll call in Hungary burgundy for the one in secession we’ll grab the throne belongs to us I don’t know that we’ll actually take it cuz it’s probably a bad idea for AE but I’d rather have it as an option than not but probably we won’t do anything with that I do have a M Tech Advantage here in this war do want to keep my eye out for opportunities to get the institution if I see it but no one really has it yet do they so only 51 yeah okay the Renaissance hasn’t even appeared yet I just had to talk about it there it is I can only have 10 years to click the union button but it would be nice if Castile would get Aragon before that happened I want to white piece with brandenberg so I can war with them sooner than later yeah this war isn’t very difficult I have a million people to help me oh no my air died all right so we had Alta four because our ruler died let’s go ahead and grab the union here I could Greed for money but I don’t really need to so I can grab the king of Poland then the conquer Galia and we can become the Austrian Empire very nice and I could continue to De the gold little bit well actually I think we’ll be fine I don’t really think we need to Dev the gold any further than it already is deved we’ll go ahead and seeg land though the balance of power done gives me a more a impact not that it’s going to matter a lot our goal is to get to admin five and adaptability as soon as possible don’t really want to waste having points until that point so I think going to war might be not very useful that and people are kind of already mad at me for taking Poland so I kind of just want to hang out need to improve with my new subjects here I’m going turn off my maintenance I’ll keep my eyee on if I can buy the institution so I do want to get knowledge sharing I just can’t at the moment maybe if somebody else near the coast gets it they might share with me we’re just in two loans now so it’s nothing major probably repay those while we kind of wait okay he chose the wrong choice here so yeah we need Hungary to choose the right choice believe it happens in March I want to say when he when he picks I got him on the throne but I think there’s an event that I can get the union immediately I’m not sure I think because he had no air maybe I can’t get them in a union straight away so I guess we’ll get him as a union when our leader dies not a big deal we could probably even aducate eventually if we want to tier two reform let’s do compromise with the nobility I like the Sab cost fortunately I don’t think he’s going to get Aragon in time for me to snipe that look at my claims I have that Union until 61 so I have to grab that Union before then maybe the institution is available now there we go going to grab knowledge Shang from the people seat so go ahead and trade favorites for trust just trade 60 favors actually have enough dipl up without using the church oh did I accidentally just reject the request the Franco autom Alliance it’s a little bit annoying but whatever a little bit early too hungry’s just attacking people that’s fine with me hungry can go and attack people all he wants and grab the institution let’s do that we going to take a loan to repay that and then new burger loans and I’m just going to go ahead grab an institution get Tech five and we’re going to pick up abin ideas going to focus abin as soon as I can here there we go must have had some temporary dip rep but it’s fine because we planned on using this to get dipl rep so we’ll grab that and then we should be able to grab Castile I’m going to get rid of the Merks and just recruit up a regular army probably could even recruit two regular armies just do 124 don’t really need to use Merks oh I accidentally abandoned Italy I wasn’t paying attention I should probably Al for that I’m going to pick to raate an Italy now there we go the reason I want to pick that is cuz I get this Mission here Italian ambition and then I can select to get this subjugation CB and I’m wondering if I can use this CB to take their land anyways not sure but it’s something that might be a thing forgot about this they get mad about the whole Castile thing all right so two more ideas and we’re kind of ready to Conquest going to be a few more years we just goad and Abate here mostly cuz I want to get that Junior partnership I will need to boost my stability roll Mary burgundy got the mission done here I think we might need like a ton of Diplo points before we end all the wars cuz we’re going to be Max exhausted we’ll figure that out when we get there though start getting a bit out of debt here not in Crazy debt but we are in a little bit of debt basically five speed and chill no stress I’m going to finally Grant the dip privilege and then we’ll seize Land one more to get adaptability and then we’ll be ready to Conquest why are Rebels already why I’m Al fling those Rebels cuz I don’t want to get access guys don’t judge me oh no the event’s still here no fine I hate this game make me work so hard to get military access through two people it’s unplayable I’m going to declare war on brandberg for my mission I could call in burgundy if I’m being lazy sure we’re going to just Auto Siege and be lazy we’ll be less lazy in the future but at the moment we’re just chilling burgundy is being a bully we’re having to Al to four more than I would have liked in this run got adaptability here I wonder what we’re looking like Coalition wise if I took the land I need oh we’re looking bad I I will not take all the land well I’ll wait for this too so I’m just going to WIP piece out other people in this war cuz I want short trues with people because I’m going to eventually want to attack everyone long trues aren’t going to be good for that but I’m trying to get this age ability maybe before end the war I’d be fine with that I want to fully Annex him but I don’t really want to get Coalition I don’t have to fully Annex him to be fair I just need five provinces including Berlin the idea here is that I need the claims and I’m going to go to war with like everybody at once grab Justified Wars here so that should help with the you know the peace steal here end of the year we should be looking golden I’d say so yeah I’m just going to grab five provinces here shouldn’t be very aggressive maybe a bit of money and I should complete my mission and this mission is going to give me lots of claims it gives you claims on all of North Germany so if we press Q we can look here you get a lot of claims we can of course concentrate Dev and we can core that up it’s pretty cheap with adaptability yeah let’s go ahead and kick off the first war you don’t want to cerate people cuz that’s going to just cause you more unjustified demands the more people that are in a war so I’m going to declare war on Luc we’ll call in burgundy for this one we don’t really need burgundy in this one but we might as well get him involved in some sieging just want to make sure our armies are doing some sort of for at all times be better if I didn’t actually engage in combat I mean it doesn’t matter a lot the better I can save my Manpower is obviously just helpful now when you consider if you want to cerate or not my logic is basically if their PR SC score is less than 50 you don’t need to cerate and if it’s above 50 you will so just kind of keep that in mind in most cases you won’t have to going to declare on W gas next trying to stay active with our sieges just make sure both our Stacks are engag sieging something and I’m pretty happy with that really this isn’t that difficult to do as you can see these wars are very very easy we need to be sure to delete all the forts here too cuz we’re going to get mass amount of rebels and we don’t want them getting any forts so that is actually a good that that should be good losing a bit of money but that’s okay go ahead and declare war on Brunswick and I’m just going to sit capped on Diplo points because I’m going to need them later I guess I could Dev the gold or something but I want to just be lazy wait I just got the clared with ottoman’s I’m in the middle of something at the moment ottoman’s just decked on me AI is an idiot like come on man I’m in like the middle of a thousand Wars do you really need to be attacking me right now you’re literally Under My miltech Level come on that’s definitely a glitch the AI still does that they really should fix that the AI simply is not calculating correctly it sucks I have to waste my time now and go down and fight the Ottomans because AI doesn’t understand that the subject of subjects thing cuz it’s a vassel of Poland and the AI is just like in like it can’t calculate that you you know you’re the overlord of that person it’s been a pretty long-standing bug I think he’s also M five this is basically a waste of two years for me this glitch is very unfortunate because it literally is just a waste my time I have zero interest in them just going to Wi pce some actually yeah all right so let’s jump into the next floor doesn’t really matter who we war with at this point but I’ll declare war on this margin we’re just going to kick off a couple Wars just you know whoever wants to go to war with me everyone’s welcome just want to try to be siing a fort with both Stacks I want to get to mil s which really close to but I’m probably going to set on Max Diplo and admin points because I need to core things and I’m going to have a lot of unjustified demands so those are kind of two things to consider but having cannons would definitely be useful there we go we can get cannons now let’s just go ahead and take a loan or two and grab some cannons probably just one loan is fine build eight cannons okay we do need another loan I light we kind of have infinite manpow cuz with the Emperor as well and we have like all the units to help us too we will eventually get rebels of course cuz we’re Max for exhausted well we’re not there yet but we will be there we’re we’re closing in on it already so two Canon sacks now that’s looking good all right might as well just kick off another war and yeah we of course aren’t going to be lowering our war exhaustion or anything like that cuz you know there wouldn’t be a point to grab decentralized bureaucracy want to declare war on cologne all righty just declare Another War here I thought this idea is so stupid that it shouldn’t work like you know what I mean you’re just like oh I’ll just never end the war just war with everybody at the same time like I thought about doing this when I was like a beginner but I was like oh it won’t work and then when I got better at the game I realized that my simple idea was actually the best idea like you swore with everyone obviously it’s that it’s so simple that you don’t expect it to work but then somehow it just does let’s declare war in Munich wait I thought I claims on ital do they already go away I guess those EES only lasted 10 years damn I was hoping I could uh use those unfortunate I was uh planning to uh attack Italy but now they’re hiding behind the uh I don’t have a claim let’s just say well I any rate let’s just um go to another War might as well Golden Age all right well let’s just declare more Wars what a weirdly strong way to conquer the H okay so let’s just kick off some more Wars we’re not at war with everybody yet it’s definitely a couple people uh hanging on like monster over here for example I guess I’ll just declare a monster currently 19 loans but loans are just a number like War exhaustion CL war in Switzerland CL burgundy kble Dr benen we’re wor with a lot of the but not everyone like this guy is hiding over over here he’s Allied to England what do I do 1444 oh England would even help him but I don’t have a claim no where’s my claim but I could probably get claims barding claims on him you know I might as well not have advisers if I’m kept on points right that just doesn’t seem much of a point to that we get a restoration un CB just for taking five provinces over here so I’m thinking once we get into this war we could do that I want to take Italy as well that’s right for H land saw the CL on Staton I almost have claims that I need I’m just kind of wait I could have been ready but I you know I wasn’t so what do you do yeah I’m just going to declare war and cerate Milan I didn’t realize but casle got like fully sied they keep on sieging up here which is annoying so I’m just going to take some rightful H land here from Milan there might be a little bit of a coalition but like I’m probably already at war with like 90% of these people anyways so like what does it really matter but I can’t core these provinces because I’m War exhausted and stuff I mean I could core the proves they would just be like the entire life savings I probably just won’t core them though I’m going grab the this Mission here and it’s going to give me a restoration Union CB and yeah that’s just rightful Austrian land so I’m just going to go and declare that War I guess I’ll be fighting France I’m getting Coalition no how dare they I’m not even that aggressive I took literally five provinces and they’re screaming I heard you were Coalition me that’s aggressive sometimes you just got to teach the Coalition that like that’s aggressive and they shouldn’t have done that Sienna I’ll find a way listen I’ll find a way don’t think I won’t all right I’m just going to barrage assault Paris because it’s the price that has to be paid I’m getting Coalition again but luckily what he doesn’t know is that I already have a claim on him and oh that’s a lot of people wait these people can’t join they’re already in the war you’re lying to me I’ll just declare war here like that’s aggressive of them to do that is anyone we’re not at war with there’s an argument to be made that I may have declared more Wars than I can comfortably win but I think I should be okay and I win The Siege at 49% and he doesn’t win at 28 right yes let’s go goodbye France goodbye I got the inheritance as well sus for you all right burgundy inherited is very nice no drama with that one oh we’re we’re losing that like really damn what is his morale what the hell I mean it’s not that much higher than mine I’m surprised I lost he’s assaulting all right well I’m just going to go back and sold Paris again hurry you got sold fast no he made it to the five people no can you imagine being one of those five people Everyone Else dies there’s five of you left okay this time that I win until time right I beat him I’m better I didn’t expect to beat him but wait a wait France let’s talk about this me and France can talk about this okay we can talk it over I just want 400 of your dollars and then don’t kill my troops so yeah I’m trying to get this Union going but I’ve been struggling to get through here and unfortunately the Coalition War isn’t really useful for me like I there was a I did declare war in the Coalition here this war is not very helpful for me because you know I can’t take the land really well actually these guys are oh there’s only two Coalition people no there’s another Coalition War I think I I I I think there actually is though here it is like all jokes aside I there is another Coalition War yeah we’re sit at Max points and I know it’s bad like if I did this again I I think I would uh plan things a little bit better but it is what it is Venice leave me alone we actually won that battle wait you suck Venice what was that I kind of expected to lose that battle just whatever but Venice apparently sucks honestly I don’t really want to be at war with Venice that just make things a little simpler if it wasn’t worth Venice cuz he has probably the majority of the troops left I’m almost there just have to push through another 15 forts I’ll make it to n I’m just going to white piece Venice I don’t really care to take land from him at the moment and he has a lot of guys so let just make things a little simpler cuz I am in a lot of Wars I don’t know why I needed to tell you that did you know I’m in a lot of Wars also losing a lot of money I’m only halfway to bankruptcy though oh no I uh the fate of Italy has been decided I had hoped to be able to piece out those wordss sooner so I could actually get the land but it’s whatever I guess like I still should be able to get to the land I’ll just WIP piece this Coalition War cuz I want to be able to kill these guys and I won’t be able to do it so I might as well just piece them you know I’m just going to assault this I’m impatient I want Naples it’s mine all right so I’m just going to Union Naples very good you know what I can just let the two tons out as well I I can take them later I don’t really need to worry about that so I got this Mission done here the king of Naples and what’s great about this is it gives you the negative a impact which is going to be huge right yeah that’s going to be but really it’s the per claims I wanted andh halt has escaped the wars but I I have to fix that he’s he thinks that he can just blend in and not go to war or something I don’t know like I see you though to be fair he did blend in very well so I need all my diplomats here cuz we’re going to have to end a lot of Wars I need to actually finish off and this guy before we do anything because I you got to make sure that everyone wants to quit before you do anything else that’s their plan just let just all hide up there so I’m just going to grab fation with this guy real quick just because these guys are hiding on this island wait they still have a Navy wait I can probably cross now right yeah yeah yeah they can’t they can’t run anywhere and I own both sides technically so it’s over for them perfect verden what all right so I’ve been told by the chat I’m a bird I don’t know how I feel about that I do not identify as a bird so I’m going to go do that again but this time I’m going to like murder them like buron doesn’t escape this time okay there’s no way he escapes so I’m just going to end the war with wolgast and verin and get there anex so guys what are the chances I’m going to be able to afford to core all this land all right so we sieged down Europe so that’s good we’re just going to we got to just you know finish this one Siege here and we should be good we got to five speed I guess I can improve relations with Naples a bit more why I wait Naples is Chill someone in the chat thinks I can’t keep the Naples Union but I’m pretty sure they’re wrong and that’s going to feel great when I’m right so I’m going to wait till like the beginning of the month because reasons and then I’m going to end the wars let’s just go ahead and start ending the wars it’s better if we can take it from the main War Target so it’s not extra Diplo points because we only have some we we’ve saved the maximum amount of Diplo points but obviously that could be a problem so let’s just grab those so yeah we’re just annexing a couple people there and this is a coalition War but they’re holding rightful Austrian land so I’m going to take Rome okay so I’m going to separate piece manova why is it man manova Mana I don’t know maybe the weird names are weird down here all right so we’re just going to you know what I’ll give Hungary this land want that border Gore right that that would be disgusting all right so there’s the knights I can just wipe piece and then I guess we’ll just take what we can we can’t take that much land here from this guy of course but we’ll just take what we can and that’s fine probably going to delete forts as we go so settin is can just be annexed up here I’m just kind of going through and you know finding people and piecing them out as I can it’s better if I can piece them out in the main War but sometimes that’s not going to be feasible like here that’s not possible we have to like separate piece Ferrara here and we got to wait for diplomats occasionally probably should just be leading forts cuz we’re going to get Rebels everywhere and forts are probably not good for Rebels cuz it’s just going to take longer to un Siege everything or maybe no one will Revolt you know you never know what what if they just didn’t Revolt wouldn’t that be nice okay fation with these three and yeah this is going to be a lot of heing people out who’s the main War guy here Lut such a weird name I’m saying it wrong I know but it’s still weird um W wburg okay so we’ll cyber piece out this guy only problem with cyber piecing out people is that like eventually it becomes a problem because you know I don’t have infinite amount of points the points that is so yeah we’re just going to just slowly going through and we we will be getting Coalition by the remainder of the whoever’s alive but okay we’re going to Annex these people now yeah we’re and the less people that were in the war the better like in this case I don’t have to lose that many dipo points cuz it’s like same person I just didn’t have claims but like I it won’t probably work for like the Luc I can barely even take Luc it’s got so much land but yeah we’re going have to separate piece Breman that’s Diplo points we’re going to have to separate piece Hamburg minor inconvenience guys don’t worry I guess we’ll take Ria I wasn’t really planning on it but it’s I guess it’s a nice place I don’t need to reduce War exhaustion yet oh guys I screwed something up I was supposed to take loans before we ended the wars yeah that was I was going to do that but we’ll just have to deal with it I guess it’s fine yeah we never talk to minor inconveniences it’s fine all right so we end this war I guess we already have Rebels there but you know whatever boss yeah don’t talk to the events okay the events they don’t they’re not even good people okay they they not they don’t even like talking take War reps from like from who they’re all dead they don’t pay you on they’re Deb it’s unfortunate I know all right so we’re just going to continue to end Wars I’m just going to delete forts cuz um Rebels are going to Rampage okay full annexation here we got a mission done for um yeah nice we could disable the Dutch Revolt but don’t worry we have other revolts lety of revolts going around hey free war taxes let’s go all PE Edge starting to be a lot of Diplo points I need 500 Diplo points to lower my War exhaustion so I’m going to need to make sure I don’t go below that number so let’s just keep ending Wars that looks fine it’s yeah it’s a lot better when we don’t have to use Diplo points and a lot of times you know we have permanent claims so apparently I’m slightly overextended allegedly there’s a couple people that escaped but not it’s not too bad so that mission’s done I don’t know what exactly it I don’t know if it’s going to help us much all right so more Wars to end let’s grab that we got a separate piece Frankfurt my diplomats are busy people these days so we’re going to grab those oh we uh we accidentally um right we accidentally didn’t save enough points to reduce War exhaustion wait it’s 66 points oh D guys I I was calculating based on 75 points that’s awkward that’s very awkward I did not mean to do that so I’m going to try to end as many wars that I can that don’t take Diplo points because I’m going to need to save those if I if I have to sa a piece then I’ll probably come back to that war like towards the end or if it’s like just a little bit then that’s you know that’s fine I guess but I really needed to save my Diplo points and I screwed up a little bit it’s not a big deal but to end that war that’s a lot of I’m going to wait to end that one that one’s a lot of points I guess I don’t have claims up there but I have claims up here so that’s good claims up here as well I missed the province where where what do you mean oh God damn it I hate everyone they told me to bird I literally have to go back to redo all the peace deals I’m devastated I blame you all for this this is your fault you did this to me by the way if you’re going to do something like this I recommend deleting the sound file that does the PE deal if you guys didn’t notice that you can’t hear that going over like if not you’re going to be driven to the Edge of Insanity so I need 660 Diplo points to get rid of my War exhaustion so that being said I’m going to try to find as many wars as possible that don’t take Diplo points to end first because it just takes time to end Wars like you know your diplomats can only move so fast so just basically we’re just going to go through and try to find Wars that either they cost low Diplo points or no Diplo points oh we could take loans first as well just a couple to like have a you know some extra cash laying aside cuz we’re not going to be able to take loans in a minute like I imagine this one won’t be a good one to end right I don’t know why we’re chosing to end the wars from left to right this time maybe it’s better luck this is kind of an expensive one to end though that I hear I don’t hear that actually no I don’t I refuse all right I got to separate piece this guy and that yeah that war along costs almost 100 or that cost quite a bit of difficult points in that war and with these Fria we’re just kind of going through and seeing you know maybe this is all one war guys it’s nope we’re going to waste dipl points on this one dang it I have to sever piece this guy as well they’re taking away all my Diplo points fast they’re speed running my Diplo points all right so then that war that looks good end this war and that war Brandon monster and this war this doesn’t cost any Diplo points probably should make a quick save cuz I don’t want to have to redo that just in case I think can we end this war without much Diplo Point loss let’s take Frankfurt yeah we just need 660 points we can be negative Diplo points but obviously we need the DI points to reduce War exhaustion end that war with Saxony we still have a bit of diple points to work with before we have to lower our exhaustion got to se piece this guy all right I can Annex those people no Diplo points required B just need to find all the wars we can end without going below 660 points cuz that’s the amount of points that it’ll cost to reduce War exhaustion I guess we’ll spend the dipl points for this one you know there’s going to be some leftover Wars but that’s why we have to just do the best we can 81 points that’s brutal we’re not doing that B’s I think expensive too yeah we’re not we’re probably not doing that one either so Annex Trier in the rain you know we just got a handful of Wars more to end s should be a good one how much dead are we in I’m just curious 6,000 we actually make a lot of money from you know taking money from the entirety of Europe turns out I think this one’s fine to end you we’re going to have the lower War exhaustion and then just kind of go for it but I’m that’s kind of yeah it’s kind of a problem okay so we’ll end this war it’ll be tiny bit of Diplo points but that’s fine it’s got six Wars left we’ve got about 30 points is to work with I guess we get a tiny bit of points here like 10 points it’s not going to do a lot for us but p s one out five Wars the question is can we end those five Wars in a month CU if we can then it’s kind of brutal I need to get rid of all the forts though too it’s going to be painful I bet it would be easier to do with the macro Builder oh yeah are you guys surprised I know how to delete forts with the macro Builder so we’ve deed the region pretty good what we’re going to do is just lower our war exhaustion to the max so we’re just going to Max that to zero the only issue is that we get 3.8 a month so yeah you can see how it becomes a problem if we can’t end the wars in time we’re going to and I don’t like I don’t know that we can so I mean we’re just going to have to do the best we can though unfortunately we have to piece all these guys separately so Ria flation we just got to piece you know we got to piece as effectively as possible but you can only move so fast you know what do you do guys what do you think the chances are if we hit Coral that we’ll be able to core everything we got plenty of concentrate opportunities okay Plenty to go around okay that was not that many but it was it was you know some and we just got to make sure that nothing’s in a state like stuff like this like it’s got to be in a state right that there’s no way oh it is yes okay we did it we saved points I’m loving it yeah we might as well like unate that trying to make sure that we aren’t paying any extra for stuff right but yeah there’s probably no way but maybe most a lot of it takes like 12 months which isn’t bad I feel like that’s just so much to core like what is that why is it so much to core I don’t want to core expensive things that are unreasonably priced start from the cheapest I somehow that makes it feel better right I don’t want to hit the coral button because it’s going to it’s to core expensive unreasonable price stuff there’s so many things to core oh no I was hoping that the max admin points would be a lot that’s it man the the max ad points did not go very far I felt like they would go further than that I mean it’s not terrible like but we’re yeah we’re 700 points short where can I get more admin points who’s selling admin points agenda they want me to have three stability yeah that thanks man no you failed me am M’s opinion surely surely I can get him already’s opinion up right who even is that guy yeah I should get back advisors now radical reforms do you think that’s that’s the solution so I’m going to continue to end Wars I’m trying to do as much as I can in a month so I have four Wars left but I obviously have to separate piece people which kind of sucks like I can’t take all Swit toland for example but maybe I could take Swit okay I could do that so I can end the war with benen tomorrow and then my diplomats have to get back for a couple days but yeah once the month tick it’s going to be bad unfortunately I guess it doesn’t really matter because I’ve already used all my admin points so what would it really matter we send the war with Switzerland grab that so I got a separate piece ban and then I got a separate piece Hamburg so I’m going to fully Annex Lu backck we can pull the macro Builder back out get rid of more forts separate pie Ferrara here and then we should be able to end with this guy and then there just one war left let’s grab those maybe we can end the wars in time actually okay so we’re going to grab that Province going to grab Rome we’ll give Hungary this province I’m kind of or extended I don’t you know I don’t really want that Province we will never support such a state because why would you know like I like Rome personally it’s it’s a nice place I want it for myself so peace out bosia that looks good we’re just going to grab that last war and that looks good to me got a little bit of cleanup to do of course this guy survived he snuck it you have to respect that you know we got a couple people that made it out but only a couple people like we did pretty good I think for 1492 I’m not mad you know like we we did pretty good see this is where you should end one of these campaigns like you should definitely call it a campaign at this point right because like what comes next is misery guys I looked at this and I’m like oh I’m I’m only barely over a 100 but then I realized it was actually a thousand I was like guys I’m barely over a 100 we’re fine no actually we’re barely over a thousand that’s that’s yeah got the H3 just for you want it three princes in one free city bem is going to vote for me so we should be good right a map mode yeah I took so much land that even the ottomans are mad un positing is dangerous we don’t want to do that to make this playable I’m going to have to give away some of the land but I want to make sure I don’t give away the land that’s important so the idea here is that I’m going to Grant provinces that are more or less unimportant over here especially to burgundy burgundy is going to be the best person to Grant these two and this should refund the points right I don’t have to cancel it it’s just Auto refunds yep I want to give him land that I don’t have cores on like like that should be the priority I wish I didn’t have a lot of corruption but like yeah we we’re going to be oh my God I get four corruption a year not point four but just four okay burgundy is going to need to take some stuff I should get burgundy different culture land for sure cuz anything that takes 24 months to core is going to just murder me I wish I had a way to give Naples the land but I can’t yeah I I don’t if I give him Rome he’s going to just like give that away that’s unfortunate he’s just going to give it away I’m not going to give Naples rum cuz I think he’s going to give it back but I’ll give him Sienna and and maybe I’ll consider giving Rome but not not right now you know I want to give Poland some stuff that doesn’t really matter to me just give him like you know some garbage up here I’ll give him a couple more things so I do need to give away some of this land oh that was already a core I gave it away for nothing we’ll just see how much land we can uh get away with well I could give Bohemia some land here then I just refunded like several hundred points let’s just see where we’re at now there’s so much still man okay well I can give away a little bit more this is kind of a you know tedious process of trying to figure out like what you want to give away for sure yeah those two are kind of like at the limit of what they can take where does that leave us of course our OE has gone down several hundred% some of the problems are just really expensive to core Poland may have to get a bit of a snake going oh yeah I could give stuff to Hungary but that’s like it’s your fault for this bordergore I didn’t do this I will not take responsibility for this bordergore like all of my pus are kind of except Venice is um going to be capped I guess I could get Rome away he he might give it back though but maybe that’s fine I guess I don’t really care it’s a little Annoying I would have liked to keep Rome but the same time I’m just kind of like yeah it looks like I could maybe get my subjects back in line at least for the most part maybe if I just deved Lithuania like a little bit my subjects are loyal so everything’s cing that needs to be cing so now it’s just a matter of like I guess core whatever else you can I I don’t really know just hit coral and just that’s what it is what it is I’m guess guessing that we’re well over 100% still maybe not well I think we’re I think we’re like 150% if I was to guess like after it all cor wait how did you support Independence I literally he was loyal you’re lying D I mean he has one troop what am I what am I afraid of he has literally one troop what is he going to do all right so the rebels will be here in a couple months I imagine I’m going to need the mercenaries but I don’t have a lot of money okay let’s try to find an inflation guy for radical reforms that would actually come in handy I think I’ll have to hire the grand company but I think that’ll be okay it’s just expensive but I’m getting coed with the rest of Europe probably so maybe we can proc radical reforms here that would be super handy oh I could also do let’s see strong dutchies I mean yeah Spain is being supported by France so whatever the real pain has not even begun yet guys it’ll be here soon so in six months it’s about to be painful it’s peaceful right now though you know no big deal I can see land here could sell titles if I was desper it but I don’t think I would need to do that there’s quite a big Coalition though how much a do I have 864 or 870 or so I should be improving with Naples I don’t know why I’m not yeah about a year left of the bankruptcy but once the S cores obviously it won’t be a problem the first Rebel is here just one the first month is tame the next month will not be so tame you know we’re making pretty good progress on some of them though like we’re you know we’re like 70% cord on a lot of them yeah this part is the part that’s going to suck though so I knew they would release the Papal States all right well here come uh a lot of rebels so I’m going to declare war on the Papal States that just got released from my subject my subjects will help me with Rebels that way I don’t really get any Manpower from the h anymore you know there’s not that many princes left currently there’s a good six more Rebels we of course want to stop them from teing joy every month is brutal yeah we should raise vexes so we got like what’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 new groups that’s 14 new groups of rebels so yeah they’re here guys we’re just War the H again it’s fine yeah this isn’t terrible we’ll be okay we we had a Manpower really really fast though of course here are some more Rebels that’s another 10 so yeah got another 10 Stacks we just CED up a ton of stuff though and we’re about to C up more I might want to shift consolidate there’s another what like seven or eight rebeles that’s a lot of guys I need like a bit of a group effort here these guys kind of need like replenish there’s only there’s so few if I have to to base I will but I don’t might not need to how are we looking to I mean we’re getting there we’re still pretty overextended it just costs a lot of men to kill this many Rebels what more could I say about that you know it’s a lot of people but we’re murdering them the rebels are a lot there’s a lot we’re uh coming closer to that bankruptcy every day I was kind of predicting that we would be at like 150 but I think we’re going to be at like 200 at least 200’s better than a, though you know like you got to be optimistic the majority of them are spawned so there isn’t much more to be spawned that’s the good news like we kind of hit like a cap of how many rebeles can be here we can do UniFi Germany now we actually could form Germany if we were at piece we could I’m going to a base here so I don’t go bankrupt I can State up things now that probably will increase my loan size I’m not going to pay to full State them of course but yeah I’m only uh 230% over extended at this point so that’s a lot more reasonable it’s still a lot but you know you got to got to take a win where you can get it what is this Civil War a lawful Imperial territories I’m losing 14 a month I’m the emperor what do you mean freaking game it’s very lawful what do you mean like who’s going to contest it it’s just me everything’s so expensive decore that I have left yeah bankruptcy is looming it’s just a normal campaign cphon income I don’t know that I should do that P is dead oh I could do this I don’t need to support these guys anymore it’s too bad about casel getting supported by the entirety of the rest of the game it’s fine now I do have some trues that are important I think like I if I wanted there’s a lot of people I could attack but Venice is going to be September if I want to make real money I probably need to invest in trade by the way guys if I could move my Capital to like somewhere and then trade it just trade like you know more or less like Trade Company bunch of stuff I probably make a lot of money as I State more things up it’s going to be helpful too still sitting way high though but yeah I’m trying to get below 100% overextension obviously that would be the dream then it’s kind of just like not so bad guys Ria is gone I’m never getting to Ria there’s no way Ria might no longer be with us well we could actually go to war here in the next year I guess October but yeah Ria’s kind of gone why didn’t Venice Coalition me yet it’s been months and they still just haven’t I could just murder you dude are you sure you don’t want to do that I’ve been known to like to murder so I don’t I don’t know I’m not sure why Venice didn’t joined the Coalition I’m just going to declare on him I guess I mean we’re pretty done with Rebels for the moment well I guess I’m kind of done with Rebels I can’t sell titles though because yeah this situation here with Ria I don’t know well he just continue to give away Rome I think he probably will like if I give him Rome will he ever just like not give it away or I think he just will keep giving it away right I guess I’ll just take Rome even though I can’t really core it at the moment I want to give it to Naples but he’s just going to give it away so I’m kind of like what’s the point so yeah I guess I’ll just take it and I can’t ever cross the water but that’s fine crossing the water is overrated we got to keep an eye on our trues though Soo and all them are in May if we want to keep conquering anyhow it’s tough to afford advisers isn’t it actually I’m paying for advisers whether or not I can afford them I guess I’m just still paying for them because I definitely can’t afford them paying 18 in interest brutal bankruptcy is still looming I just need a little bit of money okay like what I guess Venice might be able to give me some money but I don’t really want it to base anymore it’s not my favorite thing so I’m going to go and sell titles we ended the war V took Max money or reps we’re kind of in the cycle of debt where we like bankruptcy is always looming so I think I can fix it now yeah bankruptcy should not be looming anymore so I’m going to take Burger loans yeah I can repay just a bunch of loans here kind of just refinancing in some sort of way so I can continue to take a couple more loans and just kind of you know cut these loans down so I have less loans so we’re now at 10 loans or 10 bigger loans but that feels a lot better we can obviously take 37 so bankruptcy won’t be an issue anymore kind of clears that problem out of the way and we’re just about to be not overextended as well have 5,000 dead it’s not a huge deal we can probably try to make money someday with trade once we get that all CED up we’re still trying to core things apparently cing all of Europe up is hard and we’re corrupt yeah we should R out corruption again yeah we’re no longer above 100% over extension so we’re obviously in a pretty good spot I’m going to go ahead and wrap it up there I hope you guys enjoyed this one and if you want a part two let me know in the comments but as always thanks for watching and have a great one


    1. Can you explain your reasoning on removing forts as an anti-rebel measure? From where I stand, it seems like having the fort would be great, because it gives you more time to deal with the rebs, and if they do win some land nearby the fort mitigates the penalty.

    2. Reducing War Exhaustion in EU4 reminds me of sacrificing the pig in I:R for stability in 1.0 – people called it the stupidest mechanic of the game 😀

    3. Maybe it would have been a good idea to go for the first centralization reform for the 10% ccr before conquering all of Germany. Considering how early into the game one can get there, it would have only delayed the conquest by 10-20 years.

    4. Considering how insanely strong Austria is these days, owning all of Central Europe by 1490 is probably the weakest result to aim for. 😂

      It is extremely fast for a Germany formation though, which is cool.

      I wasted my time getting Castile to actually declare the PU on Portugal which is so hard to do. Two wars in which I fed them Portuguese provinces until the historical friendship broke… and then he wouldn't call me into the PU war and of course never get the warscore to enforce, the next time he called me in but even with 85% warscore just took some colonies. I ended up getting them to take the PU in the end but it really isn't worth the trouble.

      Much better to just get through the Austrian missions and use the spread dynasty peace deal to eventually get your own personal union.

    5. "All separatism in provinces owned at the time of formation is removed as soon as they are cores – instantly if they already are cores. This is very useful to get rid of rebels when expanding rapidly". Straight from the wiki. Might be useful with the german formable

    6. In school I was friends with a guy named Theodore one faith world conquest. Nobody wanted to see him and people that wanted to be his friend were just pretending. That man later became know as just Theodore from the chipmunks. Now the entire world is tired of hearing about him. Also everyone clapped

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