SKINT Scunthorpe: The Real Shameless | Full Series | ENDEVR Documentary

    Watch ‘Rich House, Poor House’ here:

    00:00:00 E1 Welcome to Scunthorpe
    Dean used to work at the steelworks in Scunthorpe, but now he, his wife, and their seven children get by on benefits. On Dean’s estate, the film follows a boy excluded from seven different schools.

    00:46:05 E2 Mother & Daughter?
    Claire became a mother in her teens and is worried about the same thing happening to her daughters

    01:30:45 E3 The Desert Rat
    The local pub – The Desert Rat – is re-opening. Unemployment is running high on the estate and just outside the pub is ‘The Wall’ where people congregate, often when they have nothing better to do.

    02:13:43 E4 Family & Addiction
    Bringing up children when work is scarce is never easy, but it’s even harder if you are also struggling with addiction. This episode follows the impact that addiction can have on family life.

    About Skint:

    “Skint” follows the lives of people in long-term unemployment or growing up without the expectation of ever working in Scunthorpe, England. Filmed over seven months, the series centers on Dean, a father of nine who once worked at the steelworks, now employing a fraction of its former workforce. The show also features other residents of one of Britain’s most deprived areas.

    The series highlights social issues like youth unemployment, crime, welfare dependency, truancy, and addiction, while also showcasing the community’s resilience, ingenuity, and strong family bonds. Dean and his family live on benefits, navigating a world where joblessness is common and keeping children on the right path is a daily struggle. Other characters include a shoplifter selling stolen goods and a 15-year-old boy excluded from multiple schools, illustrating the harsh realities of being skint.

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    [Music] ah gunthor aside from having a swear word in its name scunny is perhaps best known for steel works or what’s left of them it’s not the easiest of places to work but there’s a good laugh we all got on me D he used to work on the steel works now he and his family get by on the social and it’s the same for most of the people he knows got no else to do up here but breed and feed have we to survive they’ve had to learn how to make their money stretch on the side chicken Phillips kid by raise there aome links the kids have found their own ways to enjoy themselves offices having a good day there’s always rough Justice when it all gets on top speci window window nothing special no we and if you really need a break you can have one that’s Her Majesty’s pleasure you arrested shoplifted it didn’t booking them Palace but if you scratch the surface people are just trying to do the best with what they got and they haven’t got much fine his wife and there soon to be seven kids and families just like them around the country this is what it means to be [Music] skinn since the steel work started laying off jobs in scunny have been harder to come by worst hit is the Westcliff estate now not everyone round is on the door but most of the people you’ll see hanging around a between jobs as it were and if you’ve now to do life here revolves around a wall where everyone sits called the wall why a b people gather here cuz there’s not else to do around wff so everyone just comes here to chat and just no H just go to the shop get a drink come back here just chilled socialize you can get anything at the wall mate you can anything absolutely Class A to class C’s it’s an illegal shot off license and when they say anything they mean anything today it’s some meat that looks like it’s escaped from a local Warehouse no do you eat a lot of chicken in you get the more than half price e i th business in on the left pop round yeah yeah cheaper in it than the shops can’t beat it back of a car back of a van so what even CH the chicken in for not blessing good luck Dean’s been on the social for a year now and feeding a family especially one as big as Dean on what the social pays is always a stretch shut up and get your tea both of you right start here there’s Danny she’s 15 she’s my stepdaughter there’s Harry he’s nearly eight he’s my stepson Leah’s 12 she’s my stepdaughter what James is 16 he’s my stepson there’s Le 2y old that is my son there’s Alfie 5y old he’s my stepson and there’s CLA my wife and this is the next Edition they do me heading but I want to change it for the world that’s why I married her first time met CLA I was leaving the pub one night just paralytic I just said night clear to her she got talking to my mate who was still in the PB and said oh I want my meeting him so he got her on the phone while I was pissed off just trying to sort a one night stand out for me cuz I just M of relationship and just ended up staying together and that was just from saying night pissed up I mean I take after my dad for the drink obviously but can’t be all bad if I met CLA just fall out that is my only fault [Music] drink make sure the kids are SED first if a cat afford food for the kids or the bills that paid I make sure that’s done first all the money in the world not bother I want changing for the world none of them got no else to do up here but breed and feed have we often the worst affected when there’s little work are the young ons growing up easy to see why you wouldn’t bother going to school if you can’t see a job at the end of it I cop is chasing you and that there’s more fun to be being naughty than staying out of Trum what’s compensating [Music] you kids around here will always get into trouble there’s nothing for them to do around here you know to stay out of trouble they’re not all bad but young Connor is definitely one to keep your eye on please Connor’s pretty well known locally he lives around the corner from Dean with his mom and his little brother what are you looking for I tell [Music] you how old were you when you first got excluded from school you seven how what’s that I don’t know 12 or 13 in there right how old are you now 50 been kicked out of seven schools don’t go to school I don’t want to go to school sh I don’t know if it’s because it’s slightly D lexic but he’s always struggled with his work which then he gets angry frustrated and then he lashes out con Conor get up Connor’s now supposed to go to a special boarding school for kids with behavior problems but he hates having to leave his home and family Conor yeah come on 2 minutes 2 minutes look at St your bedroom oh mad I have to go school for 6 months like every day weekends and stuff all week seven days I’m not going do school work when I’m weekends my mom makes it about chilling and Sh stupid must have gone mad just get up you taking the mid now it’s quar 8 well go then well get up then go then I’m not get up not School get off I’m not off school people are waiting I can’t physically get him out of bed I’ve tried but then he just goes he just goes absolutely mental so there only so so much you can do in there give me that phone then give me that phone get up my get up get we moved D oh what what are you going do with me Connor I swear to God this is the last chance we got two minutes when I come back up the stairs again Watch get up watch no you’re going to school thanks thanks for lot coming smash your you what you what you [Music] when times are tough the black market always thrives even if you don’t do it yourself you can sometimes rely on it to make ends meat especially when you’ve got a big brood and a little brother on the Dole get out now sorry yeah I’ll give you back dihe no I’m not you just got none of this oh that’s why you go over the top when you’re here D I never go in your stuff when I’m here you li I like your fridge though I’ve got lots of turkey in there cuz [ __ ] shop lied the other day I’m bacon the joys of knowing smack ends they are good for w thing Robbin food anyone kns on that door with cheaper stuff than the supermarkets m i buy it too R Bernard Matthews [Laughter] beautiful wa on do you want any cheese and I did have six packs of them but I give Greg to to with him and some carrot cake and a full box of car cake It Boxing bastard tea B to SC you don’t drink you [Music] so it’s easy to find the local shoplifters there’s some who Nick to order and others who just flog whatever they can get their hands on you didn’t get a graft I did two of the best known grafters are Tracy and Mikey some razors and some links then and some of them how much will you get for them uh 10 Rupees on these and a quid each for the links do don’t want to buy a razor do you abouty a razor or some links how many do you want four yeah but you’re going to have to go see Avon am you go even if I got done I’m still [ __ ] oh no I need to I can’t keep my family going on the prices they charge they all need deodorant they all need sprays and stuff when they’re doing the rare they’re getting to the age where they want to be looking nice this is where some like Tracy service is coming home yeah yeah she’s good with the makeup and the jod side and the air spray straighteners and the fing curling ones from the help the poor the struggling Robin Hood style except for we’re not in Yorkshire M we in Lincolnshire couldn’t put it any bettery sh sh with Forest is around the corner that way see you later well that was easy was it yeah it’s always that easy no no it is with stuff that people want right now we got to try and score and then it’s think again where you can get some money from Snakes and Ladders up the ladder and down the Snake Game Over life goes on 24/7 for some people if you don’t have to get out for work why go to bed it’s the wi small hours and Dean and the mes are just back from the hospital she’s dropped her seventh a beautiful baby boy my little chunk sh will you go in that Frid pass pass me the milk please tell me um who I’m looking at here this is Hunter Dean Bell new addition just overwhelming and don’t get me crying cuz I’m trying not to now know it’s so emotional is he it’s unreal Danny was be shut up the eyes are fill in it’s black in it no him have you changed his nap yet you get surpris like his dad massive in a bigl he’s got massive even the Midwife who was checking him says well it’s definitely a buy even made a joke about it my kid no way they man I’ll up and you won’t be able to ask [Music] Connor’s upset someone on the estate and as a result his mom Jordan has had a Windows put through lucky for Jordan Dean’s a DB hand at Windows fighting drinking that’s all they do around here yeah both in bed still yeah see that yeah start using it yeah get it kick them up kick them up what you think your L would have said if you if you’d seen these I think he would have asked me to to leave it’s happened so many times now [ __ ] H be [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] SC in the bastard spiders that time work bastard that way don’t let it drop whatever you do you it’s holding Now Greg it’s not rocking look shut your mouth come on we done cheers darling no problem see you L look all right be careful S I don’t see you l said hi pop around for a coffee you Conor yeah can you get me your [ __ ] when Connor does make it out of bed he ain’t on his way to school and the more time he spends out of school the more time he spends with his mates it’s a black bear oh yeah how you selling it yeah it’s a BAL yeah why want to buy it how much 80 quid the phones s of F into your lap quite often but black is every day every day I read all that it’s like why didn’t you say you love me she want to be shaging laugh my ass off are you coming yes but not yet right I just text my n again get no play or laugh my off sell that oh went someone me back on Facebook like got me on website going on no I yeah stuff for sale on Facebook I down really yeah you have anything on there Rob to push backs or what just got the wrong people and just gone off the rails oh yeah they’ve all been to prison already yeah all his friends have all been in and out prison what you doing there’s a bit of a follower Conor though he’s easily LED just going to be like all his friends in that prison I think probably want to see that dog pull someone across the floor [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] if you’re unemployed and want money it comes from one of two places the social or a bit on the side most people just sign on or on the door sell drugs people get roped into it don’t they it’s an easy thing to do if you sign n and you ain’t got money in that if you sell drugs it’s an easy way out it’s just sitting on your ass selling is it if you’re not into selling drugs phones or shoplifting there’s just your benefits to get bu them there’s people think you’re loaded if you’re claiming for a big family the more kids you Rob the more money you get that’s for sure but it still don’t go very far you don’t get rid of a kid just cuz you you’re worried about what people are going to think how much money you get I’ve worked 23 years I think I’ve earned a bit back off the social and if they’re bothered about me claiming a bit of money let them say it to my face cuz [ __ ] people get it for nothing other people get it and they haven’t even a years working the life so I couldn’t give a what anyone thinks that’s my honest opinion I’ve got a few my kids at the end of the day and look after my kids and I’ll do anything for my kids whether whether it’s legal or illegal I’m not bothered I’ll say that there’s people who Haven even got titter beans in the cupboard I mean we’re learning to manage we’ve been we struggled from July up till Christmas and now we’re just getting into a pattern of getting used to how the money comes in used to how to paying the bills how to make sure we’ve got enough food in so I’m used to it [Music] now but if you have a habit to feed your benefits are never going to cover it I used to be a good shoplifter I’m I just get caught all the time now [Music] that why do you think that is cuz I know who I am and I take the piss I go in a shop to the makeup and then they go check the shelf and it’s all gone you’re not very S no I don’t care I just take it all I need to take it all and then I need to wait for him to start the Shelf back up again to go back in again Body Shop I’m baned out of there from getting makeup boots and B out there for the makeup everywhere but when needs must there’s always the street and mostly 15 20 quid I slam the car doors if they offer you a tener some some of the lasses do everything for a tner need a belt on cuz otherwise the try go down your trouses when they aren’t paid in the car in an alley they pay more if you if you bring them back to your house I’ve come home with 100 quid before but no it don’t last long I’m lucky if I wake up with any money in the morning where does he go on drugs gambling that’s it oh there’s another one coming down the road that’s the state of AUD gives it away for a tener yeah in a minute FX [Music] straight to try to keep the real troublemakers off the street the courts put an electronic tag around their ankle which lets the police know if they’re out of the house after their curfew doesn’t always seem to work though why people put on tags to try and keep him out of trouble but it do it just makes it worse they just breach it he on the tag got tag now well better be but a got it on is it is it very common to be on a tag is for me it’s for everyone is it yeah you commit a crime go get arrested go to court get put on tag can’t be asked with a tag cuz see [ __ ] chat go back to court then get a few hours community service or more yacht more tag then you breach it again then you might go to jail then it’s just one big circle do the same again the same again the same again the same you go back to jail and you think what the am I doing back here [Music] Connor’s still not been to school but he’s promised his mom he’ll stay in and not get into trouble how does it make you feel when you see your mom who’s obviously very worried about it should be good it makes you think that does it yeah I want to my oh my boys can’t go out the Tak that’s why I want to go out chill oh cers are chasing him go go go go C the dragon on the p f oh look little mugs you done that Me by acci not by accident all officers you having a good day having a good day quit [Music] [Applause] walking bikes is popular with the young Lads around here and the kids all know the Alleyways and backyards like the back of their ants I just fell over don’t yes only got oh you know we KN we climbed on the roof as if they only got one bike I think they know the second one’s there yes the Box in the put it in open the sh Fu I need to go out for 2 hours I come on but it’s like [Music] we so once again I come almost two hours and the how the G’s fall of you you yeah yes right yeah it’s not funny color because it looks bad on me again once again got you talk once again once again the neighbors are looking bad at me not when drugs and crime are all around it can be a struggle keeping your kids on the right path there a’t really any discipline for the kids around here they don’t listen to anything well mine don’t anyway hi Dean’s stepdaughter Leah is only 12 but she’s been getting into some trouble at school Alfie get bloody dressed look tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick oh oh yeah yellow one lot what’s this you got it’s so it’s just if you like qu she’s always on report bad cuz she can’t be asked to behave andart for 10 days I reckon they should put you on it for bloody year they just um give us ticks if we’ve beening good that lesson like there you got lots of goods on there when she isn’t on report she doesn’t get a good let toast on you can take it with you thank you bye bye whoa whoa whoa what you little mu come here at least Le is at school it’s been months now since Connor last went and he’s still hanging around on the estate with with his mates then the time I don’t worry is when he’s in bed asleep and sometimes that can be 2 3:00 in the morning depending on who’s hanging around with have any of you seen spin’s dog even in the small hours of the morning it can be pretty Lively around here you want tag yeah time you got to be in I’m not breaching now now what time you got to be in 700 in the morning what yeah I used to be a prolific shoplifter so lock me up the the during the day yeah into a Burg is it say crime don’t pay and it does crime does pay Crime Pays better than the a job that’s you got the balls to do it the police see the police don’t chat the police see the police headbut the police just Connor’s mates can see he’s heading for trouble and they reckon he won’t like where it leads you cry Connor trust me first time in jail everybody cries ask anybody that’s been to jail they cry first time they go to jail as soon as he gets arrested and goes up to car saying you’re going to jail when he comes down that’s when you want to be filming it he’ll be on his knees crying please don’t take me there trust me I know what it’ll be like what Conor you’re a lot younger than me push up to so was like come on you [ __ ] you’re too confident man we’ll see it’s a bigger thing than what everybody [Applause] [Music] thinks go [Music] what have you been arrested for TR shot LIF him what’s going to happen to you uh I’ll either get put on a drr or I’ll go to jail Tracy jump in for us okay thank you right see you later try bringing me later okay [Music] backr at Deans Leah’s been in trouble again and not just at school I think she’s had a couple of fights with kids um but it’s silly of just a mouth just gobby think she’s do you know right they tell that she’s just a bit clever with her mouth she’s not like I don’t know what is she actually getting in for dud shoplifting love said that well why asked me he was at the meeting yesterday you fit C no I wonder about school God’s sake school is a behavior not willing to work in class yeah not not wanting to talk to the teachers with respect yeah then out of school she’s pissing thieving yeah she went she got C shoplifting with one her mates a co-op she’s grounded soon as she comes in from school she has to go upstairs get in a jamas uh she’s allowed down for a tea and then she goes back upstairs whatever H work she’s got she gets done gets in her jamas and stays in a bedroom tidies a room or whatever she has to do that’s what Claire said yeah but we’ll see see how she gets on by the next interview if it’s not no better she’s got a long time in her bedroom till she leaves School aren’t she are you grounded at the moment mhm tell me a bit what’s been what’s been going on there hair I like it something I’m in the first place anyway I mean I know why you’ve been grounded yeah but I don’t really want to see it no is it a bit is it something that you wish you never did yeah very very very do you know why you did it no I just um my friends do it so I just copy it off off of them I know I shouldn’t have done it and if I could go back then I would actually not have done [Music] it and I haven’t seen my dad in a long long time I mean like I text him on Facebook and I’ve texted his girlfriend as well but my mom thinks that now they’ve got the um the baby um the baby that not really cared about his other kids now that he’s got his own baby sh loves [Music] me sh loves Harry and Danny still [Music] [Music] obviously you always want the best for your children don’t you try and give him a better life than you had yourself feel like a f just got this fear he going to die young that’s how I feel back on it if it’s on the streets or I don’t know [Music] [Music] why’d you get into trouble Conor nothing to do that’s not excuse but Ain nothing to do must be good oh lacking me want to go to sleep get two blankets go to sleep [Music] Mom where’s mom let me [Music] in ah skag the ather of [Music] Lincolnshire Dean’s wife Claire is in skaggy for a handy and has got some time on her hands this is about the fifth time I’ve come to see the Gypsy which she good got a few things wrong right but no one’s perfect you know who I am don’t you yeah I come to you all the time you know I won’t keep your mouth shut I’ll speak the truth y do you want one hand or two two please you got a long life cool yeah there’s a new baby yeah there’s a new baby may you have a little boy yeah there another one to fall off no he going for the snip soon it’s not my fault I see a baby girl right she’s coming in your life to make you happy I don’t see men beating you and treating you gr no more no not anymore you’re strong minded y you give what you get yep there’s good health there’s peace of mind there’s happiness for you stop worrying for me J bless you’ve come to see me thank you she said I’m having another baby I I think so I’m having a girl no chance he’s off for the snip if it’s happened already I’m going to kill him until CLA gets back Dean stuck IND doors with the Litt ons and Leah who’s still grounded so [Music] bad oh my oh yeah that Dipsy said I was going to have another kid I like no I’m not I off for the snip and she started laughing and she says no you having you having a girl like saying yeah no no CH and then I’m out I’m out last night and I had to go to the toilet and I threw up and very was like you Fant and I went I’m I fult I say I’m not I I said we’ve been careful I was not going to get pregnant J we have been careful we have very been careful from night I’m way oh yeah I forgot about that night I am actually late oh called sweat I feel like getting the knife out chopping me nuts yeah go take it we like to wait I don’t need to we yet you don’t want to know yet do you go for w for away I don’t need one for a we that’s not going to make me want a we you’re quite fertile aren’t you you had so see CL is yeah [ __ ] Jesus all I’d have to do is spun on of hanky and F to do the rest it’s true though is it feel like an hster in a cage every time we put we end up we good I’ll get you some in a minute thanks oh you been nice you want some watch what you right yeah fine you got you’re not going to believe this I’ll tell you in a minute fu never no I’m only joking I’m winding you up just said I said I going to wind them up no it’s negative that I just thought I wind you up you an attack but accidents can happen and neither of them want another mouth to feed see new like nine nine or 10 kids is that why would you want nine or 10 kids take that I could I could just I know I could just I think the most is about six not nine or 10 no someone end up as close got eight kids I think it’s eight I don’t think people get slated around here for having loads of kids no it’s just because they can’t handle the kids then well they not get slated just obviously people don’t really like [Music] them come here come on why SM I saw you smiling you think you clever D you go outside and get in the car come on today is Connor’s last chance to get to school he’s had a letter and if he doesn’t go they’re going to come down on him and Jordan like a ton of [Applause] bricks I’m off don’t get I’m off in then I’ll go in go on then go in there yeah been for foral so it’s going to be a bit nervous I understand that I was I’m nervous following but still don’t give me the right to treat me like he does come what are you doing get your leg in the car please far dark [Applause] me S can’t drive the door open I that I’m you calling me kn now get to school are you going to school or youing that see to put up noise not noding not that go then get in the car got on you’re causing trouble fck off give me the phone if you’re not going I’m not giving the money I smash f i smash window I smash window [ __ ] off you you’re not going to smash no window you’re not going toing the police J you know you don’t call in my house SL I’m not a slack Conor you’re finished at mine don’t come near mine [Music] just feels after the pregnancy scare there’s no doubt in Dean’s mind seven stepchildren and two of his own are definitely enough so he took himself off to the doctor’s for this snit whoa watch me you’re later see [Music] later no no no no no no no no a que around Daddy’s legs today hey Daddy’s got Pary yeah Daddy’s paring yeah I’m not very well mate do you see it incision no where is it I don’t know I’ve got to wear these tight pants to help me NS up so that wait a minute so that Jesus how all these cegs I got to hold my nuts up spiders I made a speed knows but oh that’s ridiculous is it they said the smaller and Tighter the better so if it holds you up you’re not get any pains as much and it’ll stop your balls swelling like footballs and [ __ ] so better it does actually feels more [Music] spotted I have much cover anyway [Music] being a parent around here is no picnic that’s for sure happy birthday it can be a struggle keeping your kids on the straight and narrow especially if they don’t see any point in trying too hard col what you reckon would make your mom happy you didn’t quite catch that can you say it again Connor cuz of the lobby being good and once you’ve got hooked on that cycle of drugs and crime it can be difficult to get out you I’ve been branded aren I you get branded something how can you change it the only way you can change it is to move away but just like the steel that this town’s famous for people around here are tough they keep fighting long after they might have fallen they don’t give [Music] up most of the Young on the West Cliff estate want the same as everyone else even those that don’t have a job still want money love maybe marriage one day kids but the more skint and area the less likely they are to have their dreams come true except for the kids bit that is baby it’s like the fashion to have a child young like everyone wants them you think it’s harder bringing girls up than boys you worry about girls well they’re going to end up in the same boat that most of them are around here pregant no career no prospects Dean’s wife CLA got pregnant young and wishes she way a few years so how old were you when you had James I was 19 I was 18 when I got pregnant I was 19 when I had him to be honest at beginning I was Mom I think I was anyway you didn’t even look after me I my mom my mom had in most of the time I’m a better mom now than I was got more time for him than I did you know I mean I was too young and I was 19 I want to go out getting pissed compared to nowadays cla’s got two teenage daughters and worries about them following in her footsteps especially Danny who’s been spotted driving around with old The Lads 15 you to be driving about cars kids drive that is Drive crazy I was driving in one car you’re making out I’ve been driving around in loads of different cars how did you know I was in Louis’s car anyway got me man obviously yeah clearly who who is this guy you’ve been seen who Louis just guy but is he older he’s not as old as Dean’s making out he’s not that old Dean’s like oh you should be doing stuff I’m not like that how old is L uh 17 nearly 18 shut up the girls around here what a typical kind of guy that they go for a bad boy it isn’t it somebody like with a bad reput fighting jail burgling there’s like two% of people around here that have a decent relationship like you can’t help who you’re with you can’t help who far far either check my push B what I robed from Job Center yesterday look at that Beast young Fergie definitely qualifies as a bad boy right now he’s wanted and he’s hiding out from the police he’s no stranger to jail but this time going inside would mean leaving his new girlfriend Zoe behind do you think you get no I don’t know if I get Char they go to but not guilty anyway cuz the description what they give not me off I told I tell them all the time daugh what no if you don’t go down is what start is all comes down to this and stop smoking so much of that is it harder to do prison if you’ve got like a girlfriend waiting for you I don’t know cuz I’ve never had a never been in jail the bird waiting for me do me headed if he does go to prison she’ll cry how would you how would you feel I be my eyes out do you feel it’s coming at a bad time yeah I feel the college me I just got myself a bird I mean I’m trying to chill out and the L has come up how long do you think you’ll get got 3 two years couple of years I’ve been done for robbery before as [Applause] well I don’t know what I’ll do if he goes down will you stay with him yeah think yeah I don’t know cuz it you can say yeah but then after a bit you just sometimes yeah you just can’t wait on you that long depends how long it gets anyway cuz I I said to Joel when he went to prison I like you get more than 6 months I won’t wait for [Music] you and you worried about what happens if you if you disappear for a bit if you go to prison yeah paral to death sh I’m going to BR myself I hav even done it anyway most parents despair of their teenagers but at least they’ve still got them and sometimes even know what they’re up to but some kids don’t have family or an estate around them and have to grow up fast J is just 16 but she’s having to cope on her own save for a dog p after a couple of weeks homeless recently she and pip have found shelter in a shared house in scun town J what’s live like in this house s light suppos does get a bit boring what living here does sometimes it you serious if you’re not in service not enough in them bad God what you going to be like you’re going to be V out your Nappers this is Lily my good friend friend can be a big on the go toour and [Music] just H do you want some of this Jia let have a slice please yeah Jia and Lily are the youngest in the house they’re No Angels but they haven’t had it easy me um just after Christmas yeah and I thought I we going to get along us I don’t really get along with girls I ate lasses I don’t talk to lasses but when we got to talk to each other and that all each other about life and that because she had a mom there with her and my parents there with me so we we understand each other Jia left home when she was young by 15 she was pregnant but Social Services made it clear from the start it wasn’t going to be happy families this was my first scanning I was 15 when I was pregnant and I was 15 when I gave birth this is my daughter when I found out I was pregnant I was all than moon but um 10 weeks before I was ging birth that’s when I found out Social Services we getting involved and I taking my daughter off me so that’s when I didn’t want to give birth she was born Sunday morning she weigh A6 one and that’s straight we had skin skin T her it’s the happiest day of my life it really was I don’t like Social Services they took my little girl away the baby snatchers people call them baby snatchers to take your baby [Music] away that what you can do it’s been a rocky ride but Jia and the baby’s dad Liam are together at the moment and wish they could have their baby back oh oh my DA’s got little curs and do you know for that when she goes christening that’s going to be a christening shoes no and then and then and then when it’s like the party bit put them into these my special day teeing and all that’ll be good cuz she’s teeing I thought want to leave this shop see you it just be amazing and if you not like to say you CL have a back that’ be the best thing ever Jamia still sees her baby regularly but next month the courts will decide whether she’ll ever have a chance of getting [Music] custody rich or poor young or old everyone tries to do the best by their kids but it has to be said some girls seem to be starting younger and younger nowaday days why do people have kid around here benefits no for the money some people do it for the money and some people don’t like if you get like most people just get caught pregnant but they don’t like they don’t intend to get pregnant but if they get caught pregnant they will have the baby some people have kids because I don’t know maybe they might have time at home with their moms and whatever and just want to get out of there and love someone cuz they don’t feel loved what what AG is to Young young to have a kid around here that just Tak this that a few streets away from Westcliff in riddings there’s a lass who’s just turned 21 and has five kids already I think Dean he’s five he’s my oldest but he’s to a different father there’s Oliver he’s free in May he’s also to a different partner or ex partner um honey she’s Gra daughter there’s the twins a lot of people my age have got children they all get stereotyped mainly for slags but that’s not the case at all all three of the dads at one point in time I did think that I generally loved one of them nobody else’s business to judge me I might only be 21 with five children but I think I do the best I can thank you neither Haley or Graham have a job and they survive on the social me and gra get income toart and we get child tax credits a month I get a total of 1,600 my rent gets paid for me through council tax even you you are getting paid just to basically sit on your bom and I can understand where people at work get angry about it but then they ask need to realize that they’ve never been in our situation I’d love to work and go out and make a living but you physically can’t there’s no jobs available it gets me down cuz I can’t provide for my family but you have to make do don’t [Music] you lots of people always go to me why would you have five children at 21 and especially when you don’t work I don’t feel that people should just stop having kids because they don’t work and I reckon we’re wearing our rights to just as much as anybody is working they may be young but Haley and Graham take their commitment seriously and now they want to make things more permanent when we say we love each other we always say forever and always to one another so that’s what we’re getting [Music] today and they’re not stopping at matching tattoos they’ve decided to tie the knot we live together we’ve got children together we love one another so it’s just a sa we are married no one can say oh they’re just some little kids having children swe in there I proposed her about a year and a half ago now some people don’t believe in married and stuff like that but I do it just shows that we’re a family and we’ve all got the same last name and the kids can go to school saying oh my Mom and Daddy are married so cuz that my parents are married these days is it okay yeah back on Westcliffe Fergie still hiding from the copies after two weeks the police have tracked him down to his own house oh God all his girlfriend Zoe can do is watch where is he now he now he’s in there no but cuz uh theyve been the raided my house I’ve let them in so they can look around the raided and they’ve gone there three times and obviously no one’s answer the door so they’re just going to kick the door down there they’ll just be waiting for a warrant not not the police can’t catch me no matter what that’s it now they’ll get him today ra the Full House with like top to bottom be in his attic or something yeah I know he’s in there oh he had even got his weed as he bless him it not get long we get i’ say get 8 months do far or 6 months do three not get not get a year get for that whatever it’s [Music] did this happen quite a lot in West what people getting arrested yeah that you done now yeah me done you going in your yeah ring lat zo safe see his pissed he’s like I love this first proper girlfriend is it obviously yeah but obviously it’s proper girlfriend it’s funny in it it’s fun he’s not he’s not bad he’s good this does bad things that everyone [Music] does thing is in a cing and was just like looked away like he’s like here say bye to your girlfriend and he just put his head down cuz he would’t have been able to he would have started crying the handy place for some young ons to catch up his youth court on a Thursday what did he go in yeah give me his bags what the bag how you I Fergie’s mate Connor is there today with Jia hanging out at court means you know who’s off to prison are on tag and there’s usually something to go about there’s some trouble in there [ __ ] h tasering him again all right I swear all right bye Shep just came out of C walked through the hallway two cou was there it was all C everything then as soon as copers pull that Tas out that was it he lost it Jia and Lily aren’t scared of courts or prison b r i g HT in fact it doesn’t look much tougher than they like on the outside Jail’s like what is it the saying is went butland in it yeah that’s what people say most of my mates are in do you think in prison was that bad do you think the half of the people in SCH still get into trouble only one thing I’d be scared about if I went to prison it’s only one thing only what it’s losing my daughter for good well obviously cuz you got a kid to think about I haven’t yeah I don’t give a [ __ ] to J obviously I don’t want it if I didn’t have a kid I think i’ be in prison by now on go laugh think car would get your my house my house shut your mouth [ __ ] getting coun I’m threatening Jamia is in danger of being kicked back on the street she’s been in the Shar house for a month but hasn’t paid any rent yet is getting kicked out why cuz she’s not paying rent or she ain’t got a tency out here Touch of a landlord thre a 16y old girl eh Lily can I put my stuff in your room yeah my stuff is going to be in room the police come here well I’ve already R them myself trespassing trespassing so one minute first first want to get my stuff but now I’m trespassing [ __ ] now you’re kicking a young child on the street coppers it Tak all over well just be nice oh there done two [ __ ] that me ages you’re saying but don’t the will afterward you sp to him yeah fil fil of [ __ ] I go up there me be nice just say be nice manners please can have a word with one of us please I’ve been there for a month and a half we’ll pay that back pay and also when we get M benefits and that I’m sorting it all out so I can rent that you know what I’m like you know what I mean that’s said don’t got me don’t get out I’ll be honest with you all right I’m not going to drag you out and kick you on the street because obviously you’re 16 years of age I can’t do that he’s letting us stay for the weekend me we both apologized to each other and that I mean I say to him look I got out of hand and that you know and I said to him what about if you had a 16-year-old daugh and and she was on the streets and he goes I’ve got a 13-year-old daughter and I want my daughter in the streets and that so Fu fix mouth a bit I know I admit that I have got a [Music] Gob were you we direr not really been on the streets before s Back Garden me and Liam in the food and cold do you ever regret leaving home I didn’t leave home kicked [Music] out but I understand now why dad kick me out kep getting into trouble bringing coppers around and that putting stress in the family I just want to settle into a home when I’m going to be there get all decorated looking nice my daughter don’t want to keep moving about like my dog one there I will be that happy girl have a nice family having one big mansion full of kids this is my song dra chipm when it goes sometime in life you fall apart sometime in life you break your heart but one day you’ll realize you’ll be your [Music] right a mansion full of kids might be a nice dream when you 16 but the reality of big families is big responsibility and if you’re relying on the social then you’re at the mercy of the social to [Music] really Dean’s applied for some benefit cuz cla’s had a serious illness on and off for the last few years complex pain syndrome it comes and goes she’s had it what four or five times a year sometimes the worst one was about 8 months then 8 nine months we had the nurse coming in three times a week enjoying that but they just heard and it’s not good news some not allowed it she can do everything on around they’re right in away cuz I can when it does come I can’t do nothing I can’t wipe my own ass F play Russian that with your [ __ ] life it does you Ed who were they to [ __ ] kind and say no you’re not having the bastard [ __ ] in it I’m getting [ __ ] matter here [ __ ] all right oh dear me mood Haley and Graham and their five kids are at the mercy of the social too and they’ve just had some bad news and all our child tax Coates have been stopped and that’s what we basically live off for five children why do this happened because they seem to think that we haven’t informed that gra lives here everybody knows job center Child Benefits it was actually the registry office that informed them but they reckon they wasn’t to know so now they’ve had to stop the claim and restart as a new claim for a joint application which can take up to 6 weeks food wise Li it down to that last little bit and the twins milk that last was about 5 days how um how much money do you have left 4 pound C if we can’t feed our kids if they haven’t got Nappers on that that’ll be us that’s in trouble because we’ve let that happen but I don’t see how we’ve let that happen when it’s a stupid government that’s let it happen the fact that we rely on the social the kids rely on us they don’t understand so if they there having to go without it is kind of our problem to fix it the social don’t care if they’re going about I understand in some ways because there’s some people out there that have got the money but they just try and F the social off so they can get the extra money so they can go out on the piss and stuff but for those that don’t do that and we have actually got nothing so much for their wedding plans JIA sorted her rent so she can stay in the shared house for the time being and the oldest housemate Sarah is trying to make it feel a bit more like home you got a picture this is our home not a Dos house can we all stop making it feel like should feel like a should by putting rubbish in bins and stick together in making a home that looking like a Trum [Music] went to S my dark today and then when I went there she had a big smile on her face first time actually calling and then she was walking with me but me olding she was olding my fingers and she was bouncing just playing she was kicking little head off in that and she really loved it but I’m not keeping my hopes though do you know what I mean thinking oh I’m going to get back cuz no cuz if I don’t get back i’ been disappointed Jamia Won’t Give Up hoping that she’ll get her baby back Liam is a bit more realistic you’ve got to be there Liam where to cour on the 19th whyever it’s your daughter that’s why it’s your daughter yes JMA I’m not going to go to court yet and I know that I’m not getting my daughter back oh why am I going to go to court to fight for swm some [ __ ] to have you know what I mean there’s no point is it you get and watch this is important it’s about your daughter your 9 month old little girl SP B Love’s never simple whether you’ve been together two months or two decades you can never really understand it and when you’re young it’s even more intense you hop from being nuts about each other to hating each other’s gots what’s a bad relationship no trust no trust and overthinking things and being Anno about like the other person like doing stuff like obviously if you don’t trust them you’re going to think about cheating all the time you’re going to sit and overthink things this is what I made J loves leam one month we got together we kissed and it made me feel like I was flying two months being together it got harder and harder for us we kept on arguing but our love kept getting stronger and stronger now five months been together on the N September um 2010 you asked me to marry you and I said yeah that was the best day of my life thank you for making me the happiest person in the world love Jia we splited up for 5 months and it was hard but I think that was for the best because we did choose to fight sometimes it’s over jealousy sometimes cuz we’re just mad well I love him so much and I hope he loves me like I love him and I hope he’ll never for anybody a nice smooth wh kiss all right back in a minute pip in come back when you’re living on the edge it doesn’t take much to tip you over Liam’s popped out to meet jia’s brother Josh and he hasn’t come back as quick as he promised Liam quickly and I think that’s in while way down there what the f you playing at why why are you down there we going to be over there you be 2 minutes hey no come down was walking down went try and got some [ __ ] gu if you didn’t lie to me I won’t be like thisy about that I said just there I go somewhere there I won’t shut the no who the want to be with you you said that yeah you come back here you didn’t say I’m going to light house as well that’s lying that’s what he’s lying about about i w talking shut [Music] up why’ you get so angry don’t know don’t know Mir it’s everything that’s happening with me and Leah family my daughter how I’m living there so much angle you can hold in everything I have good just seems to get cuz it’s me [Music] if you like got down about out B you just be crying all the time would you just got to laugh everything [Music] off the socials still haven’t sorted out Haley and graes money and they struggling to feed their kids now they’re not going to survive the next 2 weeks without some help thank heavens for charity you want to take a seat yeah awesome this is a Christian organization so um we just offer prayer is there anything we can pray for about or um what you thinking about for you for these last three weeks we’ve been living off £60 a week really for the seven of us as well as was paying for bills okay and they don’t seem to want to do anything for this was my last result to come here yeah yeah we can definitely pray for that and pray that things get better so well I hope it works yeah yeah so since it’s you and five kids um you can grab three or four of these uh so you know couple things of toothpaste um maybe a couple shampoo oh good choice and then you want to grab like four bags of crisp oh you get quite a bit of stuff actually don’t you tea soups pasta cereal bars wheat bits biscuits crackers tin stuff custard I think it’s quite sh cuz Charities is run by people don’t what people donate people shouldn’t have to donate people people can eat it should be the job center and child tax Co be dealing with it not everybody else jia’s shared house is becoming more and more like a Dos house with extra bodies beding down in the living room when I first came out I thought it was all right didn’t that sorry is it I’d rather be homeless I think you heard my voice cuz I’ve been smoking too much yeah I can’t talk properly cross me about F this voice I need to get V cuz he is not helping us people that t cling not you know I mean I’m the fumes I’m basically I’m not uncle that but I’m basically taking it if not because of the fumes and I don’t like it sah can be really really nice but I just don’t like being around the drugs I don’t know how to do anything normal because all I do is get up find money or have it find more money and like when I haven’t got any money to get anything I I just lay on my bed all day the thought of having nothing in my nothing at all in my blood stream sces at me at the beginning heroin keeps you young but you know all of a sudden you just oh my God how old are you 36 this Keys po yeah I to get out C that come here look so this brown stuff that’s from chasing the dragon B underne with it [ __ ] I mean this kid living this 16y old you know what I mean I don’t want to be touching this and seeing it that going to do actually had to be picking that up yeah touching dirty up that yet saying that but look at the state of it anyway you know what I mean yeah but it’s not [ __ ] smacking that all right don’t [ __ ] go to your [ __ ] and do your [ __ ] dirty [ __ ] not [ __ ] house Jamia knows this house is no place for a baby and that’s got to be tough the court hearing about her daughter is today big day there’s not really need for me to go out the car cuz never go in the car room don’t sit outside me get in there I I want to go in the room I don’t care I why you allowed in you’re being disgusted in there you’ve got a right to be in there your daughter’s being disgusted you could lose your daughter the don’t you’ll be Wai for the rest of your life so my kids down we’ll take yours now is it important that you’re looking good today yeah because if you if you look good and you’re showing up in that it’s going to look good on you but if you’re going rough in that they’re going to think then what is your kid going to be like but if you look decent smart got to at least look at least look after theirself so why I can’t look after this baby they they’re dressing decent than that this baby’s going to dress decent you know what are you hoping going to happen today I’m walking the judge to and goes I’m sick of all this send it back to the parents there’s no need for this if you was a George and she would say that I’m nicely dressed like look after myself in that what you think I wearing these shoes high heel shoes I’m wearing these baggy leggings things gr top and a gr cat again a black head Pand [Music] [Music] [Music] so far the summer of 2012 has been tough for Haley and Graham but things are looking up the social have started paying them again and their wedding is just a couple of weeks away the two wedding the $24.99 one for me and that $34.99 one for [Music] Haley’s mom has come to scumthorp for a visit before the big day that’s the ne race oh that’s pretty Something Old Something New B something bored blue so you got you borrowed oh the dress a show you couldn’t get into my dress though get back to you oh it’s lovely is it you feel nice in it yes it’s the first time Haley’s mom has met the twins her newest grandchildren how did you react when Haley told you about that she was having more children the twins uh I’m not sure what did I say stupid cow you stupid cow what did I say the [ __ ] last time you always say that put it this way I even went to the doctor’s with her and made a book an appointment going have a call for it so she wouldn’t get pregnant anymore and I can’t remember what happened with that Haley’s parents split before she hit her teens her mom moved away and Haley stayed in scun thought with her dad they don’t always understand things at the time 12 she didn’t she got it in her mind she wanted to live for with her dad she couldn’t understand actually she was better off with us not it’s not just about where you lived that we lived in a nicer area but you would have had more opportunities we would have encouraged her to go to college she wanted to do hairdressing she would have gone to college maybe uni we’d have helped her with that should have just had a different life back round at Deans Danny went against his advice and has been going out with that older lad and it turns out Dean was right he was a fair bit older than her he was 19 not like she said anyway she’s finally seen sense and given him the boot how come you sp up it’s complicated um he was jealous very jealous I didn’t agree with Fu first place I thought it was too well for but that’s just my opinion I’m only F step farther you Tred to let your kids make their own choices can only have bu you know what I mean you can’t tell them what to do if you tell them no you’re not they’ll only go do it anyway but I just don’t want her to end up like me seven kids and married to a a Belle married to a bell never could have been worse could it yeah it could have been a lot worse so you’re happy she’s spit yeah Le she can be a kid now and enjoy us her too controlling [Music] obessive I don’t want a relationship for a long time got too much to do like I’ve got College like can you imagine all the all the hot guys I’m going to meet there then University got it planned out sounds like Danny’s got her head screwed on you wouldn’t wish it on anyone to never see their kids again but sometimes love isn’t all you need before court did you think that there was a chance that you’d get your daughter back yeah that disappoint me that I couldn’t but I’m not ready I know I’m not there I mean look where I’m living I want my daughter Liv in here is there any way you can change what the courts decide yeah I got me own place a job and everything yeah can you do that cookle your finger I wish I could I wish I had a magic wand mansion on job money no problem I wanted to know that I’ve always loved her and if she does have get adopted I just hope she has a good life you have rings sex D loes can imagine attach it to your window on your legs y has Rah ever seen you kind of dressed up no he’s never seen me with a dress on so that would be quite amusing I am shying myself I would be I be what do you want out of your marriage I don’t know just a sense of happiness I guess just not being like all other kids labored around here oh they’ve got fre kids on doll and it’s like no it’s not exactly like that is it though mate cuz I’m not an immigrant I’m not a benefit fraud or anything like that I’m just getting married cuz I’m happy Come me here [Applause] [Music] see it’s not all doom and gloom just cuz you’re broke doesn’t mean you can’t have the big wedding or a big family mind you you might have to wait for a job for the social even even for a prison sentence want to read it and so far Zoe is still waiting for Fergie yes she yes I’ve known a lot of ladies from the places I have been but none of them quite as crazy the strawberry blond Queen hello welcome to my new flat coming even jelia gets a break eventually this is my flat and it’s big and it’s nice and I like it well round at Deans things are quiet well as quiet as they can be with seven kids your back but what’s nice is they’ve still got all seven living with them happy for now at least just to be [Music] kids at the heart of every Community there’s a p the West Cliff estate it’s the Desert Rat in the last year or so there’s been so much trouble in here that the landlord gave up and closed it now Dean’s wife’s cousin Denise is giving it a go and tonight’s opening night yeah you coming tonight I’ll be later right B the reputation it’s got has got a bad reputation and it’s I’m trying to get the good reputation back I want the bad ones out the good ones back in I mean the sign alone has made a big difference it really has made a big difference hopefully it will stay say in the desert R and the letters won’t get took down is it good to have a community P back no it’s good to be cheat be no that’s going to ca that’s going to cost right mayam everyone get in there early morning pissed up all day out here arrested jail been out there it’s 11:00 this morning thinking I was opening early so yeah be a good cloud in here tonight definitely my phone’s never stopped what time you opening what time you opening it’s in the Benes on the back yeah got got Benes on the back they’ll be GL to the floor they’ll get unscrewed and robbed in a couple of weeks Wesley two PS and I’ll be fighting you dressing G maybe depends what time it opens the youngest of Dean’s kids is only a few months old so as you can well imagine Dean and his wife CLA don’t get out is it difficult being head of a large death family no I just shut off sometimes that’s why I drink but I I’ve been a good buy actually I st I a had out for two nights have I two night five of the seven are off to their dance tonight so for once Claire and Dean can have a proper night out you meant to have it open it’s trendy funny so who’s got the same dads in out of the kids James Danny Leah Harry yeah then Ben and then there’s um Alfie was is Tel one night standed and then there’s um many kids Le and Hunter to Dean be good yeah see you later Alfie be a [Music] good now you couldn’t say there’s definitely going to be trou tonight but put it this way Denise is nervous and she’s from Glasgow I’m excited and I’m nervous once I’ll be F we out here why it smell smell people out there W be smoking that in here that’s for sure I’m being fair letting you back in so you just be fair with me simple as in it right for [Music] us we are open [Music] wow wow [Music] [Applause] wow welcome [Applause] back fantastic thank [Music] you let’s so Denise can keep the peace in here for everyone’s sake to be honest all the be Hooligans that everybody thought were going to cause trouble were spot on they were absolutely spot on very proud of I just hope they keep it up is it great to see so many old faces in here there people that’s not been in here for years come in the night it was brilliant to see them [Music] as Westcliffe wakes up to its hangover it’s back to the borom for sun outside the P there’s a l wall where everyone hangs out it may be small but it’s a big part of Westcliff life what happens at the wall everything what don’t happen at the wall everything 8 9:00 in the morning you see everyone cash a gyos they owe all the money out so they up on the wall wait for the drugs drink the beer sit on the wall and [Music] gou Kieran was a wall regular he grafts to feed a drug habit mostly shoplifting a prolific Fai has been told to breach his antisocial Behavior order at his H at least he did till it landed him with an ASB my shoplifting it wasn’t just going into a shop to me it be it became a game I’d go into any shop on the ice stet and take a rock of jackets come out on the pushbike B Gone I I I would do that because I had an addiction to get to my chemist should take me 5 10 minutes to get there but because of the hasbo Zone it will take me 25 30 minutes because I’m not allowed near scum for Town Center I’ve got to do it daily I enjoy the walk when it’s not raining this side I’m allowed on but that’s the bridge half the road I preached [Music] it if Kieran is CAU breaching his asbo he’s going straight to prison so he’s trying really hard to stay out of trouble and volunteering at a Christian Center sh to miss Jason that is my middle name appar right okay I’ve had a bad time but I know what I’m doing now good you’re on the right road yeah I’m not a saint but we’re not saint [Music] either an activity a day for me will stop me hunting drugs stop people coming out I just avoid people I’m working in there not and there cha chaotic on drugs so I can avoid him anyway from that one is the right choice at the right [Music] time this isn’t the first time kieran’s tried getting clean and the odds aren’t exactly stacked in his [Music] favor is there working no just be a I think so smoke weed smoke take a bit of gear drink beer and you’re good all good basically you have to know what you have to do right you to earn money do whatever people work people screw the social people do whatever you I me I’d rather work for a living get a nice wage at the end of the week but at the moment it’s just not many jobs going about you I me Dean may not have a job just now but he’s definitely a worker and he expects his kids to be workers too and they can start by helping him out around the house normal people get pocket money yeah but normal people tidy the bedroom I do do you Leah I do right should we go upstairs then and have a bedroom wonder why see know why she don’t get pocket money I don’t know really why don’t your dad give you pocket money don’t know so why should I give you pocket why should I give you pocket money for doing I don’t see why they should come out from school sit on the C watching tell night when they C tidy in the room or do you want the shoe cover tidy in do you want the floor Brushing in just to help me out I would give them pocket money Harry used to get three quid a week for brushing the kitchen floor every morning now he don’t do booger all it can’t be asked didn’t you AR yeah that sort of work e you trying to bre like drum into your kids yeah you don’t get nothing for nothing do you you get me I don’t want them to be slaves around like that but earn the money it’s only [Music] fair if you want to know what it does to a young family when there’s no work then cla’s cousin Shane is really struggling with it just now today’s his daughter’s first birthday party so he’s putting a brave face on it whist thanks for them whistles no problem bringing them back down to your house next week I’m going to shove them up your [ __ ] [Music] ass this rocking AR for her first birthday but but I didn’t want to rush it so I ain’t got it finished you know on time a little Diamond Eyes Diamond eyelashes but she’s my little girl so she’s lying a little diamond is she the truth is after seven jobless months Shane’s hit rock bottom and he and Leanne have split I’m not someone that sitting his ass you know I’ll go out there and I’ll I’ll get a job but at the moment I’m just getting kick back you know I’m gettings unfortunately and you know we’re unable to process this and that it’s really pissed me off to be fair so yeah if we’re getting like that well you know it started been drinking to be honest yeah I’ve just gone through a stage where I’ve been drinking a lot and I W drinking to dry myself I was drinking to suppress the F you know how pissed off I am and how depressed I am getting you know I’ve been see I’ve said to listen I need my n you know I’m 22 years old I shouldn’t even have to be at the doctors you know asking him to give me something for depression or anything like that but I’m not letting it go I’m going to hold on you know I’m British you know I’m like a staff and I’ll lock my jaw and I’ll make sure I’ll just keep it grip of life and that’s what I’m doing you know CH up Happy Days you know I’m like a bank with no cash I can just say it like I’m like a bank with no cash like a curtain without a rail like a door without an handle you know at the end of the day I’m just I’m just that person with the the one thing missing I need a stable job so I can support my family better you know Shane’s dad moved to Abu Dhabi then India to find work but being apart from your family for years at a time is a high price to pay sad for us to see him like this because we I know I had him in ABAB with me for 3 and a half years and I know he WS like a little Tran and it’s so hard to come home and see him in such a state why did you come back to St um do you on his answer fly on S since Shane and Leanne split Shane’s been even more determined to get a job and get his life back together I know he’s tried for loads of jobs I’ve seen the emails he copies me in on all the emails in India it’s very difficult for all the kids coming up the stairs I see so many people out of work I can’t believe how many people out of work kind honest to say what was a thriving SCF was a FR in town so many you know 10 or 15 years ago you it was bustling so bye-bye to n Grandad now you go down the city center it’s nearly empty easy M love you see you later 2 number 5 10 11 12 140 15 16 17 18 19 20 left right left wherever there no jobs there’s usually an Army Recruiting Office mind you even they getting picking outo Squad by the left quick March Dean’s Elder stepson James will be leaving school in a few weeks to join skun thorp’s job queue and reckons he’s more likely to get into the army than into college right left right left right I think it’ll have a make or break him if that falls through he’s going to be knackered in he cuz he’s got nothing else to choose I’m sure you don’t want to end up on the wall around there with a can of beer what enjy my best mates yeah you’ll be laughing mate if that happens to you what are you going to say you’re going to look like right clown at you if that does happen do know what it won’t happen to me I don’t want it to mate I don’t want to waste my life exactly that’s why I’m bothered about your choosing what you want to do maybe we get on sometimes but when we do get on I want the best for [Applause] you no one teaches you how to be a fa you just have to figure it out for yourself it’s a learning Cur [Music] addictions a tough not to crack and it looks like kieran’s having a wobble on his road to recovery this is a cracket well this is someone in recovery showing you how stupid it is just won’t crack and waste it and how quick it goes this is how quick I could burn my money if I was a crackhead that’s a Fior cuz after it’s there and stupid people have a pipe after pipe after pipe yeah I couldn’t care less if I throw that down the sink but I won’t yeah I’ll have the other pipe yeah so do you still have have have it no this is never happening in my life again byebye I didn’t start coming in the fences till I was probably what 14 15 after my brother died when I was nine we’ve been swimming last Sunday cuz it was an activity we did that day three of us brother was 10 I was eight nearly nine and Neil I think was 14 15 my sister’s friend we sat the bus station at bus stop waiting for the bus that car it hit the central reservation in the middle and then next thing sitting us he’s got crushed into the bush out and spat out and he every B in his body was crushed my mom took it badly she was sitting in our bedroom and man Brothers see his bed on night time destroy crying everything I loved got took and here I am today at 34 off drugs but I’ve done it for my [Music] reasons you can stereotype all you want I’m clean [Music] had like an epiphany through day right and I was just thinking everything must be about money and it isn’t it if you don’t have money you can’t eat if you don’t have money you can’t go out and another drink if you don’t have money you can’t buy [ __ ] you know what I’m saying so basically I’ve worked out that people say life’s not just about money but that’s bull cuz life is about money and that’s the [ __ ] the problem with having no job is that you’ve got time to dwell on what you haven’t got whether it’s money girlfriends or drugs like Kieran Shane’s trying to fill his time but he ain’t volunteering at no Christian Center if I were doing cage fighting I’d be [ __ ] human I’d be a walking [ __ ] time bomb inside deep inside there’s a there’s an animal that’s [Music] raging I’ve learned how to channel manga you know when I need it the most you know there’s times now when I could when I’ve normally been getting angry and pissed off at things you know scum you know there the fact that it’s got no Fu whatsoever you know it’s it’s taught me how to channel it you know if I can get further on in the spot you know I’ll take it as a career you know cuz it’s something I enjoy doing watch out watch yourself watch your fingers fingers I mean how different would life be if you have money com in mate I’ll tell you what yeah mainly I won’t be fighting every 2 minutes and splitting up and [ __ ] that [ __ ] we’d have more of a life I’ll be able to give the kids more of a life I’ll be able to get a car back on the road we be able to check them out places you know the zoo and I want to be a dad you know the moment I can’t do that [Music] JY get off get up [Music] now school’s broken up for the summer and the Wall’s heing on sunny days but it’s crunch time for Dean’s eldest James he’s finished his exams and needs to get his army for Conor Clan’s my first ch military engineer second choice and my third choice is infantry Soldier and you got to have qualifications there to go in there they’ll train him up to do that but but ideally where would you like to be uh front yeah front line a tank then you want well no I want it no I’d like to have a go in a tank but I prefer actually want hey what do this I went to the guard room a few times all that was what does discharge me you taking the P I don’t need it what does discharge me I didn’t need it tobly C down ever since I’ve been a little while I’ve always don’t know why but I just wanted to be in the Army I’m not really like bothered about dying or anything if you only got one life so might as well live [Music] it even if that means they getting killed yeah yeah hello can help you um I’ve come to drop my medical Farm now rich or poor it’s tough being 16 but maybe there’s a bit more to this Army thing than James [Music] realizes yeah the Desert Rat has been open a few months now but Denise has had a hell of a rough time of it I’ve been attacked daughter’s been attacked window’s been smashed twice just because somebody’s Naughty Boy telling me go at the pub they don’t like it so they think I’ll go smash my windows I mean these are my lovely four windows that was all put through before I’ve kept him for seven year you know what I mean yeah stupid idiots this is the one that’s got me mad it just looks to years like a normal window but this actually leads up to my my home and obviously if we were walking through with the toils my daughter or anybody this whole place was just covered in glass so we could have all been shattered with the glass they just don’t like to be told with today they don’t like me you know I’m saying get my P cuz in their eyes I think I’m better than everybody else no I don’t I’m doing a job and I’m working my tits off to try and keep this gone trying to get everybody back together I don’t know what they want anymore they just want to be able to go drink drugs [Music] fate this morning stress oh bald [ __ ] hell it’s pouring with rain tempers are freeing must be time for a family holiday just [ __ ] it and shut your MTH [ __ ] right you’re not taking a football [ __ ] idiot they’ve got a car off the neighbors but it seems It’s given James another reason to winge oh I’m going to get pissed off in a minute you’re like a 2-year-old that don’t get his own you don’t get your own way cuz you want to sit where you want to sit dick head what the matter James can’t sit where you want to sit no I don’t want to sit in the middle Dean is it important to get a family holiday no what I wish i’ never it they’re all winging whining little you’re looking forward to it de Dean I’m not all do is Wind Watch [Music] The it’s amazing how many people can fit in a caravan trust me yeah just like sleep while you dropping it how many we we had 15 in last time didn’t we James can sleep underneath the Caravan in sleeping bag you’ll be all right and I’m sure de will fall asleep pissed up on the toilet or some too heavy for meie get in see see [Music] [Music] [Applause] see I I you can see you making loads of progress some people never get a break kieran’s been thrown out of his sheltered accommodation and with no one to turn to he’s on the [Music] [Music] street if ifone mes about my life I want give a [ __ ] but progress I make don’t make call people like that hatred that that’s one of the big things go through my [Music] [Music] mind all kieran’s got to keep him going he’s a nicked watermelon and a pocket full of Valium [Music] tablets I i’ have preferred uh being in prison rather than being out here having all the [ __ ] with the housing the petty rules and the hous and stuff like my my old old goal is to be away from herin away from the chemist I can then get a job can then everything else I want not the dad my sister my sister and my n and uh stuff like that I want the family un back which I haven’t for years we in a mess fall dep and I I don’t want to be one of the fifth I’ve tried [Music] he one more battery put two in she sorry are you finding pells out that yeah go around the side and do it all right all right it’s just a break for more minutes it’s getting away from that sh you get me I call it sh I live there all my life you stud in the front room by the way CL set at the dining moon this is our cooking facilities obviously like this they’re filming just open the door minute and we’ll get you in the shower can’t wait to see your nipples that’s the shower room Jan’s in there at the minute no whoa that’s more than I needed to see I had seen them for 37 years who’s in there my mom oh I’ll take you into Lee’s bedroom then and I’ll sniff Jan’s knickers out a [ __ ] up hey Janice where’s your fongs oh found your BR yeah this is Le Janice’s rooms so spawny bastards didn’t even offer no [ __ ] else me and cl on the [ __ ] last night you want me to take over for a minute yeah oh this me back [ __ ] about the Caravan before we come here got no I didn’t got in the Caravan he went always better than a thought so I didn’t wins about it then didn’t yes you did no it didn’t and he was winging where we sleep don’t worry Lee you can have the bedroom tell me I’m full of you’re full of swear down on your son’s life you didn’t win I swear down on my son’s life I winged a bit yeah there you go how many people were staying in here tonight 1 2 3 4 five six adults yes when out with a shower lean turn that off now so I’m going to ram it up your [Music] ass You’ just been firing it in the Caravan bedroom now we’s just shot him in the back shooting though you shot in the cam bedroom tell you now [ __ ] you your [ __ ] you bought stupid [ __ ] yeah you go by kind of [ __ ] no you’re solid you just cuz you got big muscles in that and showing them off you’re that clever you can’t get it in your head can you you’re shooting in a caravan that ain’t even hour shot you wanted to start shoot shouting at me get all your anger off you just [ __ ] off oh yeah so I get the most of it because you’re shooting in a caravan mad you [Music] this way thankfully kieran’s got himself together enough to borrow a tent who did you borrow the tent from uh my mate is ISP pooper scool bags which is always helpful J where is the last time you put a tent up it was about 7 um why am I doing it wrong have have have you seen the bedroom dides she look cozy right that’s that are you happy with the spot you chos in tonight uh quite quite exotic actually volume 10 10 10 mil Volume 5 * 10 is 50 come on you electric I’m not that Bal about I’m not going to good night Bob Ellen good night swellen good night Grandpa St [Music] words they’ve had their three days it’s time for Dean and his family to go home to scunny and who knows by next year James could be off getting shot at instead of fighting with his [Music] family Shane’s cage fighting is getting more serious he’s got his first amate fight in a couple of weeks he’s progressed really well um you know I feel good about Shane going out there and being able to show what he’s capable of doing it means a lot to him um you know it’s it’s a step in the right direction for him ever since he he got on the MMA mat I think it’s it’s giving him a kick up the ass it all boils down to him just having a a real good Focus he’s he’s very explosive kids got H and I think he can do very well seems like Shane’s finally found his calling which is more than you can say for James he’s the first of Dean and cla’s brood to leave school but it looks like he’s fallen at the first hdle how did you do in your GC change yeah not well not well not well at all as well as getting only one D his army career is on its ass before it even began after all his plans he didn’t even bother turning up for the interview so did you decide not to go for the Army this this time around cuz I know for fact I’m going to fail what you going to do then just sit around and bum like you have been doing watching films all night and getting up at 4: in the afternoon don’t so I’m not fitting off yet so what do you mean you’re not fitting off yet get fit in the Army you fit get yeah but what are you going to do for money yeah not buming off me got no chance you found your own way you’re going to be a bump that means you have to go sit around on the carer and catch money for for can of be it you won’t be able to have bully for yeah top up your phone oh to buy new clothes no deod I won’t buy own deod anymore he a got his head on has he and I’m not looking after you the fre Rad’s going to stop [Music] so no s m that out bombs now you want to borrow a bite you want to talk to me don’t work that don’t work that way boom he bumo hey take that cut we for the [Laughter] [Music] coins is the night of Shane’s big fight a fish hand feel all right yeah not too tight no it’s all right I’ll the medical rap ensures that his hands are protected during the fight giving the most support possible so he can punch as hard as he possibly can it’s sometimes easier to break your own hand than it is your opponent out they all think I’m a pretty B you know too pretty to do it but what’s wrong with being good-looking and like to fight training fighting SS his head out he’s there for his kids he’s Absolut brilant dad so he’s got it SED now I’ve never seen him so happy time to do the business boys time they do the business [Music] would you all please welcome the first fighter into the cage CH [Applause] Denis CR [Music] [Applause] [Music] connect and one [Applause] might be under the chin there could be all over here for Shane Den he’s looking to punch his way out of it but I don’t think it’s going to work that sh is tight he could go out here Jay I think he’s going out there we go fight’s over he’s asleep Mich 11 takes the win what an opening bout here at AFC 10 puts James s to sleep with a rear naked [Applause] [Music] show the best good fight man I’m I want it to win though you know hey it’ll come it’ll come when it’s your time you know good on you cheers [Music] man kieran’s finally got a Dyer roof over his head he’s been rehoused in a shared house but in all good news the other residents were arrested for drug dealing yesterday and a previous occupant has left some belongings behind I [Music] know prostitutes on seeing that I don’t think I’m going to venture any further [Music] it’ll be easy to judge them on the wall but is as simple as that what else is it for them to do there’s no jobs no prospects of getting a job they just sit here have a drink dwell over what they can’t have it’s their way of passing the time do wor do you worry that James might end up here not if I’ve got out to do with it I will give him that kick up the ass atting soon I’m letting him have his bit of bit of Freedom so he says he wants but he’ll only push me so far and then I’ll give him that kick up the ass even his mom said we’re not bringing a bum [Music] up I don’t even know what the C with her we’re like Warehouse we’re like I don’t know like Warehouse men aren’t we after 9 months of searching Shane finally landed himself a job it’s freezing but it’s it’s mint you know when you’re shifting boxing that you warm up and then you go do some rework and then you’ll move pallets you know you you’ll go picking I’m happy happy I’m I’m happy I’ve got a job these are small ones yeah it’s come at the right time for me not everything’s [ __ ] pretty roll is like but you know from where I’ve come from my life’s gone well better every time I get paid now every week I’ve got money for the kids you know what I mean Christmas is just be like like an avalanch of just [ __ ] loads of toys and sweets and you know it’s going to be like Wonderland they’re going to love it who can believe it one year today it’s not easy being skinned you haven’t got jobs or foreign holidays but at least you’ve got your [Laughter] [Music] mates life can be tough and tougher when you’ve got no one around to support you alone a small slip can turn into a big fall very [Music] quickly nothing no one can say family life is it easy but for all the dramas and the RS and the fighting you’d always rather be with him than without I tell you you go grab it [Music] [Music] it doesn’t matter if you’re a millionaire or on the social family means the world and raising your kids is the most important job you’ll ever have and it can be a good deal tougher than any job on the steel Works your responsibility is to ensure that you nurture them that you give them the love that they need in order for them to live the kind of lives that are meaningful for Dean the only good thing about being out of work is having the time to be there for his kids and the rest of his family we got a strong family and we have now we always have bigger and bigger now have join no didn’t something you know he’s been there Dean Dean Dean’s like a step down right let’s not get get his head too big if I could give respect to anyone you know apart from my dad it but you know he’s he’s he’s like a dad to me as well we’re not shut you’re going too far now no I said but for some the pressures of unemployment are just too much and they turn to boobs or drugs and it’s their kids that pay the price West Cliff’s local window cleaner Peach is a dad and often pretty cooko but most people wouldn’t let anyone else clean their Windows hey are you going to get down don’t like it getting down does everyone know who don’t know Pete in the character any he bless him where do you want this boy just leave here can I have a I’ll you say hi to P say hi hey I’m wind cleaner sh it’s the only person I know has never claimed off the soci and he’s and he’s paid for his own his own drink everything off his own back he’s got his own [ __ ] all right he’s one of them one of them you just want to a you want to cuddle him cuz it’s just so sweet is it I think a lot of people take piss out of him but I don’t know why but he don’t do anyone arm he don’t bother anyone he don’t go robing I ain’t got it in my system to go rob someone no no yeah good yeah you don’t want it do that Penny sweet put it in your mouth and the woo fat bastard took [Music] it Pete’s one in a million m one in a million so proud of this little boy as well as paying his own way Pete also provides for his girlfriend Emma and there son Ty all right Emma used to work in insurance but had her own running with drugs she kicked the Habit when she got pregnant with Ty and has been stable on methadone ever since what did you get your sticker STI what you do at school tidy for been tidy you tidy boy tid yeah yeah there’s another Pete definitely still struggles with his demons though come on I went to the park with them Pete was all right with Tai so I said right I’ll I’ll go get a bath um bring Tai back in an hour um and Pete came back in the hour but he didn’t have Tai with him he was well out his head proper I mean could hardly stand up and I’m like where’s T like I don’t know over there somewh goz what do you mean you don’t know like do know over there somewhere who’s he with don’t know and he really didn’t know so I went upstairs got dressed by the time I come down the police car was pulling up outside so I start crying automatically I’m like oh my God where’s my son Pete had left without T I mean just forgot T was with himit so obviously Pete got arrested for being under the influence and in charge of a minor and then obviously they had to bring social services and then obviously because of that Pete allow t on his own it was all right could have been worse could it baby who loves you yeah where are I’m his dad you know what I mean like what do like that Dad Dad Dad I want to go with Dad you know what I mean how how do I explain with Emma’s history of drugs and Pete being off his head a lot social services are keeping a close eye on little Tai making sure he’s in Safe House [Music] I have a look look look at that is that is that you and me me wave daddy and [Music] son when Pete’s not up a ladder or playing with Tai you can usually find him at the wall [Music] the wall attracts all sorts some of them would knowwhere else to go just next to the wall at the community center a local group tries to help people get off the wall their volunteers offer a bit of counseling support and even throw in a bacon bat for breakfast I’ll give you one of them that’s the leaf that sort of explains what we do you know don’t judge anybody and and we take him out we find him and that’s it yeah and helping out for the first time today is Gail who’s been unemployed for years and whose life is perhaps as complicated as the people she’s helping I wanted to do this for the last two years since U my partner died he was 37 year old when he died and to see him come off herin and get his life sorted out and then to go on drink and then to die through drink it’s it’s hard it’s really hard hardest hit when her stepdad died was Gail’s youngest Sky who was 13 this is the poem Sky wrot I understand how hard it was to stop drugs like you did maybe I didn’t notice before but then I was just a kid maybe one day when I die I will see you again because then my tears will be happiness and it will stop all this pain I love you and there’s so much I could say sleep tight Daddy see you again someday and that for for a 13 and 1 half year old to write something like that to say that children grieve in different ways to adults SC just went off the rails nothing else to do nothing else to do for sky going off the rails has meant getting into lots of fights you’re always getting involved in other people’s arguments and that’s why you end up fighting and you’re the one what gets into trouble yeah but it’s because I can because I can do that and if I want to do it I can cuz I don’t give a you know what I mean it would it was nothing to do with you but you got involved and you at that girl yeah and then there’s another when he was we friend and a dad came and chased you in AA what about that not that’s not funny but do you know what yeah that’s for sticking up for your Fu mates that of course it is man she built it in her stomach and winded as hard just went over I was just like boom dropped up banged up [ __ ] stamped on her bed and everything man and that’s when I D come and chase me one day it might have been 3 years since you lost her stepdad but Sky still hasn’t come to terms with it if we mention his name she has to go out at room um if she gets upset and if she’s had a drink and anybody mentions names or mention his name she goes mad she goes mad absolutely mad [Music] cor again the West Cliff estate was built for the steel workers so it’s no surprise that as The Works have laid off West Cliff’s taking a bit of a Bea mind you there’s always windows need cleaning oh you left right [ __ ] stay there mate beat you that’s how you do it man you [ __ ] turn into it man F sh you [ __ ] yeah you do I’ve done it before yeah right get your hands off the windows is that wrong not being funny I couldn’t imagine not working do you know what I mean I’ve always worked on my life out of I couldn’t imagine being on the doll it’s not my cup of tea I’m not knocking anybody who wants to be on the do they can be do you know what I mean but I like to keep the C occupied El he them all winging at me you know what I mean but the old like to like old like to do what I’m doing you know what I mean like you feel better that if you’re getting money for something what you do do you know what I mean and just buming it Dean’s little brother Greg’s been buming it for months now but he’s not sitting on his ass okay thank you bye well unfortunately not allowed to take anyone on board that’s color blind why did you say out you f because if I take a job and I end up killing somebody and what is it firefighter how can you you won’t [ __ ] that wrong anyway you know what a [ __ ] looks like you defeated the job before you even [ __ ] up for it yes but Dean she says do you suffer from any eyesight problems health or whatever and I have to tell her that if I don’t tell her problems a th bastard I read St Dean might give him a hard time but Greg is trying everything he can to get a job this is like CB check check myal record what record uh it’s pretty good actually I’ve only been arrested once did say like um didn’t need like previous experience do you yeah I need previous experience it’ be [Music] nice how many jobs do you think you’ve applied for uh what this month yeah this month I’d say about 30 [Music] 33 with so many in the same boat it’s not surprising that people get what they can on the side nothing big just everyday stuff to help you get by I always see the people who shoplift I to get my cheap makeup and that like yeah when you’re getting some makeup M you I mean once you’re on benefit you can’t afford to buy all the proper wash powder and the proper coffee and the proper After Shave and that so you just you ask people to obviously rob it for you and you get it for half the price lights you can afford it then so they are providing a service fa the shoplifters take Tracy she’s one of the best known shoplifters and no stranger to the police Tracy’s never held down a job for long and grafts to feed her drug habit what are you been arrested for shli him yesterday she got herself arrested an occupational [Music] hazard six month supervision are what did they get you for just some beding just 190 in quids worth of stuff there’s our BS after a night in the cells the first thing on Tracy’s mind is scoring it’s not good this how long did you normally go without yesterday at 7even bags in the morning within 4 hours the gar sh I’ve got a mous up in the police station it’s come up come up negative and positive for cocaine there um negative for opius positive for cocaine and I had the Ops after the cocaine crack but I’ve got no choice but to go get heroin now even though well it it’ll it’ll sort me out for maybe half an [Music] hour Tracy’s not just known for shoplifting but for something much much closer to her heart everyone just looks at me as if to say how she got kids took cover even though I’m a better mom than half of them down here they didn’t get took off me from me mistreating them it was just the way they got took what people talk about me as if I got them took off [Music] me like a lot of addicts Tracy tried and failed to give up drugs to keep her kids in the years since they were taken Tracy’s drug use has spun even more out of control smiley face for the camera unlucky for Tracy she’s picked a bad day to be scoring can’t get out can’t get out no one’s just told you no one’s gotten out there’s three gear dealers down here in this area but one of them only has it now and again and the other two just F out and wait till they’ve sold it all to go get more whereas you should get wait till you get to your last few bags and then go get some more how how much money are you spending a day I’d say probably about 89 could or most of the time more how do you get that kind of money shoplifting and prostitution lot of for him up in Grims B got no yeah you got it yeah after half an hour breakfast dinner and tea right now I’m afraid you’ll have to turn the C camera what why is that where do you where do you inject in my grind and if you want me to pull my pants down I have if you have to charge [Music] you dadd it away need some TR my real parents they were drug users the dad of Aid which was through drugs come on please my dad used to do chemist Ser which was a lot easier in them days a big thing um he went to prison for it and at the same time my mom found out she um she W very well so we ended up in the foster home it was only supposed to be for three or four weeks but my mom found out she wasn’t going to get any better and um we was actually there a good 14 years you going to bed growing up I thought that they’d given me up because they couldn’t be asked with me it took a long time for me to sort of forgive them if you like you know what I mean I did grow up hating them you know you’ve been rejected which obviously it’s not as simple as that but as a kid that’s how I saw it I mean God my young parents don’t want me so what what kind of monster must I be do you know what I mean right baby two minutes that’s why I’m fighting to for nailed for Ty not to go in care he would not understand where I’d gone why I’d left him so he would do nothing but scream for me he wouldn’t eat he wouldn’t sleep it’d be scared it’d be angry he just would not understand where’s Mommy why is Mommy not come to get me to get what I mean is too young to understand and it just think had abandoned him if I can’t even succeed as a mother what kind of a person you know what is the point of me do you know what I mean sweet dreams baby how much we love you a million times more than all the stars in the world hello how you doing I’m all right from good well em and full from H all right please to meet you I sorry I’m just eating the Jeff cake do you want a drink no one more I thank you okay Emma’s asked for some help in her battle to keep tie she’s been given a charity support worker to help her with pretty much everything starting with her debt license runs all the utilities I.E your water your electric and gas everything is set up but you’re not making payments at this moment in time is that fair to say or the gas and electric a token meters obv the no I don’t pay that right I start paying it then I miss a couple and then then I can’t afford to catch up with it and instead of doing something about it I just leave it and this is what we can help be in my head in the sand the ostrich maneuver but these are the things that we can help you with we can help you plan we can help you strategize look forward and get you looking in that right direction see you take care see you soon thank you bye Tracy’s got money worries of her own she’s had to borrow to buy her gear today and now she needs to pay it back what you call what you want to get I want to get 60 quid for him if I was to sell him I’d get a bit more hi hi what can I do for you can I put these in on um buyback please yeah of course you can fall back in it money when I need it you just before haven’t you yeah I only got them back last week y That’s all right all right so you got all together 20 4 60 thank you very much see you later thank you see you later quick qu yeah it won’t last long though I all that out so what do you need to do now I need to see if I can get in a shop but I don’t know to pinch something want he AJ 36 to1 I’m paying money’s always on your mind when you haven’t got a job and 11 right and where’s that no [Music] more got it get in there son [ __ ] come to Daddy if you’re up against it and the banks have turned you down you can always borrow money from the wall it’s not exactly free though you need cash quick they’ll just come to the wall and double bubble loads of people L money around here for like double bubble and that you like you have to pay double back I don’t do it my i’ rather not but I know people that do double bubbles you L 20 for 40 back or like 40 for 80 back what happens if they don’t pay it back then it just gets doubled again and then if you don’t pay it back you just get a kicking what sort of people use your money then smacks weed heads Alid do dosers even people at work Dean where’ you want the Telly to go here up here FR stairs yeah Dean’s been able to stay clear of double bubble but he’s still ends up paying through the nose for stuff he needs see you their toddler has broken the Telly so they’re upgrading to a bigger one on the Never Never C it’s an LG 3D cinema screen 4 7 in don’t forget the SM B smart sorry that’s that’s one head of a TV yeah it will be there just check it pan oh as you can see that P all F yeah see you later see later cheers well we’re having to pay for it weekly by time we finish paying for it two and a half Grand 1,800 to 2 and half that’s what it said on the slip I’m sure we could have got one cheaper like but I ain’t got the money what what would you say to people that say look at that family on benefits and look at the TV they’ve got that’s what you got right us from pay weekly I don’t I don’t care what they say we’re having to pay for this other two years we can’t afford to go out and get more straight away like them Working Class People Who’s got what two grand a week coming in we’re having suff two and a half paying an extra 12,300 quid on top to pay for it weekly so Bullocks to him who gives a think anyway’s paying it not them there’s nothing beats watching a 3D movie with surround sound from the comfort of your own sofa [Music] Gail’s daughter sky has been fighting again and this time the trouble’s followed their home people want to know you know who live around here and that’s what what’s happened to you wind is what’s happened to you in well what does it look like you know is it’s not a new [ __ ] end is it all window smashed Oh’s that baring it up oh they’re putting them bars on to hey we’ve been told to just the broken ones well they’re all [ __ ] we’ve got to do it we hey no I don’t think so you got to live here have you if it rains you’re going to be naked and I Ain coming back at our five yeah I’ll tell you now look at it I’m going have to put on my [ __ ] on now take the piss he did should have to live like this I know I know she’s my daughter but I I W I w’t dream of going around to some someone’s house and doing this and coming in your house and all you know they come in and all they just didn’t do them they started kicking all doors off now they did that did that right and they did this kick that off kick that off there this one done to that look from the other side that’s what’s left to the door it’s hard to say how kids will react to losing a parents it’s chain Sky almost beyond recognition Sky everybody liked her everybody loved Sky everybody did I’ve got one there of Sky when she was three when I look at you know I look at her photographs and I see it now I just think I’m going to get a knock on the door saying you don’t has been in an accident we’ve got her in the police station you know she’s killed someone or more of them facts like she’s really done some serious damage to someone I I I just don’t know now we there the way she’s carrying on at the minute I don’t think she’s going to see 18 gails lived in scunny for 18 years but the attack on their home has shaken them so much that Gail reckons there’s nothing for it but to move what are you going to do this afternoon Peete I’ll go pick my little B up with them hopefully at uh 5:00 [Music] time Pete may be keeping the estate’s windows clean but the same can’t be said for himself he’s not laying off the drink or the tablets and Social Services don’t want him around Emma and well they say like like we don’t want to feel that having any contact with you like like with his mom [ __ ] why like you know what I mean why do you think I don’t know don’t I mean look at him now you know what do you mean look at me I’m today but you don’t look great do you Pete well yeah but I’m not I’m not saying what you have people I’m just saying you’re not doing yourself any favors I know yeah hey yeah you’re not on Top Farm are you if my social worker was to walk in now she’d think that you’d ask some you know she yeah think knows the one supposed to be at my house if he had a drink and he knows he wants to stay at my house he don’t care well it still comes you know what I mean drinking beer coming up to my door Spiderman Spiderman singing that St so might as well put a notice y car I am out my head had a good [Music] day if it come down to it where the only way could keep tie was to give rid of P then I would Pete knows it it’s not secret time means the world to me a thank you I couldn’t go to bed and get up in the morning knowing that I’ve had him and I’ve lost him as awful as it sounds I’d rather not had him before I couldn’t function with my life knowing that I’ve had this beautiful thing as part of my life and then then all of a sudden is not it kill me I’d rather not live [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there isn’t a day goes by that Tracy doesn’t think about what she’s lost [Music] me and my boyfriend was both wanted the police come to arrest him I want in I didn’t have a phone or anything so the police said I had 20 minutes to get home to get the kids I obviously w’t home till till an hour and a half later they’d made the call but the transport had not come so but they tried reversing it and they said the can’t reverse it so I had to pick my kids up out of the carts fast asleep and go put them in a police car and then didn’t get him back was meant to get him back the next day well because of the drugs in the shop lifting I think they’re better off taking him away I have my last contact a week and a half ago it does say clearly that I’m not a bad mom it’s just the lifestyle and shoplifting and drugs I don’t really see the point there no point in life is there really [Music] now when you have kids your kids are your life out take away them and you a’t got nothing left that’s what I feel like [Music] Emma’s decided that she needs to move away from Pete and away from the precinct where all the addicts and dealers know it I’ve got to go for your and test once a week first dirty I give T’s gone I’ve been told T Pete’s not allowed at this house if you seen the a t is gone I avoid that Precinct as much as I can because you go down and people like do you want to borrow money now do you want to buy do you want to buy this no if you buy it for me I’ll sort you out no if I’ve got some let me come to your house and I’ll sort you out no don’t mean they just don’t it’s like uncomprehended to them that I’m putting my child before drugs do you know what I [Music] mean all come in a minute I’m cting them in pieces for my dinner a support worker Paul has come to help em her apply to get herself moved dad I’m going to the Moon looking for the future it would help my son if I was to [Music] move yeah given the opportunity I like it yeah make a fresh start yeah yeah which would enable me to make a fresh start yeah think if em gets a new place it would be good for her yeah definitely so you support that one yeah definitely once you get away from me St well so on to the next section 2 minutes baby are you angry at yourself yeah yeah now there’s nothing else can do yeah definitely thank you so much for silly you know I mean how old I am okay this is my work p you mate so you yeah you did yeah yeah he trying to get them out to move that’s the plan anywhere within North Lincolnshire and anything in the Northeast Lincoln I get could be way away you’re in the step in the right direction you’re done a good thing today thank you much all right well you did the most of it but thank you I really appreciate I know you do it’s all right thanks again I’ll come with you back come go back obviously the best thing is for him to have his dad about but when his dad’s been now he is at the minute that’s not the best thing at [Music] all you’re a good guy really is got a heart of gold [Music] I love you [Music] [Music] since I’ve lost my kids I don’t care anymore what else have I got to lose apart from my head once you get reputation it can stick you know what I mean it’s hard to get it can be hard to get rid of like you say your best chance is like to disappear like to go to another estate another town that if the truth be know it’s taken months to sort out but Gail’s on the move and she’s hoping Sky’s reputation won’t follow them look at me pots putting some big flowers and some aning baskets in there 5 months now without any Windows 18 months without any eating I’ve been packed a week so I’m raring to go this is Miss show look at that this is the kitchen you know it’s like a palace isn’t it he oh all new C [Music] eating life throw some things at you sometimes don’t it and you’ve just got to get on with it you got to be strong and if you’re not strong and you’re weak you fall apart don’t you this is Sky’s bedroom oh yes I’m but before she can start her new life she’s got to pack away the old one with all her kids coming to help it’s brought the whole family together put the bags in first no the bags have already sh the [ __ ] up ready ah don’t even go down man put the thing back on I’m not put my car you can [ __ ] suck my [ __ ] C you [ __ ] La fat cow oh that’s going to have to be sorted cuz I don’t know how that goes come BOS good [ __ ] [Music] RS a lot of people seem to be stuck one way or another trac’s stuck in a cycle of drugs and crime she’s been caught shoplifting again and this time she’s packing for [Music] prison I have to take him out the frames do made in cuz I could have had him back if i s made out how do you find being in jail I find it all right the only thing I miss is being a to have a joint in bed if you could smoke weed in there it’ be a luxury [Music] holiday I mean it does do your heading being locked up behind your door and not being able to go where you want to go but I suppose at the same time I’m not shoplifting or prostitute I’m I’m getting three meals a day showers tell the bed is very comfy if he had nice comfy beds it would be all right as [Music] well if I don’t go J I don’t think Al shop Liv in anymore I’ll just have to do me over [Music] foration Gail house moves almost done yeah but sometimes you’re stuck carrying your trouble around with you what are you looking at why why why police why what you looking at why you drop finish you drop all right yeah but you me he’s looking at me what looking please look at that mess why look at all that there why disgusting why what what why what do you mean why people’s got to walk past don’t they with the kids in that I know why why why why cuz it’s a [ __ ] disgrace that’s why cheky bastards do you want to carry a bag why clean it all yeah why I’ll give you every crazy well [ __ ] off back to your own [ __ ] country and make a mess there then where you [ __ ] come from bye a mess bye I love you bye yeah [ __ ] can [Music] perve Emma’s Sher than ever about moving but for now she’s stuck in Westcliffe that one surrounded by a see if you can spot it first I want better for Tha I want just a normal life just where I I can get up in the morning get get TI off to school or whatever get go about my house work you know what I mean do things with tire at a weekend save up for holidays what I mean um I want it to be where eventually I’m off the methodone and everything maybe even go back to college do the counselor’s class or get a little office job or Sumit just normal do you know what I mean [Music] and there’s Dean stuck living on benefits in the town he was born in go back a few years and skun thought was booming I think it was the steel works that made scunny was it that’s the steel works that’s made it I think that’s all the no scun for far it’s not the [ __ ] football team is it it produces the best steal in the world it’s not man nowhere near to what it used to be years ago when everyone was biking in and there’s thousands of BLS coming through this gate only thing now is there’s thousands of bloats lost the jobs the but all the life and then they get kicked in the teeth you know what I mean now it seems like there’s 10 blogs for every job going how many jobs have you applied for though in the past two years [Music] I’d say over 250 4 years sorry [ __ ] hell I’d say about thousand no don’t go over the top you [ __ ] how many jobs have you apped for in the past four years i’ saying about 600 700 jobs in the past four years what kind of wage would a job have to pay you in order for you to keep you know your family ticking over now with with uh with the house that we’re in 400 quid a week with the house that we’re in yeah right now I’d have to be earning about 5 600 Quid a week what kind of job in scum would you get that pay that no no I’ve told her I might have to go work that’s probably what what he probably used to get a couple of years ago off the steel work 600 Quid a week on it I was on 1,400 quid a week on Ste b00 when I first started I did every call out I did every hour go in but I tell you what I’d have to be earning 5 600 Quid a week now and there’s not a job in skunny that i’ pay that not a job in [Music] skunny look at how romantic that smoke look’s coming out the cooling tower it’s like I don’t know shut up great but who says she can’t get on stock Tracy didn’t get prison she was given a drug rehabilitation order and is hoping to turn things around I regret the prostitution and not fighting a bit harder for my kids you can’t turn the clock back can you if you could we’ all have perfect lives won we no one’s life is perfect and there are no perfect parents in your face ass in your face you day everyone does the best with the hand that dealt but some people have the deck stacked against them from the start everyone can hope that tomorrow might be better they might get that job make that change even have that new start [Music]


    1. Skint gets behind the headlines, as people who are often maligned for their lifestyle offer their own story and show the real impact of joblessness – both today and over generations.

    2. In regards to pregnancy the narrator says: “Some girls are starting earlier and earlier these days.” ?! Are they starting alone? Great job holding all parties accountable, NOT.

    3. It's not being poor that's the problem. It's the lack of morals. My parents were poor and snd we were 4 kids and were considered poor. But my parents had morals and a belief in God and we all turned out successful. Poor people always seem to have money for smokes, piercings and tattoos. I see nothing but abled bodied people here that could and should be working…not given taxpayer money to keep spitting out children because you have nothing better to do. Pretty sure the government can give them free birth control too.

    4. So sad to see that jamelia has become a criminal. There was an article about her in 2021, Jamelia Humphreys for those who want to look it up. Wasted life.

    5. I hope the unborn child from this show is currently doing alright. I never in my life thought I'd see a pregnant woman jumping on a trampoline while smoking a cigarette. That is terribly unsafe and an awful example for the other children.

    6. Really smart decision to have SEVEN children whilst being on social services, i love a revolving door system that perpetuates having more kids to get more income!!

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