The 6th leg of my bike trip between Hampden and Munich as I cover 1440km in 16 days and visiting 40 clubs.

    In leg 6 I cycle from Stuttgart to Munich

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    #football #groundhopping #suscribe #Bundesliga

    just negotiated through the rure and St got through the bike PS there quite a lot of bikes we just across the river for the stadium still kind of get a good view for here still River Meer looking a bit monkey and we are following this bike path a while then cross the other side we follow the river for a bit more and then to the next turn which is about 2 and 1 half hour back to the river and it’s the first obacle a day so it’s probably flooded further up so we need to go and find a det somewhere I haven’t done much filming since took G so we just been negotiating the streets the little villages in the way to get here we’re about 17 k for our next stop we’ve already done 40 I think no already did 72 on this new set cycop path that goes for sto Gap to somewhere else which was in that sign back here which you’ve probably seen glorious day this is what it should be like not any rush to get anywhere we’ve only got 250 K Munich so plenty time so we just got to chill out and relax if you got a bike in 100K relaxing that is wonder how far this path goes like us up to one of these marker points so it’s sub o roadws in front of us Welcome to gring our sport V 1895 fast and on the stop of the day so these guys play in a league I kind of pronounce I’ll put it up on screen there we go Le on tidb ground for a lower division Club checked one of the guys over there and he said it was okay to come in and he wonder about and talk some photos so we’re 64k fish to got and we’ve only got another 38 to go to which I think far I’m got stopped T night and find a hotel we’re just about 10K for the last gr we stopped at and one of these bik paths go for a bit of food you can see the river down there is pretty high flowing and there is a we Stadium through the backyard but sure which team there they are it’s a little bit long the road for the food stop just under 40K to home for hopefully be stopping the night which means I’ve only done 105k or so which is probably far enough weather’s pretty decent which makes it a lot more enjoyable I think we’ve only got three or four more GRS to stop at before the AL 39 Munich just came through cuz there a couple of local guys came past that barrier and this is the reason why it’s been closed off there is plenty room to sneak by in a bike so hope that’s a wor up past you can see where I get annoyed with Google Maps for sending me down the road like this this is one time I decided to follow him to sa a massive detour if I turn back turns out it worked out okay but I don’t know how Google can figure out that these routs exist as it looks like you’re crossing a field and yet another detour good job I’ve got pretty time we’re only 10 15 K ago so I need to go back up this way and over there somewhere we’re now crossing the danu there’s been a few signs through that forest for uh flooding so we were supposed to go for a path down the left side of the over there I’m going to get that on this and cross over and go through this town and then go along the road so hopefully it should be less chance of getting a detour and there should be more chance uh possibilities of detours if I do need to switch back good morning it is Thursday the 6th of June day 16 on the road we just left gunsburg for I stayed last night I was planning staying in home but once I was looking at booking hotels I thought I could just go another 20K just to get a little bit further on first stop of the day is Augsburg which is about 65 km away so according to Google that’s about 3 and a about hours maybe four and uh after that I think it’s another 60k to dark or something however they call it and probably will’ll be stopping there for the night and then just lose 2K to the alliance Stadium Tomorrow there’s a lovely day this is the warmest it’s been this time in the morning so far it’s just going halfast 8 makes a lot of difference when you’re now having to stop for the rain and get your phone out and check for you’re going although just off does aoly work while you’re it’s in your pocket so so I think this is a Bak path all the way to braco or somewhere which is about 10 km away so I will just get moving and I’ll get you updated later on just past the halfway mark we done 32k with another 24 to go 10 it was through that Forest out the back there which was pretty bumpy just stoed a bit of chocolate it’s not exactly C’s through and nut but I’ll have to do and I think we’re following this bike path all the way BG hopefully cuz it’s gets us off the road and now off of the traffic after 60k arrived at my first St tsv schwaben hburg playing in the fourth level of German Football just approaching stop to the day the wwk arena home at FK urg looks like they were founded in 1907 Stadium’s 3,660 which is pretty decent size they finished 11th in the Bundesliga this year so it’s topped here CU I’ve heard of them before this trip right we’re now in the front of the stadium looks quite impressive for here as well third stop of the day and it’s also in Augsburg they’re coming thick and fast this one is Turks spor Augsburg founded in 1972 playing the Bayern Liga Su sou I think finished 16th this year looks like quite an all ground we’ got here and as normal if a gate open it’s an invitation to go in and he a look around so it’s much appreciated for leaving it gets open sure if you can see that but 100K on on the clock under 10:00 we’re still in these amazing back Tails scat day probably the hottest so far got a we Dr a rain when it was coming through some was 70k to the next ground which I wasn’t sure a mark but that’s where all the hotels are so just go and we’ll be at the next Stadium fourth and what I thought was going to be the last stop of the day was tsv Das 1865 playing in the fifth tier of German foitball which is the same level as the Scottish Highland League I arrived here at 20 to5 after 110k nearly 8 hours in the bike with only another 20K to the alliance Arena and decided to head to Munich rather than look for a hotel here for the night cring the a bar again it’s 7 km to the stadium and there’s traffic jams Mak the in a bik stadium is over in that direction somewhere here you can just see the stadium in a distance I did see that further back before I stopped at the last place was coming down a hill under 6K to go now that’s the fop the stadium another 5K too stumbled across the Bon campus looks like it’s open so I’m going to go in here I’ll look inside see how far I can get probably get kicked mind welcome to aliance Stadium home of bar Munich 16 days 1,440 km and count plus how many teams I’ve visited so far must be up to about 40 we lost count finally made it to the destination it’s got to be the biggest stadium we’ been at this is where Scotland play Germany on Opening match a week tomorrow sadly when I have a ticket for it but I need to go and catch a train him so we just checked out the hotel in Munich which was only couple of milees for the stadium so in total mileage for today is just over 140k bringing the total for glas to Munich to 1,445 I think that’s the end of the trip for GL the glate Munich still got six days left in my holiday so so I will probably be posting another video once I decide what to do after this but just now I need to go and grab some food and get a shower cuz I’m absolutely wasted cuz I was some pretty big Hills yesterday that totally wiped this out cuz I still had got the bottom gear working so if you’ve been watching this series of videos thanks for watching and I’ll see you sometime again soon I’m now backing aine after an event for few days getting home after filming this trip things didn’t got to plan so check out the next video for an over view of the trip and the problems I encountered trying to get home


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