I sat down with Tour de France stage winner Juan Antonio Flecha to ask him whether Pogacar is GAMBLING his Tour de France too soon, whether he thinks Mark Cavendish will win his 35th stage win, his thoughts on Biniam Girmay’s HISTORIC stage win and more.

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    00:00 – Is Pogacar Gambling too soon?
    05:30 – Does Remco Evenepoel have a shot at winning GC?
    08:00 – Who’s being overlooked as a GC threat?
    11:00 – Did Frank Van den Broek do the right thing?
    12:40 – Can Mark Cavendish ACTUALLY WIN 35 stages?
    14:10 – Thoughts on Biniam Girmay’s Historic Win

    A little about myself:

    New to my channel? I’m an average recreational cyclist that recently moved from America to Girona, Catalunya, Spain. The Vuelta España and The Tour of Catalunya will all be held here in Spain!

    Sometimes I race and when I do, I share my training with you along the way. So far, I’ve done crit racing, road racing and gravel racing. I haven’t done a duathlon or a triathlon yet, but it is something I am thinking about!

    So far in Spain, I’ve seen DSM cycling, SD Worx, Team Jayco Alula, Ineos, Arkea cycling, UAE team emirates and more all training here. Did you know there’s also a GCN studio here?

    🚲Follow my Training Journey on Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/23822056
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    📲 You can connect with my Instagram to see some cool cycling and non cycling content in Spain: @SeeSmith_
    🙏🏾 That was a lot to type!! If you’ve read this far, thank you for taking the time to watch!

    I am here with Juan Antonio Fletcher because I need to know whether or not pogar has showed his cards too soon and you and I have something in common and it’s not that we’ve both won a tour to France stage but we happen to both own a bicycle from the same company who are sponsors of this episode MMR bicycles I have the adrenaline arrow and you have which model again it hasn’t been released yet again so nobody nobody share this with anybody no no no it will be released uh I think September is called The Grand Tour uh this is way more touring obviously more way more touring than the adrenaline and obviously the error but uh the model but it’s sort of uh very similar to the xtor but built up with more Road fuckus uh component so it’s more a Touring bike uh obviously you can still use it gravel and it looks great I mean I love it no I like it and I have the xit to what you mentioned if you guys are interested in hearing or learning more about that check out my video on the channel and I’ll do one for the adrenaline arrow down the line but today we’re not talking about that I want to know from you whether or not first of all um polkar we know he attacked on S LCA on stage two and do you feel like this was a smart move do you feel like it was too soon let me know your thoughts I think obviously it was it wasn’t too soon because he didn’t go on the hardest bit of s Luca s Luca’s got gradiance very very steep at some point he way he went I would say pach attack happen on the most technical part of s LCA with those Corners those bends he was clearly trying to anticipate a bit on a bring surprise right like bring in unexpected move from from his rivals I think it’s part of his uh character the way he races I did believe he was going to go on the attack probably not there I was expecting him to go a bit earlier was it to soon in the race in the to the France I don’t think so you know Pacha likes to race it is a small effort you have to think s Luka said 8 minutes 9 Minutes effort of course later on he had to R all the way to the finish line but he likes to do this sort of Pacha move and I was sort kind of expecting it what I wasn’t expecting was being a g being so good and closing the Gap so quick on on today’s will that was impressive I mean that shows how good level how well he’s recovered from that injury and um it was definitely a bit too soon maybe too ambitious into the fronts trying to or coming into the the lead of the race probably yeah and I thought personally um obviously I don’t have the experience that you have but I thought stage one would have been where po would have really went after it to see where uh Jonas is at but instead he went on the second stage and then uh kopaz and Rimco even ended up closing the Gap so do you think it was a wasted effort essentially because they were all same in GC by the end of the stage yeah I think it would have been a lot more risky to do on stage one true as you say it would be have been more the terrain to do that just to go for one solar R bom the Finish but it will have to take a lot more effort they’re doing that on S Luca at the end he waited to the very end of s LCA remember s LCA 8 n minutes therefore those are the climbs they went through on stage one were much longer and the train onto the Finish Line were also you know those big uh roads and bit of head wi that would have take a lot more effort for Pacha and probably Wast a bit of energy considering how much time he could have taken onto the the GC guys so that was a small clever from Pacha I think on day one they were clearly trying to test uh vingal see how aware he was on on his condition in fact there was one of the client where you could see UAE team trying to not put the hammer down but increase the pace a bit Yeah on they stop they stopped when they saw V go there they say hold on just stop doing what you’re doing let just the the race go and yeah so they waited on the on stage two and okacha did and um yeah I mean Yates if you if you ask about that it would fair to sort of think what the team was doing and he show a lot more interest visma on S LCA that what UAE did on S LCA if you think about it because it was initially bisma so Jonah’s team trying to set a higher pace while Yates from UAE he did come but a bit later so in my opinion I think it was very well played from bisma because they sort of made pagach and Y come on we want a race today we want a race just bring it on yeah yeah and and at the end yeah that that made UAE as well to ride a bit harder and set it up for for po so was quite interesting very very very nice to watch obviously yeah and I’m definitely looking forward to I mean we still have uh stage 4 and 11 and 14 which are going to be really really challenging I’m sure there going to be more fireworks I was surprised to see Rimco close the gap too because he has been kind of like downplaying his Fitness saying that he only got I think one week of intensity in or something like that what do you think about his GC Ambitions do you think he has a real shot at it I think you know everyone I I keep listen I keep hearing people saying oh to the front it’s not for ranko it’s not his race let’s see right and that’s probably the G the card that ranko is playing all right well I’m not might not be a to the front sort of cyclist but let’s find out right so he’s playing very smart he keeps saying as you will say I’m growing into the race let’s see how how I go more into the last week but man when you think about how he closed those 16 17 seconds on 6 kilm of flat and I mean that’s a pure rco effort he’s definitely got intensity despite not having really worked on it and and uh yeah yeah I’m sure he’s got endurance so let’s see how he goes until the third week but I was even more surprised on on Monday when when coming to the Finish Line you know he always stayed behind PO he never wanted to be ahead he doesn’t want the Jersey he doesn’t want that responsibility so hold on the yellow Jersey is such a juicy to have right especially in the first tour the France so why you wouldn’t just see if you could get it he’s just playing so smart and relaxed which is surprising for someone like Rano avenu who’s a super ambitious Rider and it isn’t this his first Tour of France too I think he said that I was like it is definitely definitely he never done the tour before and uh I think he’s a good writer for the tour you know he’s he’s a lot of people say oh he’s no not you know you can win the bua but to is another story he did win one bua last year he tried to and he blew up a bit then he came back and got those stages but um I mean he’s playing a bit smarter you know sometimes injuries they’re good for you you know to make you a bit sit a bit relaxed rethink a bit and get confidence in other aspects that you need for this race yeah and I it feels like he’s learned from the welta experience and he’s definitely playing his cards wisely um who else do you kind of think is maybe a GC sleeper personally I think kapas is being overlooked and now he’s in yellow obviously so I can’t really say that now but he’s someone I feel like hasn’t been really talked about much or uh spoken about somebody who could potentially win or finish on the podium at least like what are your thoughts on who’s not being talked about more I mean should yeah yeah I I like to mention caras well just think about caras you mentioned him like let’s go back to Le West Le uh lar dud when po goes on that super sck line there’s only one Rider able to sort of give it a try to follow him and that’s kind a pass so I would say the second best on that le le on lude on the crucial moment that’s Richard Kaa so you we shouldn’t underestimate him on a on a GC of course not but I like to mention Ro we we we have to mention Rock I mean he’s under the r there I mean I was so expecting him to go and S Luca is his clim he won jilia is his sort of kind of effort he didn’t do anything yeah what is he playing you know does he’s got the legs I believe so and why he’s not using it he’s letting others do it I I I I like to keep an eye on on on Roy of course it wouldn’t be a surprise so I should mention someone a bit more like not expected but like Matel Jorgenson and he sort of done GC and I I think he’s going to be playing a big big role for Jonas especially now seeing how how strong he is but you know we have to count on Rock Le definitely 100% on like speaking of rogus when do you think he’ll try to go for it what do you think his approach will be because he doesn’t have this Supporting Cast that he had last year on yumbo that’s for sure I think he’s a he’s a warrior he’s a fighter and he’s going to be keep fighting till the very end no matter what so I I expect him more towards the second part of two the front really showing up his his chances on on this race we won’t see him at the beginning he will be around he but he won’t do anything he won’t be anxious about showing his form it’s a long race and and it’s hard at towards the end so I’m I’m 100% convinced he’s going to be there and he’s got a good team with J Henley and and blov he’s going to be surrounded by good riders in the mountain especially yeah blov is super strong doesn’t get talked about a lot um and then you mentioned how juicy it is to get the yellow Jersey on stage one we know Roman B he got yellow with that team Dynamic uh Frank uh ven Brook do you think he should have let Roma win that or because that can be a career changing thing and he’s a young GC writer himself what were your thoughts on that yeah probably but he show how much respect he’s got for such a champion like B there he also sort of respect the plan I’m convinced that from the team they say is for ran today and I remember the interviews he kept saying like how Roman but was more doing setting up the pace on the up the climbs and he was just trying to follow and he was more useful you know nor more flatter terrain so I believe for him for play he was saying I’m not the strongest I’m not the best one here that’s there so I have and he’s my teammate so he he just went full on that of course if you’re young and ambitious you’re first to the France you’re a heat if you hit stage one and boom yellow Jersey and everything it’s like come on what can you expect but I think I think it really show a lot of respect and he was quite emotional about that as well so well played well played I agree I know there’s just sometimes there’s a discussion among cycling fans like the best cyclist should win but cycling is a team sport I know it doesn’t look like it all the time especially after what we saw last year at the vola with yo visma but I think showing that respect to rain will go a long way for him in the future um and get him some respect on the team as well speaking of uh other teams team aanan we saw what happened today they were not in the finish at all do you think that Mark Cavendish will really be able to achieve number 35 I mean we saw stage one he did not look in good shape they said it was dehydration I think it was something else I think maybe this is totally unfounded no sources but I feel like maybe he had a little too much partying the night before and the heat got to him but I mean it he’s a professional he got through it he’s still in the race do you think he can really get the 35th stage win they threw up a couple of times didn’t he you’re right so could be anything could be anything could be anything you know while been in Italy he he’s lived not far from from where the star of the tour was so I’m sure he’s got some paint to around to have a good time but exactly he’s a professional he’s a professional and we have to we have to see that way and and um yeah well I mean knowing cap having been his teammate he’s such a focused man and and same as Ro he’s experienced he’s going to come back he’s going to come towards more the the end I believe so and he’s just letting this first days role and and there’s not many opportunities for him but as soon as someone shows up he’s gonna it’s to try why not to to achieve that 35th Victory into the F and I think it’s it’s definitely possible he only needs one one stage um anything can happen as we saw today even with the crash late towards the finish and then benum ended up winning uh which I was ecstatic about I did not expect for today to be his day I know he’s capable of it but with the flat finish he’s usually more of the it needs to be a harder finish little bit more of an incline but when he gets a straight shot and he can wind it up I think he’s one of the best I mean what what were your thoughts on what you saw today I mean I saw him going first anticipating and I was he’s I thought all right you’re going away too far right but he just you know sometimes things need to roll as well in you need to be lucky and he’s luck I think was like the Lee got boxed in and yeah of course G he got the legs he did an amazing long Sprint but no one could really beat him I mean my uncertainty is like did the Le really got the legs to beat him I don’t know he couldn’t show that but it’s was so impressive the way he went he saw the Gap there next to the barriers when everything was forming and you need to be you know not just having the legs at that moment just seeing the Gap seeing the all right I need to go that way otherwise I’m going to get boxing myself as well so he’s got that he anticipated which is something super difficult to for printer you know that always the stalks about like right your your pure power your Peak power comes up six seconds right so you can’t really deliver more after six seconds if you’re a sprinter right so there’s sort of timing that way right and those five six seven obviously give might went longer than that and uh you have to gamble and I think he did g I think he saw the moment he he he trust his Instinct and and he just went and an amazing amazing Victory very well to set and made history amazing yeah absolutely great for the sport and dele is another Sprinter I actually just made a video on him I’m very high on same type of long range long range sniper I like to call him uh and Benny Benny’s teammate uh got boxed in as well they weren’t even going for Benny today day they were going for um Mike tenyson I believe his name yeah and he was boxed in and um yeah Ben like you said just made the best of the opportunity and went for it and I mean you got to be gutsy to go against all all in against the barriers I mean I was getting nervous these sprs are crazy man and so to watch those Springs you always like oh my God they’re gonna crash they’re gonna crash and and they see that’s a that’s a skill as well right just trying to understand and and to see the and the Gap and just go through and make it through and they we see the the obviously the risk going way but they don’t appreciate that when when they there you know that’s something I really appreciate from from Sprinter from Pure Sprinter just the way they just go and take the risk or we see risk but they they don’t they just see an opportunity and they they take it and they go for it absolutely well thanks for joining me today man if you guys uh if you guys like this episode we will be doing more of them we have another one coming up on the next rest day and then final rest day and then we’ll do a post uh Twitter France episode together as well let me know in the comments what do you guys think if Mark Cavendish will get the 35th Victory or not and we’ll see you in the next video thanks Calvin and looking forward to this


    1. It is indisputable that Pogacar has an unequalled admiration but I feel that at certain moments of the race that ambition overcomes him and he takes risks at questionable moments,.In other words he gets too desperate and does not have those moments of cold blood to think about the risks of a move. This is even more noticeable when he races against rivals who can beat him and who mentally know how to control themselves much more and not be overcome by ambition, mainly Vingegaard in grand tours and in classics Remco or van der Poel. As for Remco I don't think he's ready to win the overall and I don't see him in the top 5 either. I don't see him being one of the best in the high mountains and I even have doubts about his physical condition and how he will be in the third week.

    2. I don’t think he has showed his cards. He is actually playing it smart, give the yellow up and make the other team do the controlling of the race. No gassing out your team

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