I’ve journeyed across Norway to film and document the best loop rides the country has to offer. This series will reveal the countless incredible cycling destinations in the land of the midnight sun.

    In episode two, we check out the most lush and green valley I’ve seen. It’s a journey crying out to be cycled with limited traffic and country roads around some of Fjord Norway’s best-kept secrets!

    Sign up for a free Cycle Norway account here: https://cyclenorway.com/membership/

    Bike used in this series: https://faracycling.com/fara-product-view.php?pid=4300
    Bike Bags used: https://restrap.com/collections
    Lights: https://magicshine.com/products/evo-1700-seemee-300-sunglasses
    Clothing: https://velocio.cc

    #Eksingedalen #Fjordnorway #cyclenorway #Voss #Matthewnorway

    so there’s this secluded Valley in the middle of FJ Norway which is absolutely oh my God there’s more waterfalls in this Valley than there is in the whole of the UK Madness absolute Madness Legend has it that it’s the greenest place in the world I’m in the beautiful little town of Vos it’s just situated down here with a beautiful Lake this is an amazing place to cycle I always come back here because there’s so many places you go you basically got the whole Compass to explore you can go north all the way down to SNA F and the second longest F in the world you can head towards miral which is the start of roll ofine incredible Glacier River crystal clear water go to hanga all the way down here which is the third longest fi in the world breathtaking and then finally you can go this [Music] way wo oh oh my good Lord What a Feeling all of this Joy here today to finally do the last part of The Jig show of the Ross kind of it’s not a Trilogy it’s uh what’s four I don’t know tetrology tety we all need someone someone that can make us believe us so what a gem of a loop this is there’s only one small issue and that is there’s 10 km on the main e16 road heading to Bergen which is not ideal but being the genius that I am I have a plan just do that really early in the morning and then I’ve got nice quiet roads for the rest of the journey it’s a stunning area of the country so much to explore all right let’s go well good morning from the road 6:00 in the morning still calm day hopefully it’s going to stay dry all day we’re just leeping Voss now so great to be up early in the morning power out 155k can get back for this afternoon have nothing else to report right now guys it’s all looking good so far okay we now onto the e16 for 10ks start the dramatic music let’s make this over the [Music] [Applause] top so my genius plan of getting up early in the morning is going great and then this spanner is thrown into the works WTF I mean I’m pretty sure this is on the main route that you can cycle down and now it’s tell me I’m going to have to go there’s like some Farm route up there which is just mental it’s just like up down climbing all over the show honestly every time second class citizen being a cyclist second 18% gradient on gravel 18% W TF Gary WTF what the does WTF me well just came got back on to the D16 cuz I don’t see any signs saying no cyclist here so screw you no way screw you come [Music] on all right so after 10 km on the e16 we’re now turning off down EOS singad Daran Valley the greenest Valley in the world you go through 10 months of winter to experience this I tell you sometimes it’s worth it to have moments like this on the bike so this is Norway 6 months earlier one of the worst Winters on r record just look at this place and in Oslo it was still snowing in the middle of April it had been a long long [Music] winter I’m all wet now what would we do without all the birds this river is beautiful there’s nothing better than just riding along a beautiful clean River just watching it flow water represents life it represents the Consciousness or the unconsciousness of life it has intrinsic value to our own soul to our own understanding of life that’s all I have to say about that that’s the right on man you said it all all right wipe them tears away because we are now climbing and the views of the valley as we get higher did someone order a lush Green Valley cuz I have one right [Music] here we’re 500 m above sea level [Music] I had zero expectations on this climb I thought it was just going to be some little average thing I was [Music] wrong as we head back down into the green Lush Valley there are waterfalls everywhere yeah let’s did you come from Paradise the cycle Paradise good morning you’re in for a treat like ships in a night eh well that’s it that is the 80 km Loop of the valley done what a place what a place after the wonders of EOS singer dalan Valley the Journey Back although it was beautiful in its own right it could never compare with what I just experienced I did meet a lady without a head but she didn’t say much ha and also a very friendly horse oh he was so nice and then I had a little break and just enjoyed the view and rolled back into boss final stretch along the lake you got the main road on that side and you got this basically Farm Road Little Country Road on this side beautiful beautiful views of the Lake Echo sing Daran Valley took me completely by surprise I just did not realize it was going to be that good and remember guys you’ll find all the information about these routs on cy.com what do we have here oh yeah I mean # r porn all the way here let me show you what I mean if you want to watch this a week before it comes on to YouTube and your members All You Beautiful People you get that opportunity thanks for watching [Music]


    1. Fantastic looking route, filed. I love your delivery too. I've only just become familiar with those signs in Switzerland, mostly favouring none motorised transport. But at times when the other way round where the heck do you go?!

    2. Please consider putting a camera to your chest? I think it's a nice view where we can clearly see the bike handle bars…that you are riding the bike in these beautiful places 🥸

    3. This is going to be a great series of videos. Only problem is the videos are too short😂. We mere mortals who cannot get to Norway need to see more. Thanks Matthew. Steve

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