Covering the Me-163 Rocket Inteceptors, The He-162 Volksjager Jet fighter and The Mistel Composite Bomber Units.

    Yes, I know I mispronounced ‘Junker’, lol.

    hey what’s up guys you know me figure I would do a little quick a quick for three aspray books I actually got these a while ago I got these during the the summer of the SC apocalypse if you know what I’m talking about when I had equit my the job I was at because I had had enough of these idiots so basically uh going over some of the experimental uh you could say ahead of their Time air weapons that the Germans had come up with to try to deal with the the Allied Onslaught okay uh and this this video is going to be about the ones that actually got into the air that they actually uh I would say made an impact not enough it was all too little and it was all too late and the frightening thing about this was these experimental uh you know jet fighter rocket powered Fighter the only rocket powered fighter ever in history uh jet fighters that they uh made uh and even other uh ideas that they made you know the problem of course is that they had varying degrees of success and it didn’t matter okay these guys were outnumbered beyond belief and you know the research and development the the the testing time was so accelerated ated uh these things probably killed more experienced courageous very valuable German Pilots uh than it did the enemy okay now of course you know when you see videos of this you get the way people are now uh you know of course in relevant to other things of how things are viewed it’s always made a joke of or sneered at or or uh there’s nothing but you know a scorn heaped upon this stuff or they were idiots why did they do that uh it didn’t matter it was too over you know you get all that stuff right not realizing that the courage involved and the attempt as I get older I start to realize because nothing is Win nothing is going to win if you get my drift okay the the sheer fact that it lost cause okay losing okay but acting the the attempt at resisting by all means is an accomplishment in and of itself Beyond just the material okay and I can’t you to to quantify that goes against the whole idea of it but enough for me of course the uh the me1 163 the comet right just look at that germanese Elite rocket fire this first and only successful rocket power Interceptor developed during World War II okay uh these things uh they did some damage to say the least uh to the bombers um not enough and a lot of these uh you know crash landed and the rocket fuel was as you come imagine very volatile it killed a bunch of like I said Brave Pilots okay testing her a lot of guys died just doing test flights but the uh the me1 163 you it’s just the the fascinating thing of course is that in the end rocket power but is essentially a rocket powered glider okay and the pilots are able to actually you could shut the rockets off and glide around and be pretty um uh maneuverable okay with very powerful Armament and it’s funny too when you look at the actual plane I’m going to say it straight up okay when you look at the plane right we look at like the picture of it when you look at this stubby little thing right and lots of photos in this and these freaking these guys man yeah you know well those are I mean to be I think these are American American pilot H yeah you know whatever but you know what I’m saying like the in terms of when you look at these brave men there really is no reward is there but the point of making is when you look at this thing to say it doesn’t look like much is an understatement it actually to me this thing looks like like uh one of those rides you would put like a quarter in or a ride at the amusement park you know it doesn’t even seem like a real and here’s of course the great painted artwork it doesn’t even seem like a real right it look like something that would be on a you know that you would put like I said you would put like a quarter in it go right but man the the speeds these things were hitting 600 plus miles an hour making them the fastest things you ever had and that’s what made it sometimes difficult for these guys they had to adjust when they would do a run they were going too fast with their 20 mm and later 30 mm cannons uh and the fuel would would be used up real quick okay and Landing was always an issue and a lot like I said a lot of these blew up but these did shoot down uh you know a number of bombers not enough and like I said when you were out of fuel you had to glide back and then you were easy pickings for the vast numbers of p51s to get you you know yeah to have a real pair of balls to get in this so now we go to this one now this jet the voga right the people’s Hunter right now you see in the tiger Terror book you actually see the women flying these planes where the jet is on the top like you look at where the Jets are right you look at the me262 which was the biggest the most numerous jet fire they put into battle and the Jets you you have two of these on either wink but the h162 it’s at the top okay and then we get some proper uh pictures here okay um yeah two those these things were bar I mean these things were still test fly by the time the war ended this thing was like I said the people’s unit was meant to be uh trained for Pilots with not a lot of experience and essentially this stuff is made out of as it was mentioned to me plywood still like I said one of I think in the last day of the war one of these shot down a uh British airplane but like I said most of these a couple of these were shot down just test flying apparently anyway uh not a huge success uh but it could have been all right let’s go on the back this thing this thing had a basically a maximum speed of 500 60 M hour right wooden Wings metal fuselage and metal wood tail plane right I mean it was built in within it was built in 10 week these were built in 10 weeks right they were meant to be used by the Hasty train members of the the uh mustach man youth to fly the 10 protypes were built right course a 30 mm Canon very devastating a a slow Cannon but very devastating right limited combat deployment so I mean they essentially built a lot of these things just so they could be studied by the Allies you know literally a month later but we’ll focus here on the last one now these are the the weapons that actually I mean this one was barely in combat but they had made a number of these operational these as well I don’t have the m262 book but obviously I don’t I can there playing on that this thing the the composite bomber units mistle which is mistletoe the idea and this is where you start getting into interesting territory almost like something out like a Japanese cartoon from the 70s or like Thunderbirds where you had the plane at top right and you had a plane at the bottom now originally it was supposed to be two planes in tandem someone got the idea okay these junkers they made these very versatile junker planes why not obviously the propellers and the fuel would power this thing but why not make this into a giant unmanned bomb and there’s the Warhead right L wff armor voice the Warhead unit up to the junker 88 so it looks kind of cool essentially um you know automated I guess you would say smart bombs right obviously you know and uh the difficulty in the in the taking off of these this relatively slow speed and the whole idea of releasing this on target very difficult in operation so this’s the original idea of like composite planes that could separate separate okay but here you go here’s the first one you got an me uh yeah the um 109 here and you got this thing which which is of course it is the plane it’s helping you get powered in the air it’s not like you’re you’re dragging this thing along this thing is also powered but it’s unmanned you see like the great on get the great Osprey artwork the painted artwork you got the wolf right so once again two little too late but a lot of interesting photos of this and they really were trying to make something of this um some of these were sent in Normandy there was maybe like like 10 of them they were so outnumbered a few of these actually got shot down just being swarmed on okay and obviously the pilots who many who once again you know the real issue here you had a bunch of really talented Aces who had the courage to volunteer for this stuff because they didn’t have anybody else and they got killed not just in the test flights but they got killed even just transporting these things to other fronts or going on missions for the first time and these guys were killed you only have so many guys essentially the most successful use of these was in these battles at the end in the East uh where they actually the only successful one really they actually hit a bridge with the Russians were going over uh but the bridge it did fall makes you well anyway you like I said other people are laughing they think it’s great you know I think it’s tragic why because I’m related to the this is my blood right I mentioned that before you know I’m sick oh there’s no justification that it man you so had it with you and I’ll read a little passage just to end this whole thing right so this guy’s here all right he was flying uh one of the MS all right let’s see okay here we go during R’s attack on kin the forces on his aircraft were so great that after separation he flew back to his base in a crab like man as the wing of his wolf 190 was twisted on one side at such a diving speed the connection between the two components had distorted and buckled all right fining separation R found himself da and flying upside down low over a forest on the East Bank of the older oh my God he completely lost his sense of direction and had to Reed himself to his return flight as he gathered his senses he found himself flying over a column of refugees fleeing West it was dark by the time R returned to straussburg and he made a slip side slip land because of damage occurred to the wing of his fighter right um I’m landing at St I went through a put the results of my attack to the control room right so he had um he made his attack right he had a escort guy F him right he he pressed the button here the the lower component hit the section of the three section Bridge just exploded right so now he’s all disoriented as he lands there a young fell and flying overalls are sitting there on the table I knew he who he was immediately he was the guy that had escorted him right originally when he was flying there he was shocked this guy got behind him in the BF 109 you know and he and he he he waved to me and was laughing so now he meets this guy later relief showed in his face as we stood and clapped each other on the shoulder he had been greatly worried for he lost sight of me right um I was astonished before me stood an OB lieutenant and hold of the nice’s Cross wow he noted my surprise and said immediately gesturing to his metal this doesn’t change anything right tell me that receiving orders to provide fighter ESO for secret birdie had been very curious and picked the first a on the list that was me his curiosity had been more than satisfied especially when the fireworks started up he told me the whole event Army must have fired at us but you still hit the first third of that bridge he said that was some respect in his voice I felt a little proud we had more than one drink that night right so but I mean this is April 1945 so we know how this ends ah whatever it was an interesting attempt you know all these things they tried man it just wasn’t enough but it doesn’t change the courage and the uh cleverness of trying you know you want to call it fan let’s let’s let’s retire that word huh so let’s just call it guts and uh all all respect to these men The Architects and the pilots whether it worked or not uh is irrelevant later

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