Episode 24: I went to the street that is all orange for football, my bike broke down on the way, I got my Dutch jersey and I got invited to a watch party!!

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    #euro2024 #football #nzekwesi #oranjestraat

    I have this picture I want to remake let me pop it up on the screen but I’m going to find one of the guys to do it but what do you think of this street fabulous never seen something like that really nice this is crazy and how long did this take 9 weeks 9 weeks 9 weeks welcome back to a new video man if you’re new here thank you so much I appreciate you if you’re a returner you know you have to be back man I already warned you we’re closing in on 500 subscribers 5 thank you so much already we’re going to hit it all 2024 long every Sunday but I’ll be traveling a lot so I’m going to add Wednesdays if yall enjoy that let me know I hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed filming it let’s go all right so for the people that don’t know I’m from the Netherlands I know I sound very American that’s because I lived in America for 10 years but I was born and raised here in the Netherlands in the ha and there’s a famous street here that every Euro Championship or World Cup they cover and decorate their whole street in Orange Orange is like our national color so what I’m going to do I’m going to go there and you’re going to see journalist da man I’m going to interview some people talk to some people and I also have to try and watch one of the Euro championship games at someone’s house that lives there cuz today they play Austria it’s a big game I think we’re already through to the round of 16 but this is a big game to see if we finish at the top of the group or on second place so it should be good should be fun but I have to to start with getting my jersey y’all probably didn’t know I played football I was very good I was getting scouted all that but then I decided to switch the basketball I haven’t had a jersey in a long time so let’s go pick that up so I’m at the store right now to pick up my jersey I it’s because I didn’t want to deliver to the house and me not be home and them leaving it with the neighbor or something and cuz they do that sometimes they don’t listen if you give them proper instructions so this is a lot better yeah [Music] yes I did order old one cuz the new one is expensive and the budget is not there cuz we’re traveling a lot so spending a lot of money on travel yes okay so I just got it and we’re about to open it and see what it looks like it is a Jersey from 2022 but it was cheap it was on sale so I was like why not get it cuz it’s just a jersey man like you know when the budget goes up then we get better jerseys but for now we’ll have to do with this so as youall see I’m sweating it’s 25° C right now and I was biking on my way to the street and I had a perfect intro like um true duy going on my bike all orange blah blah blah and then this happened my damn tire on my bike is flat now I don’t know how it happened but it did so thank God I’m not too far from the bike shop but I’m about to go check it out and see what happen but we’re still going to the street we have to make it happen back here hey John yeah yeah the yeah I just talked to him and he said because of where is [Music] it because of this thing right here it’s like shredding my tire and he said the best thing I could do is buy a new tire for €63 but I told him I was like I’m about to go on vacation and all that stuff so I’d rather save the money so if he can just check what’s wrong with the tire and if it’s something else then I can just Pump It Up and bike more but if not I’ll just I don’t know what I’m going to do but yeah that’s not going affect the moood for today because we’re about to take the T now we have to take the tri as yall can see behind over there to the street so let’s go all right guys as yall see right behind me I’m at Mar Strat that’s the infamous street that paints its whole street orange during the AKA which is the European championship and the World Cup funny story about this street I actually grew up in the city in then and my school was literally 2 minutes away from here and my church was also 2 minutes away from this area and the house Mark the market where I go every Saturday with my mom is right here too so yeah this is this been here this tradition has been going on for a long long time and I told my mom I’m going to do it she was like yeah you should like even before I was born when my mom first came to this country this street has been doing it I have a couple things to do here I have to see where this came from I have to see if someone will let me watch the game that’s tonight at 600 at their house and yeah have a good time okay so as yall see behind me this street is completely packed in Orange completely packed I just talked to the first guy and tried to get him to do an interview cuz he owns a shop here but he was like no no no uh you could just film the street but I don’t think he really understood what I was talking about but we’re going to see some other people and see uh yeah if they can do the interview but this street is crazy though I haven’t been here in a really long time but I haven’t seen this in Orange that’s the one thing about the Netherlands the one thing that will bring all the people together is football man that’s one good thing they don’t care what race you are where you come from football brings people together so that’s nice just tried to ask the second person but they didn’t want to do it in English so I told them okay I’ll be back and then I’ll do it in Dutch have you been to this street before every day oh you live here no no I work here man I deliver every day oh this is crazy like I’m from here but I do my content in English but I was just trying to show the people like this street and like the history behind it a little bit too much h ah it’s good though it’s a support they won the championship for two games true true this is sick though have a good day you too where you from Serbia Serbia ah I only know one word in Serbian that’s a bad word which one pitu pitu yeah later I’m on the street and I found a German hi nice to meet you nice to me what are you doing here why are you not in Germany uh I’m here on holiday because uh we for the final we still have some time okay interesting time to come here on holidays when the EUR Championship is in Germany yeah where are you from I’m from here oh you’re okay but I just do my content in English to reach more people but what do you think of this street fabulous never seen something like that it’s really nice yeah this is crazy yeah and they’ve been doing this for years it’s amazing I’m trying to get people from the street to like interview them and see I have to enjoy it really to yeah later when the game is everybody’s on the street uh mainly inside watching it but after the game half time and all that stuff you see a lot of people out here okay but yeah one of my goals is to watch a game at someone’s house here so I don’t know I cannot help you yeah I know I know but this is dope how long you in town for uh I’m here until Friday okay nice oh Germany plays on Saturday are you going to watch it in Germany Germany yeah where what at home yeah we make a party at home not like this but a small party yeah okay what city are you from uh bon bon okay I was thinking about going to um Germany for the Euros ah yeah you have to just for the fan zones and all that stuff to make a video but that’ be dope okay nice nice to meet you what’s your name nice to meet you Felix Felix okay have a good time thank you okay so I just talked to a local and uh yeah I’m going to ask him some question he’s going to get someone that speaks English cuz he wants I asked him if he can do it in English he said his English is not so good but he’ll get someone that’s English is good so hey hey [Music] good I’m with one of the locals from here and I have some questions for him see kind of where this started from and all this stuff how long has this been going on um for me it’s uh 30 years but for them it started 1988 1988 first ear you won yes yes yes that’s right the the only one yeah but this year will be another one this year we be the new one exactly exactly and who do you think is going to win the group this year the group um I hope we do it but I think France is going to beat Poland very hard so they will be number one we will be number two yeah yes okay okay interesting and how long cuz you helped set this whole thing up right yes yes and how long did this take 9 weeks 9 weeks 9 weeks a lot of people you see it’s a lot of work uh also in the high look there there there it’s it’s a lot of work and so do you have to get permission from the people that live here to put it on there they are how do I say that they are growing you know because it’s from 1988 if you live here you know it’s coming it’s a big tradition yes tradition yes yes yes you have to do something for me I just ordered my jersey and I want you to open it for me it’s a old it’s an old Jersey cuz it was cheap it was on sale but I already think I know which one88 nope no no no no it’s not that old okay as you saw earlier I ordered my jersey and uh yeah he’s going to do the honors and open it home s yeah yeah home [Music] s m this year this year it’s good one new one it’s a good one very nice man I had to get that one cuz that’s the only one that had in my size left so nice you open what do you mean by that I want I want people to yeah you show the people you you put it on I will when the game starts yes sir number one this year see exactly and that’s the that’s the new jerseys we have right here there we go that’s a nice one okay dope yeah and I have one last question yes where are you guys watching the game in the backyard backyard yes okay I have a challenge that I have to complete while I’m here if yall have room can I watch the game with you guys to ask the the BOS man okay let’s go let’s go okay hey [Music] yeah yeah Al Al no no okay you heard it I’ll be watching the game here with the locals that’ll be dope I have some gifts I’ll bring as well some Dutch Dutch gifts yeah all right cool they’re about to give me a tour where we’re about to watch the game okay let’s let’s go oh this is dope oh this is this is dope oh yeah so y’all be seeing me watching the game here man that’s dope okay I have some good goodies for y’all go okay that’s let’s go right here is the team that won the Euro championship and this is the current selection that’s going to win it for us I have a really good feeling that we’re going to win it this year and we have to win today if we win today this place is going to be electric he said there’s going to be like 40 people here so it’s going to be crazy but now I have to go to the store get some snacks and get ready for this game man cuz it’s already 3 so uh yeah I have like an hour and a half to get ready get that boy good flick there we go that’s uh sideways with everything everything yeah I got you that’s ironic cuz this is uh you have the German Jersey on with the right behind the Netherlands so I make um uh very dangerous experience yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah when you go back to Germany they might and he actually told me the team right here that won it they also won it in 88 in Germany too so The Vibes are telling me that this selection has to get it done again in Germany this year so I’m curious man I’m I’m ready to see it we just got this this is one of the sponsors of the street but yeah let’s try it and let me a bit too much sugar for me yeah yeah I like more hops ah I see I see I’m going to do honest review even though that’s one of the sponsors but we have to be real on this channel you know oh yeah that is very sweet it kind of tastes like um bubblegum bubblegum yeah [Music] bubblegum yeah yeah it tastes like bubblegum I think this would be better if it was cold but not bad so cheers like this thing is so big look how many sponsors they have for the street to get this done [Music] I told you they invited me but I can’t come empty-handed so I have to get the A Team Dutch snackus yeah yeah yeah it’s hard for me to explain what it is it’s not that good I’m not a big fan of it but the Dutch people love it so let me get a few of them and then some beer of course you know can’t go empty-handed to a place where you got invited to you know and three I think three should be good right should I just get one more ah three is good and the only other thing that I need to get is beer so I get a couple case of those and uh yeah should be good I don’t know if I should get the crate or these I don’t know CU there are going to be a lot of guys and they love beer and hinek is from the Netherlands so yeah I think I’ll get some uh damn the crate I don’t want to carry that though all right guys as yall see I’m back in the street you see the decorations but it’s extremely hot if youall see I’m sweating like crazy but I’m also carrying this the beer Canon it’s like a whole crate full of them I don’t drink much but and especially not beer but have the compus that’s like a Dutch like snack so should be fun I have this picture I want to remake let me pop it up on the screen but I’m G to find one of the guys to do it it’s going to be funny I swear it doesn’t matter what it is football brings people together and uh yeah be ready because then we’re guaranteed first I mean if they win and we’re either first or second depending how we do and you look at points looking good I think we’re going to win 3-1 3-1 is my prediction I think it’s going to be good but I looked at the lineup that started in the game it’s nothing special because we already know we’re going through so they don’t to risk any injury and anything but I don’t know I guess we’ll see have to pay some respect for the national [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] an 5 minutes later the connection just cut out and we didn’t see cuz the internet was like crazy over here but Austria just scor it’s one Zer again oh it’s own goal if it ends in 1 Z we’re going to be second and we have to play some better maybe like I don’t know Belgium not looking good I showed you the room of this place it’s kind of small duffed off the Speed was here trying to attack my nervous system my nose is starting to hog up eyes are getting a little watery that cigarette smells I don’t get how people really put that in there justst it’s entertain smells horrible nose is getting Stuffy from it I can’t do that first half just ended the Netherlands played absolute trash so hopefully second half is better but we’ll see we need to win this game there we go finally we needed that we needed [Applause] that unbelievable [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] congratulations you played yourself I said let him go okay so when we lost to Austria we ended up third in the group and I was thinking we’ll probably play like Spain or England or something but we’re playing Romania and that’s because Georgia beat Portugal 20 so it messed up the whole thing but hey I ain’t going to complain you know what I’m saying if we beat Romania I might go to Germany for the semi-finals and if we win there I might just stay in German for the finals so y’all let me know man I think it’ll be really really fun and great for the [Music] Vlog yeah this man things look at this now this is real hard man it’s well chill yeah man crazy yeah we’re in the Dutch camping Caravan but I have to like Duck I’m too tall for all this all right guys as you see it’s getting a little late I was going to leave right after the game but then I started talking with some people and then I recognized two guys from back in the day like this is like 15 years ago like a long time I saw him at the place I was like man I know this guy from somewhere but you know it didn’t click until I started talking to him then I was like oh I know him and him and him he was like well I know him and him and him too then I was like oh wait how old are you and he was like 26 I was like bro you probably know my brother so I told my brother’s name he was like bro yeah we’re always hanging out together this and that and that so then we started talking for like 2 hours you know vibing but yeah honestly very great experience The Vibes are Immaculate even though we lost Heartbreaker but uh yeah good they wanted me to come back on Sunday to watch the game and we either play Spain or England so that’s going to be a tricky one cuz the vibe with the Netherlands team right now it’s it’s a little tough this was a win that we should have had but the coach he kind of thought we had it in the bag oh bless me he thought we had it in the back so he didn’t start all our players that normally start and uh yeah you shouldn’t do that this the Euro Championship everyone is good everyone can win at any day I hope you enjoyed the Vlog thank you make sure you like comment and subscribe I’ll do a lot more crazy things this summer I’m going to go to a lot of different places so that’s going to be really fun too so make sure you subscribe love you my I’m oh bless me


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