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    is Ukraine starting to push Russia back in multiple places on the front lines just what does this mean for the war at large and what does it mean for Russia I’m Paul US Army Combat veteran let’s talk about it okay so this is really interesting to me uh because in the last 24 hours yeah we’ve seen Russian advances near some areas like vika uh you could see here a small Advance into a Windbreak um as well as in Kiva uh again we’re seeing Russian forces make these kind of marginal advances um into the city advancing block by block this is something Russia’s been doing uh for several weeks but there’s two interesting uh several weeks rather several months but we’re seeing for the first time Ukraine actually push back in some substantive amount of their territory you can see near the towns of terany and yolka uh Ukrainian forces are actually driving Russians back especially into this kind of contested Zone uh again is this a a big stunning offensive no is this high value terrain they’re seizing uh not really I think it looks like it’s giving them some breathing room around tany and yamka probably because these are two cities in the low ground and Ukraine probably needs uh to have higher ground to hold defensive positions but the point is not that this is tactically significant per se it’s that when you combine it with other information right like the fact that in um vens Russian forces are continuing their withdrawal you can see here that within the town of Ven uh significant portions of Russian occupied uh blocks have been forced back including the fact that some Russians look like they might actually be trapped behind Ukrainian lines you can see Russian forces here in this uh vens Center are actually partially encircled uh with Ukrainian forces to their North uh east and south so this is not what the thing you would have if Russia was conducting a controlled withdrawal from volens it just wouldn’t happen right uh now don’t I’d never put it back put it past Russia to either just sacrifice troops uh and leave them in place to be killed or captured and I wouldn’t put it past Russian command to be so poor that these troops withdrawal is more of a vague Direction than a really coherent plan but generally Russia does not fight the war stupidly uh they just fight the war with an with the term acceptable losses uh you know highlighted and bolded so this is could be a sign of just Russia being Russia but it could be a sign of a breakdown in their command and generally if Russia’s withdrawing to preserve its combat power then leaving some combat power behind the line so to speak um is seems kind of counterintuitive um you could see here War mapper has another uh more broad summary of this area where you can see that some portions of previously Russian controlled areas right here near staria um as well as near tery in the eastern part of vens you see all of this is is a sort of Russian withdrawal kind of happening across the board now because this is so new it seems like a lot of this hasn’t yet been fully reported well I say that this looks about right honestly um Russian forces holding this terrain here and yeah Russian forces also being this has them actually cut off uh so I think this is seems approximate to to cor um likely this Eastern part maybe has some larger advances you may also have more advances near staria but I think this could be a sign that things are not all hunky dory for Putin’s troops now if you’re interested in seeing some of the footage of the fighting here you want to become a member at combat vet combat vet news is my Channel or my it’s my patreon equivalent uh you guys know that uh the powers that be at YouTube do not like my content I don’t know how else to tell you this um it’s routinely demonetized sometimes even when I cover uh stories that large media Outlets use their actual footage right and and transform it in my own videos they’ll demonetize me sometimes I will get demonetized um or sort of Shadow spiked um when I cover particularly uh political topics so I depend on you guys for support right and you guys have been great um and twice a week we find the uncensored combat footage from across the front lines we do a deep dive breakdown into how tactics are changing and how uh how the fighting is evolving over time so any one of these tiers is going to get you access to that we’re going to roll out some new benefits though for the lieutenant and Colonel te here in the next week or two so be sure to uh get in while the getting is good and of course these tiers will get you the shout out at the end of the videos and which I you know appreciate uh or I appreciate all you guys but I especially appreciate those liutenant Colonel here so check it out the new video is literally dropping today so you don’t want to miss it okay so the other thing that I thought was interesting just just sort of an aside is that there is reportedly some fighting let’s see if we can find it here in a kind of unusual spot uh let’s see here we go fighting continues near sat nit kachak now you can see when we zoom out this is a small band here in the northern border with between Russia and Ukraine not anywhere of particular significance right not really on the road to anywhere not definitely not on the road to harke and it goes into some pretty mountainous terrain so why would they choose would Putin choose to deploy troops here when he already had kind of a disaster invol Chens right like why would he even attempt to breach here especially given the fact that US policy has changed and Russian troops are no longer secure over the border right this doesn’t make a lot of sense it it’s I it makes me think it’s some kind of faint or something because again Russian forces really are seem focused on advancing in denet and leans um they seem to have realized that this harke uh sort of opening of a northern front was just a disaster and so I I don’t know I feel like this might be some kind of some kind of faint some kind of gorilla move something something else um it’s very bizarre and very very puzzling now in any other news there is not really been a ton but I do want also just shout out that Sergey lavro telling everybody exactly what we already knew right uh this is uh the Russian foreign minister has said that Russia will not even start negotiations until Ukraine yields more of its territory it’s a condition a precondition for negotiations right and so that Russia has open to dialogue with Europe only quote based on the recognition of the territorial territorial realities enshrined in the Russian Constitution which as you guys know the Russian Parliament Putin directed them to uh declare the luans detet uh zepia and heran oblasts as Russian Sovereign territory which is funny because it both is and isn’t depending on when it’s convenient for Russia right it is not Russian Sovereign territory because again Russian nuclear Doctrine says they can use nukes to defend their Sovereign territory but the fact that Ukraine is trying to push it out says that even Russia knows this is actually just a bunch of hoie right and again the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine uh mean literally nothing to someone like lav and this is of course reflective of the fact that Putin knows he’s finally winning he’s finally in the driver seat making more territorial advances than the ukrainians and for him these calls to negotiate are sort of preposterous right and he is like hey if you want to negotiate with me you have to do so in a way that gives me basically everything I want so anyway guys that’s all I had thank you so much to the colonel tier members of combat vet news thank you so much to the lieutenant tier members I could not do this without you guys I appreciate you so much and I will see you in the next one cheers


    1. Uh oh, the Republicans have deep love for Russia and violent dictatorships and deep hatred of the Ukranian People and democratic principles. Biden was a debate disaster and lost the election. Sad.

    2. Only stupid people would believe this nonsense news that Ukraine has a chance. Half a million dead Ukrainians soldiers is Zelensky fault 😢

    3. Ukraine is doomed now that Biden lost the election with that revealing debate performance. The Republicans have a deep hatred of democratic principles and Ukraine, and love Russia and dictatorships. Republicans will gleefully celebrate Ukraine's defeat.

    4. Unfortunately I don't think this is a real indication of what the story is. Over the last months, Russia has made gains and Ukraine have had to pull back. Let's see if it is a start, but we have seen this happening a few times in the past, but the Russians just regrouped and continued their push…

    5. When Russia's offensive in the north first began, I compared it to that of Germany in the spring of 1918. It seems to be fizzling in much the same way. Wikipedia:
      "Once they began advancing, the Germans struggled to maintain the momentum, partly due to logistical issues. The fast-moving stormtrooper units could not carry enough food and ammunition to sustain themselves for long, and the army could not move in supplies and reinforcements fast enough to assist them. The Allies concentrated their main forces in the essential areas (the approaches to the Channel Ports and the rail junction of Amiens). Strategically worthless ground, which had been devastated by years of conflict, was left lightly defended. Within a few weeks, the danger of a German breakthrough had passed, though related fighting continued until July."

    6. Ukraine is pushing Russia back, Let's not laugh, just clap 👏. Western economy and the USA might both have ruined.
      It's hard to accept for West but dreaming in bright day light doesn't change facets ❤

    7. Have you heard anything about Russian destroying f16s??stupit Mexican news saying this lie..Wolf Pack Family from San Diego USA 🐺🐺🐺

    8. Good to hear your finally more upbeat about Ukraine but for them you can only hold on defending when your aiilies failed to supply vital aid when promissed but not delivered when needed .
      Ukraine has again surprised the news Net works &.military experts but the Ukrainians with their dogged , can do attitude defending even on rationed munitions & did thos lost 8 months of supplies make them give up ground easy , No not at all not only did they add over another 200k of Russian KIA, wounded & prisoner over that period they also destroyed every tank or BTRs etc that came into their sights developed much improved drone warfare & battlefield connectivity & EW, taking advantages of Russian errors , brutally punishing them .

      The Ukraine Navy OOPS 😅😅 sorry forgot Ukraine dosnt have a navy , but they still managed to destroy more Russian navy ships & infrastructures .

      So where are we now , where we have always been , the brave smart inventive courageous Ukraines carried on regardless & are advancing with the new supply packges arriving & hopefully those F16s will arrive allowing Ukraine to go on the offensive .

      But if the F16 dont arrive in the fall/winter dont be surprised if those canny Ukraines carry on regardless & surprise you Paul & those Western.Experts who have yet to think 21st century & not remain like Russia's Stalins approach in th 20 th century 1940s .
      Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 , 🇬🇧

    9. Dont change rhetoric. Stay with facts. Its propaganda like this that goebell used that lead to thousands of death. Truth is ukraine is not winning

    10. An alternative reality channel .The Russian army liberates at least 1 village every day, under the threat of encirclement of the cities of Toretsk and Kupyansk, Ukraine is really running out of people , forced mobilization is being carried out, people are being kicked and caned into trenches to death (there are a lot of videos with these unfortunate people on the Internet) , but alternative news is being created for idiots.

    11. More nonsense from CVP to be swallowed by the gullible. Ukraine tried some sort of aerial attack which failed and the battle for Volchansk has taken a bad turn for Ukraine.

    12. Russians are massively outnumbered in vovchansk .. that’s why they are struggling. Things will switch around as soin as both sides put equal soldiers number in that direction

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