Hey Friends welcome back to another vlog, I hope you enjoy!

    Thank you so much for watching

    Contact Me – markfrost375@gmail.com

    Music Featured in this video – ‘Garden’ by Jervis Campbell

    Thank you


    all my days friends welcome back to another Vlog it is lovely to see you I hope you’re well I have just checked into a hotel well I lie I’ve been here all day we’ve got a big work meeting um it carries on tomorrow as well but I’ve just checked into my room cuz we’ve been in seminars and meetings all day so I’m going to give you a room tour which I haven’t done for so long but here we go I mean Windsor by the way um and actually quite quite funny um when I used to do the Windsor Loop with the guys we used to go up a Hill Called priest Hill and always try and smash it and this hotel is off of priest Hill so um absolutely loving that here we go here’s the bathroom all very nice we got I just oh wardrobe here just made myself a tea here is my room here’s the bed there’s my case it’s a black tie uh tux dinner and award ceremony tonight so I had to get myself I’ve not worn this we’ve not had an awards dinner or ceremony for like 5 years um so I had to get myself another shirt and a new bow tie which it’s just a clip on one cuz I’m not Fanning about um yeah so here’s the room look got an old school phone for those of you that remember those well it’s kind of old school it’s push buttons but you know what I mean um that’s cool desk sofa and then look at the grounds it’s absolutely beautiful the hotel is massive looks like there’s a pizza Roven over there and Tennis Courts maybe not sure but anywh who oh let me give this lens of wipe it is grubby bear with hopefully that’s better you can see me better without any smudges on the screen I’ve just so we just finished the meeting it’s half past 5 on Monday evening and I just got my stuff out of the car and found my room with loads of my other colleagues who are also looking for their room cuz this hotel is massive and it’s like a maze there’s rooms everywhere um but it’s all good so we’ve got a dinner we’ve got uh pre- dinner drinks at 700 then we’ve got a big awards ceremony dinner type thing so it should be good um how I’m going to find my way back to this room after I’ve had free wine I have no idea but um you’ll see the you’ll see the after half of that later I’m sure any who I hope you’re all good and oh I must tell you I’ve got the bike in the car because I’m staying in another hotel tomorrow night close to where I used to live so I’m going to be doing some old local Loops um and I’m probably going to go out and miss the England match because the roads will be so quiet and watching England recently is painful anywh who I want to get showered and get ready for pre-dinner drinks let’s do this right how do I look I’ve not sh I have not W honest to God right I have not worn this dinner jacket tux for about four or five years it is massive on me and these trousers it’s like wearing flares what Earth is going on there I’ve not got my belt on yet um but yeah what do you think not too bad the clip on uh bow tie went on all right so yes I’m quite pleased with that I’m glad the um trousers still fit um if extra wide at the bottom any who I’m going to get all this off get in the shower finish my tea and then we’ll head down for drinks well it’s the next day now it’s Tuesday I’ve checked into another hotel not quite as salubrious uh or even as wonderful as a hotel in Windsor that I was at last night but it’s fine it’s a premier in um in Kings Langley very close to where I used to live um in Hamil hemped so I’m going to give you another room tour aren’t you the lucky ones so here’s the um front door someone’s just noticed that someone’s stuck a bit of tissue over the peep hole thing um there’s a wardrobe and here is the bedroom I put a big fan in um because it’s 30° um down here down south absolutely Bonkers go from one extreme to the other not I’m complaining because I have the bike got the diverge with me so heading out for a spin later on honestly so excited cannot wait um sorry just got distracted there so here’s the here’s the bathroom hi so it’s all very nice all very clean um nice bed um got a set SL sofa bed type thing there I’m on the ground floor so I’ve got a cracking view the bins oh look there’s a squirrel I think he just spotted me can you see him on top of the bins he’s probably going to go for a rumage any who yeah I’ve got to diverge got team coffee making facilities TV you know all the usual there is um I did look at the chair earlier I don’t know if the camera will pick it up but it’s some very previous stage on this chair but hey I’m sure it’ll all be fine yeah so it’s Tuesday evening I’m in the Premier in and all is good friends I hope you’re well hope you’re good I hope you’re having a good week so far I don’t even think I got back to my room last night after um our work Awards dinner I got back to my room about 11:30 I kind of Snack Off excuse me early because I’d had lots of free wine i’ had lots of beer and it was just that time when I had to go to bed you know what I mean long gone of the days where I used to stay up till 2 a.m. 4:00 a.m. at work dues um because there were people last night that were still up at 4:00 a.m. drinking absolutely Bonkers but not for me so here we are and I will obviously be taking you out on the ride later on um England are playing tonight against Slovenia I think um but I am going to head out on the bike I’m not going to watch it live I’m going to watch the highlights later tonight because I figured it’s too nice to stay in and watch football I’ve got my bike with me I’m going to ride the old roads I used to ride have a cracking ride and the roads will be pretty empty because majority of people will be in watching football so should be a win-win hopefully which is all good we’re out friends on my day just left the premier in came off the main road literally just only after about 200 yards from the hotel and then I’m heading up this linee that I’ve not been on rid on for about 3 years so 7:45 and 23° apparently Oh my days I nearly myself just then a pine cone fell from a tree and landed just in front of my front wheel I thought oh my God what the hell is that I just missed it big old pine cone it is so good to be out oh my days it is brilliant honestly after being in a work conference for two days for the last two days it is wonderful on a summer’s evening at the end of June nearly oh it’s Miss sister’s birthday by the way sis if you’re watching happy birthday I’ve not been up this road for years either absolutely love it [Music] [Music] well my heartbe me begin to find some kind of serenade for you the one I love I [Music] do but the words I could ever say will fall short of your lovely way and I stand here so amazed by you from the belongs to you like a sharp ar oh you got me you send me do the start so shall [Music] deeper you me down when it’s all the follow I remember to hold up the ground how to handle your imminence bur bow beneath the extravagance and still standing with open arms let it’s you You Never Let Go me it’s true and the truth is what sets me free all my love is see from the go to the Shadows every heartbeat belongs to you like a Shar ar oh you got me you send me through so shallow deeper [Music] [Music] you I just tried to smash it on one of my favorite one of my favorite uh segments I don’t think I did it but it was blooming good to try honestly friends what a beautiful evening this is just done 7 1/2 miles it’s C past 8 nearly and only 400 ft of climbing I want a bit high pitch then sorry about that [Music] oh wonderful this is absolutely wonderful I hope you’re all good and if you’ve managed to get out on your bikes let me know in the comments below cuz I love hearing about it and while you’re there give us a like hit [Music] subscribe that would be marvelous thank you I keep uh thinking in my head which which roads are these that I used to ride on a segment I’ve got a pretty good idea but when I turn down a different Road it all comes kind of flooding back to my small brain follow I remember to hold up the ground [Music] from the to the shadow every heartbeat belongs to you like a Shar oh you got me you sent me through the so shallow deeper you me down when it’s I remember the hold of [Music] the one thing that hasn’t changed from the last time I rode on these roads is the surface of these roads is still awful absolutely shocking one evening what a feeling it’s just beautiful you know strange I love riding on my old roads I was born and brought up in Watford uh lived in h hemped for 18 19 years something like that so coming back to ride the roads is amazing and I love it but I don’t miss them and I’m happy I’m totally happy and fine with that it’s good to come back and ride them and if I’m lucky enough if I’m what if I’m lucky enough to be able to bring my bike next time I come down I should ride them again all variations but I do love the roads and the scenery [Music] that uh me and Amy have in Halifax and Yorkshire it’s just beautiful I’m doing a speedy [Music] 13 love it I forgot to say as well in my last video you know I put this uh oh I’m totally in the wrong gear spinning my legs like a baby goat I put my Wahoo this new waho to a front mount on with the GoPro um Edition and I said that I’d uh move the handlebars up too high well I changed them back on Sunday night I think Sunday afternoon and they are back to normal back to where they should be and it feels good [Music] [Applause] I’m chasing the sunset now we have done 19 miles it has just gone 900 p.m. I’m kind of thinking about my route back toward the hotel now so I reckon by the time we get back to the premier in should have done maybe 25 26 miles maybe something like that which will be so good for a Tuesday evening [Applause] [Music] I definitely made the right decision coming out cuz the roads so far have been so beautiful and quiet well and truly on our way back to the hotel now nearly 24 miles done should have another two or three till we’re back stunning what a stunning evening it is 9:20 just gone here we are back at the hotel 25 miles exactly just back in the hotel room I can’t believe you’re still nil nil utter garbage anywh who I’m so happy with that ride that was absolutely brilliant loved it absolutely loved it so good let’s just watch this free kick oh dear yes 25.1 Mi max speed of 35.8 um elevation 1,264 ft excuse me oh my goodness right I’m going to shower get changed and then I’m just going to pop up the road to SB to get some water and um some fruit I think get some strawberries I’m going to end the Vlog here honestly thank you friends so much for watching I really do appreciate it look after yourself stay safe out there and I’ll see you in a couple of days with another Vlog bye for now


    1. I thought I was watching a James Bond movie when I saw the gentleman in a Tuxedo……….Frost, Mark Frost 😊😊😊😊
      I almost spit my tea out when you told the pine cone story……….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      What a great ride………beautiful roads and scenery
      Oh and I see you're Big Bang Theory fan also ! ! ! ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Just watched on the TV, and now it's time to comment.
      Good to see you happy Mark. And those roads looked extremely quiet. Nice ride. And yes, it is very nice to cycle on old roads.
      I am very tempted to make my way down to the Midlands ride, but I would have to get up very very early….so not so sure.

    3. those lanes look very tight. Good job you didn't meet a car coming in the opposite direction (or a tractor. I seem to recall one of your vids featured a tractor race or group event)

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