Uphill: 530m (without gondola)
    Downhill: 1200m

    Endless switchbacks, beautiful views, and sheep.

    Last day of June and the snow on the famous (not really) bunker trail near Andermatt, Switzerland has finally receded enough. Only two snow fields had to be traversed. They should be gone by next weekend.

    Heavy rainfall last Saturday meant that most of the trail was under water. This just made the experience more interesting. And zero hikers.

    Quick BBQ with sausages and foraged greens by the new bench in Göschenen, right where the second Gotthard highway tunnel is being built.

    Epic day in my book.

    There are some videos from the trail. Let me know if I should post them. I can’t seem to post them together with the pictures in this post.

    by uhkthrowaway

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