Zlatan is asked about his Famous Bicycle Kick Goal as a candidate for one of the BEST GOALS (from over 500+) futbol goals.

    Zlatan explains the details of the mindset of creating that goal including how to not waste time in finding a shot opportunity, and how to change speed to influence another player such as the goalkeeper to make a mistake.

    Zlatan also mentions that strikers must always know where the goal is, and from any angle.

    *Content sourced from Original Video Piers Morgan vs Zlatan Ibrahimovic _ The Full, Uncut Interview found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeDpbad2vkU

    https://soccer8020.com (brand website)

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    you scored over 500 goals uh you played over 100 times your country and you’re that Sweden’s top scorer what’s your favorite goal if I could relive a moment would it be the bicycle kick against England yes because it was Eng I tell you why because of many reasons because the goal is amazing I mean the goal for me not because he me not because of my ego who would do that thing I don’t see many players do that thing because many players in that situation we were winning 3-2 it was the last minutes would take down the ball and waste time because you want to win the game obviously but when I saw the moment I said heart was the goalie and I said I will fool him now when I saw him run out I will pretend to go forward towards him then I will back off because I know by experience you go towards somebody he will just head it and it will go far out but I will do opposite I will pretend to go with him so a certain point you will see me slow break slow down then go back then it was all about where the ball comes because I don’t know and then I took it instinctly from there like turn around and as a striker you know where your goal is you don’t need to see the goal you can put me in every angle on the field I will know where the goal is because so as soon as you hit the ball with the bicycle kick you knew it was I knew already where the goal was the let’s say and did you know when you hit it it was going in yes you could feel it yes the only tricky was here I needed to change my angle body angle versus the goal so I could not let’s say bicycle kick so if you want to kick it straight with a bicycle kick it goes straight back so the only thing I needed was to change my angle body where the goal is and I knew where the goal is so I just needed to change and I know the goal is there and now just hit the ball and I was focused on hitting the ball because that was the most important how I fell or not I didn’t care

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