A few clips from a fantastic little ‘café ride’ in an area I’d never been to before. Nestled in between the Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District (kind of!), Arnside and Silverdale National Landscape turned out to be a really stunning part of the country to ride a bike around. Highly recommended and I look forward to a return trip up there.

    P.S. I still have no idea how to pronounce ‘latte’! 🙂

    Happy cycling, folks!

    it’s everything you seek out on the road bike it’s peaceful roads undulating Hills and absolutely knockout views yeah unside in Silverdale so far so good hey folks hope you’re doing really well welcome back to another video we’re starting today’s ride in the o dals beautiful York dals but we’re actually going to explore a little area Nestle between the dals and the Lake District National Park and this is called anide and Silverdale National landscape so we’re heading out from Ingleton on today’s ride uh towards low benam through Ray and Hornby and into conforth and we’ll drop into kth’s Train Station Cafe for a quick cup of coffee before heading up through Silverdale up to onside Pier or Peninsula for a spot of lunch then we’ll be heading back through Kirby lale back towards Ingleton so really hope you like these clips that are strung together of what was an absolutely fantastic ride exploring a new area on two wheels and you really can’t get better than that anyway let’s get into today’s ride okay just coming into onsite here and this will be a little uh pit stop for lunch what a love approached to this area truly beautiful some great views now opening up to cross to the Light District welcome to onside it’s just like a la isn’t it say just to give you an update on my uh earlier prediction um the TI’s actually in yeah as we were approaching this uh Ian caught sight of the uh sea and went the Tide’s either in or out yeah that’s a nice view over to the Lakes how’s your cappuccino mate better can tell you flat white no latte latte it’s ah latte cappuccino latte okay just leaving onside now nice lunch in the albian pub if you’re ever here and should be a Tailwind all the way back here hoping [Music] [Applause] [Music] let there be lights and behold there was oh man what the [Music] road it’s all in my head lately oh lately trying to let it go I can’t stop this from moving might as well go with it might as well just carry on might as well just car [Music] oh okay couple of miles now to kobby lale I’m just picking our way back back towards Ingleton absolutely fantastic cycling just can’t recommend this area enough and what a find’s never been on these roads there comes Ian making good time okay just coming into Kirby laale here and then we’re almost double back to World [Applause] Engleton tiny bit on the a65 which unfortunately is unavoidable but not too much okay just rolling back into Ingleton now absolutely brilliant ride today maybe 45 46 miles and uh yeah really uh want to commit to the memory banks in terms of a great area to explore be back at the car in a few minutes now straight across that the let is straight up to the car oh there’s a big hill here isn’t there might be a right here there the last climb of the day is The Rake Mr Bentley powering up the last climb when I say powering I [Applause] mean he just there on the on the left okay safely back to the car that was an absolutely cracking ride and um onside in Silverdale I can highly recommend this a lovely little area to cycle around uh amazing views um not too steep a few little kickers but very much kind of rolling beautiful countryside and uh on Sunday it was really quiet as well which was an added bonus uh thanks so much for watching if you made it this far the video I’m not sure how this video will come out it’s um a little bit different obviously cycling with a mate cycling with another person um I can’t do my usual stop and mooch around and set up you know cycle past shots um I haven’t to be honest really figured out a way of kind of capturing rides when it’s not just me um so obviously I don’t want to interrupt the flow of the ride and kind of you know have the person I’m riding with always having to stop and wait for me to F around with the camera doesn’t doesn’t make for a very good ride so still kind of figuring that out but uh yeah as always thanks so much for following along and uh please consider liking and subscribing if you be so kind I really do appreciate every single one of you that uh follows along the channel it’s great to have you company on these these little videos and uh from here in the ydes just the best place to cycle on planet Earth and I I know I’m biased um yeah take care stay safe and happy cycling I’ll see you on the next one bye for now oh [Music] [Music]


    1. That's fine cycling country you've discovered. Quiet roads and ever-changing landscapes – what a combo!
      The video flowed nicely with a proper sense of a 2-up ride.

    2. My only criticism is this was 2 short😊 it looked lovely bern few yrs since been to Silverdale. I thought it would be more thsn 45miles. Im only sbout 45mins from Ingleton do will have 2 give it a go

    3. Did you change your video style ? To much fast/fast moving video for me so I had to stop watching, sorry.
      I am on holiday and watching on my phone so maybe that was the difference. I'm sure it was all good 😊

    4. Don't be letting your northern routes down by adding random Rs into words that don't have them matey! Great vid, just down the road…

    5. That is a surprise as it's a place I have also not visited despite not being far away from Skipton. It's now on the list so thanks for introducing Arnside and Silverdale to many of us who previously were unaware of it. Take care. JP

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