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    [Music] welcome to the second stop on our six we journey through six countries in Europe today we find ourselves in the Charming and often Overlook gam of [Music] Luxembourg our adventure in Luxembourg begins in its vibrant main Square bustling with life and surrounded by historic buildings that showcase luxembourg’s Rich history then we visit St John Church a peaceful place in the Heart of the City perfect for quiet reflection next we dove into the history of Luxembourg and learned more about the buck casemates we also came across a military Hospital highlighting luxembourg’s commitment to its armed forces and European Defense and just a bit further into the city we found this beautiful palace which is guarded by the watchful eyes of those who serve finally we we return to another bustling Square in the city where the vibrant energy of the city surrounds [Music] us so we just arrived at one of the main squares in Luxemburg City and The Vibes are so nice it really looks like you’re going back in time with a bit of the medieval kind of vibe that you have here you really see beautiful Church you see the cathedral behind me uh a nice statue here and yeah it looks uh it looks very promising so even though Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries of the world it’s also one of the most wealthy countries of the world like the minimum wage here is around € 2,500 which is quite high and that makes also the quality of living pretty good in Luxembourg they speak three languages well actually Four but the three main languages are German French and luxembourgish and of course everybody here speaks English pretty well too and yeah it’s just such a small country half of the population is actually from Luxembourg and the other half are foreigners [Music] so far we visited the main square and the church and now we’re heading to a different spot what’s so cool about this country is that their public transportation is free because it’s a wealthy country and they have a lot of money and they care a lot about the environment so they make public transportation free so lots of people use public transportation and that’s why you don’t see a lot of uh traffic jams and not a lot of cars cuz everyone us buses and trains a fun fact about Luxembourg is that it only has one city it’s capital city which is called Luxembourg City [Music] so we’re heading now down there to the actual Village that is below the whole kingdom is super big super nice also you can see uh like a previous picture of how it was and now how it is this is to be the military Hospital from 1863 until 1866 so we are here at this point and this was a military base until the end of the 17th century so this area behind me is still the same this used to be the gate where you enter we used it actually to come here and these are like just the tunnel over the river and yeah they basically still the same from they when when they were built until now and it’s so nice to see that they’re still standing and look how huge the borders of the whole Kingdom kind of now we are all kind of inside of one of the parts we’re walking now crossing the bridge to the other side over the water and now we’re going to enter that section over here imagine all of these over here where used to be guarding area where soldiers used to stand here and fight with like the arrows and yeah so many old stuff it’s so nice to know that history and yeah it’s just so beautiful here are some small maps that show the whole area right here and also shows how they used to live and dress and yeah like here playing table how they used to dress and super nice here you see also the whole Kingdom again and here you see more like military section how they used to yeah teach them how to fight even though they are like small kids with the yeah small weapons probably like hunting weapons and yeah here how they used to defend so this this area behind me is actually linked to that how they used to defend it here you see like people defending that area right here and here how they used to work in the mines and here how they used to fight with big heavy weapons here how they used to pray this is like the Christian section kind of how they used to dress super cool to see that here and lots of it doesn’t exist anymore and lots of Parts still exist like those big towers that were surrounding the whole uh Kingdom and uh yeah so basically this is a church used to be a church until the 17 the end of the 17th century and most of these were different things like now they’re just buildings of different stuff but they used to be like this is a church and the one behind like a military hospital and yeah lots of houses and uh whole buildings have changed throughout the history until like the end of the 17 Century they became something else The Village here the castle like the whole kingdom was founded in 963 so it’s like a a th 1,100 years old almost I’m unable to fly the Drone here so the first for of Luxembourg where I actually filmed with the Drone I was able to fly completely with no problems but uh once we enter this section where are like the castles and there is like a military zone there in flying zone I’m not able to fly my drone it doesn’t allow me like I do not have authorization to fly so uh yeah again this is s Michelle Church used to be now we’re going to visit and see if it’s still active it looks so beautiful in here so peaceful and people are so nice and also people here are mixed locals and foreigners with nice fashion style [Music] there is a life I lead in this city hurrying to cut my tea I can take what I need to get by it doesn’t make it easy the other piece of my heart mov slow somewhere in the great unnown when I return from the the will you carry me like I am again the dogs are struggling with the current of the water is so strong but look at the houses here behind me how cool and how cute they look like like the style it’s so unique funny thing the country public transportation are free and we haven’t used it at all because actually it’s so small to walk around it and we just parked the camper van literally like next to the city center and it’s like 5 minutes or 7 minute walk and it’s Sunday so it’s actually free parking and it’s so easy to find parking around and during the weekday the parking are only like 1 per hour which is not so expensive compared to Europe [Music] so we are now at the second main Square this is in the middle of Oldtown this is the place to be of Luxembourg City where lots of events are being hosted usually and it looks so cute it looks like a really old town it’s also protected by UNESCO but at the same time the buildings here looks pretty new actually so it’s super interesting and I really love here the church and the cathedral and even the palace it looks super old school there still this guy marching in front of the palace uh yeah which really gives the vibe of how it used to be [Music] oh so we had a stop and we ate at a really nice restaurant it was yeah nothing so special but the food was so great whole bunch of salads and whole bunch of grills some of them made mediterian food and the saucing was so so delicious we’re heading back to the camper now and we’re about to leave this beautiful country onto our next destination if you are enjoying this video so far don’t forget to like And subscribe to the channel if you’re new here to join us on our amazing journey after good food now I can tell you some more information about the country so uh Luxembourg is actually onethird of the country is still nature like forest and Parks everywhere in the country which is so cool because yeah they show how much they care about the environment and onethird of the country is still green uh it’s also very important for the European Union because the main Justice Court exist here in Luxembourg and also the Central Bank investment of Europe also exist here and because it’s one of the smallest country in the world you see basically the airplanes flying all over the city the only city that they have uh very close to you which is so beautiful all right that’s it for today’s video and see you in the next time in France

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