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    it’s a b day Blockbuster stage one first ever yellow jersey for the Frenchman they’re nearly at the Finish Line are they going to [Music] this is really unbelievable start to to my first tour especially to have it together with you in your last tour yeah we have to be ready it’s a very hard last uh 50 60 kilom so it’s going to be pretty pretty important to be focused and to be ready for a for a fight very very hard climb I’ve done it before and uh yeah what can you expect from me just that I will go and do everything I can definitely it’s no way that we be it’s no easy way up just under 200 km today with a dou sent of the coat desan Luca in the final it is the traditional finish of the Jiro de Amilia One Last year by Primos RIT just ahead of Tad paga here though the final climb tops out with 13k to go before a technical descent into bologna 11 Riders made the break and they were quickly allowed to open up a big gap Jonas abrahamson was up there looking resplendant in those Polka Dot Socks along with the under 23 world champion Axel Lawrence and two Tour stage winners Mike turnis and Hugo Hall Brent vanmore and Michael Matthews spent a while chasing but soon realized they had missed the train it was another hot Day in Italy with temperatures of over 30° the break soon stretching their advantage to over 8 minutes short flat part into the next third C climb which is the steep climb from Imola World Championships which is also narrow several big names were caught up in a crash at the intermediate Sprint towards the back of the pack Lawrence Theo of the inos grenadiers and two Riders from Vima Lisa bike W Batu was third yesterday and his informed teammate Mato Jorgenson that caused a bit of a lull in the pelan allowing the break to extend their lead to over 9 minutes heading in to the final on the coat deont calvo just inside the last 50 km Victor camper Arts began to ramp things up on behalf of Maxim van Hills with others going backwards they’ soon shav four minutes off the lead so the race was on as they prepared for the first climb of San Luca just there we go bottom of San Luca 1.9 km 10.6% is this particular climb seven Riders now in the lead on the first climb of San Luca big attack Axel laurance attacks hard to try and go clear and bring a group over the top of San Luca A Massive Attack by Lawrence big attack there on the steepest part of the climb well van art is dropped having done his work today thinking about tomorrow having had a crash today as well the Breakaway reformed on The Descent but when Nelson Oliva attacked only abrahamson and Kevin vcan had the strength to follow neither the Chasers nor the peleton would bring them back this Trio would fight for victory on San LCA attack of the Frenchmen Kevin Varan of ARA BNB hotels he decides that now is the moment to dare to dream to win stage two of the Tour of France abrahamson refusing to give in he’s not too far behind at the speed of this pelaton into the bottom of San Luca is in difficulty and has been Dr out B has gone attack of P paga tornado strikes to the top of the climb of San Luca here he goes now this is the moment vengaard reacts straight away Tom pitcock is dropped so is Rodriguez aan Bernal I think is also in this group great news for us as we’re in for a great battle we are now vengaard tells paga I’m back I’m here look at the speed that pagat came out and accelerates really really hard bengard is having to really move to try and stay in the wheel it is a dream debut in the tour to France France have two wins in two days a dream debut here goes the attack jat decides to go for the Finish if enole kicks so does Richard cater pass and paga looks at them and thinks where did OT come from cater pass is going to win from that group ahead of jat ahead of Veno ahead of venard and behind them here comes Roman B this is going to be right down to a couple of seconds has B held on to the yellow Jersey and the Jers is on your shoulders for a long time that’s the goal let’s see let’s let’s take it day by day and uh stick to to origional plan this is the fifth win of vocal Lan’s career but the 23-year-old is now boxing in a different class as a Toral France stage winner just like at the Jiro Pacha has the race lead after two stages he is on the same time as Evan AOL of vard and carass after a second day in the Breakaway and a second place on the stage abrahamson takes the lead of the points classification followed by vam the Norwegian also Remains the king of the mountains although he’ll be lending his snazzy socks to Valentine madas tomorrow and aapol now leads the youth classification After Time trailing his way back to Pacha and vingar in the final kilometers but the day belonged to vcan that is now two French winners in as many days guys


    1. Why did you tell us what was going to happen on St Luca before it happened? 4:50
      We don't want to know the results!!!!! Don't tell us that the breakaway don't get caught. We want to watch and not know until it happens!!!!!!!!

    2. TY Romain, form a danish tour fan!! I always thought you'd be the one to win, but AMAZING run.. Almost 200 tour stages… Respect and love from Denmark!! <3

    3. As someone who is new to following cycling, I wonder if the producers of these excellent videos would consider adding a graphic with the names of the cyclists being interviewed on-screen. It's hard for me to keep track of who is who. Might just be me though. 🙂

    4. hilarious. 2 stages in and the top 4 of GC for the next three weeks has been decided. Great job TdF organizers for putting such a selective finish at stage 2. lmaooooo

    5. Haha love all the die-hard Pog fanboys before the race saying this is their man's time, he's the best, look at his domination this season… It'll all be over after stage 1 and Jonas won't have a chance to get his race legs back in time… bla bla bla. Then 'Le Specialiste' turns up like a lame duck straight out of the Vet, and toys with Pog: "Hey buddy… I'm baaaack" Sad thing is, he's only going to get stronger One day Pog will learn to sit out the Giro, hide in the Alps somewhere, and focus solely on Le Tour. Et bien sur, allez le francais x2 🙂

    6. imagine if vingegaard hadnt crashed!! wow what a boring tour it would be then, if he have had perfect preperation, and then just getting better and better in the later stages, along with pogi feeling the giro in his legs! tht would have been some of a margain

    7. Fairly obvious was the UAE team plan is: grow as much of a lead as possible on an 'injured ' Vineguaard, and force him to continually chase, wearing him down. Pogacars race to lose barring injury.

    8. I want to congratulate you on such amazing editing. I love these highlights. Indeed I have gotten into following Tour de France because of it. Bravo!

    9. Roglic is a little bit disappointing that he doesnt show anything. I think He is may out already. Still long way to go. But he doenst Show anything.

    10. This is great. Honestly just pump the money into one English commentary team rather than multiple english teams in different regions. The SBS team are ok but the production would do so much better from a unified effort.

    11. Why are they racing in Italy !!!!!
      There is already a Tour d'Italia .
      A win is a win, but the two stage winners are French and in years to come when they are asked , " Where in France did you win your stage ? "
      "Er, Italy ! "
      Takes some of the shine of their wins .
      Keep the race in France, please.
      We already have Grand Tours in Italy and Spain, where they have also had stages from the Tour de France in recent years.!!!

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