Based on the NBC comedy series THE FACTS OF LIFE. The school nutritionist and her girls spend their summer vacation in Paris. The trip turns out to be more than they bargained for.

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    The Facts of Life Goes to Paris | Full Movie | Classic TV Rewind

    Mr scar can you please slow down I can’t help it airports get my engine going I can’t believe this in just eight short hours we’re actually going to be in Paris don’t forget the 6- hour time difference I can’t believe it in just 14 shortt hours we’re actually going to be in Paris so what’s the big deal we Le in one school to go to another school Natalie take your boarding pass out of your mouth atast here give it to me I’ll put it with mine I can’t believe we’re finally going to Paris together correction you are going to Paris I am going to Paris but we are not going to Paris oh no not again you should Reserve an extra seat VI a luggage you mean we won’t be seeing you at all oh I don’t think so I’ll be busy at the cooking school and if I get any time off I’ll be on my own Vacation by myself oh nothing personal is this seat taken ah yes I’m sorry to hear that I know you are did you get a good look at him before you brushed him off yes you want me to go bring him back thanks but no thanks the only thing I want to bring back from this trip is French clothes French perfume and a French boyfriend Joe don’t read your magazines now you won’t have anything to do on the plane don’t worry I’ve got playing cards and Boggle and magnetic Checkers look at those babies you know what this is this is lem man the greatest car race in the history of the world and I’ve got crossword puzzle books and lots of sharpened pencils what’s that pi pict of lons Hey Joe it says we’re going to be in Paris the same time that race is run did you know that did I know that I’m flying overwater I’m taking my life in my hands I’m going to school in summer of course I knew that why else would I be going to this foreign country dwa Flight 806 to Paris is now ready for boarding at gate 76 Flight 806 to Paris is now ready for boarding gate okay girls I think we can board now please have your boarding passes ready as you approach my boarding pass where’s my boarding pass I had it right I got it right here calm down come on you guys let’s go the sooner we get up the sooner we’ll get down I’ve got gum for everybody Mrs Garett I’ve got gum you guys I got every flavor any flavor you want I got bubblegum I got spearmint I got cinnamon oh look at this place this little thing that we just went do you believe that place thank you sir right here is fine oh you see see will play oh I’m surprised your bus isn’t here yet Mrs Garren how are you getting to your hotel oh well actually the owner of the hotel is sending a car to pick me up oh Almo how’s that for class uh I think it’s for you well I guess so this is it gang now I’ll see you in four weeks for the flight home okay the lady from the school will be here in a minute so don’t move all right have a terrific [Music] time [Music] you think she’s from the school no then why is she heading straight for us come on come on guys let’s not panic are you the eastern girls I’m Miss Southwick head Mistress of the Girard school just a few words before we board the bus we expect proper behavior from each of you and strict adherence to all the rules now if you will follow me oh yes welcome to pets now we panic I can’t believe we’re actually in Paris I can’t believe it will you stop with the I can’t believe it you can’t blame her Joe this is like a dream I’ve only seen pictures of these places and now we can practically Reach Out And Touch them there will be no hands outside the windows they must be kept inside at all times look there’s the actal tower I can’t believe it I’ve seen it so many times but it’s always a thrill it looks just like it does in the movies what’ you think it was going to look like Shas Stadium well how do you like par I don’t know I’m not opening my eyes till we stop I haven’t been on a ride like this to space m from the Disneyland Excuse Me Miss Southwick but is that the schoolo coming up no that’s the in valed where Napoleon’s tomb is that’s the place I’ve been dying to see Napoleon’s body was brought here after he had been dead for 19 years and they discovered that his body had been perfectly preserved he must have used jatal my Emperor I think I’ll keep him see jaral is this product that we use in America it’s sort of a tonic I’ll never mention it again don’t be afraid I am a very good driver dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh we are here and still alive oh thank you and no thanks to you the owner of this hotel should be told you drive like a Mania he does no he’s me Pier P ofit At Your Service oh Mr peti I didn’t realize please call me Pierre Pierre tell me Pierre does everybody in Paris drive that way of course to drive any other way it’s soide I see is there a Subway near [Music] here what does that sign say you’re now leaving Paris leaving Paris that’s impossible uh Miss southw your driver made a wrong turn no he didn’t where’s the school not much further just another hour [Music] out [Music] [Music] we’ve arrived how lovely we’re going to school in weathering Heights excuse me uh is this where the new students for the cooking school check in yes it is madam we’re waiting for Chef Antoine to make his appearance oh good then I’m not late uh I’m uh Reggie try a fellow student hi I’m Ed Garett so this is the world famous buo restaurant The Jewel In Chef anan’s Crown as it were well I just can’t believe that for the next four weeks his kitchen will be my classroom it will become your second home dear a genius but a terrible pain in the r good afternoon gentlemen how are you oh Monte Fusco Mr tubry what are you doing in here I’m supposed to be here I’m Edna Garrett from America Eastland School our our alumni director Mrs Vandy yes yes I should have known better to make friend with an American we send them the Statue of Liberty and they send us this one it is not an equal change [Music] oh oh poetry can be more and more creative as poetry evolves not in the lelian S poetry can be more and more [Music] creative Mark another X on the wall TV this is our 26th day of captivity I wonder if our folks at home are keeping track of how long we’ve been held hostage guess I can kiss lemon’s goodbye there’s no way I’m going to get there this place has better security than Devil’s Island please there’s always another car race this was supposed to be the summer of my French romance Somewhere Out There is a Frenchman with my name on him somewhere out there is a guy who’s breathing a big sigh a leaf I have an announcement the last 5 days of your French Liv and learn it course will be spent in Paris now the bus leaves promptly at 9:00 a.m. tardiness will not be tolerated Paris here we come I doubt it she’ll run this trip just like she runs the school Blair’s right she won’t let us out of her slide for a minute we’ll never get to do what we want I’ll never get to see tombs or grave s sites all those fun things right out the window Joe do you know something we don’t know I know I’m going to go to lon’s once we’re in Paris it’ll be easy for me to make a break for it I just had another one of my brilliant ideas when we get to Paris why don’t we all make a break for it can we do that why not Natalie we’ve been in France for 26 days and so far my life’s only changed for the worst come on let’s do it well okay nail down the Eiffel Tower guys cuz here we come let’s begin with notra Don’s famous facade Natalie don’t dawle was I Doling be honest now give your full attention to the three entrance P from your right s an’s portal in the center the portal of the last judgment and on your left the virgin’s part that would be enough giggling hey I may Dole I don’t giggle we’ll begin at St an’s portal the arch of vol are decorated with four rows of statues of angels Kings Patriarchs and the whole celestial we getting out of here I say right now we all run in different directions she can’t catch more than one of us and it won’t be me represent I think you left your brains in the Bronx you got a better way naturally we’re not escaping from Sing Sing This is not TR show a little style what’s your plan on the side panels we have gem figures of kings queens and Sates I know this Tour by heart we’ll get our chance in a minute now let’s turn our attention upwards to the famous South Tower the South Tower contains the famous Bell or bdon the notam which rings out on religious holidays and for National ceremonies the tower Rises to a height of 225 ft above the ground an effective Li by the large opening 52 ft [Music] High the great escap why you can’t run in these boots what about our suitcases they’re on the bus should we go get them I’ll get you stuff off the bus just move it move [Music] it it’s outrageous I told you they won’t cat them without your p passport that’s the whole point of traveler checks you’re not supposed to need identification they’re supposed to be cash well they’re not miss Southwick has our passport well guys I’m going to split L man is about uh 215 km that’s about 133 miles Jo how in the world are you going to get to lons I’ll get there I’ll see you guys the aort bye bye have fun [Music] take I don’t believe it broke in Paris I’ve had nightmares like this where are we going to sleep tonight hey no problem this is Paris we’ll sleep in the TW Lise I’m not sleeping in some Park Blair it’ll be an adventure Us in the Paris moon with the Paris stars with the Paris bums Blair this would be a great time for another one of your brilliant ideas now the secret to B ban is the wine B makes a supreme gravy but you might also try some other full bued yed wines bordo or even burgundy oh excuse me chef but uh oh I can’t feed my girl’s wine I’m sure you understand when it comes to my buff I understand nothing but Chef I I I knew it was a mistake to accept you women should not be allowed nisine but Chef Antoine I never intended to insult you it’s just that I I can’t oh very well if you can’t cook then you will clean clean you will do the KY no wait a minute I haven’t done anything so terrible I I will not be bullied here do you prefer to be expelled expell you may clean storage beans what what stick to your guns love he’s bluffing he won’t throw you out well I can’t take that chance oh no oh no I I go back with my diploma or I don’t go back at all oh oh oh oh oh oh here I just can’t please that man nothing I do is right I know I know Chef anine is theing but but he’s the best one word of Praise from him can turn even the the most pit into a fourstar restaurant the man’s a monster he’s so strict and tells me everything I do is wrong and he won’t let me wear a white hat now Edna why won’t you let me wear a white hat everybody else does I try and un reggies it looks so cute I told you Reggie Andy AES are already shifts you’ll get your white when you graduate graduate if I graduate what about a little something to eat a bit of Beast frage no food thank you no I I’m just over tired I need a large do not disturb sign on my door of course oh oh if I can just get a full night’s sleep maybe I’ll survive tomorrow one [Music] we uh we found this on your door Mrs I don’t know mo out of the way play [Music] excuse bab laep turn around Mister one what do you mean Joe’s on her way to lons she’s on her way to Lemon listen I got to get going here I don’t want to waste one second of my time in Paris no you don’t I don’t understand you girls how could you just run off like that but Southwick must be worried sick I doubt it she’s really not a very caring person she has no compassion all she has is our passports you’ll call and get them for us won’t you now girls I have my own things to do now I have to be in school in 40 minutes open up breakfast oops anybody want to break bread with me thanks I’d love to but I call some friends of my mother they’re expecting me as a house guest see you at the airport hold it right there now listen to me you girls can’t just run away from school we didn’t run away from school we ran away from the end of school there’s a big difference Mrs Garrett this is our last chance to see Paris we just want to have fun it’s only for a few days you can’t send us back to that woman she’s a monster she’s so stressed she makes us feel like we can’t do anything right you don’t know what it’s been like believe it or not I do [Music] please let me on well what the heck it’s only a few more days go ahead enjoy yourselves thanks a lot until we to send the rest of our luggage here thanks m here you’re a saint I know come on tuty we’re going to Lau pole where’re Hemingway ate breakfast every morning Hemingway really which one marel or Margo Earnest come on I’ll explain later don’t wait up Mrs bye Mrs [Music] Garrett hey hey I’m a biker too on a ride thanks a lot creep now what am I going to do there’s nothing around here but nothing look at this place I think I’m in trouble [Music] here uh you par V any English yes when I is a time well where I come from one biker usually gives another biker a ride I had only one helmet I would have taken my chances I know you American princesses are all Reckless who who are you calling an American princess what is your name Joe Joe I am calling you an American princess and if you excuse me I have no time to party as you say and he’s calling me a princess you can’t even make a simple repair on your own bike this is not a simple repair it is when you know what’s wrong and of course you do of course wait a minute I’m not going to fix this for you may do it for the bike and a ride to L man’s if you fix it well I will take you to Lon it’s close to my home okay than David lir you a student David David I work in a bookstore and study history well now there’s your problem darid you should work in a gas station and study motorcycles now watch and [Music] learn here we are the DU Mago Cafe the blooming Dales of literature right here in Hemingway’s Paris that I’m tired of you being the tour leader what a cheerful morning Zola’s grave Oscar Wild’s grave Balzac’s grave I never knew you were such a depressing person what’s depressing those are some of the wittiest epets I’ve ever read Natalie I want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower now why cuz but he’s buried up there Hy this place attracted the crema Creme of literature Hemingway Oscar wild F Scott Kylie I thought it was F Scott Fitzgerald no there’s GTH Kylie who he only wrote the best book I ever read a small room in Manhattan good a live rer for change come on we got to meet him Natalie come on pleas come on sorry there are no fny papers hi Mr Kylie we’re Americans too really I thought you were Saudi princesses how’d you know my name she read your book five times I have your book jacket picture sealed in plastic no wonder I’ve been having trouble breathing I’d love to ask you a few questions about a small room in Manhattan before I read it again again may we sit down thank you uh I didn’t read your book I’m just tired oh thank you so much angelene for inviting me to stay with you oh shag I would not let you come to Paris and stay anywhere else I am going to his Gallery after breakfast won’t you come with me oh thank you but if I’m going to sketch S car I better get going oh Blair you cannot spend your time in Paris sketching Cathedrals not going to meet any man that way I think I will I had this dream last night I was sketching sakur when suddenly there was this man standing there beside me smiled took my hand and he led me through the city streets how romantic you know I think I’m going to meet someone very special this [Applause] time Mercy tell me Mr Kylie do not call me that I’m not old enough what if I call you guard you’re not old enough make it GK okay listen GK why didn’t you ever write the second novel you’re so talented you should have at least written 10 novels 20 books what happened to you I thought my mother was in Pittsburgh seriously I read that dumb article in the New York Times book review I wanted to punch that guy I think you do have a second novel in you well as it happens I’m not only into a new book but it’s a trilogy how exciting what’s it about does it take place in Paris just describe a character or two Natalie I did not come to Paris to get a literary discussion no offen GK I don’t blame you it’s a marvelous City out there have you been through the sewers of Paris yet not before lunch no no no no no no no it’s a tour see you get to see where all the criminals and famous p Tre is hit out and you don’t want to miss the sbone the seat of French Learning for 720 years I could go to those places again and again great why don’t you why don’t I what come with us to those places you know nothing would give me greater pleasure but uh you see today I’m busy working on the trilogy now if you had said tomorrow been no problem good that’s what we’re saying what today we’re going to the lou to see Mona tomorrow we’ll put you down what [Music] [Applause] time paron but that is not how you are sitting before it wasn’t no you see before you got up you had your legs cross like this I see what you mean I’m flattered to be your subject but why aren’t you sketching sakur oh the cathedral will always be there I had to capture you before you slipped away beautifully put I like your style Mercy could I offer a helpful suggestion oh certain more we artists of the M have a tradition before mixing our colors we always have a small cup of coffee perhaps with cognac it loosens the palet what a Charming tradition I would be honored if you would join me I’m Andre hi I’m Blair shall we how could I refuse a fellow artist especially after this wonderful dream I had last night this is so close to what happen spooky papa papa cute yeah [Music] and very cute [Music] what can I say I am French I know [Music] bye [Music] let me look at the bike no thank you why not I fixed it yesterday if you fixed it right you wouldn’t have I to sleep against a tree I have to work this to the nearest town jeez this way I’ll never get to L man hey wait for me [Music] B sure not yet it isn’t we looked for you at the dumag go and you weren’t there toy the man is a free spirit besides they said he’d be here and he is okay GK let’s goo what you said you were going to show us Paris from a writer’s point of view a live riter’s point of view I’m sorry ladies uh I met her crucial point in the trilogy you see I I I just got hold of the character’s metaphoric relationship to death it’s a slender thread but it’s the beginning is he telling us we don’t get out tour toy the man as a thread take it from someone who knows threads are hard to come by I knew I’d find you here look Kylie if you want to destroy yourself that’s fine with me but you’re not taking the tour guide company down with you you were supposed to turn in that article 3 days ago where is it come on I I I’ve been busy you know how it is people come into town I’ve been entertaining my children GK you’re hallucinating again look you’ve been drinking your way through every riding job in this town now if we fire you the only thing left will be riding the backs of menus you don’t understand his Trilogy is hanging by a thread Trilogy honey he hasn’t written a coherent sentence since 1979 Kylie I’m telling you if that article on Paris isn’t on my desk by noon tomorrow you’re [Music] through there is no Trilogy is there there would be if I didn’t have to do this penan tour article you know now she wants Paris the city that never sleeps have that corny or what you know no one understands how how difficult it is being a a man of artistic intensity you mean being a lush come on in Paris everyone has wine with lunch does everyone have lunch at 10:30 in the morning come on toy let’s go I guess we can skip Napoleon’s tomb one if a day is enough now wait a minute you can’t leave him like that he needs you for what he can pour his own wine listen I once saw this movie about this tortured writer and this woman that helps him out of the gutter then he writes a book and wins the Pitzer prize no kidding Nat you could be the next Greer Garson to his Ronald Coleman I could so so romantic look if this trip isn’t going to change my life let it at least change his I don’t know toy he’s been a big disappointment to me come on give it a shot and tomorrow I promise I’ll go to any graveyard you want what can we do come on I got an idea GK you’re going to do that article on Paris oh yeah who’s going to make we are Papa we’re going to stick to You Like Glue good idea toti we’ll Tour Paris off of me garon a round of Cafe La and keep them [Applause] coming you are laughing at me no I’m laughing at your bike why you laughing at my bike it breaks down a lot doesn’t it yes but only when I forget to put oil in it BL your franchise improved so well American Express is the same in any language well you just keep shopping darling and I’m going home to arrange the flowers for the party tonight oh setting up his words like a common Peddler that is graceful that’s so day class I’d expect that sort of thing from the Left Bank but not from this neighborhood oh well anyway CIA darling young man about these paintings yes Melle do you see anything here that interest you George we are so lucky fate threw us together if it hadn’t I would have I was prepared to throw myself in front of that limousine to get your attention that’s so romantic messy but romantic that was Ang beron with you wasn’t it yes do you know her every artist in Paris knows the ber at least by sight how do you know them they’re old family friends I’m staying with them now that I know where I can find you what time should I pick you up tonight I thought we we could begin with the Moonlight walk along the sand well I’m supposed to be at a party but I’ll get out of it a party where at aneles and Jacks but it would be boring compared to the sand and you how could it be boring everyone who is anyone in the outworld will be there oh George tonight will be very special maybe I bring along a few of my smaller canvases Blair I must be your escort at the party tonight and after the party we will stroll along the same if it is not too late oh I see after you take me for a ride you’ll take me for a walk no thank you Blair but wait in your ears Sher how am I supposed to fall in love when there are no decent men in [Laughter] Paris don’t make me I wasn’t trying to no no no my Lobster happens to be but trying to make lobster s bam for your final examination is ambitious absurd oh Chef Anan why do I feel that you think I’m just a bungling incompetent in the kitchen because you are M you on French cuisine are natural enemies I suggest that you might want to how do you Americans say it drop out before the final humiliation oh I mean examination drop out Edna Garrett never drops out oh no you’ll see you’ll see I have not yet begun to cook isn’t a great Paris in the rain what do you think we should see first there’s a terrific walking tour of M Mark are you okay never better I’ve just got this drilling headache I’ve got aspirin no no no this this way I know I’m alive you want to slow down gang this is all uphill listen GK St Dennis climbed up here with his head under his arm so can you this is even beautiful in the rain no kidding rain is that what that is T look at that it’s gorgeous I wish I brought my camera I thought you were having a little trouble focusing today I must be getting better buildings stop moving is it time for lunch yet yes oh no there’s some place else we have to go first where till you see it voila hey they’ve got one here too it’s really something isn’t it oh it’s beauti fantastic you know Paris is like a woman as well as you thinking know there’s a part of her that always remains a mystery that’s beautiful GK can we sit down for a second uh-uh later there’s something else I want you to see come [Music] on GK is the tour over yet Paris the city that never sleeps you know I think this article is going to turn out all right okay gang everybody up we have got places to go and things to do GK when is this tour going to be over when it gets dark great what time’s that 10: 10:30 at night no wonder they call it the city that never sleeps come on come on let’s [Applause] go what is wrong with you guys [Music] uh what’s the problem here the problem will be solved by me thank you I’ve heard that [Music] before uh would you translate did that geek just call me an American princess geek would you tell me what that monkey’s grinning about he will rent us a room but uh we have to share it okay okay how do you say you’re going to be picking up your teeth in French there’s only one bed oh sorry uh I guess I forgot to translate that part I got to learn French it’s not too much but we’re lucky to have it yeah uh you don’t see a cou anywhere do you uh no CH looks kind of comfortable but not too comfortable yeah well I see another alternative like what the bed oh it is 1982 oh you’re a regular calendar what uh you talking about sleeping together oh that is what one does in bed does it frighten you are you kidding wait you think you’re talking to a little girl here the bed’s fine with me then [Applause] okay what do you think you’re doing I’m hot fine we’ll open a window [Music] good night it could [Music] [Music] be [Music] David David I brought you some breakfast you stay away from this bed what are you so upset about I’m upset about last night that’s what I’m upset about or that I hoped you would be mature about it well I won’t be where I come from a deal is a deal you were supposed to wake me at 2:00 so I could do my time on the floor I couldn’t wake you I was asleep baloney you were just being gentlemanly and swaave and French forgive me some habits are hard to break I just want you to treat me like an equal then why didn’t you sleep with one I H and wake me at 2: in the morning I can’t argue with you on an empty stomach I got the bike working oh great it’s being you think I’d never get to the race we’ll leave whenever you’re ready I’m ready hey French milk is good yeah I’m glad you like it it’s from a goat this place is wonderful it’s a lot more fun than shopping at the supermarket oh what’s next on your list uh scallion may I suggest instead shallots but the recipe says scallion to me charot are more delicate yeah the recipe only says one tablespoon won’t the flavor get lost not if you use sweet butter for your sauce if I may suggest Pier your food is the best and I appreciate your help but Chef Antoine has got me so confused I don’t know I really don’t know what to do well um if I may suggest you could purchase both the scallion and the shallots and try them both Pier my final exam is tomorrow morning I don’t have time to experiment of course you do you can use the kitchen at after my dining room closes oh a thousand mes don’t mention it my Cuisine is your Cuisine now we must buy some dill Dill there’s no Dill in this recipe I know but it will make all the difference then we’ll get [Music] d this PES is good I’m glad you like it it’s made from goats milk oh jeez don’t you have any cows in this country her cat is stuck in the tree I can see that uh don’t worry Madame uh um I’ll get him for you uh J get him give me a hand I’ll get him I said I’ll do it don’t argue with me you can’t climb trees you are from New York City what does that mean there’s no trees in New York that’s stupid I had two trees on my block till one died now you going to give me a hand or [Laughter] what what’s so funny she thought we were a Marin why because we fight so well you don’t understand lady see we fight because he bugs me he’d be a nice guy if he didn’t give me such a hard time but he always bugs me you understand what am I doing a course she doesn’t understand uh translate go ahead tell her what I said I will later Edna Edna you’ve got to relax oh oh Pierre I tell you this sauce is going to be my waterl I think maybe I’ll try it one more time but there was nothing wrong with it the first time or the second or the or the are you sure Ed enough you’ve got to have faith in yourself you’re right I’ll start practicing folding my napkins at least I’d like to try to get that right oh dear how did Chef Antoine get this thing to look like a bird now forget the bird and the sauce and the final examination how if I may suggest let me take you out show you my Paris bite especially for [Music] you [Music] and [Music] May darling we didn’t know you were back in town while [Music] H daring money can make anyone beautiful Victoria is infinitely more attractive since her inheritance came through oh by the way darling I saw your mother last week in New York she misses you dreadfully when you go home tell Monica that you’ve been very well taken care of we went to every Shopping Town and I’m still working on finding her a romance before she leaves you see your own mother couldn’t do anymore we’re just one big happy family aren’t we you’re right I might as well never have left [Music] [Laughter] home [Laughter] [Music] did you understand what my father said no your family’s been real nice to me of course you’re a friend of mine my brother SS you are very pretty he has a crash on you but you will have to wait his [Music] turn [Music] work TR [Music] hands [Music] MH David David um four years this yeah [Applause] [Music] okay what’s the matter yes what’s going on I heard my name and I heard the mons oh everything’s fine Joe Jo uh I have to go back to Paris my boss’s wife is in the hospital and I’m needed at work when you leave me oh tomorrow morning but don’t worry my father will get you to the no no no uh I’ll go back to Paris with you but don’t do that you’ve come all the way for the races and you’ve got only one day left in France I know how much time I have left and I know where I want to spend it with [Music] you [Music] you will find that the beauty of Paris is not only in the museum it is in the bridges the street lamps and even the Metro stations and this beauty becomes even more profound when it is reflected in the eyes of someone falling in love with it for the very first time time there’s the old Kylie touch just like your book same sensitivity same style you made me feel like I was there you were there I was just making a point I want to thank you guys for what for letting me use your eyes yesterday this is uh this is your Paris not mine I never knew my eyes were so talented that settles it you’ll come back to the States and write your new book why can’t he write it here in Paris people don’t come to Paris to write people come to Paris to play but what about all those dead writers like Victor Oscar and F Scott this is different gk’s just siding out here cuz he never wrote another book he doesn’t really want to stay here well I think he does well I think you’re wrong GK are you staying here in Paris because you like it or because you never wrote a second book I don’t know I don’t know I guess I’ll just have to write a new book and see I knew you had it in you all along I knew it oh wait we knew you had it in you all along I knew you did I knew you did that is why I am dedicating my new book to you you are you mean to to Natalie and toy no now I was uh I was thinking of something like uh to Natalie and toy who lifted me out of the gutter and gave me a new lease on life oh GK we didn’t whose unflagging Faith Shone like a beacon in the night they heard my silent lonely cries and answered it with the the innocent unquestioning devotion of the young they nursed my my spirit and then GK you don’t have to say this toy let the man create go ahead go ahead go ahead see they nourished my spirit with a milk of new kindness they Lifted Me Out of the Purgatory of my wine darkened Soul wine darkened Soul that’s profound GK yeah I kind of like that myself are you going to say how we inspired you yes yes uh it’ll go something like um the child Muses child Muses that’s good I’d like that oh I love child music yeah I tell you what there really has been no end to my creation [Music] yeah you like your iming way very much uh but this is for a friend of mine she adores him he used to come in this books many years ago really he would say why are my books not in your window he would yell everyone would laugh you know clevand in a way my daughter she lives in Cleveland she looks very much like you you must miss seeing her it’s a long way away yes but I will visit her next year for sure I’ll take this one no no it is a gift no I couldn’t please thank you enjoy the day I think I will are you sure it’s okay for me to come to work with you of course I can’t wait for you to see this place you love it uh tell him I hope his wife is okay she had acute ptis but she’s fine no thank you oh Hony this is my friend Joe from America my goodness we have had a lot of beautiful American girls in here today enjoy your time here I’d better get to the hospital don’t worry I close the shop tonight nice to meet you Joe likewise Eda are you ready as ready as I’ll ever be say b not B it is a very B it’s D I’m sorry sorry you have created an original there’s a certain te maybe it’s the shallots you couldn’t have your salads they are too delicated their flavor would fade not if you Ed sweet butter sweet butter un Lobster [Music] formid you have something to eat are you out [Music] oh Edna Pierre I’m glad you’re here you got your heart oh I’m so proud of you I knew you’d pass no Pi we passed everybody this is Pier PTI what are these about well I told them how you helped me you shouldn’t have why not butf Antoine said the dinner was magnificent and you you deserve the credit sweet butter on Lobster H very bored where did you learn to do that at my Mo elbow oh he has a restaurant in his hotel no no no this is a restaurant I have just a place to eat now here stop it oh his restaurant is lovely understated but very clean perhaps I should drop by for dinner one night drop by yes if the rest of your menu is as creative at this par should know about you I better to tell them than myself you mean you would endorse Pierre’s restaurant oh no he’s not saying that yes I am oh oh thank you thank you thank you very much I’m your anyone who can make a b like you do shouldn’t grow at anyone’s feet not even mine yes sir if you are going to be famous and you will be be bold be as bold as your soul yes students do the kitchen oh and now thank you for everything oh oh oh no I I didn’t mean it what do you mean you didn’t mean it I mean I I was being presumptuous no you weren’t you were being B like your souls and if I may suggest you should try it more [Music] often don’t move Sid hey I’m sick of posing with statues and Copenhagen you made me climb up and kiss The Little Mermaid it’ll make a very cute picture now smile good okay now can we get something to eat yeah let’s go to McDonald’s that hot french bread is murdering my teeth we’re on vacation when in Paris do like the Romans do okay you’re American how did you know do you see anyone else laughing I’m Ken Barnett Chicago lar Warner New York for a minute I was afraid I’d run into some of my relatives you too you know Blair all that talk about French bread has kind of got my taste buds going would you care to join me for a loaf that is if your teeth are up to it my teeth are fine no thank you how better walk then no I’m a real fun dat I’m sure you are but uh this is my last day in the city and I’m really enjoying myself I know what you mean or Ving there did you know that Renee had books signed by James Joyce and TS Elliot oh they used to come here often I’m told Ernest mingu used to sleep in that corner ah there’s something about about this place it’s like they’re all still here you look at home in this place I’m glad you came back with me me too I pictured you last night I thought Jo would like it here she would be standing just about there and smiling what I’m trying to picture you in the Bronx is that so difficult you’re standing on 139th Street talking books to the Bronx barbarians now you’re in an ambulance with a broken arm no no no a broken leg no no a broken leg and a broken an arm [Music] oh am I crazy I can’t understand a word anybody says here there’s no baseball you people can’t make a burger to save your lives but I still feel at home then don’t leave don’t leave tomorrow [Music] Jo well Blair we weren’t expecting you until tomorrow at the airport well I decided I wanted to spend my last night in Paris with all of you ah I’m glad you know I feel wonderful what’s his name I’ve been all over Paris today I thought I knew this city but for some reason it was just different right what’s his name there is no his I spent the day alone you mean by yourself as in without male companionship mhm you know I actually enjoyed spending the day by myself why are you so surprised H I always thought you were good company you know I’m really going to miss Paris yeah I wish I could take this all home with me I wish we could stay just one more day I wish Joe were here I’m very worried about her Joe can take care of herself I don’t like not knowing where she is she’ll be at the airport tomorrow tomorrow she promised and Joe never goes back on her [Music] word [Music] where’s Joe she promised she’d be here and like toy says she never goes back on her word yeah but she should have been here by now Joe will show up Mrs Garrett she’ll show up are you going to say that all the way back to New York Joe there’s nothing wrong with the bik yeah there is uh I heard a strange noise uh like a ping I don’t like the sound of it you are going to miss your plane we agreed it is best you go home I know I can’t just leave my mom and my school and everything can I no you can’t I know I can’t better get going okay wish I’d studied my friend there’s so much to say I [Applause] I feel me [Applause] too I don’t know how to say goodbye to [Music] you we see each other again you know that [Music] I don’t want to leave you [Music] where is Joe we’ll be boring the plane soon if I tell you she’ll show up one more time you’ll strangle me right probably I’m going downstairs and look for her Blair’s down there with the luggage she’ll see Joe if she gets when when she gets here Joe Joe who was that just a friend are you all right yeah Joe where have you been gone all this time and you never called Mrs Garrett I’m I’m sorry you were worried worried who was worried I wasn’t worried well you said you’d be here and I know you’re a woman of your word where were you hey how was Lon you had an adventure I know it guys look who cares about lemon’s you’ve seen one car do wheelies you’ve seen them all okay gang I’m going to go see if I can find out what movie is showing on the plane I can’t believe it in just eight short hours we’ll be back home in New York actually 2 hours you know the day we lost coming here where we’re getting it back where’s it coming from come on I’ll show you I got a map of the world in my bag thanks oh did you find out what the movie is MHM it’s who’s killing the great Chefs of your I think we’re leaving just in time I’ve got gum and I’ve got handy wipes that we didn’t use on the flight oh I guess we should get [Music] started [Music] [Applause] don’t worry Joe things will work out how can they I’m never going to see him again I think you will I saw that look in his eyes that was not a goodbye forever look you think so I’m sure so planes go both ways you know you know my mother was right my horizons have broughten like you wouldn’t believe it changed my life I told you it would change my life Peak skill’s going to look pretty Peak it after Paris how you going to keep them down on the farm after they oh [Music] oh [Music] oh


    1. One fact about the Eiffel Tower did you know that the iron that was used was exported from Mexico to France. Excellent iron from Mexico. Thank for the movie, I was only eight years old when it was released.

    2. "Edna Garrett was a klutz!! Charlotte Rae played her perfectly!!" 🤣😂😅😁😁😄😉😏😝😜🥴🤔🤫🤭🤗😱🤨🧐😒🙄😨😧😲😳🙈🙉🙊🙀😿😾😻💙💖❤️🖤

    3. i have always cared about them. i have always truly enjoyed the comedy series. the show and the tv movies. i love the facts of life. i always have and i always will. it was always such a joy. i care about them. i miss charlotte rae and cloris leachman immensely,so immensely. i miss them so much. i miss them a lot. i also miss conrad bain and gary coleman immensely. may all of them rest in eternal love and peace. may they continue to rest in eternal love and peace. rih my dear dear dear friends. god bless all of you. god bless all of their souls. god rest their souls. i really miss them. you are sadly sadly missed. you are still sadly sadly sadly missed. you are greatly missed. rip guys, my dear dear friends.

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