I am Giant Cheerio, a bicycle traveler, exploring the world by bike since 2021!

    Let me show you one of my bikepacking water hacks while cycling through the amazingly beautiful landscapes of Andalucia!
    Cycling through the Andalucian mountains really takes my breath away and despite the crazy headwinds I really enjoy my days on the road.

    Get ready for perfect camp spots, nice weather and marvellous nature highlights!

    Lean back & enjoy watching!

    Cheerio, Goodbye, Salut & Adios!

    🙌 Do you want to support my journey?

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    0:00 Intro
    00:44 Granada or Malaga?
    02:01 Bikepackers quick lunch
    02:43 smart WATER HACK
    06:58 A perfect camp spot
    08:44 Freezing cold good morning
    11:05 Beauty of Andalucia – Embalses Guadalhorce
    14:55 Outro

    hello I’m giant Cheerio a bicycle Traveler and this Vlog episode takes place in the most southern region of Spain Andalucia join me while fighting with the women so much headwind I’m pedaling like a maniac complaining about Hunger my Energy’s gone I always tell myself I’m not gonna do this again and enjoying the life of the road holy it’s so beautiful and I’m also going to share one of my bike packing water hacks so lean back and enjoy watching [Music] Allah new day new luck I had my first two climbs and honestly it was wonderful I’m feeling good I’m feeling healthy the landscape is beautiful it’s nice and yeah um I’m not sure and I can’t decide where to go I wanted to go to Granada but now I just realized that I have a pin on the map just above Malaga because there are some Lakes and I wanted to go there almost two years ago and now I’m pretty close so I was thinking of maybe going to Malaga and then to Granada I’m gonna see I’m gonna think about it but for now it’s some more climbs so I hope let’s go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] I found a perfect spot for a little break this is what it looks like there’s the road and I’m super hungry I only had breakfast a couple of hours ago and I can’t wait to do it [Music] foreign [Music] trees are perfect if you’re in need of drinking water and I’m gonna refill my my water here now so let’s search for the workshop [Music] thank you [Music] I refilled my water bag and now I’m gonna put that water in my bottles and then and then I’m gonna refill the water back again because I don’t know uh if I’ll find such a perfect camp sport as yesterday night but I’m so sweaty and I wanna I wanna take a shower tonight so I need this bag for my shower uh yeah so in total I carry two and a half liters in bottles and this four liter War bag um and yeah usually that’s enough come on I have this one as well it’s not the best water bottle but I had to throw one of my plastic water bottles uh away because it was so disgusting from the inside that I couldn’t clean it so I had to say bye bye to one of my plastic bottles I don’t want to get another plastic bottle I want these ones because you can pour hot water in it like boiling water and clean them and you can’t do that with the plastic bottles like uh I like these ones it just come for uh boiling water in these bottles I love them very much because you can squeeze them while drinking but when you travel like long term it’s just it’s not the best idea uh yeah so I need another water bottle one day but for now I’m happy with the water bag the bottles they have and now I’m gonna go once more and we fill the water bag ah and I forgot I have one more bottle it’s that one um it’s a small one but it’s perfect because I can carry my hot drinks inside so in the morning I just prepare myself coffee and I have two coffees and then I pour another two coffees inside this this bottle and yeah so then I’m prepared for the day and I don’t have to cook hot water twice but now it’s empty and I can pour more water give it a quick wash yeah it’s coffee okay so that’s my coffee water for tomorrow morning yeah I can’t live without my beloved coffee but it is what it is [Music] and let’s go [Music] I think I found my spot for the night and I guess I’m gonna go down there I’m just checking out if there’s another way to get down there because I don’t wanna carry my bike up the stairs tomorrow in the morning so let’s see oh yes awesome let’s go foreign this is probably the best spot you can get in this area I don’t know where I am as usual benches more benches even more benches there are bins and it’s flat and I can just set up my tent pitch my tent somewhere and this is amazing it’s awesome there’s just a lake or a river missing but you can’t you can’t have everything right okay I should have taken a closer look look at this it’s amazing so there is water there is a little spring tiny little river whatever and it’s down there I just don’t know how to get there but I’ll find my way and look at this there’s the water so let’s see wow that’s my private beach wow okay so I’m gonna stay here uh take a shower set up my stuff cook some food and I’m gonna see you tomorrow in the morning over and out good morning it’s freezing cold uh nine degrees and I’m freezing as I don’t know what um but the sun needs a bit of time to show up here so I’m gonna pack my stuff get ready and start cycling hit so cold last year at that time I was cycling in Portugal and it was pouring rain like pouring down cats and dogs and right now I don’t know how I managed that like seriously now it’s just a bit chilly and I’m already like oh my God I need sunshine and a year ago I had rain for weeks and I’m pretty happy that it’s not raining but still I’m cold I love the sunlight and so yeah let’s go let’s chase the Sun foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] doing all right kilometers an hour and it’s flat like uh I’m feeling like a Mania could I I’m moving like a snail and and I always don’t know which is worse like if it’s the wind or rain’s really exhausting um but yeah I can’t help it gotta gotta go [Music] oh my God I didn’t care about the wind anymore henceless but you have to complain about something like it’s not possible that life is perfect but I decided to go to the lakes and look at this it’s marvelous like seriously of course as usual I don’t know the name of the lake I don’t know where I am I don’t know anything I enjoy where I am without knowing where I’m actually at but I’m gonna I’m gonna find out the name of the lake and I’m gonna put it here thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this is also backpacking amazing view like and I’m sitting here next to the road eating because I forgot to eat and I only had breakfast this morning and now it’s 4 P.M I think I’m low in sugar my energy is gone I do that so often and I always tell myself I’m not gonna do this again I will eat I will eat like at least at 2 p.m I have to eat and then I do it over and over again and yeah now I gotta sit here next to the road uh no shade and I have to stop and I have to take a rest and have food but I always can’t enjoy having food when I have to sit in the sun next to the road then I’m always like this is this is this is um but yeah I gotta calm down now uh eat a little bit of bread and then I’ll keep on writing um and another great thing my bread tastes like my face scrub now because uh this thing was inside here together with the bread and I don’t know why but it’s leaking and so my whole bag is full with face scrub now and it’s sticky and my bread as well yummy [Music] thank you that wind is so heavy that I can’t even hold on to my handlebar and whenever there’s a truck passing by I’m like boom boom like I can’t I don’t know why but I can’t I I can’t balance it and it’s very hard uh right now to cycle like uh I’m already in a bad mood again uh but yeah I can’t stop here and I need to get somewhere to refill my water bottles because I don’t have any water left I’m the genius this is a freaking stupid road like seriously wind cars trucks and go holy this wind is still killing me but once again I found water use a cemetery and this is perfect I’m gonna refill my water and take a break holy I found my Camp spot for the night um totally exhausted over and out Cheerios dead see you tomorrow and that’s it I hope you enjoyed watching this episode to stay tuned hit the Subscribe button down below and for up-to-date information you can follow me on Instagram I’m saying Cheerio goodbye Saloon I’ll see you next time


    1. I aways look forward to all your videos..im much tge same with cycling i just hate the heavy winds.. anyway a the best from Australia 👍

    2. Hiya GC, lovely to see and hear you in such a good space mentally. You sound as if your really well and enjoying life. So pleased for you and loving the episodes. Thank you!
      Stay safe.

    3. Always enjoy watch your video's and I appreciate your honesty and openness. As for the cold mornings, Sounds like northern Australia might be calling you.

    4. Great vid loving the route. deffo subscribed to enjoy more of your adventures life long cyclist thanking the weather gods for some great weather here in the UK 🙂

    5. I'm watching this laying on my couch, eating some fruits thinking of this situation, how comfy i'm and how physically hard moments you are having. But i wish to change places, there will be do nice to go like this, knowing how beatifully it is and challenging same time. You are lucky with this, You know.. Enjoy it and go to Granada 😉👍

    6. Just a tip, you can use dental cleaning tabs from the pharmacy to clean out your waterbag. Does leave a minthy taste 🫣

    7. I don't know how the inexperienced will react to this video, but as a cyclist myself with loads of experience on the byways of Southern Europe, it all seems very real and relatable to me. Cemetery water, headwinds, truck backwash, a little stream to wash in at the end of a hard day of riding! There's a saying about fishing that a bad day of fishing always is better than a good day at the office. I don't know if that's true, but I do know that a bad day of bicycle touring is always preferred to any day doing almost anything else. Keep doing Cheerio. And keep posting. Some of us depend on your good humor in the face of hardship.. I really don't know why, but it's so.

    8. I saw u r in Greece atm, try to go to rhodope mountains or nestos river , it s beautiful ! And it s worth it biking through Balkans as well
      Good luck 🤞🏼

    9. Ne großartige Leistung, die du da ablieferst und filmst👍. Danke. Bin selbst Radfahrer. Mit dem ganzen Gepäck ist man leider auch ein mobiler Windfang😑. Ich nehm dann etwas Tempo raus, um nicht meine Kraft und Laune zu verschwenden, indem ich dagegen ankämpfe. Stell dir doch einen Wecker/Timer, um dich ans Essen und Trinken bzw. nachfüllen zu erinnern. Nur so ein Tipp. Viel Spaß und weiter so. Gruß Dominik

    10. I admire your bravery in choosing campsites. I go by beautiful spots like that one with the picnic tables and am too afraid of getting made to leave by the police or whatever. But then I've pitched my tent in very visible spots (when I've had permission) and as soon as it gets even a little dark my dark gray tent is invisible right in from of me. I should be bolder like you!!!

    11. Je regarde maintenant plusieurs de vos vidéos et j’adore, je fais aussi beaucoup de vélo et j’admire ce que vous faites, grand bravo pour vos voyages et en plus vous êtes très sympathique et agréable ! 👍🙏😀

    12. Can't stop watching your biking adventures. They way you edit your video and add dynamic audio clips to keep our attention is an inspiration and education. Keep up the outstanding work while I go looking for the donate button. Cheers!

    13. Hello ❤ giant cheerio 😊….. I am from India…. I really like it your bikepacking videos … And I am also creating cycling videos in india … My YouTube channel @MSINDIANTRAVELLER … ❤ HEARTLY Reply me i am waiting…..😊😊😊😊

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