#biketheft #bikethief #bikesontrains

    hello good morning it’s Friday the 28th of June on my last video I said I would hopefully be posting some videos towards the end of June about my thankful Villages cycle tour in northern England well that went fantastically until the final few hours my bike got stolen on the train coming back from Manchester padil I just wanted to make this short video to tell you what happened and just to urge people to be cautious when they take their bikes on trains cuz you’re not going to get a lot of help from the authorities in my experience it’s really up to you to look after it I would urge you to lock your bikes on trains and also if you really really want to be 100% sure just sit and watch it at all times and if that means sitting in the vestibule on a long journey well so be it if I can help one person avoid going through what I’ve been through then making this video would have been worth it you’re probably wondering what’s happened so just let me briefly tell you the tour was fantastic I finished in Manchester on my final evening stayed at the Travel Lodge I was booked onto the 10:3 train from Manchester Picadilly to Bristol Parkway on the Wednesday and I was going to cycle home from Bristol Parkway the journey started at Manchester so I made sure I got there quite early as soon as the train arrived and people got off I got my bike on in one of the two available upright bike cupboards where you hook the front wheel up now actually bungee the bike to one of the upright post to stop it swaying backwards and forwards and banging and then I went and got a seat because the train started filling up rapidly glastenbury was starting next day so there’s lots of young people going to glastenbury plus the usual holiday makers business people Etc and very soon there was only one seat left in my compartment and that was next to me so every station I made sure you know I wasn’t obstructing anybody who wanted to sit there at Stoke on Trent a guy come and took that seat and I was aware of this sort of knocking backwards and forwards I thought oh gosh how hope my bike can’t come loose so I got up to go and look there was already people standing in the vestule that’s how crowded the train was getting and I thought that’s not my bike it’s the wrong color it’s got discs on I looked in the other cupboard nothing there I said to these people has anybody moved the blue bike here and they said well we’ve only just got on but there’s only that one guy who’s just got on the blue bike I thought oh no it’s been stolen or possibly moved I went to the front of the train to try and find the train manager I actually found the girl doing the drinks trolley and told her she said look just walk me to your seat show me where you are I’ll go and find the TM and bring her to you and the train manager at the TM was very very help were very apologetic took all my details confirmed that she or none of her staff had moved it and we decided it had been stolen and she s said well it can only have been three stops Stockport maos fi or Stoke on Trent and the guy next me said oh that’s my blue bike I got on the stoken Trent and I’m pretty sure there was nobody on the bike with the platform I can’t be 100% sure but certainly nobody got off of the bike so it’s most likely the first two stops possibly the thir so she’s very nice this lady took me down to First Class where I could just gather my thoughts you know in a quiet Carriage without people all around me and she did say she advised me even though she’s going to log it as a crime to text the British transport police on that number they always tell you see it say it sorted texted I sent the text and I just got back an automated reply with a link to a crime report so words you need to fill out your own crime report and I just wasn’t in the right place mentally to do it I was gathering me thoughts and first and foremost how am I going to get home from Parkway with p and I quickly thought of a plan I thought well I’ll just stay on the trend the next stop Temple Mage it’s a huge Hub and then I can just book a train ticket online and get a local train two stops in my local station in bath and I don’t live far from it and that’s what I did and then I thought rather than filling the form online when I get home I can actually go and see the British transport place at Bristol cuz I’m pretty sure there’s an office there and there was and I went and reported it and I even gave a description of this guy that I’d seen in the v area who looked a little bit dodgy so i’ just gone to check my piers were okay because there was all these backpacks from the glastenbury you know Travelers being put on top of it and I just wanted to make sure if the train was busy when I when I stopped and needed to get off I I I couldn’t remember where my bags were and I remember seeing this guy probably middle-age quite thick set slightly darker skin Mediterranean either Eastern European or North African and he’s in very black clothing on the hottest day of the year and he turned away and looked at the window and that should have raised my suspicions but I just thought that hey some people just don’t like sitting in cred carriages do they I’ve been in that stage I’d rather just sit in the vestle and look at the window I should have been more alert was my boat locked no should I’ve locked it yes I’ve always considered bik theft on a train fairly unlikely and low risk I was wrong I put my hands up completely wrong which is why I’m telling you this story I should have locked it the reason I didn’t and I don’t is sometimes it’s a hassle getting your bike and Luggage off a train especially if the vestibules got creaded as it was in leads it was difficult getting the bike and the pan off without hand on Locker bike I would urge you all to lock your bikes on trains in future and to be 100% sure sit and keep your eye on it I know it’s not very nice if you got a long journey certain vestle but that’s probably the only way you’re going to 100% guarantee not having any bikee stolen I was told by the police officer when I reported this crime I’ll get a crime reference number with two days on H anything and I was also told there CCTV at the stations again even if they get a photograph of someone with my bite is not going to get my bite back it’s caused me a lot of inconvenience and as I said being a VI as I said being a victim of crime is horrible it really really is I don’t want anyone else to have go through this unnecessarily it’s a mixture of sadness anger and also recrimination against myself you know I saw the guy who I think did it at the time I thought it was opportunistic probably just saw the bik I love that maybe ride home with it dump it or just I love that for good but the more I think about the more I think I was targeted I must have stood out like a saam in Manchester walking through the train station and as I understand it I put a graphic on screen now the previous year’s stats showed there was over 3,000 one 00 bikes stolen in Manchester and that only resulted in 32 arrests or prosecutions less than 1% if you look at it from a thieves perspective that’s a 99% chance of getting away with a crime I’ve come to think this is only a hunch but it’s my gut instinct I was targeted I was followed you sort of think about it’s going to be quite easy just to buy a ticket get off at the first station even if I saw the guy walking down the platform with it what are you going to do pull the community Cod even if you did that the doors don’t open do they I’d imagine it’s a very easy crime to get away with and there’s clearly a big Market in Manchester I did a little bit more reading and people just had to solve their own crimes they looked on secondhand online bike selling sites or they even trolled around bike shops and sometimes they find their own bikes and they reported the police no action taken so I have absolutely no confidence whatsoever in the official side of it nothing’s going to get done that makes me sound a bit better where it probably is because I am actually which is why I’m making this video don’t expect official them to do anything for you because it’s probably ain’t going to happen is it and even if they get a photograph of someone taking it it’s very unlikely going to get your bike back isn’t it the reason I’m a bit cross about not getting a crime reference number is I’m doing all I can to locate it actually I mean short of going up to Manchester and looking around boat shops or boat parks there’s not a lot I can do I registered it online with a couple of bike theft sites I’m also scanning secondhand bike marketplaces to see if it turns up but you know I then need to to prove that I’m a claimant aren’t I and if I haven’t got a crime reference number that’s going to be very difficult isn’t it so yeah I’m a little bit cross about the lack of I I don’t expect the police to drop everything they’re doing and go looking for my boat you know that’s realistic but it would have been nice to at least had a crime reference number so if I was able to locate it at least I can then say hey I’ve got a legal claim this bike anyway it’s completely ruin the rest of my summer really as regards touring I can’t go camping without a Touring bike um it’s just put on hold sort of anything like that I can’t even get me I’m not really in that right head space to even start thinking about editing the videos actually it was a great trip in conclusion if I can avoid one person going through what I’m going through then making this video and telling my story would have been worth it I used to think bikes were fairly safe on trains low risk of having them stolen clearly not the case they can and are stolen it’s only natural when you hear some bad news you want to know what’s happened so I can kill two bird to one St I can tell you the story and urge you if you’re taking your bike on a train or in any public area just be ultra Ultra cautious think about if you lost that bike what the ramifications would be I never really have and now I’m realizing just how inconvenient and expensive it’s going to be before I say cheio I want to thank everybody online who’s offered me consolation and and one person in particular who’s made a very very generous offer to me which I’m hopefully we’re going to sort something out I’m not saying any names you know who you are thank you so much anyway in the meantime Look Hope for each other everybody see you probably in a few months my head’s not really in the right space to edit the video of the tour there was some fantastic moments I will get round to it but it’s probably going to be a few weeks yet bye for [Music] now e


    1. And luggage, never leave luggage in the racks at the end of the carriages, only if you can actually see them from your seat. Thieves will target them at any bust intermediate stop, especially York, Newcastle etc

    2. Very sorry to learn about this loss, Andy. The audax community is very large and your bike is quite unusual: there's a reasonable chance that someone may spot it. I've seldom use trains with my bike and thought that bikes were not to be locked when on them. Your advice, however, is very sound and if/when I do use a train again in future I will be locking up my bike.

      Look forward to the videos of your latest trip when they become available

    3. I’m put in mind of workman who get their tools stolen from their vans and job sites.
      Cops can’t be bothered, authorities are no help.
      YouTube has hundreds of videos showing thieves how to crack your lock faster than using a proper key.
      Gee, I WONDER what has changed in society????
      Yep, it’s a stumper.

    4. So sorry to hear this Andy. Any contribution I can make to help with another tourer let me know. I take my bike on a train regularly. I will kick mine in future. Like you I’ve always thought they were safe. Who would steal a bike from a train? Now I know differently. Your gut reactions about how it happened are probably spot on. Take care and I hope you’re back in action pretty soon. Julia

    5. I know how you feel. I had two bikes stolen one was found by someone who was looking at pic of stolen bikes. It’s worth posting a pic. Even when it was returned it never felt the same. It always felt different and I could never get idea of someone else riding it out of my mind. I love watching your adventures. You include us like we were there.

    6. One idea would be to purchase an alarmed lock . They have motion sensors inside and if someone tries to snatch a bicycle the alarm is activated. The alarmed lock probably wouldn't go off from the train's movement but just when someone handles the bicycle or bicycle lock .

    7. So sorry to hear about you having your bike stolen a lot of evil bad opportunistic people out there i hope somehow you get it returned safely all the best …colin 🚴‍♂️.

    8. Andy, I'm really sorry to hear about this. A bike is a very personal thing and it is an affront to feel that someone can just walk away with it.
      I take my bike on trains and I always lock it and remove everything from the bike – panniers, computer etc. I never take advantage of the reserved seat which can often be quite a distance from the bike storage area. I will stand where I can see the bike and wait for a seat to become available next to the bike storage area. That way I can turn and watch what happens at each station. If need be I'll stand in the vestibule for the whole journey. It doesn't always make for a relaxing journey, especially on Cross Country trains!
      None of the above will help right now but I hope you do get 'back on the bike' again. I can quite appreciate why you don't feel ready yet and also to edit your footage of your trip. I have been away on holiday and was looking forward to watching your northern Thankful village tour on my return so was very upset for you when I went online.
      Your Adventures are 100% worth continuing and when you are ready to think about getting a replacement bike, Thorn/SJS in Bridgwater are still selling (I think) the 26'' derailleur tourer – 'Sherpa'. I have 3 Thorns and one of them is the 26'' XTC (forerunner) to the Sherpa. It is superb at the sorts of routes and surfaces that you did on your Caribou. Might be worth a look at some point?
      Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm in awe how calm you appear when recounting your story!
      Best wishes, Huw

    9. Your video came up in my YouTube feed and I watched it. Sorry to hear that you have had to experience this. It never ceases to amaze me how entitled thieves think they are to other people’s property. I’ve not ridden my bikes for a really long time, thinking about getting back on it. I remember around 15 years ago, my lovely saddle and seat post, with front and rear lights were stolen off of my bike – it’s such a violating feeling. I’ve never travelled by train with a bike, so this is an eye opener for me. Hope you’re able to get past this loss.

    10. Tragic, I lost a few as a student in Edinburgh…..however I didn’t lose one travelling north to Edinburgh via Carstairs. Bike was in the guards van at the end of the train, but it changed direction!

    11. this video is about Andy's bike been stolen. Why are half the people in the comments bragging about themselves and their bikes been stolen. Cop on and stop bragging about yourselves, focus on Andys bike

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