#politics #westminster #uk #scotland #glasgow #snp #thieves #gilruth #swinney

    so it turns out the S&P are about to steal another 165 million pound away from Glasgow city council the S&P said that anybody who did not maintain their current teacher numbers would not receive their share of 145.5 million that they are really entitled to that is given to help local councils from Westminster don’t get me wrong I don’t have much sympathy for Glasgow Council because of course they are spending almost a million pounds just planning a cycle Lane but they’ve also planned and have already act 172 teaching job which is going to rise to 450 so as a punishment for not maintaining their current teacher levels they’re going to have 16.5 million taken away from them meaning they’ll be able able to hire even less teachers despite the fact I accept they of course are responsible for wasting a lot of money themselves this is also going to happen to any other local Council this has been confirmed by disaster Gil Ruff so for cash cash strapped councilors who genuinely try and do the right thing not that Glasgow is one of those they’re now going to get even less funding because the big black hole they’ve already got in their finances which is hundreds of millions around Scotland Rising even further all the time is going to get even bigger funding because they’re going to be punished for in some cases not having enough funding in the first place really it’s just an excuse for the S SMP to keep all the money around them isn’t it keep it in Hollywood let’s spend it on Champaign parties for Angus Robertson that’s the truth behind all this they don’t give a toss about the education system system if they did it wouldn’t be so bad that it doesn’t even appear on International League tables anymore


    1. And still we see SNP signs in people windows.
      As Winston Churchill says “the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter”

    2. The council cut 174 jobs. They plan to cut another 450 jobs. The SNP said the moneys there if they hire more teachers. Are you this fuxmi G stupid. So, they should get 17.5 million when they are about to sack 450 teachers. And why are you obsessed with Scotland. No English taxes are spent in Scotland. And the closet youve come to Scotland is you drank a can of irn bru once. What a fucking buffoon this clown is.

    3. £1 million just for a cycle lane? What's to design- assuming it parallels an existing road and isn't something grander like a rural cycle trail.

    4. well they did spend 16 million building a cycle bridge over the M8 in Glasgow but the cyclist will not use it due to the bad design as it is lethal in the wet so they use the M8 as a cycle path which is why the Greens wanted to lower the speed limit on the M8 through Glasgow to 30mph to protect them. So if they can spend 16 million on a pointless bridge they do not need the money as they must have money to burn so just take it off them, seems sensible to me.

    5. This saga just goes on and on and on in a never ending spiral of theft, come on proud Scot’s do something about this because it’s now too painful to watch, every time I think that’s it or there’s an end to it – it’s Not ! The SNP just throws more fuel on that fire 🔥

    6. SNP had to pay women cleaners some £60 million for equal pay because the latter labour council took them to court to try and reverse the courts decision…the SNP didn’t steal anything..get yer facts right before posting crap…..typical Labour going against the people who financed their party..never vote for unionists they’ll stab you in the back when it’s turned!!..

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