The stakes are higher than ever as the Gravity School Downhill Mountain Bike Race Team heads back to Portugal for the final race camp of the year, followed by a weekend of intense racing for the Portugal Cup at Boticas. Episode 6 captures the climactic end to the Portuguese National season, full of breathtaking downhill mountain bike races.

    Join us in Rueben’s relentless pursuit of crucial UCI points as his sights are set on Loudenville World Cup, and follow Jack as he not only recovers from a significant crash but also secures the series with an outstanding first-place finish. Additionally, this camp see’s Jack coaching three promising young riders through their paces, preparing them for future MTB races.

    Produced by Loamlife Media, we pride ourselves on capturing the essence of mountain biking and providing a polished edit, to a tight technical brief, exactly how the client envisions it. Our cameras were there to catch every turn and triumph.

    Stay tuned as we wrap up a spectacular season and set the stage for what’s next for the Gravity School Race Team. Next Stop: Megavalanche.

    00:00 Coming Up
    00:27 Opening Credits
    01:14 Ventoso Day 1
    02:22 It All Depends on the Next Two Days
    03:25 Day 2
    04:41 Casa Gravity School – New HQ
    06:59 Jack’s Crash
    07:24 Boticas
    08:14 Practice
    14:41 Seeding
    17:17 Racing
    18:35 Race Run Reflections
    20:32 Back to Base
    23:19 Final Leaderboard Standings!
    25:12 Credits
    25:40 Still We Rise

    [Music] for back at that first qual in winberg we’re going into Bas this week all swinging really obviously I’m trying to wrap up the series so main thing for me is getting a solid run in yesterday morning I didn’t even know if I’d be able to ride after that stupid crash standing here at my new house and it’s going to be the gravity schools base for everything Portugal for the future all depends on the next few days it’s going to do some bik racing [Music] o [Music] [Music] how was them laps today mate really good mate we end up getting seven runs in so a half day obious sh with track water this morning arriving late last night and uh yeah seven laps so really good tracks running perfect it’s rained before we’ve got here and now we forecast two weeks of nice weather so so yeah really good everyone’s done really well six of us out on track everyone working on slightly different things uh with Reuben we’re trying to build on the momentum we’ve got and that’s the back of that first qual in winterberg we’re going into bicus this week with uh all swinging really so we’ve put in some kind of different fly choice to just change the track a bit for him he’s come here so many times we’re just um going to try and keep it fresh and then tomorrow go out and do some time runs and some fast runs and see how he goes so yeah excited it’s uh I think might [Laughter] this so yeah oh he’s there there he is you re we I was listening oh you saying said I think you might beat me this weekend [ __ ] I mean so it’s coming I’m just trying I’m just trying to make it I’m trying to make it sooner rather than later so I mean all depends on the next few days called day yeah man it’s coming [Music] we got to go big or go home we’re down to the gold M never been a better time to put it all on the line ooh yeah time to put it all on the [Music] line [Applause] [Music] wheny time to put it all on the line yeah put it [Music] all so yeah day two of count 5 is going to be a good day we have got perfect track conditions perfect weather and uh we’ve got Marcus and bjor back after the April Camp Marcus is third no Marcus is fourth on the leaderboard and he wants third cuz uh Tommy Walker is sat in third 3 seconds ahead of him Ruben obviously starting to click it’s great um that speed that raar speed is there and his techniques are really starting to tidy up so let’s see what he does today let’s see if he can take that top spot obviously Bond’s back so beond did a 314 um and we’re going to get him as close as we can to 310 like I said first day on his new raw yesterday and clicked with it straight away so let’s see see how close we can get Beyond to three and there three new riders with us Adam Bine Blake Tumi and Tom Kelce they’re 14 and 15 figuring out the track yesterday they’ve still got features to tick off today they’re the youngest Riders we’ve had out on this on these camps so we’ve not really got anything for them to for them to compare to in terms of times on the leaderboard so we are expecting those three to come in at the back um behind everybody else cuz they’re younger less experienced um got some things to be working on we’re here today and then we move on to the race we’re back here on Monday so they can all have another crack at it on Monday as well if uh they don’t get a job done today so standing here at my new house in Portugal super excited um bought this place in April uh found it last November the house is located about 30 seconds off the uplift Road about 10 minutes from the city um and it’s going to be the gravity schools base for everything Portugal for the future so super exciting uh we’ve got three levels in inside the house at the moment it’s a three-bedroom detached house and that’s all on the middle level um the lower level we’re going to add four extra bedrooms and a bathroom um and that’s also going to be where the workshop is my dad is currently bu a new garage door for the workshop so that we can get that secure so once we’ve got those four extra bedrooms and uh the extra bathroom we’ll have seven bedrooms and three bathrooms and then riders that come out either on coaching camps or just on holiday trips that we’re going to start doing soon we’ll be staying here at the gravity School venue so that everything in one place uh and it’s going to be sick just super excited to have the uh the new Gravity School venue here um shout out to Mark who’s apartment I’ve been abusing for the last 5 years when we’ve been coming out probably longer than five years and uh also a huge shout out to LG Andre uh going bye the bike shop in town that um Andre’s Big Mate of mine now and again been helping me out so much and without those two guys none none of this would have been possible so we’re now in a position where we we’ve got our own base uh we’re still still going to be partnering with with those guys for for everything that we do here uh but at least uh they won’t have to deal with my clutter and my vehicles all over the place so so yeah um really excited to get this off the ground and uh yeah I think that’s it let’s let’s roll with the count five day two let’s get these going fast Marcus we’re going to knock Michael Jackson off that third spot today that’s the plan yeah he is full gas [Music] R’s always claiming he’s the best sit down rider in the world and I actively thought I’ll show him some sit down riding 4 seconds later just seat bounce to jump into the knuckle and just flip the bars the prime example of do what I say not what I do [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right track walk this place is really cool really nice view Fast Track they’ve done some work this year put some features in we hav just seen walk from the road which looks like a shark pin into the flattest Landing I’ve ever seen so let’s actually go and see what’s going on but obviously big crew so let’s go and get the W looking and uh yeah and S it out [Music] I don’t know it’s going to be that one line and it’s going to be inside everything and then pull off a lot so I mean yeah it’s going to be sick so hope I can make it like past the last cor this time [Music] got three team Riders here myself Ruben and nun and Elite um I had a bit of a crash on Thursday at the coaching venue doing a lap Rie at the end um laps of concentration moment of Madness pratting around separated my shoulders slightly on my sternum with my collarbone so very very sore uh whether I can can even ride or about to find out so for myself it’s survival I’m leading the series um it might be a case on Sunday where I just have to roll down um and to see if I can rescue some points to try and win the series uh for those two very different game uh let’s see if they can one two the race um it’s really been clicking Peru over the last couple of weeks and you know we’ll be excited to see if he can win the race that’ll be cool and obviously knew no won the last round so let’s see if he can back that up as well he’s leading the under 23 um and if can come second by me in the overall quite easily might even be able to beat if uh if I can’t get a result this weekend so that that’s the team and then we’ve also got uh five riders with from grabby School coaching Marcus and B back after April um both Keen to um you know do better than they did in April they both crashed so Marcus is riding super well keeping up with r this week at coaching V so Keen see if he can get in that kind of top three top five in the race uh BJ’s got himself a row come back to seals and got one of our bikes so that’s sick riding really well this week already pbd at the coaching venue by 7 seconds so massive Improvement want to see him bring that into the race and have a good one and then we’ve got three youngsters uh Tom Kelce uh Blake Tumi and Adam Vines two under 15 they one under 17 Rider but yeah all quite Greens in sport and uh we’re going to guide them through the weekend my main job this morning is to be with them and help them with the lines things like that and this afternoon if I’m capable I’ll move on to helping these boys and uh see what we can do track’s fun it’s pretty simple flat out they’ve done some work put some features in heading up first run now so let’s go have a look [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] first lap Blake had a bit of a crash so my first job when I went up was to go and find him uh there’s some jumps at the top that are a little dangerous they put rollers in which essentially double double and they’re too close together uh first lap he’d gone for it behind ad made a bit of that bit of a crash so went and found him he was actually okay so once he picked himself up and uh we went down together rest of lads did their warm-up run uh after that run Young Adam was absolutely buzzing he was ticking off a good number of the features so I said to him right I said second last for me third lap for you I’ll put GoPro on a fer so I followed Adam down and as you can see from these shots here is you know he’s kind of weaving around left to right whereas I’m taking straight lines so it was good to get that GoPro show him and then he could like evaluate from that um visibly where he was losing time so he’s now off doing his homework he’s ticked off all of the features that he wants to do which is good um and I then spent two runs working with the elites um what that involved was uh I’d seen Rue come past me and he looked a bit tense it was uh his second lap and he was going fast but he just looked a bit inside shoulder wasn’t coming through the corner he just looked a bit um the Reuben of seya uh kind of esque so I was like right hang on I want to calm him down a bit and just remind him that he is fast and he just needs to do his thing so I got him to follow me third run my shoulders behaving so I just got him to follow me through the lines I’m hitting just nice and smooth and and just remind him that fast needs to feel slow at the start of practice so you can then build from a comfortable position um but then we’re all sharing GoPro footage n’s been on his own agenda uh seing some of his GoPro footage and he’s going well we’re actually as you can see behind Josh is working on the bikes and he’s uh put a reach extend headset in for Nuno which makes the front end of nuno’s bike the same size as Ruben so we’ve identified that his bike’s a little small which is stopping him being able to hinge over and it’s keeping him a bit too upright so all that going on uh afternoon practice has start as we’ve just had some lunch on fed and watered and we’re now going to get out for some afternoon practice so all’s good weather’s great tracks fun we’re going to get out have a look look at it and get on with the afternoon [Music] practice so just on the run with Marcus we just stopped track side this cool little section where there you go you can hop these two steps so just seen Reuben and Nuno come through Reuben didn’t do the Hop but he was going that fast he like up sloped here and then like bounced whereas if you hoop in you’re going down into the landing then you can like hit the turn so got some videos of the boys just had a little look with Marcus um yeah really fun section of the track this is new for this year it was just High speeded terer last year which was a little bit dangerous quite scary as they’ve slowed it down put this cool feature in so that’s sick [Music] I would be sympathetic but I’m [ __ ] not going to be it yeah a bastter than it did you get that [ __ ] hell Surfer Dude smacked his head man should have had your helmet on the waves can’t save you there bro yeah baby yeah baby yeah baby yeah [Music] baby give there it’s your little Pooky B I don’t like this I got hang off what the [Music] don’t you be that funny again don’t make me laugh that hard ever again been run off as soon did can I can I SP spit on his face so practice was good bike was running sweet track is really fast so was just speaking some lines and try to avoid some big holes that was for me so yeah now it’s time to Callis let’s see how he goes [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] all right so seed in was good uh I was surprisingly in first given the current situation I was pleased to get down clean smart lines rode well tick the boxes only a couple of small mistakes um obviously I’m trying to wrap up the series so main thing for me is getting a solid running Nuno is in second couple of mistakes feels like he’s got more to give I’ve seen his GoPros I feel like he’s going to come out swinging it’s going to be interesting uh Reuben I think he was a bit annoyed with himself he was seventh overall fourth Elite but only like 1.2 behind me like really small margins so see if he can get the job done um yeah we’re heading up now let’s going and do some bike racing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I I honestly did think that noo was going to win today I saw some of his GoPro footage from practice like I said and he just looked really fast and and looked like he was on some sick lines and um I if I was gambling I thought he was going to take the win I knew I could wrap the series up here so I in my mind wanted to go into the race run and just have a solid run and um just kind of take the boxes um but when I was up there I just had a really good feeling and my old man had messaged me when I told him that I was just going to cross the te’s and Dot the eyes um he messaged me back and went no reason why you shouldn’t be going up there to win the race as as had to do I guess and that I guess that played on my mind a bit um and the other thing was you don’t really want to win a series without winning a race I won the the race of caro but it wasn’t in the series so um it was it was nice to kind of wrap it up with a win I had a really good race room like I did go for it um shoulder didn’t play up at all so yeah couldn’t be happier with the Run cross the line won the race I think that should be the series done so that’s nice so for me great weekend um in terms of everyone else uh a little bit mixed Nuno and Ruben both feeling like they didn’t have the race runs they wanted which is was a bit of a shame but obviously they’re building so is what it is and then Marcus did the same time as in his seeding said he made some mistakes got frustrated so that know we can keep working on what we’re working on bjor had a small crash and was only two seconds slower than the seeding so he was obviously going faster Shamy had the crash um Adam after an amazing seed in in seconds crashed in his race run um which obviously we’re GED about he was absolutely flying um so shout out to him for his performance he was on for a Podium and unfortunately watched out it happens with racing um Tom Kelce fantastic performance from him you know he was third in seeding third in the race great consistency building on that well done and then Blake did really well he had a huge crash yesterday face shoulder was even like I was surprised he kept riding cuz it was a big crash so massive shout out to Blake for pushing on and cracking on and riding um and doing a solid rund down so that wraps us up um we’re heading back to AG now another day’s coaching tomorrow um yeah Portugal Cup round four it’s been sick so we’re back at CA gravity school after the weekend it’s I don’t even know what time it is I think it’s about halfast 8 and we’ve had breakfast we’re up we’re getting everything out of the van getting the pit set up to the day R is just about to come out of the new doors that my dad’s put on the garage and we’re going to get the lad’s bikes out and start setting stuff up um we’ve got a bit of a strange on for the camp this time uh cuz we came out a day later we got a day on the hill today up ventoso so um getting everything set for a big day up there none of the boys did leaderboard times last week on their second day so uh they’re all going to go for it today so yeah here we go got the got the access to the workshop now so so yeah first part of the morning is just getting everything set getting the pits up getting Josh in the position where he can get the bikes ready and in about 15 minutes R’s going to fly off and get the guys um and I’m just going to tidy the van cuz uh as you can see the van is an absolute um [ __ ] state from the weekend we to Just Launch everything in to get back so this method in the madness get everything sorted this morning so that we can have a good day on the hill [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right so that is a wrap on our 20204 Portugal Camp it’s been unreal as the end of Camp 5 we just finished the final day it’s worked different this time as I’ve said so we come back to our coaching venue and we’re at cast and gravity school and we just finished the leaderboard is complete um the main talking point is that we’ve had a little bit of a change up at the top Markus put an absolute heater down this afternoon uh his previous time was a 55 knew we had time on the hill in April so he’s come back didn’t feel it last week so he sent it today and he’s just managed to get in front of Tommy on a 5189 so yeah that’s the only tweak we’ve seen really the boys down here um Adam and and Tom um both only 14 years old um had a little bit of a battle before lunch where they were both on a 329 and went into the afternoon uh knowing that they could have a bit of a bit of a dog fight so I followed Adam and Ruben followed Tom on the same run um and Adam’s a much more experienced rider even though they’re the same age he had a really good run um and did a 318 and Tom again like built on that 329 and improved to do it 326 so these guys are a lot younger than everybody else um and then the other thing to mention is beond did a 314 when he was here in a and he’s jumped on his Roar and improved to a 308 so yeah that’s the leaderboard complete Nuno needs to sort himself out on the 444 down there I’m already kidding Nuno is not actually been here but um but yeah so that’s it we’re going to make some track changes so the track will be totally different in terms of length next year when we restart the lead the board or I should say probably end of the year because when we Kickstart things in October we’ll be running holiday camps as well as race coach Camp so this will probably kick off again in October and we’ll have a fresh track we’ll have other track so we may even have multiple leaderboards so the sky’s the [Music] limit I can hear him coming riding up the road can’t you hear the druming they’re coming for my soul oh yeah I can hear them calling calling for my head you have to wait a little longer cuz the King Ain’t dead they tried to steal my crown with lights thrown to the darkness and brok inside you can break me down just know I right one day I’m singing still We rise still We rise again

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