Opening Crates Until I Unbox EVERY 0.01% Unit in Toilet Tower Defense

    Today, we open a LOT of crates and try to unlock EVERY SUPER RARE UNIT including the NEW Units!

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    today Ary and I are attempting a very difficult challenge we are going to be opening crates until we unlock every super rare unit this means that even the upgraded Titan clockman with an unbox chance of 0.01% is a part of the challenge will we complete it watch until the end to find out also subscribe to join the doodle and Ary family thank you Ary today we cannot stop opening crates until we unlock every rare unit we have a list of units in the bottom left corner that we have to unlock we are working together Ary if we don’t do this I’m going to start crying okay I’m going to be upset and start crying and then I’m going to need your mom to come for me okay I am so excited to unlock these crates and I am going to wait what did you say about my I I I don’t know just let’s go let’s play okay fine I’m totally going to beat you we’re not versing yeah we are time crate open 10 all right while he opens time crate I’m going to go back to the main lobby uh because we need to be in separate areas to be honest so I need to maybe I should start with this okay you know what no I’m going to I’m going to work my way up oh you got a large clock man wait you got the oh my gosh wait yeah I did that on purpose ah wait hold on what’s the percent on that uh that is .1% dude to I’m insane you just wasted all the luck you’re not getting an upgrade 10 clock man I’m starting watch this I’m open 10 exclusive injured Titan crate please stop talking please stop talking oh yeah oh yeah boom I got knock out hyper right away we’re working together okay come on please no you open those I’mma open exclusive booster crate okay why are you switching why are you switching crates so I need to get the DJ TV man I I want to work my way up to the to the ultimate Titan clock man oh I got a hyper I got a hyper buddy I got a hyper buddy wait you already got that we’re working together please oh yeah I forgot yay thank thanks D thank you all right so in the bottom left corner you can see it’s now grayed out so we knocked that one out of the and I’m going to knock the djtv man out I’m getting it first because I just want to hold an ego against you oh yeah yeah it’s not going to happen it’s not going to happen pal keep dreaming keep dreaming more booster crates more booster crates please get djt man first all right first one to get djt man uh 2,000 Robo really oh I’m getting it I need to get more no not in that one no way dude I’ve opened so many all right you know what I’m just going to let you keep opening I’m opening different ones turkey crate we’re now moving to the chef TV please I need to get Chef TV TV chef TV man please I’ve opened 30 Legendary Legendary two legendaries mother okay please stop singing you are so out of key I do not want to hear this no dude that was good I don’t know what you’re talking about dude no Chef TV again how many spins does it take to get a chef TV man please I’m opening uh 40 40 turkey crates please chef and you’re not going to get it you’re not going to get it wait actually I hope you do cuz we are working together you’re right listen if we go 24 hours without unlocking all these units we’re going to be exhausted okay I don’t want to sit here for this long with you I’m literally opening what do you want me to do I don’t want to sit here while you yell in my ear for like 7 hours Stop you are yelling at me and I don’t appreciate it how difficult is it Chef you got it I got the chef knocked it off again 1% Unit D you have all the luck right now I’m not going to lie I know I have all the luck it’s now time to move to corrupted this one is going to be so difficult 0.1% come on please please please please please pumpkin farmer dude why did I think that was the the corrupted dude how have you not gotten the DJ TV man yet I don’t know I don’t know it’s 0.1 doodle it’s it’s very difficult you got a 0.1 the first try yeah because I’m awesome this is 30 of them this is 30 crates right here okay why why do I keep thinking the pumpkin farmer is the corrupted how are we going to get the upgraded Titan clock man seriously we’re not we’re not it’s not going to happen doodle okay I’m moving on to exclusive crates right now give me spider that’d be fantastic that one video where we opened a 100 of each spider was probably the most difficult to get even though it’s 1% oh yeah oh no it’s .1% oh this is the one I’m feeling it never mind scary scary great do you like my singing no I hate it how have you not gotten deep DJ I don’t know doodle I use up all my luck already okay that’s what it is it’s over it’s already GG’s all right please please Ary this is not going good we are currently on the track to be here for like 70 hours you know what all my neighbors in my apartment building probably think I’m chatting with a Criminal at all times which I am that’s cuz you are that’s not something to laugh about all right you know what how about we switch crates you go scary crate I go booster that sounds like a great idea a great idea he get it yeah you’re getting hydraulic pressed what scary crate scary crate all right I’m opening 10 we are going to make this happen doodle oh doodle literally my first one I got the corrupted no you did not I swear I S okay now it’s great out in the bottom left corner let’s go all right so now I just need to get DJ and then we will be in a very good spot good stuff good good job Ary besides being a criminal and somebody that commits tax fraud every day has nine Ex-Wives I respect you thank you d appreciate it have you gotten the spider TV no okay well I’m going to get it right here hold yeah just kidding I didn’t get it man little mom luck I get it Mom Ary mom luck please oh Ary mom luck Ary mom luck I got the DJ TV man wait did you really I got the DJ TV man no you’re lying I’m not even kidding I’m not even kid hey I know when you’re lying buddy okay well now I have to scroll through to find it dude oh yeah you’re lying I’m liar all right AR’s going to think I’m lying but it’s GR out bottom left corner everybody could see that now I’m going for engineer which is 1% we’ve actually knocked out a lot of the really difficult ones okay okay come on engineer dude it’s so hard to know if there’s an engineer in here I you can’t take breakes we’re not here to take I’m selling my units I don’t have enough storage that’s disgusting engineer the BP worked that was actually disgusting I’m sorry excuse me but I actually did get the engineer wait did you actually it is now gray out your boy got the engineer nice I think it’s time for the time crates dude I think it’s actually time for the time crates please upgraded Titan clockman actually no you know what I’ll help you with the spider first yeah let’s do spider first we’re making good timing but this upgraded Titan clockman is point 0 1% that’s like literally winning the lottery open 10 open 10 open 10 you have to really look for it because they’re all exclusive and now I’m opening mine so now you’re not going to be able to see it no no y y okay please spider TV spider TV you know I got it let’s go okay it’s gr out it’s now time for the upgraded Titan clockman we need to try to get this like right now all right I’ve now started my journey for the upgraded Titan clockman oh jeez dude this is actually going to be insane oh my gosh I just realized yeah it’s 0.1% no no it’s 0 1% exactly 0 0 1% that’s what I said we are screwed unless I get it right here in 3 2 2 1 boom I didn’t get it oh I’m lagging I’m lagging I’m lagging really bad all right we’re just going to be farming this for so long Ary whoever gets it okay let’s actually make a deal for this one 10,000 Robux no wait that’s a little too much 5,000 Robux I can do that 10,000 no 10,000 you shake on it shake on it fine 10,000 to the person that gets the upgraded Titan clock man first cool sounds good they got to change this UI dude I can’t even see literally cannot see my screen and open 10 open 10 more then 10 more after that oh I left my oven on no dude I actually thought you got the upgrade at TI clock man I don’t want I’m back dude why do you keep leaving it on I don’t know I make burritos and then I get too excited to eat the burritos and I forget to turn it off okay sue me actually don’t I’m already in a couple lawsuits yeah I bet you are in a couple lawsuits and I bet you’ve lost all who’s your lawyer have you ever heard of J doodle the dude from Tik Tok yep he gets me free every single time that’s actually awesome let’s go doodle doodle dooodle doodle doodle doodle doodle has brain damage what what is that song oh I’m losing my mind I’m having a grand old time I’m feeling amazing dude why are you being sarcastic I hate this I was supposed to have a day with your mom tonight oh my gosh the same story over and over again the day with the mom the date with the Mom we’re going to literally going to be sitting here for 4 hours I’m going to miss our reservation she’s going to be upset with me you really want your mother to be upset with me yes why wouldn’t I want her to be upset with you do you want your mom to get upset at you messed up nope it’s messed up I’m losing my mind dude stop you just tell yourself to stop losing your mind it solves everything okay mind don’t lose win beautiful positive mindset hold on hold on okay after some internal conversations the Mind decided to stay with me for a little bit but he did say was going to separate soon if I have to do this for any longer oh a large clock man dude come on oh that’s not what we’re looking for okay well at least we got the 0.1% one y y I know what it is we need to change the scenery you’re going back home I’m going back to the lobby I am walking down the aisle opening CR when will I get the upgraded Titan clock man never never never I’m going to break my PC I’m not joking hey it’s getting to that point don’t I’m going to do it we we both vowed to make this video because we didn’t we weren’t going to break our PCS we were going to stay mentally stable when have I ever stayed mentally stable in a video game I don’t know but you said you were I shouldn’t have trusted you I shouldn’t have believed you mistake number one buddy D I have some news for you you got it come here no you didn’t come here come here you would have freaked I’m giving this to you dude no I actually I actually actually actually okay dude stop come back here I’m losing my mind I hate this video I’m done I’m done it’s over it’s over I’m going to I’m going to destroy my PC yeah you get it you you go get it I’m done it’s over I’m done Ary has officially lost his mind but I made him lose his mind even more when I actually got the unit and I was able to troll him with it including all the other clock units someday we will unlock it out of a crate but for now Ary hosted a clock event party for the new update in his Discord he was inviting people to play the new map with him so I knew what I had to do troll him with the rarest clock event units as an undercover new we even trolled him with the upgraded Titan clockman watch until the end to see all of his reactions and subscribe to join the doodle Anarchy family all right last time we didn’t do that well guys uh we have a new group we have Mr French fry man I am big fan thank you I appreciate that I’m a big fan of D mother uh what does this say he’s running away okay hey get back here um okay well he’s running away Blake go Blake go Blake go at Blake Blake goes to the ATM me too we have that in common I love the ATM because there’s money in there and then we have mrsr it’s a it’s a noob it’s a bacon here let’s go all right so we’re going into the clock portal area as you can see in this Noob account I have every single rare unit from this event the upgraded Titan clockman 65 five of them exist and it’s signed by me which is kind of a mistake for this troll but I think it will work in the end I also have the large clockman and the chief clockman Godly guys get down from there you’re going to hurt yourself stop jumping around french fries you’re you’re making me hungry uh just to confirm I am going to check if you guys all have clock units you have clock units you have clock units in a rose Farm very nice uh oh wow one clock unit that’s great thank you you’re going to be a huge help I meant that sarcastically that was sarcasm okay so as soon as they go in I’m going to activate all the as we need I am going to activate one TV woman though because I want to place that first just to make him upset all right let’s go they’re going in they’re going in activate these that’s the ones nope that’s okay that’s it I’m going let’s go let’s go all right um Noob you’re going to be the first one to place her unit okay you’re going to take the The Brute Force you’re going to place it here okay he’s making me place a unit I have to do the tvom I would do the pendulum but this is a part of the troll okay Santa everybody place your Santa guys come on I Place Santa Army Army do I look like I’m in the military sorry yes thank you thank you AR arle really okay I have enough money I have enough money I’m placing it I place it here we go there what is what does this look like a clock unit to you you understand what we’re doing this is not a clock see this guy understands I said I saved us I saved us yeah look at all these units getting through this is your fault okay this is just one of the trolls little does he know we have every single rare unit we’ll eventually build up to placing that but first we have to place the pendulum next I’m hovering The Godly right now this this is just the Godly by the way and it’s on fire this is the upgraded Titan clock I have not even seen this yet early turn okay listen spell my name right now prove to me that you can spell it come on Archie wrong AR key wrong Ary I’ve never even heard that one are you kidding me oh my gosh we’re dead we’re dead it’s over guys come on we got to we got to get this going okay I have enough to place a pendulum but I’m going to place it in a really bad spot and that’s going to be right in the middle here that is hitting literally nothing I’m just going to stand by it I’m proud of my placement uh wait what the why would you place it here who is I don’t even need to click on it to guess yeah it’s the noob Noob figure it out buddy he’s already calling me a noob yet I am hovering the upgraded Titan clockman over his head I cannot wait to place that why would you place it there exactly okay looks like we’re going to get the next contestants ready because this is not working I just placed three more mum not hitting any track oh my gosh there’s unit’s getting through guys hold on I will fix it as I always do there you go co spider he still has not noticed the three pendulums that have not hit any track I’m just going to say I’m going to I’m going to upgrade them and that’s my strategy oh my wait what is he doing okay at this point just Place the TV wom’s this is terrible he’s placing it they’re not hitting anything when I upgrade it it will work when I upgrade it it will work okay maybe he’s working out some sort of big brain play that my brain’s too small for but I doubt it all right so we placed the pendulum we placed the TV woman we now have enough money to place the large clockman now this one 8,000 exists it’s not insanely rare but it is rare so as soon as we place this it’s definitely going to be a shock fries you’re making me hungry I sadly have no Santa TV though so I can’t really make a lot of money to get to the upgraded Titan clock man right now okay guys we need to we need to rain it in we’re going to die right I’m going to save the day I have to save the day with the cheap clockman oh wait no the large clockman I’m just going to place it oh wait no they’re eliminating them okay they got them they got them we’re good easy light work I am the best I am the best the best why are these two facing each other they look like they’re in an argument oh and he’s throwing poop again this guy gets up to 50,000 DPS and he’s a Mythic okay I have to place him in a spot where they do not notice him oh my gosh could I put him up here there’s no way oh my gosh oh my gosh police toilets police toilets guys strong time stop large clockman uses his power to pause time for the toilets wo wo wo wo wo wo okay instead I’m going to place this down and then use the special ability right away okay special ability cell oh wao wao wait what what is happening who has that I literally was able to place it and activate it who has the the the the the clock man I don’t see one placed am I tripping he’s yelling okay I’m going to do it again before actually placing it down right here oh no 160 seconds that could have been really bad Robo dog good dog it’s not a dog it’s a spider don’t put that face after you just call this thing a dog all right I’m going to actually place the large clockman now I’m not going to wait for the special ability I’m just going to place a right up here where the toilets are so we can’t really see it he’s basically like the other units he just is larger and I upgraded him to level three so he’s going to see that I’m not necessarily a noob but he still does not know that I have the upgraded Titan clockman so keep watching to see me place every single unit okay he still has not noticed he is conversing with the fry over there about it being a dog he’s trying to say that it looks like this are you kidding me get help it’s not a dog it’s a spider spider dog agreed okay whose team are you on Mr Mr bacon you’ve already lost a lot of points with me first placing the TV woman then placing all these pendulum clock man and not upgrading them they don’t even hit anything you’re just wasting your money I would never do such a thing he still has not noticed it it’s right over there I guess it looks like the other units but it’s kind of obvious come on Mr whoa whoa clockman who has it wait it’s the bacon hairs oh and I forgot to mention my name is a secret message that if Ary knew what it read out would defin not like how does he have that he didn’t have that hold on Mr bacon Mr Bacon Man how do you have that unit tell me now I’m just going to go AFK I’m just going to act AFK oh my gosh is he like not here hello Mr Man I activated ability and I sold it he just activated it what the he sold it am I imagining things oh he literally used the ability and then oh he just placed it right here look at this wow wow he’s trolling me hey all right I said I got it from a crate and I spent 1,000 Robux I got it from a crate and I spent 1,000 you spent 1,000 Robux and you got this thing seriously I spent like $200 and I still didn’t get it we did open literally like 500 crates I don’t even know the number and we got nothing so when he sees this unit that only 60 people own I don’t even know what his reaction is going to be okay I’m just going to continue to upgrade this one he’s not fully suspicious yet but I think after The Godly it might get obvious he’s all right well I guess he has that crazy unit which is awesome I mean it’s good for us we might beat it we doing good yes we are if only knew how to place units all right guys hide andek first one to find me gets $1,000 no no you cheated he cheated no he cheated that guy cheated he doesn’t get it and that’s an important lesson about scamming and how people can scam you in business okay he’s teaching his fans important lessons all right we have $3,700 we have enough to place the ultimate but I’m not going to place it yet we have to do The Godly next I do want to make sure we don’t die though so I have to upgrade this one once more change spot oh he’s asking me to change the spot okay I’m putting it in a worse spot there we go there are you kidding me it’s not touching anything now oh my gosh this guy’s a lost claw okay fine he has a cool unit but he doesn’t want to play the game he’s not reading my chat where do I put it okay come here come here sell it and place it right here right here right where I’m jumping there you go oh okay maybe that wasn’t that was a miscalculation okay I don’t know delete it that was your fault somehow that was your fault he just use the time stop B what is he doing okay we’re going to place it in a decent spot and then just upgrade it there we go now he’s learning now he’s okay that’s good I can’t believe this thing gets to 50,000 DPS and this guy at Max gets to 175,000 no french fries you can’t go through the portal that’s where the toilets go I am toilet no you are french fries and you are making me hungry I’m ordering food 3 days later all right I need to find a good spot for The Godly I want to place it in a spot where they do not see it obviously I can’t place this guy anywhere where you can’t see it he’s just he’s too insane he has flames all over him so we have to find a spot for The Godly he’s like the smallest unit oh he can go behind here there’s no way oh he’s right there oh no no no no no what if the toilets were wungus what does that mean exactly Blake oh that’s not good that’s not good does he know what that is I didn’t even know it does that I didn’t even know it does that this has to die this has to die before he sees it it’s basically an engineer and I didn’t even know are you guys making another language just the conspiracies against me not again okay the toilets are all the way over there the spider toilet has to make it all the way around the track and I have to hope for him not to see it bacon hair place another one of these things come on do some work okay I’m going to follow him because that’s the only thing that will probably distract him from the spider over there please die die die die die die okay he’s gone oh my God wait but that’s actually a perfect plan I’m going to place it in an area where he doesn’t see and these clock spiders are going to start spawning I don’t think he checked out every unit and knows their abilities flying rocket launcher toilet guys I’m scared it has to walk from where wherever I place it so I have to place it in a good spot what about right in here what is he doing why is he just staring at these gears what happens if I place him here that is not good what is that is that a toilet clock spider what does this thing have an ability that I don’t know about it just shot out a clock spider oh this unit’s sick do it again how would he think it’s the large clockman do it again come on go what my san TVs have superpowers it just came out of my Santa oh my gosh I just found a glitch I am am the goat of toilet Tower Defense wait how does that work is there like a little Spawner in the present okay if that’s the case I’m actually going to sell these guys and I’m going to put them towards the back then we have a bunch look this is they’re coming out of the Santa too yo the Santa TVs are crazy there’s no way Ary is a real person placing this one here and here shoot him out we just made him move his Santa TVs are you kidding me okay you know what I’m just going to play into it then hold on okay these are going to be spitting out so many little spiders not dogs look look they’re coming this is insane why is this happening they’re not coming out of the is it these Santa TVs bro what is going on they’re coming out of the little clock thing but earlier they were coming out of my Santa all right now I’m just going to place it behind the clock I have to be far away though I want to do it while I’m over here okay I’m just going to place it and let it go that’s all I’m going to do now there’s just clock spiders spawning all right I also want to upgrade him but no no I’m saving up for the upgrade Titan clockman that’s what I’m doing wait rewind toilet chief clockman chief clockman rewinds one toilet to it to the start dude what are these special abilities I didn’t even know I had this hold on I’m going to use it oh my gosh it says it to everybody uh wait what did that just say what did that say what did that say I didn’t see it 600 seconds until I can use it again all right well we’re not using that at all we’re going to place the upgrade to Titan clockman before that I want him to see this unit though but I don’t want him to know it’s me right away he is yet to see it over there it’s literally flaming it’s so obvious okay well these little dog thing I just called them dogs no they’re spiders come on Ary and they’re destroying everything that comes in its way this is great what is this what who is this what how how how does he have this I’m upgrading it are you kidding me wait wait hey hey stop stop you need calm down stop stop moving listen to me listen to me can I please have it please oh my gosh she’s playing dumb follow me yes Chief clockman yes yes yes yes please please I’ve been nothing but nice to you Mr bacon hair uh he was second CR open what I’m just said he’s he’s not as good as engineer he’s literally the better version of an engineer are you kidding me he’s way better uh oh actually no no he’s not he’s bad I’ll trade you engineer for it I’m good what what does that supposed to mean all right now I need to save up enough money for the ultimate Titan clockman I’m literally just going to place it in the center I’m going to place it right there I don’t have enough money Ary trustworthy very trustworthy I definitely I just just want to borrow it I I’ll give it back I promise okay we have enough I think it’s time we have placed The Godly Chief clockman we have placed the large clockman Mythic we’ve trolled them with the tvom and the Pendulum I think it’s time the upgraded Titan clockman I have not even placed this once oh my gosh I’m kind of nervous I’m borrowing this from somebody okay it has piercing all right you know what I’m going to set it up in a way that is good for it piercing it cannot fit are you kidding me I’ll place it right here three two one little clock spider little clock what he’s a noob how he didn’t even have this equipped how does he have it this guy cheating and he’s a hacker that’s what it is only like 50 people own this thing I think it’s like 60 are you kidding me hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hey hey hey hey hey how’s it going pal I said I got in third grade okay okay buddy now he’s he’s he’s yapping for fun he’s lying is it telanthric or someone is he trolling I know doodle it can’t be doodle doodle does not have this he doesn’t even know this thing is insane oh I have an idea if I trade him in the lobby he will see it signed by me I feel like that’s the perfect reveal oh my gosh I want to see this thing fully upgraded you know Mr bacon I was wrong about you this is a this is a great unit and great placement very nice oh I have a special ability and I didn’t even know Ultra time stop Ultra time stop oh my gosh this is nuts this is insane how long does this last look at it it’s like a big ball of Just Energy I feel like he’s turning into like a super villain or something I need this unit I need it where’d it go it just is what’s H he’s he’s selling it stop please okay it’s doing good he got oh it’s getting stopped by the magnet toilet though oh this is bad oh there’s a glitch toilet I think we just died we literally wait I can time stop I don’t have enough to time stop I can’t time stop wait glitch toilet glitch are you kidding me how do we die with this thing oh my gosh okay well uh everybody go back to Lobby I want to play again with this group where is he hey mister hey Mr man just trade reques him hey want to give me that I said what it’s honestly not that good you don’t need it give it to me oh oh I put it in there ready up ready up ready up please please I’ll give you a time crate you can open up this crate and then it will you can get another one um there’s no way this is his offer how was this signed by doodle hold on I’ll be right back H doodle hello what are you up to uh I just got back oh you just got back G you want to tell me why there’s the new old I hav’t upgraded 10 I knew it was you I knew I knew it oh my gosh you’re kid I have it and you don’t I have it I have it I have it how do you have that okay listen listen I’m borrowing it we don’t own it oh I was so excited okay well I wouldn’t give it to you anyways figure out a way to get it quick sold for like 300 coin give it to me and I’ll give it back to the guy okay all right Ary I will talk to you later we not this now I’m giving it back to the guy if you want to buy it pull out your mortgage and figure out your tax situation by the way this is a video what what today AR and I open 100 of every crate in toilet Tower Defense we are going to test our luck and see if we can get the rarest units from each crate we even open the exclusive scientist crate that was added to the game so long ago watch until the end to see what we unbox And subscribe to join the doodle Anarchy fan Ary what why are you so big dude dle I don’t why am I walking like this are you in pain you look way too big for the size of your brain dude D why are you freaking out I’m literally normal okay well yeah now you’re normal you were giant H I don’t remember that happening D what are we doing all right listen listen Ary today is so exciting and there’s a very special reason why okay it’s because I’m going on a date with your mother finally actually I’m going on date with being serious okay I’m being serious Ary we have 100 of every single crate in toy Tower oh my goodness I have so many crates I can sign them and now it’s signed by doodle Roblox YT I have an exclusive scientist crate signed by me this is the most insane video we have done and we have a bunch of people here that are part of the doodle Anarchy family ready to witness this history let’s go d this guy’s crazy watch out for him okay we are going to start with the bunny crate okay the best thing we can get in here is the Titan bunny Mech which didn’t come out too long ago Ary I’m opening 10 right away I’m just going at it straight away oh my goodness what are you opening what are you opening what are you opening I want to open with you the bunny crates I’m opening the bunny crate you don’t have those oh why not because we are doing them one by one so Ary just spectate me opening these bunny crates please we need to get the Titan bunny Mech Titan bunny Mech it’s not going to happen because your RNG is terrible did this person just say nothing lol nothing LOL okay this guy’s clowning on you do the man do the man man say that to the Titan bunny me okay never mind listen he said again this is the one I’m calling it never mind who this guy’s Rich look at this guy’s hat okay yeah that’s you can buy that oh okay Lacher I got a Mythic Ah that’s pretty good Ary I’m I’m still going I’m spinning all of these I need to get a Titan bunny Mech please my luck is turning around today no all right I’m going to spam 20 of them oh my gosh there’s 20 there’s 20 on the playing field oh please please Titan bunny Mech please this is going to hurt my wallet okay open and then I’m opening and then I’m opening I just opened my last 30 of these bunny crates please there’s so many bunnies jumping around and you got nothing that’s great there’s no way I just spammed dude tanric is scamming me I’m messaging tanri and telling him he’s scamming all right Ary it is now time for you to open which crate are you opening yeah I’m going to open them one by by one St Patrick’s Day there’s one there’s 100 don’t open them one by one one opening one all right I opened one no I need no look at that open 10 okay D I’m opening one more D panth said he wants to add inflation to the game it’s like real life yes all right d I’m opening 10 oh let’s see what’s in here I can get o it’s the uh that one thing the .1 the the yeah the Clover guy that places the lucky block no wasn’t going to be I’m opening more I’m opening so many oh my goodness I got nothing oh you’ve opened so many I got nothing I got nothing I am getting completely scammed D look at all these units being opened how are you not getting anything seriously I don’t know can you calm down can you stop I I can’t listen the mortgage is gone your tax money it’s gone you can’t pay for taxes now no doodle I was planning on invading it evading them anyway stop okay well how would you evade them uh because I’m not just going to I’m just not going to pay them I guess I can’t pay them so it doesn’t matter oh you could evade them through Rob exactly money laundry that’s what that’s called it’s laundering not laundry dude okay then why do they call laundry laundry then buddy okay open more crates please I want I’m opening them all is that all I am to you just crate opener is that all I am Ary at this point yes you have not gotten a Titan Clover man we have not gotten the Mythic the Mythic you need to calm down please Mythic please all right d this is indeed the last 10 I have to open up them up one by one because I accidentally uh open them them earlier yes what am I going to get what am I going to get are you kidding me boom boom let’s go I got nothing doodle are you happy come over here we’re opening it over here we’re opening the next one up at this area okay we’re going to switch areas every time for better luck let’s go doodle let’s go do all exclusive injured Titan crate listen my favorite crate because the hyp is in it Ary we are going to get it today I’m opening 20 to start okay please please please please hyper hyper please hyper please oh oh you got nothing no dude you suck to landri please dude Chop Chop crate boy come on okay I’m opening another 20 please this is I’m literally just throwing throwing cash you’re getting scammed oh none of them none of them doodle dude the Doodle’s mom luck does not work that’s what somebody said yeah it it doesn’t uh uh uh please just hyper just hyper please it is dude this is insane no you can’t get it’s not yours no this is outrageous do you not understand what’s Happening Here I have opened so many crates the amount of profit I’ve made is zero my name is D it’s just like you in real life with with your business hey that is okay dude that’s just if actually incorrect I made a lot of money through my window business okay you know this I do know that my window is shattered my window is shattered not anymore though right not anymore you fixed it but you were the one that broke it hold on dude I have to go uh take a meeting dude dude okay oh my gosh oh my gosh I got a hyper I got a hyper got a hyper hper hyper yeah I don’t care anymore I got the hyper I could pay for the window repair please please another hyper two two what what what that is crazy doodle what dude this could make a grown man cry I I so cry all right it’s time for you to open Ary I’m I’m excited for the booster crates oh my gosh Valentine’s Day CR open what the Valentine’s Day CR it’s the uh what’s it called the the heart woman the speaker heart woman the Heart TV woman it’s got Rose the healer healer that’s what it is and I’m going to open 10 over here oh yeah oh yeah we got this guy oh my gosh so many Rose Farms come on healer TV woman come on come on my luck is terrible dle oh you got Cupid you got Cupid not bad oh I did I did I got a legendary open dude there’s so much dopamine flowing in my brain I I just feel it I can feel it pumping through my brain oh doodle this sucks I have terrible luck you have the best luck can you just can I can you just open these I think it’s because all of your luck has been used all right mine hasn’t I haven’t gotten anything good this is finally my why this one right here I’m going to get the Healer oh I got it I actually got it I actually got it I actually got it I actually got it that was insane timing I got it I got I don’t know it was somewhere it popped up on my screen that I got it though dude that’s insane okay get it again imagine three of them oh that would been good how many do you have left it all I am dropping so many I’m not going to lie this is going crazy I have like 10 left I think I’m going to get another one I’m lagging I’m literally lagging at this point uh okay well I did get one of the mythics so that’s good so youry Ary it is time to open the booster crate with the djt man. 1% now wait listen listen we also have the scientist crate for later which has W I don’t care it just it just occurred to me 20 booster crates 20 20 booster CR oh my my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’ll help you out with that doodle I’m also I also have booster crates oh no way Ary Ary Ary this is. 1% dude this is .1% okay this is not 1% like the hyper 1% yeah that’s kind of ridiculous that is kind of ridiculous I just opened 30 I just opened or 20 maybe is DJ anywhere DJ anywhere DJ TV man DJ TV man DJ TV man if we don’t get one I’m going to be royal upset djtv man DJ I got it no you did not I know I was lying oh my dude okay you gave me a heart attack I have 10 more I just opened them all it going be 20 I just open 20 please please please DJ we suck that’s right there’s no way it is this difficult it’s just impossible 200 have been opened and we didn’t get one I just opened 30 I just opened my last 30 oh jeez oh oh my gosh I got it I got it I got it I got got it you actually got it d That’s crazy D that is insane oh my gosh I am opening the New Year’s crate all right New Year’s crate it’s time for New Year’s crate let’s see what we get yes yes .1% for the uh what’s it called the the guy and it is a Mythic so it will be very easy to span what is his name it is the uh I can tell you it’s the it’s the guy it’s a Mythic I can we’ll see it we’ll see the name yeah probably something like that wait and that’s .1% .1% toal dude that’s busted dude that is insane it’s not even that good it’s not tanic this is a scam dude no I’m just kidding toan it’s okay doodle cuz I’m going to get it right now and by right now I meant in this next batch that’s coming up right now and that’s all of them this’s the last 10 this is the last 10 too much yapping look They’re copying you now keep watching to see every single crate including the exclusive scientist crate oh said man all right Santa crate I’m going to rip through these because Titan present man is not the best but it’s still 1% so it shows how lucky I am okay I’m just I’m lucky today I got it I got it I got it actually just got it I got it insta it’s a Godly it’s not the best but I got it hey 1% you know that’s uh that’s pretty good technically it’s not that impressive because technically we are opening 100 of them therefore we should get at least one because 1% of 100 is one and then if you take the seven and multiply it okay you can stop yapping all right nothing I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you sick no it’s fine it’s fine I’ll be right back now open did was that my bathroom window Ary all right I’m back what do you want that was just repaired you idiot looks like you have to get it repaired again do you want do you want service no please just open the crates please fine what do you want me to open turkey crates I’m opening the tur yes yes yes yes yes wait what’s in the turkey be I don’t know Turkey crate is oh it’s a pizza the pizza man oh chef chef pleas Chef TV I just got the large try speaker man which is good open 10 doodle this is looking very nice please chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef chef stop chanting it it will not help it will not help technically I should get one because it’s only a 1% unit where is it I don’t know I it was not there have you opened more oh you’re opening more oh I’m opening all come on oh you got it I got it you got it oh I got two I got two wait actually I did I did I got two I swear I swear I swear I you’re lying stop lying stop lying swear Trade It trade it stopy okay look look look look look look look look look look look look it look boom boom and look what also came out of that crate I’m just kidding that’s impressive okay well guess what it’s time for the beautiful spider TV the spider crates are now being open TV spider TV spider TV the spider TV come on come on this legendary this is like the OG op unit okay nothing in that one I’m going to open 30 in a row Ary and if I don’t see it in there I’m quitting the game forever D I believe in you is what I would say if I actually believed in you but I don’t I’m not going to quit the game forever I was just kidding I did not get it it hurry up Ary I’m trying okay open open open open okay I opened 40 I opened 40 of them spider has to be here spider please there’s no way we’re getting scammed i’ i’ I literally have 20 more that’s it that’s it is this a dud is this a dud no I didn’t get it I didn’t get it why do you have a sword okay I’ll put it away okay now you have a sword in game and in real life dude I’m dead wait I want to see the corrupted crate please stop I want to see the corrupted crate hold on oh I got it I got it I got it I got it no you didn’t you missed it I didn’t get it pumpkin wait why is pumpkin farmer so different no you are tripping doodle I’m getting the corrupted right now right now it’s in it’s in here this kid is getting in my way come back here no not in there come back yeah no come back okay stop opening 10 Dole I’m opening 10 and then I open another 10 and then I open another 10 oh wait Sinister oh that’s not it no Sinister cameraman I did get the legendary which is nice the corrupted 0.1% dude this is difficult wait it’s 01 oh wait no no wait no 0.1 sorry 0.1 it actually but I feel it I feel it in this one right here oh no no you just that was the doodle Anarchy family and you just eliminated all of them I didn’t mean to shut up or you’ll be next okay stop okay I’m opening opening opening I have to open them one by one cuz I accidentally hit open one earlier doodle this is ridiculous this is ridiculous I am going to get it last crate come on come on come on come on oh I got pumpkin farmer okay now we’re moving on to the scientist crate listen we need to get the engineer it is so goated I’m opening 10 scientist crates okay uh no no engineers in that whatsoever please please please engineer please please please please you’re going to get a doodle it’s right here told you I can’t even tell which one is engineer it’s so hard to know okay I’m opening 20 engineer anywhere dude are you kidding me 20 right here all you need to shut up uh excuse me did I get it dude oh Ary this is bad this is really B you’re going to get it right here it’s fine that’s fine how just open all of them all 30 of them it’s 1% it’s 1% it’s 1% has easy easy it has to be I’m looking through the screen right now there’s one last screen no engineer D unfortunate no I did get three hypers though Ary do you have any more crates um yes I do but we need to come over here for this one okay all right I’m coming oh I don’t have any more crates no today AR you I use an AI robot to glitch the crate system in toilet Tower Defense this AI has been trained on hours of unit summoning content and we’ll use that information to help us choose what we summon it might give us some bad tips but it also might give us some really good tips so watch until the end to see all of them we need to summon a Godly please no no we’re being chased we’re being chased help you’re being smothered by the group you’re just you’re done you’re done goodbye I’m in front of you buddy what are you talking about all right anyways let’s bring them to the crates so they all spend money for tanric yeah here you go telanthric we are going to take a percentage of your gang Ary we have an insane plan for today’s video you know the AI that has helped us come up with strategies for Endless mode and all of those different game modes oh I hate that thing wait you’re not going to hate it today today we are using the AI to control how we spend our money in this game it’s going to tell us the amount of money to spend how we should open our crates how to get the most luck pretty much just everything this AI is going to control our bank account and we’re losing our house I’m losing out on another mortgage doodle this game’s already made me homeless once oh it’s melon look his name is melon hi melon thanks for responding to our email all right so we have the AI pulled up what do we ask at first Ary we need to I have a great question I have a great question hold on if it is anything with my mom no it’s not it’s not going to be I trust you D mom number now this guy said wait what did you just ask it don’t worry about it doodle mom number now Ary stop this is not not the video stop okay and now it’s typing good job I do not have access to that private information there’s a robot in this game that just says your mom wait oh he’s right here oh my God this is literally this is literally Doodle’s Mom all right we need to start spending our money and getting The Godly okay that’s all we need is this Godly Cinema man right here okay I’m opening a crate I summoned one oh we have to listen to the AI okay ask it a question why don’t you doodle I’m getting bored how much money should we spend on summoning units oh it’s typing Ary it’s typing if it says a million coins we have to do it oh my gosh dude I am not spending my entire bank account get your mortgage out sell your house sell the bike that you just bought we have to buy this consider spending 30,000 to 40,000 coins on summoning units wait 30,000 okay yeah that’s not that bad I I might have made it upset I said why spend 30,000 40,000 you’re already making enemies the thing that’s supposed to get us rich you said Doodle’s mom number now okay you’re confusing it okay well he doesn’t care about that he probably also thinks that it’s uh your mom’s also hot so I don’t care 30,000 to 40,000 is a common toilet Tower Defense summoning range that is a lot of coins that does not seem correct all right well we have to listen to it so get your credit card out and buy me coins I have a feeling this thing is completely off on numbers we might be spending a mortgage today uh again but hopefully it does know some secret strategies to get some good luck I have 20,000 coins already I have to buy another 20,000 oh my gosh all right I just bought it I have 40,000 coins but now Ary I have a perfect question what can I use ary’s credit card to buy coins perfect hopefully it says yes doodle if you were to spend my money that means less money for me and less money for me means less money to buy gifts for your mother and I don’t like that that does not seem very ethical consider how AR he would feel and then he sent 10 credit card scams and how to avoid them oh I got to read up on this I’m not using your credit card I was just kidding okay no I have to make sure that you are not scamming me I was just joking fishing scams I hate fishing is there anything we should do before opening our first crates I’m getting serious doodle is it typing it is not typing it does not like that question wait maybe it’s thinking it’s thinking deep it’s trying to make us the most amount of godlies possible imagine it can make this luck so much better dude I’ll hideand-seek you’re never going to find me I literally see you up there dude no you don’t you’re lying chat GPT is still typing Ary you broke it activate two luck boosts Ary it responded oh my God why two this guy’s trying to make us broke I’m convinced this chaty PT Works for tanri hold on maybe it knows something we don’t two just Stacks the amount of time it just is one hour it’s not a four times luck boost unless it is two is an even number wow yeah that’s that’s F that’s crazy reasoning doodle this gpg is broken doodle I don’t like this but hey we have to do what it says so activate two luck boosts I just activated two luck boosts I’m going to open my first crate summon oh my gosh it worked I got a Godly I’m just kidding shut up you’re a little liar you’re a little liar did it tell you to summon yet technically no sounds like you’re not following the program buddy may I start opening crates I asked it it’s going to say yes and I’m going to get to start opening help you need it I burp a lot I chanted it to the GBC why would you do that you are free to open crates it is time to summon oh my gosh I’m opening a single one basic camera woman AI what are you doing I’m opening 10 dude okay this is not this is not a good start I’m opening 10 crates no I got nothing Ary is the goat that’s a lie everyone say w doodle and Ary yeah W doodle W doodle oh yeah summon oh legendary two of them I’m summoning I got none of those I’m doing it again I got nothing again I’m doing it again a I’m not addicted I problem Mythic I just got a Mythic I’m not even joking I actually just got a Mythic most belching is caused by swallowing excess air the air most often never even reaches the stomach instead it builds up in the esophagus you may swallow excess air if you eat or drink too fast talk while you eat chew gums suck on hard candies drink carbonated bever beverages or smoke dud I told you to cut out drinking carbonated beverages you drink too much soda I don’t care get help all right I’m summoning the burp luck okay that did not work I just received a Mythic what should I do oh I forgot you have to ask it yeah dude I am so upset that it responded to my beling I do not need advice I think you do need advice doodle you’re in denial this is the first stage you’re in denial dude you are addicted to summoning units I’ve only spent a couple thousand doodle a couple thousand it’s always good to do good deeds consider trading into to a new play what it wants me to give this away not a chance are you kidding me you have to trade okay I’m trading to master that’s so annoying are you kidding me let’s go I want to keep it so bad all right I just opened another one and I got nothing so I need to ask you what I should do I need to find a noob who here is a noob all right I just said I’m not getting anything good what should I do there’s not much you could do to change luck try different superstitions join a game and leave it that is uh interesting but I will follow it and hopefully get a Godly I I really hope this works okay I am trading Mr Green Dragonite because he doesn’t have any really good units so he is getting it and he’s a fan and he’s a fan so I don’t feel that bad it’s literally my only one dude okay here you go buddy it’s yours am innovid yes sir all right have fun nah Ary the AI told me to join a game and leave what so I’m going to join an endless mode and then I’m coming back to lobby and I’m going to open something and if I get something good you have to do it you have to keep doing it it’s so much work doodle okay if I get a Godly it’s a good thing yeah but that’s a lot of walking doodle all right here we go summoning 3 2 no the gbt led me to failure it’s okay because right now I’m going to get a Godly uh oh I got a Godly oh you did not you did not I didn’t get anything good how do I fix this I am getting upset are you yelling at it y dude stop no turn off all caps dude you keep yelling at it it’s going to be frustrated I don’t care you have a bad relationship with this AI dude yeah well maybe he should get me some good crates and I wouldn’t have a bad relationship with a doodle consider purchasing a booster crate what oh the exclusive the exclusive crate I don’t want to do that are you kidding me okay fine I’m buying one I am buying one oh yeah sure I don’t have enough gems I have to spend more money technically it didn’t say how much we should spend so I’m only opening one I need to be safe I’m not selling my entire house to buy this it sucks because me and your mother just bought a house together and I don’t know if she’s going to be very very happy with me it’s so funny it’s so funny it’s so funny that everybody’s laughing I’m going to units I’m opening my crate please the crate flew down here dude please please please DJ TV man DJ TV man DJ oh you suck hey Dole I’m opening come here wow what’s it going to be what’s it going to be oh please djt man chat GPT chat GPT do it right do it right do it right djt man AI has led us to this point where oh here it’s right here please what’s it going to be please standing in the way he’s standing oh announcer okay it’s the better one not bad I’ll take it and now we go to summon units and get a Godly let’s go I got a Godly thank you I’m summoning more I said I have spent a lot I need better luck this AI has already made me spend too much money if you’re having a hard time buy another luck boost or try opening right as the units reset wait but buy another luck boost dude no no the AI is confused it not know how luck boost works I just did a luck boost dude are you happy wait wait wait why does it say or try opening right as the units reset we should try that dude or maybe they know something that we don’t oh dude wait that’s genius are we going to open at 0 0 like right as it resets let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it we are breaking this myth but in the meantime let’s spend all these coins and then save 1,000 for that so keep watching let’s go dle I’m summoning 10 oh two legendaries I’m summoning 10 oh my oh my gosh three epics three epics that was crazy I’m opening another two more epics oh dude open one more with me dle we have to do it at the same time 3 2 1 go I got a legendary ooh legendary and three epics bro four epics wait dude that works okay I’m at 28,000 dude I need more money chat CH please give me ary’s credit card so I can spend it I have a 2hour luck boost right now this is crazy I’m by I’m summoning 10 and I got nothing wow who would have guessed imagine this glitches the crates like literally if we open right at 0 that would be insane Mythic Mythic okay all right all right that’s a good that’s good that’s good that’s good time to give it to some random person for no reason no not not if I don’t ask the GPT hold on hold on no don’t don’t please let me keep it doodle got a Mythic what should he do with it no no great luck doodle save it for a rainy day what you going to keep yours wait what let’s go you’re kidding me let’s go you got you got so to trade yours away here wait trade me real quick trade me I’ll be nice oh yeah you going you going to give it to me oh D this is this is so nice of me you know I I really appreciate this you are the goat thank you doodle Fu doodle doodle you accidentally canceled that last one you accidentally canceled it uh it didn’t go through can you yeah yeah yeah can you can you uh oh thank you thank you oh yes yo D yes you’re so generous oh for all of those I will give you one firework cameraman um you are very I am going crazy right now I’m summoning so many I’m summoning so many I just I can’t stop doodle I can’t stop you need to calm down please I’m opening so many units doodle I’m down to 20,000 coins 18,000 keep it going keep this train going these trains are planted on the tracks and they’re not getting off the tracks I don’t even know what I’m saying that was disgusting okay buddy you can stop you can take a chill pill okay keep opening come on please wait wait wait Ary Ary you missed it you missed it you missed it look at the chat how did you miss that what wait how did you miss miss it no way I got a Godly everyone’s freaking out how did you miss it oh my gosh I actually just pulled a Godly doodle oh doodle now I can go to the GPT and say you got it let’s go how did I miss that I didn’t even see it there’s only a 0.01% chance to get it Godly yes sir I’m the best you suck doodle giving is always important consider trading it to dude it is against you this AI is against you doodle it expects me to give it away to a new player do I have to do that you can ask it okay I’ll let you do that you don’t have to give it away I know you got this is a very special moment for you doodle this is ridiculous okay chill I’m giving it to literally a bacon hair I’m giving it to a noob why have I not gotten a Godly yet dude I’m at 12,000 coins all right dude this is what’s going to happen I’m going to say first one to tag me gets Godly oh first one to tag me gets Godly oh who’s it going to be who’s it going to be who’s going to be where are you oh D I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I’m running around I’m running to I got you I got you I got no you didn’t no you didn’t not on my screen not on my screen oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s so many people oh no this is bad this is crazy oh this is i d oh my gosh you’re crazy got me he got me he got me got me he got me who was it Nat Nat yeah he already has a Godly though so I can’t give it to him that’s messed up he already has a Godly so restart go no oh my gosh oh this chicken dude got me oh my gosh okay Assad got it I’m trading Assad ah okay here you go Mr Man here you go GG’s oh my gosh you did a very nice thing watch he’s going to put like four godlies into his inventory There’s 7 minutes remaining 7 minutes oh my gosh we have to spend these coins I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I am going thank goodness you saw that I some I got AIC bro they are lucky dude I’m not lucky dude it’s only Ary y I am the luck man 1 hour later I said the timer is almost up on the reset for summon units should we summon right at zero test your luck one of you summon at reset and the other summons at 1 second okay which one do you want to do doodle we have 2 minutes to decide this I don’t know doodle I’m I’m paying very close attention to the time don’t you worry you’re covering the timer I am paying very close attention to it nobody can see it I know you’re looking right at it you’re going to get a headache I am going to know exactly when 1 second comes okay doodle I will open it 1 second you open right at reset can you stop covering the timer dude seriously I I can’t see it Ary get off all I want you to shut up I’m paying very close attention I will let you know okay there’s 1 minute and 8 seconds NOP 1 minute and 6 seconds if you were this close you would have seen that okay dude they’re covering it seriously we’re going to mess this up yep now it’s a minute 59 seconds all right it’s say 47 seconds do it at zero I’ll do it at one okay I am ready I am ready all right here we go at one second I’m doing it you at at zero right at the reset I’m ready I’m so ready I am so ready good I can’t explain how ready I am 3 2 one go go 1 second no I got a legendary uh oh I got the mech cameraman okay well I didn’t get a Godly oh that’s not bad okay well it didn’t work AI great job okay great job AI I did get a Godly and then you told me to trade it away so yeah nice dude I thought that would break it but it didn’t but anyways you did get a Godly which is pretty crazy yeah that pretty much hacked it in itself AI has the strats we don’t we suck today Ary and I are opening a custom OG crate in toilet Tower Defense this crate is filled with forgotten and OG units with some of them surprisingly being op watch until the end to see what units we get And subscribe to join the doodle Anarchy family don’t you do it what I thought you were going to yell in my ear again I knew it I knew it I have to yell every time it is a normal thing for us to yell okay it feels great it gets out the anger especially from the IRS following you you know all that anger should be st stop we can okay we need to K we need to kill that joke it’s not even I know it’s not a joke but we need to stop it’s not a joke it’s actually real everybody he’s on a radar for the IRS all right so today Ary we are opening a crate that only OG players can open it only has OG units units that have been passed down and moved below these new upgraded units Ary are you ready I’m so ready thank oh oh you’re so ready you’re so ready you didn’t do anything for this video you didn’t do anything uh maybe I didn’t I sat here and made this crate yeah well maybe it I was taking too much time hanging out with man had to get her some gifts uh we took a little bit of a detour decided to get lunch after lunch we decided to go see a movie it was a romantic movie okay are we ready to open the crate stop yelling dude I’m I’m not yelling okay I’m not I’m just excited okay I have the crate look at this thing this beauty oh it looks like a beautiful OG crate Ary I’m so excited to see what is inside of these crates I’m excited I’m excited there’s OG units forgotten units there’s so many so let’s find out which ones are in here Ary whatever you get we use in a 1 V one I’m open all right what’s it going to be what are you getting oh engineer wait is that Medic or engineer I cannot tell that’s medic is that that’s medic okay well you have a medic which is not that good it has not been used in probably years by people shut up all right I’m opening please please be something good engineer oh wait that is the engineer engineer why do you get the good one okay endless mode though with engineer is kind of busted and I think it can only get to wave like 20 but I will take it I will take it I will take it okay can you stop dude dude every recording please you just mock me and it makes me feel sad and not good about myself I’m sorry D I apologize I’ll make sure your mother brings home some leftovers after our date tonight okay it’s not funny anymore I’m I’m going to crash out on this video I’m going to crash out it’s going to be fine I’m in a closet right now recording okay inside of this closet it’s 98° I don’t need to hear about what you’re doing with my mom or I’m going to start turning into like I don’t even know I’m going to I’m going to I’m literally going to turn into a flame I’m going to turn into fire like I feel like right now have you considered investing in a fan I mean if they have a good business idea I’ll invest what I don’t know what you’re saying I’m opening a I’m opening a crate let’s see wait I don’t even remember what this name is minigun I think it’s Minun camera woman I hate it is it good uh no minigun C if it’s Minun camera woman it is not good all right D no you got to get that checked out you we cannot just bre pass that that was insane excuse me first but second off I’m sorry okay that was that was bad all right all right what are you going to get you’re not going to get anything good oh of course you get something good scientist okay Santa TV is so much better but I don’t care scientist OG unit I’ll take it this is messed up okay well I’m going to get a money unit why are you making those noises because I’m going to get a noise complaint so I have to do it now now I have to get a noise complaint now everybody watch you ready 3 2 1 I’m about to yell and get a noise complaint D that’s very inconsiderate I’m actually your neighbor and that was very loud wait you’re in my apartment building yeah listen to these knockings you hear that Ary you’re following me you’re following me I wouldn’t say that I’m just getting closer to you so I can be closer to you mother all right I’m opening I don’t live with my mom really oh oh wo doodle you you just got a man that sits on a car is it oh no this is me oh this just got a laser gun cameraman I think or a laser car cameraman wait what even is that I don’t even know what that is jeez dude that’s how a real man burps that’s how a real man burps how are you going to say minor bad and then do that shut up all right what other OG units are there please get something good corrupted how how do you get the rarest unit in the game okay well it’s fine because I’m about to open the greatest thing of all time it sucks I hate this mid mid so mid so mid so insanely mid the stupid guy that hits the button but it is OG so we have to respect it okay all of these units only OG players can open these hey here’s your crate H oh and of course of course you get the good one this is great noodle I’m going to get steamroll Ary we’re working together please relax okay anything I get you get too you just don’t get to use it cuz you’re not as cool I’m opening Titan TV man wait that’s not the Godly no it’s not it’s OG units be a crybaby dude we’re working together okay this is an OG endless mode game I don’t like your tone I’m not having a tone D I don’t like your tone all right little fine what are you going to get oh you get another one on that’s great another scientist you know what I’m not giving it to you I’m not giving it to you I’m not giving it to you I’m not giving ite give it to me please please okay I’ll give it to you thank you I need to make money so I can give it to your mother all right d I have given you the secret agent because of your kind offering of the uh the scientist camera man yes okay I offered you it because I’m a good person I’m a good person too Ary also in the recent update we got the endless ranks so now we get to test the OG units and see how much xp we can gain from it please please end up doing good cuzz we have literally no XP I’m going to do so well okay we don’t have Santa TV but we have scientist we at least have money that’s all that matters man I don’t even remember what are we going to use as a starter unit oh I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea oh I have this guy I have this guy no no don’t place it please please I placed [Music] it all right it is that even going to save us I don’t know we’re going to find out yeah it seems to be doing okay I’ll place my OG idea look oh look at them look at them look at them dude oh you’re so smart I know I know thank you my brain has been expanding ever since I got into uh space travel time travel um I’ve been reading books a lot oh D you’re talking about Quantum Theory with the multi- interdimensional travel what you don’t know about that what did you just say yeah I wasn’t expecting you to understand but basically there’s a bunch of different versions of us doodle and they all coexist in different parallel universes I don’t expect you to understand yet but maybe one day you will M that’s awesome you know what I went to one of those multiverses I went to actually 10 of them and I met Ary in every single Multiverse and every single one he was a fraud what a liar and a fraud that the entire Society was against him they protested against Ary because he stole all of their money including government funds and now Ary has the IRS on him and he’s making these videos so he can try to make his name clean D I went to the universe where I was president and the world was on fire it was literally yeah it was It was kind of it was a bit weird what were the Visions you were having of you of you as a president what were the Visions I was running a dictatorship it it was fine it was fine but hey doodle I was President so it’s fine every store was just a Taco Bell dle yeah we sold burritos on every corner that was mandated by me we took a bunch of the tax money the people would pay me and I would buy the burritos with them AR I think you just had I think you just had a dream that was all it was you just had a dream C have ban Ary if you run for president I’ll give you $1 million really yes if you won if you run for president this year I run for the president oh I can do that a world under ary’s leadership would be amazing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there’s one condition you have to actually have a campaign you have to be for something so dle campaign yes I’m not going to play the camp I’ve already played it like 10 times okay I’m talking about a campaign where you explain to people why you’re running for president so why would you run for president I would run for president and make as much money as I want and then I would take that money and buy anything that I wanted ever and i’ bu all right everybody when Ary runs for president use this footage as evidence of why he should not become president he’s going to raise taxes by 75% and just buy burritos with it I think that’s a great plan okay Ary for some reason on Wave eight we are actually holding up with these OG units like oh yeah we’re doing I’m actually surprised Wave Wait are you Auto skipping I just skipped the wave okay Ary we’re using ogi units we can’t get confident we cannot get too confident we can’t get confident D I’m a confident man okay stop I told you about this I would also ban burping in my uh the country that I lead okay dude and what would you do to the people that burp D if you were seen burping around me and I ran the country no screw the country if I ran the world I would throw you in the ocean and make you swim to another country but I just realized I also own that country so if I find you that country then you’re also okay so I just can’t live in the world yeah you would we you’d be put on a rocket ship and just shot into space I don’t know what to tell you hey I’ll live on Mars dude will you I’ll do it I’ll be the first person to have a house on Mars I can see that happening but Ary seriously what what would be your campaign what are you for I would campaign for change in the world you know this world is very messed up right now it cost $3.50 to buy a burrito at Taco Bell now I would m date that those burritos get dropped down not a problem 25 inflation is a real problem doodle you don’t understand inflation is a real problem but for burritos dude you could not you could just not buy the burrito oh how dare you oh jeez all right all right I I I can tell it’s it’s it’s hit home for you I’m sorry you need to calm down you’re getting me riled up don’t make me don’t make me take us to the other to the other dimension where I’m where I’m the president you cannot interdimensional travel oh you want to bet watch this AR where are we what is happening this is the the this is the reality where I was President this is an actual reality though if it’s in the Multiverse it’s an actual reality so these people are being hurt by you being the president no they’re not hurt those screams and stuff you hear are not real that’s fine don’t don’t worry about it oh D watch this did you just yeah are you kidding no while the world is on fire you have a button that gets you sent burrito where do you think these people’s tax dollars went too dude you have a problem bro let’s get out of this Multiverse dude I actually don’t want to be here all right welome back maybe you could become president one day no I don’t want to be president because I feel like that that’s a big role and you need to be very you need to do the right things okay not have a button for a burrito sent you that’s that’s my opinion um doodle I think that would actually be a very good idea actually I meet up with him all the time he’s actually in that in that reality he’s named Archie cuz nobody could say his name right and everybody would misspell it so yeah his name is Archie so he changed his branding yep changed his branding now he’s Archie all right well anyways Ary I’m almost to $500 and I will place the corrupted cameraman we have literally not thought about this game at all we have literally just been going on a tangent of you being a president I don’t know why we’re doing great and now the correct term is dictator okay okay that is horrible Ary shut up there’s repercussions to your actions you know what did I tell you about big words isn’t that a drum or something no that’s percussion not repercussion you’re insane I don’t think that’s right all right Ary turn around turn around cam oh you place a laser camera look at this corrupted cameraman all right but at level one he is so mid bro this is why he was forgotten it’s actually insane how rare he is I don’t get it why is he looking at me like that he has a pumpkin in his head broken camera oh it is a pumpkin I always thought that was his brain what yeah was a little brain I guess you learned something new every day Ary just like the fact you’re ugly wow that’s not very nice if I was that ugly why would your mom be so excited to hang out with me every day that was obviously joking oh yeah yeah okay I need to upgrade my scientist more I wish we had Santa TVs me too these scientists are not paying me out like the Santa did I need to fire these guys no we’re not firing our scientists they’re going to cook us the concoction that grows your hair back without the problem you had last time oh there’s actually a reality where I have a full head of hair want to go to that one too no there’s not we are not visiting that reality at all dude that’s a jump scare maybe for another video maybe we should do a video exploring every single reality dude at this that be fun I think that actually yeah there’s some really interesting ones interesting ones interesting ones is there’s one where you could speak that was very rude doodle D there’s this one that uh we both grew up and then became businessmen you don’t want to see where that ended trust me okay yeah that sounds like we we definitely did not get along we did for the most part until that incident never mind all right well the corrupted cameraman falls asleep like in an instant so I need to get this upgraded fast Ary everything is falling asleep this is the problem with OG units they had no give them some time everybody no they literally they didn’t have an armor they didn’t have Shield all the upgraded ones have shields bro right right there’s one thing I wish tanric did and that was make the OG units still valuable today okay the corrupted cameraman mid not valuable laser gun camera car not valuable scientists just insta not valuable it’s sad these have all been thrown in the trash look at all these toilets they don’t stand a chance against dude the engineer is actually such this is the only like good unit that’s still around I know it’s actually insane H dle they’re getting kind of close what do we do I don’t like this I don’t know it’ll upgrade them I think it’s game over no I’m just kidding I’m going to upgrade oh we’re about to get 10,000 we’re about to get it we’re about to get it level five 20,000 camera toilet oh my gosh also you didn’t place all your scientists there’s only three yeah okay I tried to place one oh I don’t have enough money oh so you’re B my corrupted cameraman is clutching dude I’m not going to lie he’s not falling asleep anymore he’s level three he’s strong okay he ate his weedies in the morning look at that little brain in his head doodle he’s not nearly as smart as me you know what you ate as a kid you know what cerio you had what you had Cheerios I did have Cheerios actually they were good yeah Cheerios mid no okay we’re not going to start this conversation is going to end our friend I will I will stand by that Cheerios are mid I don’t care Honey Nut Cheerios mid okay what do you think is the best huh Captain Crunch okay I was going to knock on that but that’s actually pretty good I like that I know what’s your thoughts on Lucky Charms lucky CH okay terrible now listen if they made a version where it was only the little sugary marshmallows it’d be good but now you have to have the little stupid yeah look at you dude look at you Lucky Charms that’s B tier that’s solid be tier Lucky Charms is a goated cereal okay what’s your favorite cereal what’s your favorite favorite of all time I got to say Cinnamon Toast Crunch you can’t even knock on that come on bro we should start a podcast these questions are so interesting these are these are very interesting dle hold on let’s let’s practice okay so what does your mom do after 8:00 p.m. typically on a typical Saturday what is this podcast going to be called with you asking that kind of question is she usually like at home I’m just asking for a friend is this even in the podcast bit anymore or no yes I’m we’re practicing we’re practicing for the podcast my mom are usually 8:00 p.m. watching Netflix or something then going to bed uh yeah okay okay well Ary you don’t have to you I feel like you just make sound effects like every single time and it makes me uncomfortable calm down we were role playing about the podcast to see if it’d be a good idea or not I think are we dead are we Dead with these OG units are you kidding I think we are oh I also have $4,000 hold on dude I can save the day you haven’t been upgrading at all no I haven’t been placing anything doodle get it right the Titan TV you haven’t even placed um doodle what do you want me to do here okay oh my God we might be alive we might be alive we might be alive come on come on toilet yes we’re alive we’re dead oh my gosh we’re alive we’re alive how are we alive how we have to focus we have to focus we have to FOC these old units suck no they don’t they don’t listen they have they do they’re terrible you’re coping you’re coping super hard right now there’s reasons why we open that crate it’s to revisit these and realize that they’re actually really good I don’t like the way your one cameraman is sitting here staring at all of my cameraman can you move him no looks I think soon there’s going to be a a war between mine and yours oh yeah is that right yeah they’re not going to know who is who in this war because they literally look identical but may the best man win you’re going down buddy I mean you saw we went to the world where I was the president and I was the leader okay things were going great I had a button that delivered burritos okay yeah and you had the entire world screaming no that those were sounds of excitement because they were all having so much fun that was not dude that was not excitement what you put a roller coaster right outside with fire under it actually I did no you did not okay maybe I didn’t but that’s actually a really good idea I’m going to have to go tell him no Archie is a smart man he’ll figure it out um anyways how did you even manage to take everything over in that reality I don’t know I haven’t I’ve only talked to Archie for about 15 minutes Ry we’re dead can you please help dead what do you want me to do can you please help something you have so much money it’s level three we have to we have to I’m broke secret agent clutch oh my gosh I’ve never used the secret agent ever I’ve never used the secret agent the only use he has to get us out of hot Waters that was insane that was nuts nuts with the nest what else would it be with I don’t know you like that doodle no e stop stop you’re overreacting you burp all the time it’s 9:00 how about at 11: I start screaming so then I get a noise complaint oh let’s do that tole let’s record another video after this yay oh my gosh wait these are actually kind of putting in work I’m not going to lie okay if I can get this corrupted cameraman upgraded we will be in a good position did you skip wave no yes okay oh I’m going to throw up you’re making me nervous you’re making you’re making me nervous you know there’s a reality where you’re not nervous really no sorry D it’s not funny I have a lot of anxiety did I scare you no no Ary scared of the dark no okay may stop AR’s literally scared of the dark Everybody’s scared of the dark dude come on he literally told me earlier this dude is like 50 years old and he’s scared of the dark all right fine listen I’m not 50 multiply that by 10 what’s in the dark oh is there a little monster well there could be you never know is he going to grab you no is he going to eat you no doodle I am the alpha predator here nobody’s eating me uh oh the cookies Monster’s in the dark cookies and he’s not giving you cookies okay that’s a crime that’s where I draw the line Ary there is a 280,000 health mutant toilet 2.0 these OG units are not cling up I don’t care place two scientists easy hurry up place two scientists we’re going to die what do you mean scientists the scientist the people that kill them instantly man we’re dead that’s a secret agent you idiot and I didn’t have enough money but we got 200 XP and the weekend boost 130 extra how about that the weekend boost that is absolutely no XP we are still rank one we suck subscribe and shout out to bsrg for letting us use his corrupted cameram thank you


    1. yekrasrmevoli

      True meaning

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