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    yes got come on chick yes guys yes guys guys welcome back to another video and yes you can see from this horrible title that Lily ended up in A&E what happened football football not good so basically cut a long story short because she’s always mute um she collided with the goalkeeper and it fell fun it wasn’t the goalkeeper’s fault the goalkeeper was pretty decent to be fair and she kind of like Twisted yeah but it wouldn’t have happened if the refi wasn’t an idiot well I I don’t know it might be a factor of it all the ref was letting the game get a little bit Rowdy but you went one-onone the keer went it was a 50/50 challenge but it was the way Lily fell she kind of Twisted onto her leg so yes this is Lily leaving A&E for the first time on crutches body and now oh my go ah you got this you got this all good yeah yeah and yeah after spending like 4 hours in A&E they did x-ray and they said there’s no breaks and stuff but we don’t know about any other like muscular problems cuz you can’t still straighten it right which isn’t good guys while you are there make sure you hit the Subscribe button the like button turn on your notification Bell we are kind of I reckon I should have titled it spending the day with Lily on crutches because basically we’re going to eat and then we’re going to go out we’re going to drive to Brighton to go somewhere I’ll tell you in a bit guys enjoy the video I know it’s not enjoyable that she’s out of football for a while um I actually sit in my bed at night yeah she’s very bored to be fair but we still don’t actually know what the main problem is so we got to take it day by day and hopefully she starts resting cuz you don’t rest I do rest guys enjoy the video um make sure you subscribe peace so this is where Lily spends her time now with our legs up it’s not well it should be under the cushion cuz you need to rest well you can move it that was quite a good movement right there but I can’t straighten it yeah but that was good movement it’s progress so how’s the pain now that Woody wants to get involved stop boy uh it’s fine it’s fine well we’re going to Brighton Chelsea so you’re going to be on your crutches with your socks around your crutch so basically we are unable to show the footage of what happened because the other team don’t want us putting the footage out there so me and Ralph are going to try and like reenact the the incident because we want to show you how it happened but we can’t show you and then you can like you can film us Lily and you can do the scream no cuz the scream was horrendous that was the worst for me that was the worst thing of it just hearing that scream echo through the whole place trust me guys it was so loud and L never cries and this was like a cry it was like a cry and then it just went like and then it went really loud I never cried you you never cried to be fair never that’s how I knew something bad that happened let me move this out the way yeah we’re going to reenact so Ralph’s going to be the goalkeeper you’re going to be the goalie with I don’t know what hair you’re calling that today I think I should be the what is this is that I think I should be Lily I don’t want to be no cuz I know how lily fell I know how Li fell no you don’t I have seen no get in goal get in goal go you go get in goal where’s the goal no you’re there so give you you get you’re going to come and scramble the ball off me yeah so you’re going to come out you’re going to scramble the ball right so basically two Defenders L puts it through the Gap as the keeper comes out down on your knees she like hits the keeper her left foot goes in the ground and then she twists like this then PS all the way around boom that was not what I that is what happen basically and then and then I just come running on the pitch and you’re like this like crying no my bum was not up like that no I’m not okay but you were flat on the floor and you were just crying and then you’re like I don’t think you realize that everyone was surrounding you but it was nice cuz your team surrounded you and they were all putting your coats their coats on top of you to keep cuz you were shivering you were cold yeah cuz it was wet on the floor we took some pictures of her and you was laughing but we weren’t taking them for this we were just taking them for memories cuz it’s our first injury nothing to really remember but we’ll put we’ll put them on screen now this is how she ended up getting in the back of someone’s car with a flag pole stuck to her leg and the cheek of it they actually asked for a flag pole back I know and even though if it if you probably took that off then it would have made it a lot worse well yeah cuz you had to strap your leg to it to to keep your leg straight cuz you couldn’t bend it and then this is another image of her in A&E that we spent how many hours four 4 hours Ralph was there waiting bored but then Ralph went home in the end and then we stayed up there so she could get an x-ray and the X-ray come back good no breaks yeah it wasn’t a break but they didn’t actually no one knows no one knows what it is at the moment so you meant to be just resting and then we got to try and get an MRI scan but you don’t rest you got to keep your leg up keep your brace on so today at Brighton you’re going to be hobbling around with your crutches I can walk without them but you shouldn’t cuz you can’t put weight on it so you just have to take a rest and then you’ll be back at football you’ll be back at football in no time yeah you said hopefully fingers crossed I say it’s like 4 mon well it could be that but our fingers are crossed so we’ve ordered a little Gregs GRE for lunch cuz we just got back from Rouse football which didn’t go too well did it no lost what was the score 31 ni and you was winning the game was you winning or was it drawing it was drawing and then they took two more yeah they were a good team to be fair first we got a Coca colola yeah that’s and then I got you and Oasis and you and Oasis and this is where the magic is when we go in here I don’t know what their numbers are on the side 947 and A2 don’t know what that means I got me some chili crisp cuz they’re the best a yeah for me and then I got steak bake steak bake oh that could be steak bake so there’s two of them I got you a chicken bake and I got some sausage roll is that sausage rolls that’s two sausage roll yeah cuz cuz I like a such as roll too and then two steak bites that’s going to be so hot Greg’s is always oh the way you sniff it this one’s not too hot it’s going to be hot you ready oh you burnt yourself joke that’s chicken yeah I love it look at the mop look at this mop it’s so long buddy and guys yes we’re going to travel to Brighton today to watch Chelsea women’s what no we’re going to go watch Chelsea women’s Play Bright and away but we bought tickets I don’t know if we’ve managed to Chelsea tickets or Brighton tickets I’m not sure how it works at Brighton women’s games but hopefully we don’t end up right in the heart of all the bright and solid Brighton fans cuz that won’t be good but yeah we’re going to eat and then we’re going to get in a car and travel to Brighton but we’ll take you with us um we won’t show you the whole game but we’ll just take you with us and guys all of you with oh my sofa looks a mess all of you with dogs or pets I need to get a link for the things that apparently go under the sofa to stop wood his toys he keeps pushing the ball underneath and then I have to keep getting out or the kids have to get out out every 2 minutes so if you use them or you can ask your Mom and Dad where do you get the things that go underneath the sofa to stop things going underneath so leaving the house we’re thinking maybe you’re going to wear shorts look at this I’m not I’m not going around it does look that bad you know what I can’t actually do with my nor face color I can’t get my hand I can’t get my sleeves through the crutches oh dear that don’t look that bad cuz it’s black oh my goodness look at this girl here she comes no look I like this this is what cracks me up how she’s put socks it hurts so bad it gives you blisters isn’t it yeah I mean it’s better than that but now she’s saying she wants to wear shorts we’ll have a look for some shorts but you might get a little bit cold well I wear shorts of school all right you’re odd cuz it’s a fashion show now I know I said it was a fashion show I just don’t want to be walking around with one up here and one down here Woody as per usual has his ball in his mouth this is what I was saying about the things under sofa watch he’ll go and push it under there yeah you’ve always got a ball always the Lily’s changed into my shorts show us how this works a lot of people have had this before not a lot of people some people but not a lot of people so it’s basically a support for the knee right for the leg I mean I see what it does but then I kind of don’t like it doesn’t really yeah I don’t really that we got off the little that’s that’s not that’s a strap that’s different all right going to rip your skin apart yeah the when I did the the like oh that’s across your kneecap that’s not where it’s meant to be oh my goodness that’s where it’s meant to be you’re not having another injury my God I do it up loose here then yeah I go back on it like this oh that’s stop that tight it has to be that tight I don’t know about that tight look you’re breaking the strap L it has to it has to it does have to be tight but I don’t know about that tight oh my God okay maybe not that’s that’s what I mean you’re going to have no blood circulation in your feet oh my D look at this cuz your shorts go over it it’s going to look really weird but yeah yeah you you go up to the mat and be like oh my gosh oh my go look hair shorts and a knee bra and crutches right get your Traders on I didn’t tell you basally i’ had PE but obviously can’t do PE yeah so I just went down to the if anywhere where the footballs were and then a boy accidentally like hit the ball at me and like did you cry no it was so it went like this past my knee it was like then what no it happened oh oh you’re not even getting I thought you was going to go the boy come over and said I’m so sorry or you fell and cracked your other knee no no no he he felt really bad but it like skimmed my knee but he didn’t mean to so it’s just an accident right say what would you say what would you do if it like hit well I’m not there it’s not there nothing to do with me it’s you I said to me I said would you call 999 she’s like yes straight away I know why cuz cuz I probably like my knee help probably come out no it didn’t you’re so weird probably would right trainers jacket let’s go I’m going to wear a beanie car one car hot because car’s not yours carot oh yeah you have got a carot one one no well if you want to wear a beanie wear a beanie I wearing one you want to be cute siblings yeah matchy some last minute shirt making shirt making just come down to color it Sign Making Fran Kirby can we have your shirt we won’t color in the Fran then we it will take it’ll be a good shirt to get though France no you got color in the France yeah you got to color it in and then we’ll transfer it from here over to the laminator this is getting crazy now it’s a proper operation man like Ralph turning up in a in a buying Le is it lusin lusin they only team this whole like in the top so are you going to be like FR FR give me a shirt please that would be a good collection to notice us though you know yeah be a good it would be a good sign once it’s laminated and all shiny it will hopefully Stand Out is that the front is that the side that’s yeah go on make sure it goes in straight straight that’s it go go that’s it it’s doing it hey oh my goodness look at this girl I’m a pro on it now you’re not a pro sh your sign run oh that’s nice and bright go on you go you put them in the back oh my goodness they don’t even fit the crutch guys look at these boots I don’t wear anymore oh yeah dirty no dirty always dirty boots right are you in yeah right let’s CD’s in Brighton yeah yeah peace peace [Music] peace we are here no your hair is fine no no no it’s not oh look at these bank robbers look at them we need to get in the stadium in a Wei for like looks fine let’s go no it doesn’t oh here we go I’m putting a hat on all right then put it on and let’s go yeah it looks really weird yeah D it off your hair look fine my hair is not fine you think that’s fine to no coming in you you can get out oh that’s a bit dirty that dirt all over it where Woody’s Feet’s been on it got your sign yeah it’s come through the back turn it oh yeah so this is weird now go that way come on you hop it oh look at this she’s a pro come on look color matched look at that she’s done this before let’s not get her too confident in case she SS oh oh my goodness see this went sorry I shouldn’t I shouldn’t but you got to have a laugh oh I need to we so badly how bad like horribly bad yeah because you haven’t walked much yeah you have to go through this thing over here and I didn’t actually realize they play at Crawley Town Football Club and not Brighton so luck I could have headed all the way to Brighton and we’ be at the complete wrong place I saw another girl with a big sign yeah I don’t know what it said on it though if it’s Fran a dear massive puts your one to shame didn’t it yeah cuz there her one was huge the Ralph through there hold it up Ralph you can see him with his orange sign Ralph’s gotone in the kit shop come on should I get training what crawly Town yeah no quick you need to get in you need to get in we’re in oh food yeah I’m well hungry what you want food yeah chip test give me out of 10 they actually look quite good school ones what what is it oh that’s a bit of a face hot hot what you saying out of 10 so they failed to even give a a number but they’re like an eight out of 10 I think are good I like they’re actually really good and this is crawly Town guys at least if you get cold you can take the socks off of there or you want it on there and you can take the so over here and put on your feet how are you cold cold think about her look with her legs up she’s going to be freezing give me a score prediction 41 Chelsea 41 41 last time we watched them play they better than like eight yeah true so you’re saying 41 what are you saying girl 41 you’re saying the same there’s no effort in that go R we’re walking around the other side yeah yeah to see if you can get closer you got a shout r r yeah wait Sur Bri then I thought this was ch and this is Chelsea no this no look this Chelsea there’s Hannah Hampton there so Hannah Hampton is right there Ralph with the white white socks on you so Ralph’s cheated cuz he’s wrote on the other side Hannah can I have your shirt just in case there’s like a backup and Hannah’s standing like right there come on so fr’s all the way over there if she comes over here she might see it oh my goodness you’re pretty good on them now Lily can’t see come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] chaa [Applause] W go on Lauren a [Applause] oh oh he’s being patient tonight still [Applause] there go on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] FR Ralph Ralph run run keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up yes keep it up she’s thinking she’s coming round she’s coming come Ralph hold it yeah go Ralph put the put the thing down now we don’t get anymore sorry thank you friend Ral unlucky buddy she came over though yeah at least she acknowledged you do you know what I mean not like the men’s where the men get like 20 shirts to give away but it was nice that she told you that she obviously don’t get them to give away yeah close though she saw me straight yeah she did see you yeah she was hesitating about giving it and then she went and asked no yeah and then they said no and look now it’s Pitch Black it’s dark and we’re in Crawley craw crawly crawly oh a too much weight girl be careful enjoy yourself yeah thanks very good at least we won saw some girls I can’t believe his Fran literally walked all the way over to us know I know I’ve known her I don’t know her but I known her I’ve known her yeah but we used to see her yeah we did true right get in the car all right good day yeah should go get some food somewhere yeah where uh nandos yeah Nando uh I love that like we get well order it can we order it order it I don’t I kind bother but we pass it where in the C them services or maybe another service station maybe a macd or beaking yeah yeah look this drive let’s order it then we got to get all the way home and then order food and and wait another 40 minutes okay she’s being lazy let’s just go somewhere let’s just go somewhere to eat okay scrap that we’re back home we’re not going to go and get food we’ve just ordered her nandos because Lily didn’t want to get out the car thanks for watching it was kind of like a brief video just to update everyone just to clarify she’s okay no breaks we don’t know anything more until we see a doctor next week and then possibly get an MRI scan hopefully fingers crossed it isn’t nothing and she’ll recover and she’ll be back to playing very soon and I can’t even remember the score was it 4 n 3 n 3 n and a massive thanks to Fran Kirby she probably won’t watch this but the fact that she came over and acknowledged us and said like she couldn’t give her shirt away probably because they probably don’t get a lot of shirts like in men’s football I know they get like yeah they just give shirts away and they probably don’t do that in the women’s but the fact that she saw Ralph and come over was good enough hope you enjoyed the video um hit the Subscribe button like and leave us a comment and stay tuned um for another video next week [Music] peace [Music] oh


    1. Yesg guys, a few of you saw our instgram so we thought we would explain what happened, shes ok and when we find out more we will update all, thanks for all the support guys

    2. Hi πŸ‘‹ Roland Lilly Ralph Woody the dog 🐢 too awesome 🀩 video as always they’ve ordered Greggs for lunch πŸ₯— they’ve got a Coca Cola and Oasis for Lilly and Ralph Roland has chilli 🌢️ crisps they’ve got chicken πŸ“ bakes steak bakes and sausage rolls Roland Lilly and Ralph are having Nando’s for dinner 🍽️ I can’t wait 😜 for more awesome 😎 videos in the future and hope Lilly gets better soon β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

    3. I got a knee injury and its nothing to do with football, i fell over my dog 4 years ago and lily is lucky that she had an x ray, the doctors didnt even do one for me, Also i don't think lily needs the crutches now if shes walking fine, if you did break it you wouldn't be able to put weight on it

    4. Thank you Lily for waving at my son today He would’ve asked you for a picture but he was really shocked to see you when we was waiting for the bus it made his day

    5. I’ve just done in my knee at football training tonight- not playing football tho! β€œWho can do the best front flip challengeβ€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ torn meniscusβœ…

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