Sunday ride on my Engwe Engine Pro Ride, Engwe Engine Pro 1.0 Ride.
    Quick Hoon around, talking what’s coming up next on the channel and putting U.K. ebike law to rights as we ride around wonderful Wakefield. #engwe #engweenginepro #ebike

    so new gear new camera stuff trying this out I’m not too keen on the um the X3 I just can’t get to grips that I really don’t like it as a camera and it’s put me off buying the X4 because of that so today going out testing this camera going for a hoon and just see how we get on for the day um it’s Sunday I just want to go out for a ride I’m out on the angue engine X 1.0 the original one and we’re going to see how we get on with it today but yeah let’s go for a hon all right let’s get somewhere a bit familiar you know where we are this this see we normally St we’re just going for a hon I rarely get to go out for a hon because I’m either testing a product or I’m testing a bit of care and I don’t get to ride my bikes so this is this all I’m doing today is just throwing some stuff together and seeing what comes out at the end of it I said I’m out on the angu engine Pro the original one so you might get a little bit of Fender noise but as soon as those washers Come Those rubber washers they’ll go on and they’ll be fine I’m wondering how this does for wind noise cuz the camera’s pointing at me said I’m riding into wind so that’ll be an interesting thing let going to pick time M and there have a so all the everything set to sport P five before you all start aring on I know British summer is getting me down it’s been like this and it’s forecast to be like this for the next two weeks and I’ve got to go out and do another reviewing in that time which would be nice this is nice to get out on a Sunday I know I keep Hing on about the mental health benefits of eat bikes but really what are you going to be do just sat home watching telly watching what you recorded the night before not getting any I mean don’t get me wrong I’m getting a bit of exercise but there’s nothing to write home about and but at least I’m out the house you know at least I’m out the house just going through some of the old time of weight Shield at the moment kind of smart down here and then we’re heading into T yeah that that mud guard vibration as soon as I put the rubber washers on it and I they cost me 299 from Amazon they’ll be here tomorrow that’ll go away uh it’s just one of those little things I’ve got rid of the battery knock I’ve um taped up the battery and that’s resolved so that’s done now so I don’t know if you saw my post yesterday with my bag with the indicators built in well I’ve ordered the lights I don’t really get on with the manufacturer but I’ve ordered the lights that go on the front and the back that also go to the remote so front and back I’ll have indicators that all run off the and on the bag I’ll have indicators that run off of that that indicator button it’s all inbuilt and it’s the same with the almet buy the elet I do not recommend the helmet it’s all right but it’s like everything else I’ve had to put a charging system to charge all the bits for my bikes and it’s it’s just like a constant of putting stuff on charge and ultimately you’d rather it was wired to the bike but it’s not but it is what it is and at the end of the day it’s some point somebody come up with a really decent idea that’s Bluetooth and wir in the only thing you have to do is charge the module which you won’t have to do very often other stuff that’s coming up on the channel in the next few weeks is I’m going to do a tail of the text there’s going to be like three reviews of the angu engine 1.0 and the angu engine 2.0 and I’m also going to be throwing another bike into the mix and I’m also going to go out with two other riders that are going to be riding the bikes and we can actually talk about the bikes as we’re going around what the preferences are so I think that’s going to be an interesting point of view of what these bikes are by two totally different people two totally different ways we’re going to try both bikes and give their points of view as they go around so that’s going to be and then the other two are going to be just the tail of the tape so what these bikes do while I’m riding around the other bike well what the one bike does that the other bike does and I think that in itself is going to be what eye opening because they both have their benefits so be good at what they do I suppose you’ve also seen I bought a new helmet for doing the video reviews on haven’t had time to set it up yet but when I’m doing bike reviews in the future to cut down on the wind noise I’m going to be using that but today I’ve got this this um Face camera pointed towards me so I thinking the mics are all in that so I’m just going into the wind so hopefully the sound will be quite good you can also get a win thing I believe I I think we’ve had four days of summer so far and that’s it four days of summer nice other things coming up on the channel I’m eventually going to get around to doing this ebik security video um I bought all the kit I just don’t seem to have the time or the weather at the same time to get on with it but I assure you it’s coming uh that’ll be definitely coming in the next two weeks my day week Thursday so I’ll be doing it then and then my next review will be like my next review bwise will be the enue e26 step through got a yellow one tomorrow and I absolutely love the color of that bikon as you all know I absolutely love a step through so that should be an interesting review because I’m a 26er for a long time last time I rode my 26er which was uh rad Rover was through two well about two and a half years ago so I forget what the feel of a 26 in eite feels like I’ve just been riding 204 since so look out for that I’m getting close to a th000 subscribers which seems to have taken forever I’m told by everybody that does this that in seven or eight months that’s really good going um even YouTube says it takes about a year whatever the subject to get to a thousand and I’ve started off with no friends no family on this channel it’s just been people that have followed me from different forums um so yeah coming up to a thousand so any subscribers out there subscribe and if you haven’t subscribed already subscribe I appreciate it uh getting me to a thousand subscribers makes a little difference my channel don’t monetize well it does monetize it but trust me I’m not getting them views it’s ever going to make me anything more than a few with a week and when mostly you know what I spent on setting this up getting this going I’m never going to be in profit that way um but then that’s not what this Channel’s about is it this Channel’s always been about getting people people on ebik for never to race which I was on M2 but yeah it’s nice to see other eikers out there and about he also look like he weighed quite the same weight is one of my legs me pass me so yeah said nice to see other Eves out there tell what I saw yesterday I saw coming down by the side of the park near me one of those hway ones that looked like a chair leg who was white in Orange and in front of him was another guy on another ebike with a trailer so yeah dragging some rubbish behind it which is exactly what I use by trailer for to go to the tip but the two of them were just poing the LA weren’t speeding they were on the cycle laying on the path and it was just nice to see I see a lot of angu around here now um I see quite a few people on engra that I’ve spoken to in the past who’ come up to me and asked me about the BS and like I said this Channel’s always been about getting thums on seats on ebikes and the reason for that is it is a green option I mean don’t get me wrong I’m not joining Green Peace and I’m not voting the green party but when you do the maass the cars don’t the electric cars don’t add up they they’re never going to add it and with everybody in the government or various governments hauling over themselves to prove our green they are come on guys we know that when I’m riding r on a 200 from a Tesla battery and getting 30 OD miles of range and to do the same in that takes all that weight all that car all that energy all those precious components it does it just simply does add up I read the other day that the biggest users of EES on the planet hodle well not surprisingly for the Chinese but countes are catching up to the ebike thing like I said the biggest problem is governments are falling over themselves to try and monetize these eoes they’re trying to pull us off getting them and it’s obvious when you see stuff in the news in the in the media in the Press is they’re just trying to pull us off out evites robberies done on evites they’re not they’re done on Emoto robberies done on you know on obvious robberies done on what’s obvious L otos that are being referred to as ebites by the Press ebik battery fires well let’s be honest modern bers the ones that are coming out now UL war and everything else that’s going to get rid of that argument and then on top of all this and I mean all this the government still end letting us having a have a four thr all the way up to 50.5 M hour and some of the arguments you hear about people coming up up with about the throttle oh we should have a throttle this like a m point how does it matter how you get up to 15.5 mph how does it matter you’re still getting up to 15.5 M hour and if the throttle available for unit to get up to 15.5 M hour and you’re disabled this is a barrier entry that’s been negated it’s gone you can get one now you can use the troll to have absolutely ridiculous anyway as you can see the weather’s going to turn have a great Sunday everyone


    1. “Chair leg” lol. I didn’t mind so much until you said that!😂 the all black one’s not too bad looking. I was looking at the bright yellow step though for my wife. I’ll be interested in what you think of that one for sure. – Filipe Marques

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