Foxy trail in Marathonas! Very well made!

    hello and welcome back to Mike’s Bikes with my friend Aris and my friend Makis we’re here at a secret Trail there is a there is a trail in Marathon called the foxy and the guys here says say that it’s perfect that’s my first time that I’m doing it so last time and last and the last time oh don’t no no no please no please so let’s see how it is we’re going to do it a couple of runs because it’s a it’s a circular one and I’ll see you on the trails okay that’s the Third Run starts up with a bit of an uphill the trail actually is in two parts it’s the first part you go through a cing and then there the second and much much longer part that’s the first part nice shaded though it has slippery pine needles but it’s it’s well made has little BMS that you can get support this the first part now the second part this one is faster more technical for sure as Ro Gardens my friend Aris is so kind that he waits for me so we can have a a nice video there is a guy that has built this I think he’s called Marios congratulations to the guy as far as I know he’s young enough to be my son so you don’t get commitment from from young people on this type of sports very few it’s a bit Dusty nice [Music]


    1. Great video Mike, that trail looked fantastic. Super riding and a nice speed. Ride on and have a nice evening🤙

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