Morning walk , and chat before I have breakfast. Using landmarks to navigate the city..

    good morning guys let’s take a morning walk it’s a little bit before uh 7:00 a.m. cats going on that’ll take a walk there’s a lady I always stop with CNY how you doing she runs a little cafe sometimes that’s stopping he here his cat’s gone coffee shop see everyone’s sweeping up washing down their sidewalks in front of their establishments getting ready to open the shop so we’ll take this walk I’m going walk you up to the mall you can get to the mall some spots to look at like landmarks you know what I mean hope you not get lost here we go going for it this lady right here runs a supermarket I go to see any morning very nice person she uh like I said that Supermarket that I go to made a couple videos on it she’s very sweet so coming up on the that lady store that uh bought my uh my daughter some outfits there isn’t really a name on I pass it let me get back here okay on the street when you see this you’re going to see a restaurant artwork on the wall leading into a restaurant now her shop is like 3 down from here so for my street if you’re wondering where it is you have the Jolly hotel and I’ll show it to you as you’re heading into a getting close to the bizaar here’s the entrance to the Jolly okay but I’m going to show you from the other side so you can see what I’m talking about very nice people and uh my my landlord like really good friends with her I like uh shopping with the locals all right right up there see the Jolly Hotel fast food right down the street okay once you pass the JY it’s like three or four stores and you’ll see her really nice lady man got Street head swi all you’re going to do is go straight from my street it’ll take you to the mall behind the mall is a tonics castle and to keep going you can hit scander brick Square so this is the route to walk in order to see these things major tourist spots and I cross the street the bizar is over there there see Oda restaurant very famous restaurant couple other hotels at boka okay but that way there’s the bizaar we’re walking past it still on my street I just crossed the street going up here it’s at 7:00 in the morning so it’s still still cool appr Shai I can’t believe it as you’re seeing there some some coffee shops already open most of the other businesses they’re setting up right now but I like about this part of the this part of the city though the sidewalk is huge we say we’re all like this but the traffic can be so bad they they really need to expand lanes and allow toron Cab’s looking for business see me yes now for my place we’re coming up on Voda phone this is the other cell phone place and you can get internet as well one and I think they only have two Chris told me they used to have three I think he said he’s only two so you got one and you got V ofone now he told me what what is interesting he said some parts of the city you get better coverage than the other you know I don’t know I don’t know about that but I got photophone okay so once a month they email me I walk up here and pay them 16 bucks man and they asked me do I want to put the television package on but I don’t speak the language but you know what I should and I could swear I might be wrong I think it was only $5 on top of the 16 it would have television and the internet might be wrong in that don’t quote me on that I could SW that’s what she said eventually I got it you know that’ll help me learn the language better too keep going Apartments like I said it’s really early but now it’s a little after 7 more exchange places now what I like to do too it’s not just use ATM C I like to transfer money that there’s multiple ways to get my money let’s say for some reason my charge cards don’t work you still need to know how to do it so I’ve used Western Union a few times they’re a little pricey I was really expecting uh wise to be over to do exchanges uh Chris told me there’s a way it’s almost like a third party way but for now I use a western it’s quick reliable must Union everywhere okay now before I forget still on my street you see these big coins this is ceden bank but I use this as like a location so if I’m coming from this way coming here coming from this way I see these coins I know it’s my street and I got to go that way to get home okay so I’m just telling you different uh things you can look at which will tell you where you are I also use that InterContinental hotel as a reference point that I know that’s scab Square you know what I’m saying now from those coins if I go left let’s go left straight had that big building that’s a top of tiny mall so if you’re looking for the mall that’s how you that’s how you find it okay I use those coins as a reference X or a vacation this time of year especially you’re going to see a lot of people you know rolling their luggage those who visitors tourist more un likely heading towards Mall really good gelato here I still want to call it ice cream fries proper phrase J now behind here behind the mall is the castle I can hit it either going there or going around them Mall there’s a backside I can get to the uh Castle as well I think I showed that to you before to show it to you again what I start doing is look for interesting looking buildings as navigation points so as I head back coming back towards my street s is just waking up hope you guys are doing good though I got to answer a guy in the email I got and there’s a couple other people that are about to come out looking forward to meet y’all all these shops will be open just a little bit they to roll up those doors all right now again CR B I got those big coins I know to make a right here go back towards my place but instead I’m going to go left at the coins cuz if I kept going straight it’s going to take me to scander Square InterContinental building I know it’s right there got the green light I love how the whole pole lights up I think that’s very smart you know what I’m saying it’s not just green here the whole pole lights up LED lighting that’s smart you’re out cleaning the sidewalks now you got these buses right and if they don’t have a lit up sign what they do is they put a sign on the front window so you know where they’re going now this bus coming up here this blue one Basia ton so forth that’s an inner city bus it’s not going to different cities I have not played with those yet very inexpensive way to Trail around the city they get packed man they get packed so far I I just walk it or I get a cab now those buses are cool man that’s new now I’ve seen some of those like that that will take you to the airport from here I know they’re used for other things as well so I’m still on my street just keep going straight all right head up the swivel as we cross the street right here see these big rockers preventing cars from coming in but now we’re starting to enter like a transition in the scanner b square see a ferris wheel from here mosque you know I think I’m going to get bicycle yeah the only thing if I you know when I move there’s storage places you can get if you’re going to leave for that 3 months come back is this another thing to put storage but I want one I was younger I’d get me one of those little scooters I’d kill myself not I get a bicycle there hot dog trucks here all the time I mean all time never moves all right we’re hitting scand square but I want to show you guys I’m using landmarks I see how they got this all walled in my other videos you saw me doing watch parties for the Euro tournament we got a title f fight not a title fight but there’s a fight coming up maybe I’ll get some tickets for that you know where is it going to be looks like can be here there’s scanner brick Square scanner brick statue I’ll have to check that out man yeah that’s where having watch parties here’s a square here’s a ticket booth where I get my tickets okay I’m going to find out about that uh that fight you know maybe maybe we can check it out let’s look at the promo one more time just got a date on it I don’t think so it’s tell me where it is it’s a boxing match okay it’s not M it’s not MMA but a boxing match still like to see it man I have to ask this ticket booth when it’s open they they say they open at 10:00 but I seen them open at 1200 but any was I’m going let you guys go I just wanted to do a morning walk with you tell you to use references like I start to remember particular buildings that stand out in the city the sphere okay and I use those as navigation points anyways I’m going to head back home or I should say I’m going to head to breakfast I’m going to go to uh Stefon Center love that place for breakfast have a capuccino I remember I love you guys talk to you later bye-bye


    1. Love your videos, man! What a wonderful stroll in the morning. Was just thinking you should get a bike when you then mentioned it. Looking forward to your next adventure!

    2. Good afternoon/Good morning from Texas friend. Love walking in the morning in Albania. The air is different. Happy weekend! 🫡

    3. Blue Bus will take you to the cable car for Dajti. It services that area of the city. The LUNA small buses/vans are for the airport. Different areas of the City will have LUNA pickup spots for other cities also. If you made a right, behind the Opera house there is a "Bus" Stop for a city bus that will take you to the BUS terminal for getting to other cities. 40 Lek just jump on and see where it goes. They all go in a circle basically so you won't get lost.

    4. You're not gonna like this Patrick but…. At the Fights they have a DJ blasting commercialized music and usually a live performance by a known musical act. I did a live stream there for it one year and I got 7 copyright claims for music and Youtube Removed the video in a few hours after the stream ended lol. That's the big negative about many of the better events in the Square hard for a youtuber to share them because of the copyrights and possible removals. Same issue with New Years event which was awesome while it lasted lol.

    5. Patrick a question 🤔 can l survive including rent run a small 🚗 car on 1300 euro a month . It's really important to me
      Thank you from Ireland ☘️

    6. you know im fan of you 😂haha when you say sijeni (how are you) when you say fast memes you are not better to say it si jeni main stop little bit on SI then Jeni …. tell me if you get it or you not get it 😁??

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