Jonas Vingegaard reflects on the opening two stages of the 2024 Tour de France and his comeback from injury, before the studio crew analyze the Danish star’s performance so far. #NBCSports #Cycling #TourdeFrance
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    Jonas Vingegaard ‘super happy’ with his Tour de France start | Cycling on NBC Sports

    I think for sure I can be very happy with how everything went today uh also yesterday of course but especially today that I was follow that I was able to follow uh today on the on the second time of of San LCA because uh yeah I think uh this is probably one of the stages We Fear the most or we actually expected me to lose time uh because of the the preparation yeah uh I didn’t and that’s honestly speaking that I didn’t have a a good preparation for this race um I only had one and a half month to prepare properly so uh yeah I think I can be super happy with with how everything has went so far was it a test that you were waiting for yeah waiting but also fearing in some kind of way uh because I knew it was already before my crash at a stage that maybe suited him better than it suited me and then especially after my crash that yeah then maybe I was even been more behind but at least I can say now that yeah if not I’m back but yeah at least I’m super super close to my all between you and T and the gains you were making on renco and Primos yeah I mean uh he wanted me to pull on uh on the kicker there but I waited till the top of that one because otherwise I knew he would attack me again um and then from that moment I started working with him and uh to try to gain some time on all all the other competitors um so yeah these have been brutal days how hard have these last two days been for you and and how satisfied are you yeah first of all um I think this has went like way better than I have ever expected uh so I’m really satisfied and yeah it has been two hard days to be honest can you speak can you speak to the team any concerns in the middle of a race when you lost W and Mato yeah for sure when I heard they crashed I was uh of course concerned about it uh luckily they didn’t they didn’t hurt themselves it’s only scratches as I hear it so uh so yeah I think uh that’s luckily uh because it’s two super super important helpers uh and teammates for me yeah you had a nice moment with Mato in the finish uh it seems like he’s the first person you talk to what did you guys discuss yeah he just said that uh he’s he’s actually proud of me and uh that yeah coming back from an injury like like I had or injuries to be honest uh it’s impressive to be able to make that in in just a month and a half and uh yeah I think Mato is a super good guy to be honest I really enjoy being in in the team with him we agree I think you’re already a little bit in today’s head now oh I don’t know I think you have to ask today about that hopefully somebody will and then we can take a listen to that you get a sense of the real ease yonas has he said this is much better than I expected remember he hadn’t ra in the last 2 and a half months so we all wondered what he would be like and I think we can tell now he was wondering as well and right now after two stages he has the exact same time as his top rival tody pagota tying it together a little bit Brent with what he said before the race he said his main objective was try not to lose any time he just said and we all heard it that he expected to lose time his team expected to lose time today so the relief was obvious and he even mentioned it what we discussed in the pre-ra show today is that even before his crash when this tour to France route was unveiled he saw this stage he knows the capabilities of his greatest competitor Ted pagach he saw this stage and thought oo I think today might have my hand in this stage that was before his crash so you factor in the serious injury the lengthy recovery the question of form then he genuine concern really thinking like yeah we might have to concede a few seconds here so to be on The Mark with him on a stage that even when this route was unveiled that he thought he might have gotten uh gotten beat by really really impressive and confidence boing yeah he’s beaming with confidence right now I mean he just passed that one of the hardest tests of this tour and we’re going to move into stage four and that’s going to be completely his terrain he’s going to he’s going to love those big long mountains or where you can just grind out a threshold this is his weakness and he passed in flying colors for for anybody that would say that well it’s kind of similar it’s climbing today it’s climbing in two days what’s the difference that that we all should know it’s the length it’s the gradient it’s the punchiness I mean you saw when when you’re on a climb for 45 minutes or something you can really settle in and find your Rhythm and just grind people off your wheel on this you really have to be explosive which it’s not that yonas vingo is not explosive but T pogacha he’s one of the most explosive guys we’ve ever seen right so to hold his wheel today man but that said yeah traditionally the climbs on stage four we’re talking 20 30 km climbs that is a little more his strength versus Ted a but yeah his preparation has been compromised so it’s hard to say maybe maybe in the his comeback has regained a form he actually in increased his short power output that explosivity a little bit and and will suffer a little bit in the high mountains I wouldn’t expect it based on what we saw today but yeah Paul totally different uh style of riding in terms of the high altitude and the long climbs of the elves let’s keep it right here with yonas and in this the early read here on the competition with his top rival atad paga who will be in yellow when stage three starts tomorrow um Christian vandel come on in here I think you’ve been listening as well and I know Kevin vcan had a wonderful Victory but let’s keep it right here with Jonas and T your read on what’s happening right now I was it was incredible honestly I I did one lap and then I was pulled so I actually got to watch it for for the first time since yesterday and the speeds at which they’re going and how quickly that yonas got onto the wheel of T and then of course taking pulls right away I was frankly surprised you know this was I think their biggest opportunity that being UAE to put as much pressure on them as humanly possible and they did everything they possibly could and he was right there with them in fact he was just as strong taking PS and death defying desense as well so right now I think they’re scratching their head a little bit I think this was they they saw this as an opportunity like I said and it fell a little bit flat right now and of course the guys behind right now as well with Evan pole and kopos that was a big surprise carass has barely even been on his bike and those guys got back to the front as well so I expected it to be a little bit more nuclear and it wasn’t so now back to the drawing board looking towards stage number four on Tuesday I I know how chaotic it is there at the finish line for everybody and for you as you lose the helmet put the Hat on it and join us I don’t know if you heard yonas talking about his day but he said he’s not only relieved but he’s super happy to be on the same time right now as T how surprised are you with the form he has shown so far crazy surprise Paul honestly I and I think that’s genuine you know he spent we’re just watching red outside Steve just did some interviews and he spent time with pretty much everyone he was relaxed he’s he was on the time straw bike he looked like an absolute weapon on his time straw bike as well so I think this was a massive test for the whole entire Squad Unfortunately they had two more crashes with two big guys on their team going forward so we have not yet spoken to Mato to see how he’s how he’s doing but for all intents and purposes this is the biggest one that he needed to happen yonas going with Ted today on this climb and he passed with flying colors so I think everything is genuine I think he is that happy and I think this whole team bus is psyched right now apart from the damage with two of the bigger boys


    1. Imagine how boring it would be if these guys were not all zooted and booted. PD make all sports better and you can pretend they are not in them but you are wrong. Human nature and our competitive drive will never be contained by any rule or regulation agency. I just wish there was not so many naive people thinking its just a couple guys here and there. I really wish we just full on allowed it in all sports. Then they could go all out without the techniques they have to do to hide them. Maybe two divisions natty and jacked.

    2. Vinegar very nervous in the decent. Lack of confidence is going to hurt him in the high mountains. I'm glad he is riding the Tour, but I believe it is Poggys year barring any catastrophes

    3. What a thrill to see Jonas riding that way today. It’s going to be interesting to see how he sheds fatigue with limited preparation.

    4. NoT too much surprise in my opinion. Visma NEVER specified the REAL severity of the injuries, only there were a lot of journalist speculations. But in the cycling world every team knows (gossip) about every team. In fact, Pogacar always said: "I'm sure Jonas will be in great shape". One of the best friend of Tadej is Tratnik.

    5. Good to see him back to be super strong..Just a small criticism about It: sometimes it would be nice to pull and not always follow the wheel of Tadej

    6. Stay tuned for stage 4 on Tuesday. Two cat 2 climbs including an HC climb will tell us if Jonas' recovery is for real and he can keep up with Tadej. I don't want the TdF to be over on stage 4.

    7. It has been very hot and stage 4 will be cooler. Because of this, I believe UAE have held back a bit so far. It sure didn't look to me like they were going all in today at all. They never had all their guys at the front on the climb. Plus, Ayuso was suffering a bit yesterday, so no reason to really push it. We ain't seen nothing yet.

    8. Imagine if Jonas didnt crash how boring this tour would have been in the later stages when tadejs legs would start to feel the giro😮

    9. To see Jonas so relaxed after all his suffering must be a big concern for UAE. I've never seen him so pleased as he is right now. That shows that he has grown much more as a professional since last year and believes more in himself, although he genuinely expresses that he doesn't know how much he can achieve because of his preparation and his recovery. I believe that with each stage he'll be stronger.

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