Completing my trifecta of visits to Doncaster by heading across in the Summer, lacking @BlueHToys but meeting @Dezimondo by accident and starting of course with @CosmicToys. Whilst my early bird plan was not unreasonable, my haul video will show that I didn’t quite find what I wanted – the irony of which does not escape me when I spend most of this video telling you just how big the place is!
    This won’t be my only video on the fair, but you may have to wait a few days while I sort the other footage out as I’m a bit hither and thither this week. Enjoy this for now!

    so in theory this is uh so what’s the what’s the debate then we think that’s a some sort of He-Man knockoff no no no nothing He-Man Oh not not He-Man snow speeder yeah okay all right maybe or it could just be a too lasered attack vehicle no oh he I’m getting the wag here folks that’s not good oh do you recognize that disc do I recognize that [Music] disc not at this time in the morning no to the Tie Fighter Oh Tie Fighter top hatch yeah I might have got there eventually possible I think that these designers were Star Wars fans Star Wars well there’s another one as well which is ANS fo it’s an homage it’s an homage am I recording oh I’m recording all right okay there we go I’m GoPro and everything all right gooing gooing the only problem with the GoPro is I’ve got no idea what it’s actually taking photos of well can you not access it where you fromone I could but then that’ll kill my phone even faster than okay anything else but yeah you’re right actually was a fair point it’s a fair point but it would well yeah I will do after this one of the two yeah all right I’m going to go mooching have fun see you later you have to shout me if um um let’s see I can’t even think Steve turns up oh right okay yeah the Airwolf guy say hello yeah well guy well this is Avatar [Music] anyway all right so in theory you might even be able to hear me so this is early bird in Doncaster and people are still setting up but it’s all cool I’ve got a GoPro strapped to my chest it’s totally normal and I’ve never done that before but I’m trying it out cuz you never know you never know everyone’s still unloading so I’m going to try and keep out of the way um I’ll say everyone some people are out Gareth is out and ready um I am going to this is the main hall here as you can see it’s huge it’s a huge main hall I don’t want to stand in front of the doors that’s silly um but it’s a huge main hall loads of CN do and it’s just gone 8:00 in the morning so this is early bird entry time I’m going to swing down all these lovely lovely stalls very briefly just to get a lay the land here we go this is tricky cuz there were two sides to every ooh Death Star don’t drop it just don’t drop it please don’t drop it engaging in random chatter I am a little bit sleep deprived I amum cool so I’m not talking to myself mainly is quite a bit yeah I’m a bit sleep deprived cuz the hotel wasn’t the quietest as it turned out had techno Beats at about midnight and then I had bins clanging it God knows what hour [Music] is cassettes uh would he spoted Mighty Maxes for a certain person he’s probably already got them but I like the feedback when I’ve seen stuff of this nature for him teeny tiny Thundercats as well okay interesting I’m getting funny looks people think I’m talking to myself but I’m really not I put like I’m complete o g got one of those join seven God likes those oh find a shadow mobile for G isn’t I that is a thing that is a thing that I need to do is find a shadow mobile for GTH one problem with this is I’m sort of trying to film in a V vaguely sensible fashion and scan at the same time fighter book If I buy any more star Fighters somebody please shoot me I’ve got star fighters to start my own squadron at home so I really don’t want any more star Fighters that be a deeply deeply bad idea it’s like a techno Drome I think cool so this is actually the first time I’ve chosen to come early bird um because normally I’m not that stupid but I just thought if I’m going to try and do it I should do it in Earnest and come fairly early and just try and crack on and do it basically I’m now at that point in my collection I think where um I have to try and remind myself of what I’ve actually got and not got got and try not to duplicate things little a versus Predator there that’s one row oops need over my own feet that’s not ideal big bat suit nice see it’s still immense and this isn’t even this isn’t I mean there stalls over here as well it goes around the corners it’s just huge basically so I’ll try not to swing around to much but there’s just loads of stuff so Hot Wheels [Music] here there General cars and such like here Comics there coms you don’t see a lot of here actually oo wow Soundwave in a minty box early purchases being made ladies and gentlemen Bob F Star Wars [Music] morning trains are here but this is what I like about donc cter is there more of a mix it’s not just the trains there’s a lot of other stuff as well which is cool which is cool um June black hole portfolio that’s interesting 18 photo cards okay the Batman nice good morning yeah not so bad thanks trying to wake up [Laughter] I know that Chap and I like his stool but I’ve got no idea what his name is I’m might have to hunt him down later on people still setting up people still setting up we not quite there yeah quite there oh I got my early bird sticker look it’s my early bird bit of moon raker goodness there but no Shadow mobiles I’m afraid Mark Enterprises phases marvelous godage shuttle cra okay get moving along here cuz one of my batteries will down on me during the course of the day I don’t know if it’ll be the mic or it will be the phone or it’ll be the GoPro um if you’re curious um I’m not sure what whe I’ll end up using the GoPro footage got those Micro Machines sorry don’t get in your way I do apologize trying trying to remember if I’ve already got that one or not yeah so the um itly comes me I’ve got I’ve had this GoPro for years um I think it only record in HD but it is quite handy if you want to be handsfree and it’s entirely possible that if I don’t hold my phone high enough I’m going to block my own shots I want one of those later on I want one of those later on I really really do well [Music] yes get out of the way now I thought was the um guy from leer vintage then but it wasn’t this is this is a good this is looking interesting there’s a lot of good stuff out here today I I’m just thinking to myself I don’t know if my GoPro is getting in the way of my my well My mobile’s getting in the way with my GoPro ooh ooh bat wings and Batmobiles in fact those are toy Biz that’s toy Biz that’s interesting I need to come back and have a slower look around but I’m trying to bounce around now just to give you an idea of the this year fun and games is now happening as people trying to unpack and there were quite a few early birders in as well I think there’s quite a few of us early bird types who are Meandering the place as well so it’s all pretty cool but see the scary thing is it’s this busy before the general public have been let in so I have no idea how busy it’s going to get when the actual general public actually get in cuz this is just us early birders still and it will be for the next hour and a half uh it’s £10 early bird entry I actually thought it was 12 I SW it was 12 but then it turned out to be 10 um I’m kind of concerned that in filming this early I’m kind of missing out on uh some of the stuff I might actually interested in there’s always that possibility but I’m taking one for the team I’m taking one for the team in trying to get a decent view of things and see even along the bar area there are more stalls now I don’t want to do what I normally do and walk straight past the entire road so let me pretend that I’m awake enough to to notice scanning for shadow mobile scanning for shadow mobile can’t see one can’t immediately see oh hang on ah no that’s the battle Kings see that always catches me out I always think that’s the shadow of that it isn’t nice Adventure 2000 stuff there though that’s cool that’s cool I pick that up recently from uh sorry that one pick that one up from uh North Wales recently one I had in my childhood okay O Na be a tornado there as well that’s cool okay so let me not do what I just said was going to not do and not miss a row here we go now been recording for 12 minutes raw time I I bet you I’m in my own GoPro shot all the time never mind it’s just another way of filming just another way you’re getting more footage I think I might do with the go actually is just um I might just point it down a bit more Hello to goodness marvelous morning I get the impression I’m really not the only early bird oh oh oh I have a friend who’s reconstructing one of those one of these one on the robo skulls oh the robo yeah yeah it’s it’s not it’s not a cheap hob like G no it’s not at all not all hard to ridiculous yeah yeah well that’s that’s what that’s what he’s trying to do I think in a minute one of these like 34 isn’t crazy crazy manone I’ll mention it to him though that’s I have no idea what flavor of bir pre that is AMT that’s interesting nice display that’s a nice display definitely displays here that I do not recognize that’s uh Not Unusual because there’s just so many um and I mean the last sometimes when I get here is it’s like an hour or so in um and it’s really hard to take all this in in a sensible amount of time basically now this is where I started I’m back to the cosmic toys uh Landmark here let’s give him some love there is look so he’s got a double double table in boing ah look we’ve seen those on a video ladies and gentlemen it’s The Walking Dead stuff it’s all good what’s he got what’s he got what’s he got what’s he got lots of loose figures Lo some baggies look the funny thing is he’s probably walking around right now doing exactly what I’m doing right now which is entertaining there he is there’s his little setup there not so little okay moving on now I think I’ve probably be down here already I wasn’t quite filming so I think what I’m going to do is just charge down the bottom here and then and then I’m going to loop back around the one row I haven’t been down yet like this one some little older stuff in it Captain Scarlet magic round about stuff it’s cool okay through the trains let’s go train section down here at the bottom okay flowing around fling around right down the bottom corner now little sort of mix here o Batman figures in there that’s cool cool cool cool jigsaws for those who like the jigsaws um thinking of you cat there you see the problem with this is going to be I often slow down my video speed to half but then my audio isn’t going to link up so I’m just going to have to play it as it goes I think more annuals I suppose that means I need to slow down rather than speed up I guess interesting not recognize them ooh mini wigs mini Rigs and canners and all that sort of good stuff okay that right okay than you it’s getting busy getting busier morning all around me is the sound of opening wallets Ladi and gentlemen opening wallets 22 for Pick and mix Die Cast Pi mix o hello nice the FL hope Magnus blessing put the wrong end of the stick Power Ranger yes I will come this way again I will come this way again I’m almost certain nice Halo helmet there bits and pieces of a tom cat my Maxes again um I’m not going to remember where all these are another ultr Magnus he’s in fashion today co co cool oh more more Mighty M he’s he’s the might Factor are right behind Gareth that’s quite funny I can’t be I just going TOS to GTH for a moment I just saw something I wasn’t supposed to see I can’t show you it though sorry top secret must not tell cannot tell no zus Zas told not to say nothing no so does zus say nothing that was a b five reference for those who’ve never seen the show sorry okay so I kind of want to focus on this section of the show because it’s very cool there’s a very cool Airwolf up there and I’m not entirely sure if it’s um where it’s come from or what it is but I might have to have a word with gentleman later on oh there’s too much stuff to hold in my head I need new brain is what it is oh anyone com I’ll bring you back kit with a bonnet interesting I’ve got one thank you I’m looking forward to on work on that’s cool Machine lead one as well not to it that’s cool that’s cool okay all right the microphone’s still Al apparently hope you can hear me a little bit got some very cool stuff here now I don’t think I’ve ever seen Buck your hair on a card before you got Al is that is that a reaction are they Originals I don’t know on a postcard I don’t know anything about Boo hair stuff I still have not seen oo look wow that’s nice Spider bike in the box that’s very cool that’s very cool and I were just looking at a photo of mine yesterday actually that’s very cool now then so normally what happens is I run out of steam at about this point and I don’t get much further around but I’m here early and it’s there’s a nice big open space here as well which is nice you can see the sheer scope of it and I’m not even so I’m going to go down to this bottom end down here now and then I’m going to sweep up the second sort of rectangle a cuz look there still stalls down there let me just do a quick swis round cuz this is this is the the real scope of the place here you can see just how much floor area there is as I rotate around it’s a bit crazy it’s a bit crazy okay so let’s be methodical like and even walking around now I’m spotting stuff that I haven’t seen in my initial walk arounds cuz I’ve been focusing roughly on where the camera’s been pointing um so it’s kind of crazy and once I’ve done this walk around what I’ll do is I’ll just abandon the mobile possibly except for special occasions and then um I’ll see what’s what SPV salacious would be getting excited at this point cuz he would be saying things like naughty jibbly bits and that sort of thing yes cool look cool serious battery back powering those lights wow cool Hot Wheels Pi a lane some serious construction going on here for the some of these stands now don’t want to miss these so you go around the corners too fast and you miss stuff um you got to you got to watch your nooks and crannies in here watch your Nos and crannies what are those are farming stuff okay cool ear Lego it’s [Music] cool shut Shadow mobile Shadow mobile Shadow mobile no okay search continues that’s ironic cuz I’m recording as well I’ve seen this oh it’s Mel it’s Mel’s Collectibles Mel’s here that but you know you got like Ro action remember load are accessories making 65 you’re right you’re right you might not remember me I do remember don’t me on hands and knees that’s swe we want your mail yeah just walking along way M’s Collectibles I know that M’s Collectibles yeah yeah thanks for video that’s right yeah so it’s academic talking about it really I se that’s Mell that’s nice I was sure we got up this far actually I probably wouldn’t put wouldn’t have put two and two together before now just to really say hello to him actually that’s a lot of at hats holy heck that’s a lot of at hats and Lego and stuff okay I’ve seen that before I’ve never seen seen in never seen it off eBay that’s cool W lenion Falcon bits and pieces box uh 18 helicopter and the stool right on the edge of everything cuz there’s no more here that’s it right back we go back we go now and have I missed any no don’t think so okay still unpacking here any Stow BS tanks and stuff okay still to be announced o one of the mod in the bird 3es there it’s cool walk around bless him large xwing that’s cool I’m that tired of tell days like this I wish I had let him do the reveal toys now got his own I know what it is I know what it is I saw it see I saw it I’m saying nothing yeah you have to go check out a stand yeah I might have I might have accidentally GoPro it I can’t I can’t really say for sure yeah but I’ll I’ll take that that’s possible yeah yeah yeah do you want a bag for him please do you watch The Cosmic Council uh I try to anyway but I watched the I watch the videos yeah cool C domain C’s domain I you can’t on the T-shirt now GoPro hi there’s one hi yeah yeah yeah yeah I know the name I know the name the Aging brain knows the name even at this time on a Sunday morning they do cool good stuff marvelous do you consent to be on video sir yeah sure is he’s on video now folks like awesome up until the point the battery dies or anything else fabulous thank you very much why why did I think it was a good idea to walk around with the GoPro straps on my chest anwers on a postcard find out well I bought that one it’s also I need to fix stuff up actually I keep flying past it but this is the first time I’ve done early bird this is my second one cuz I did one in pepp it right uh but I couldn’t do a b one because of like family things but right like I say I’m trying to go more more towards uh Toy first okay so it’s my like go the year to try and do more toy fairs and stuff like that so yeah well it’s a good way to get it I mean because I’m just those mow Mel Collectibles over there who I whose store I went into when I was going my little s go west bit so um yeah it’s it’s just nice nice to see people put like you know I know I know another reason why these are good because people gather to them so it’s you know cool good I’ll probably see you around at some point I I check with G yeah yeah yeah you know where he is don’t you around area I’m going to do head towards yeah diagonally from here is yeah oh in fact he’s just around the corner actually thinking about he’s just through through through that Gap so he’s probably closer than you think so yeah I do need to check out the C counts there I just like get never get around to it worry that’s how I main videos all that that it’s not compulsory we won’t implant you with anything if you don’t watch it it’s fine we’re not tracking you at all it’s fine see you later on he was lovely I’m talking to a mic I’m not talking to myself honest and I’m still not seeing a shadow mobile oh you okay you okay okay thanks okay I have something for on his head um that’s interesting I say it’s interesting because there appears to be no no stalls there there used to be stalls there I can’t remember anyway moving on cuz you don’t want to look at empty space o that’s interesting thatb one I don’t recognize it’s interesting of Voltron jigsaw interesting I wonder if that’s a marks and Sparks thing battle Cru cool sorry you may hear some thoughts I’m not really saying out loud out loud but I’m trying to mumble them so you might possibly pick them up it’s very long me Mecha Godzilla there o sectors in a box up on high I need you need about six pairs of eyes there’s a little little baby 89 Batman erle diecast whole lot of stuff going on yeah a lot of stuff going on whole lot of stuff going on underneath the tables as well pretty much everywhere cool cool right I’m going to collect finish my sweep and then I need to get on and get some stuff I think it would be rude not to play set again Playmates various broken B from backpack quiet still this bit is an interesting bit this bit I never spend enough time around got some good model kits there got the Reliant the Enterprise it’s nice um I can’t believe Mark isn’t here it’s weird without Mark we don’t normally go around together as such but I keep seeing stuff where I think oh I wonder if Mark would like that and I can’t ask him CU he’s not here um kind of tricky kind of tricky we can still you see I’m I’m going to I’m going to miss that initial row if I don’t go back again so I’m going to have to keep looping around that’s a cool CH I don’t recognize him at all that’s notag shut mobiles uh and there’s some sealed stuff at the back Jo ride it that’s that apparently is a store selling ghosts so that’s fun um Hong Kong three you Happ with the fixes i’ got five figures I think from this store before this is the same store superar Kevin the Geral Hong Kong f look at that that’s quality Pokémon pushies loving [Music] it cool that’s an interesting dragony creaty thing no idea what that is for the Star Wars offish ardos not contributing or earning a lot these are K yeah when I when I did the business I think what Ken pal toy I think now anything interesting here no one can sell keep coming back yeah no you don’t I think gotor avar stuff a lot that got a Jupiter station sence cool cool cool cool cool cool cool Beast Hunters St Discovery ST Treck card not not really in love with that ship designs for that era so not really that fast all right so we’re getting there we’re getting there I think I’ve got one more row left stom I’ve still never picked up any starcom which is weird for me cuz normally I go for spaceships but I’ve never actually picked up starcom I bet everybody thinks that I’m talking to myself hello I thought he was a Terra Hawks Guy Mr caral Mr caraval there caraval okay what’s funny about a lot of these places is that there’s no overlap um you would think there would be overlap but somehow there isn’t the sheer volume of of toys that are possibly available there is very little overlap all right let me flip around so I think that the last row oh no no no no no tell the light there is another row I SL done let me I’m going to go up to the top excuse me high speeded session my BL to myself actually they had more chance to set up now so this is probably not a bad idea I suspect I’m just going to put this up raw and unedited because editing it could be a bit of a nightmare um and I think I just I may just paused where I wasn’t going to do anything so this is the entrance bit here first I remember was a bloke I don’t know jocky two it’s weird how much of this Railway stuff stays the same cuz I still recognize a lot of it even now from my youth that’s weird think the same as a Tracy Island got that’s that is Matchbox but that’s that must be from the that’s interesting no I’ll be all right 496 P interesting right there is something you don’t see every day as they say than that’s a cool ship what it is though Bon mice have that little Goot space sh cool Visionaries capture Chariot I think to Small Soldiers Thunder Cats the Chef from South Park cuz OB the Chef from South Park would be there makes perfect sense new machine DX I’m sure I had that when I was little sure I had that when I was little like could be wrong come on see come on technical difficulties right little technical difficulties there I’m hoping it’s I’m hoping it’s still recording my voice possibly maybe probably yes kiss you that’s a shining example of why you shouldn’t film early when you want to actually buy stuff somebody just bought the uh Little Robot I had my eye on not to worry not to worry that’s a thing that happens H funny right wouldn’t that you will buy something possibly so may just trains down here I think on this section may just the trains bit more cars right okay well if the audio hasn’t worked all the time then that’s a lesson learned but if it has so much the better if it hasn’t then I can just talk over it after so you’ve got one of two versions depending on how things have got all right I’m going to start filming now and actually start looking and buying some stuff cheers for now


    1. Thanks for the mention mate, it was awesome to meet you in person. It was a great day and there was so much cool stuff on display 👍🔥

    2. Sorry I couldn't be there mate to have a meet up, the wife was called into work. Looked awesome, n will defo try to have a meet up at sometime ether Doncaster or Cosmics

    3. Jesus dude!!! How? Seriously, how did you get this done so quick???

      I’ve just finished editing at 12.20am and set it to process!!!

      You’re a fooking MACHINE!!!

      Sorry but gonna have to catch this later, bed is calling lol

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