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    evening good afternoon wherever you are in the world and today we’ve got the first stage of the Toral France 2024 and it’s in Italy of all places who would have thought that uh they would be trespassing on the Jalia um yeah landscape but yeah here we are we’re about 71 km into the stage we’ve still got 134 34.6 km to go an interesting situation on the road with a breakaway out in front but the biggest story is that Mark candes seems to have an upset stomach and is struggling to hang on in the race right now we’ve got a breakaway up the road we’ll go through them and yeah right now it’s Panic stations for Kazakhstan this dream of getting that 35th victory for Mark cdes that it’s been spoken about so often so many times and yeah here we are on the verge of it potentially going completely out the back um literally as well but it’s an interesting break nonetheless we’ve also got two other sprinters out the back as well with Fabio yakobson and Alexander Kristoff not too worrying you would say because when you look at the terrain we’ve had a cap 2 climb uh that the Riders have gone up we’ve got a c 3 climb coming up then we’ve got the intermediate Sprint then we’ve got five more cized climbs so there’s plenty of climbing still to go here it’s quite a Savage first um stage but in the break out in front we’ve got Ryan Gibbons the former African national uh National Continental Champion uh right now is the South African National Champion but joined with him we have we have mate morage winner of a stage last year of course that very memorable iconic interview afterwards then we’ve got valtin madis as well uh IO isir who I believe took a stage win last year then we’ve got clemon champin champin someone can help me with that in the comments I’m sure uh the are samik Rider and then we’ve got Fran Frank Vanden Brook the wrer who won the Tour of turkey early on this year and is quite an exciting Talent bit of a shame to see him already in the break that kind of insinuates that well did we actually think he was going to go for a GC DSM having an interesting team with Oscar Onley in there Fabi Jacobson Roman B Warren bagil as well I believe and Yas abrahamson as well the norian who’s been doing quite well this year already having some good results and S Sandi dardin as well for the toal enes team who um yeah should they even be here but that’s the nature of world cards they can choose whoever they want whoever they want apart from two the two best pro Continental teams but we have plenty of racing to go here and that poka do Jersey is going to be decided the green jersey to some extent as well who’s going to be the first bearers of that and the yellow Jersey the principal prize and yeah we’ll wait and see if if we can see maybe not tacha or you honest thing got wearing that Jersey obviously Tacho almost wore the Malia Rosa from start to finish in the jro Talia being denied by navz but at the front here of the Pelon we’ve got the team that boasts a host of national champions of EF education easy post are doing the work here maybe they feel like they should have been in the break or or perhaps they just are riding for Mr Alberto bettio in that Italian Nationals kit they’ve also got their car American champion right now with Shan Quinn and also Rue Costa who’s the Portuguese national champion so a whole host of national champions within that Squad uat memor lining up behind them inos granad as well and Vis M Lisa bik with that awful kit I don’t like it I like their kit last year but uh not a fan of the kit this year uh quite a few people are great to have Vera here great to have some many regulars in the comments as well and yeah in terms of our poll 30 43% of you I thought more would for Pacha think he’s going to be wearing the first jersey but they’re coming up to the qu forche 2.5 km in length 6.2% for the Breakaway and we’ll see what they can do here uh who’s going to be taking the polker Jersey points here on this second cized climb great to have Brian here great to Mike Scott McMillan as well and yeah this race it’s yeah teart great to have you here as well and uh Charles so many regular names good to have you all here first stage of the tour but 2.2 km still to go of that cat cat three climb I believe it’s cat fre climb so uh we’ll see the polka do Jersey that that could be a good uh little poll to do who do you think is going to be wearing the polka Jersey at the end of the stage uh it could be anyone really anyone in this Breakaway you would think mate moric that would be quite a good narrative and yeah uh who’s going to be wearing the yellow Jersey is the big question yis Ving got 23% of you only 10% going for Primos RL so yeah we’ll wait and see what happens here but still a long way to go for the Riders and uh yeah maybe I started too early as well but uh I have water so uh the throat won’t dry up if you’re wondering why there’s no Patrick or no Yuan first of all yuan’s in Italy covering the race for a magazine and Patrick has found himself down there as well so um yeah so Patrick is right now somewhere in France waiting for stage for the gbia stage but those two aside 7 minutes and 31 seconds is the the gap down to the Cavendish Group which is made of principally his lead out riders that are kind of trying to nurse him through this stage this is going to be an absolutely horrific situation to be in we we’ve only done one cat climb and there’s plenty more to come so it’s not like uh it’s going to be an easy day for him but eight Riders out in front I think Frank vanderbrook could potentially get this first uh poota Jersey we could even see Valentin madis I believe he was top 10 in the Toral France a few years ago courtesy of n kintana getting relegated uh um so yeah 10th place in 2022 and last year he was 20th so yeah Val madas obviously we know he’s also finished on the podium in the Run van blandin back in 2022 what a great year his 2022 was let’s be honest then national champion in 2023 not the national champion right now but they still have the national champion within the ranks of the team so yeah 129.4 K still to go here that group looking fairly consistent working well together but you would assume that at this point here quite a hefty lead for them to already have uh three almost four minutes so yeah a long way to go that’s for sure but uh so far so good for them and uh who do we think is actually going to be the best Rider out of this bunch here Val madis if he’s on form that’s the thing as cycling fans we don’t know how they going you could see Cavendish out the back bad stomach whatever it was the heat the heat is terrible I think the heat is terrible most places in Europe I’m hiding in a dark room here trying to stay out of it um yeah 32° here in France yesterday 32 degrees that’s ridiculous okay I know some of you might be from hotter countries great job paty done as well uh I believe somewhere in Poland if I’m not mistaken but um yeah great to have so many people here I should yeah we’ll get U some total France competitions underway as well uh on the community chat but right now uh it’s looking fairly consistent how would you feel winning a stage you’re taking a stage win of the toor France and it’s in Italy that would be quite weird uh but I mean you can say that for all the grand deas Fab Jacobson has never won a stage of the total France if you look at that winning his stage in Denmark so um yeah quite unusual uh but I I guess it doesn’t really matter where you are as long as it’s the race as long as the atmosphere feels like the Toral France it could be anywhere Qatar Dubai uh North Korea probably never going to go there uh but yeah right now uh it’s it’s firmly in the hands of the Breakaway and uh the pet on behind although Guided by uh Guided by EF education easy post the there was yeah um we’ll wait and see um yeah what what’s going to happen but Frank vanderbrook just flicking the elbow there uh Valentin madis I think is the danger man here and I think he will try and get that polka do Jersey uh but we’ll wait and see for the next one we’ll wait and see for the next uh well we’ve got it in 600 meters so this will tell a bit of a story who’s actually going for this first poka do Jersey uh an Accolade that is well it’s the easiest time to get the POG Jersey if we think about it um The Well easiest relatively easy compared to deeper into the race because of the accumulation of points but yeah right now I mean yones abrahamson would love to get this Uno X did they wear it last year I seem to recall they wore it I think tobas Hal johanneson won the doofan one last year but uh that doesn’t mean anything at the Toral fronts uh mate moric looks quite comfortable here he’s just keeping a quite hard Pace here Ryan given I don’t think is going to be the rider uh yon Zig he could be one uh he’s a very good Rider as we know uh he’s yeah I mean a stage win is that is that what we think is going to happen here from this group that’s probably going to be our next poll I know a lot of you have already voted in the poll so well done to you um what are we saying as well um Uno X released a clip of 3 to four minutes minutes 3 to four minutes 18 hours ago where man was caught more or less states that he would not mind taking the yellow Jersey on the first stage hard to see that as a promise of attack o okay that is interesting uh I would like to see monus Court in yellow uh he has definitely not been in yellow he was one of the guys uh who was in that pocketo Jersey early on um but yeah it looks like uh who took it here yeah abrahamson that we were talking about he him and Ian isiri it looks like eiri just boxing in abah hamson there but yeah abah hamson taking second place Ian in first place here so uh yeah um yonis vingo getting a bit of time as well he had a puncture early on but he got back in the group uh easily and uh where am I right now I’m actually in one of the cities that will be on the tour to France route so uh look at I won’t say which city that’ll be the surprise and then I’ll tell you when when the tour is right outside the door um but yeah 127.5 km to go a long way to go Israel Premier Tech we haven’t really spoken about the teams uh we can talk a bit about that Steven Williams for Israel Premier Tech he is interesting to say the least uh ver saying being at EF education F go I’m pulling for Alberto Alberto um yeah there’s only one Alberto in my books and he’s called cido bet all um I wonder if he was named after him of course he wasn’t the age capap isn’t big enough uh 7 minutes and 40 seconds is the deficit for the Cavendish group to the pelaton so I mean they’re they’re managing they’re managing it quite well uh to be honest so yeah I think it should be okay but uh 7 Minutes 8 minutes is a long time given that we have 126 kilm still to go with quite a bumpy po rile uh so it’s not looking great yis wingle uh Team radio is coming up that’s still a thing uh yeah what are they saying okay boys I just want to let you all know that for me so far it’s fine there is really no problem sitting in the bunch really good you hear yis he feels good also sitting in the bunch I don’t know I mean cycling’s trying to be Formula One I get it and I appreciate they trying but yeah we don’t I don’t know maybe it give some insight the the one last year the C la la definitely gave a huge Insight with tyacha so uh that firmly shuts me up about the the team radios because that was absolutely incredible timing for that to happen but yeah right now we’re seeing EF education EO still pulling still pulling so yeah we had Mike saying that Manus courot neelson wants to try and go for the yellow Jersey perhaps but he’s not writing for EF education easy post anymore so uh have they forgotten about that uh transferring to Uno X obviously that was one of the big reasons well you would think that was one of the reasons why they got the wild card again um cuz they’re not exactly the best the I’m not even sure they’re the top three best pro Continental teams in terms of the world toour rankings but uh they certainly are up there punch punching in a lot of races but they aren’t that top tier right now that’s the likes of a lot of Destiny Israel premere Tech and I believe there’s one other team that’s beating them as well uh obviously we have this threeyear relegation system which I think is weird but uh it should be every year chos every year uh but that’s the system anyway um and right now we’re seeing Vis M and UA mem kind of just getting on each side of EF education easy post and inas granders also up towards the front but as start of Kazakhstan of course they don’t just have Mark hes they also have um Alexi Leno but he didn’t drop back as far as I could see he’s kind of the one card in the Helia stages he wasn’t in the jayre sitting in the top 10 and on the pred Thea stage that he won as well uh in the J Sicilia he unfortunately dropped back and yeah complete oh not Sicilia abuto it’s an abuto of course not in Sicilia what are we saying as well Vera I’m concerned I’m know cyclist are super tough but my brother had a collapse along and it took him months to recover completely yeah it it is crazy uh the recovery that he’s gone from if he wins this this is one of the biggest comeback stories since a certain um American that must not be named okay that that was like epic uh whatever we think of the one who must not be name going from cancer to winning the tour in any capacity is ridiculous uh but yeah that aside uh vingo he is the big question Mar are we going to see UAE te emit just pushing him a bit as well in today’s stage uh I mean you would he’s the two-time defending toal France Champion he’s the guy who put you to the sword two years in a row of course you want to try and get him back you had a broken wrist last year okay that isn’t the same caliber of he could still train with a broken wrist but yores obviously couldn’t and yeah it was almost same timing as well as well so we will wait and see but right now we still have the eight Riders out in front Ian is and Yas abrahamson are certainly not going to be sending each other christas cards after that um that little Sprint in the mountains Sprint but yeah let me just get your virtual standing as well in terms of the the classics anyone who cares about Greek cycling the national championships has uh started today I guess a time trial uh being won but um yeah weird to have your national championships during the Tour of France but right now we have Ian in that provisional polka do Jersey so yeah that that would be I mean that would be a great goal to go for for easy G but we’ve seen so many times that uh yeah go I don’t know what the strategy is the perfect strategy to win the pocketo Jersey if you’re not one of the big guys the big GC guys do you go all out for from this go yeah I think yeah we go Brian saying new poll new poll is coming so who’s going to wear the polka do Jersey that’s the next one um who’s going to wear the polka do Jersey oh actually let’s do break versus Pelton we always do that one uh who will win the stage Breakaway or pelaton there we go easy easy done so this time 122.9 km from the finish this is the perfect time to do this poll and then we’ll change to another one maybe we’ll do the polot jersey after a few more Sprints but uh Mountain Sprints but the next Mountain Sprint to come or the mountains points is um a cat three climb in 3 point that can’t be right uh let’s just uh see no we’ve got the intermedia Sprint coming up in three point 4 km obviously there’s bonus seconds I believe available uh but aana still struggling with Mark hdes the best Sprinter in Tor of France history uh yeah I what can you do here that that is the big question great to have Gladis here as well great to have so many familiar names in the comments obviously we’ll do every single stage of the tour and this time I hope my laptop won’t break down like it did a couple of weeks ago uh that’s why it’s been a bit quiet on the channels um but yeah plenty of things to come on the channels as well so uh yeah but right now 8 minutes and 33 seconds it’s extending a bit more but you would think right now the mark cendes group are yeah I think the Gap is going to go up you can see the profile on your screen and I think the Gap is going to go up when we come to the next kind of those four successive climbs I think that is when the the Gap to Mark cadish is absolutely going to be balloon if the front group also put a bit of pressure on so I think Cades could be in a battle here for the time cut already on day one um yeah big shame big shame but that is the game that is the game sadly so uh yeah we’ll wait and see but right now it’s all still to play for for that Breakaway most of you saying the peleton I mean it is the first stage sometimes the peleton don’t want the yellow Jersey the pressure the interviews all that that goes uh alongside having the jersey uh but EF education easy post certainly are wanting that pressure uh 3 minutes and 24 seconds so they reduced the Gap by about 25 seconds and yeah DB Cooper saying you haven’t seen the city bike challenge video uh yeah that’s available on the cycl day action Channel if anyone hasn’t seen it yet uh San LCA is the climb tomorrow so yeah what are we saying oh wico kelman went down wico kelderman went down teart let us know when that was I completely missed that uh maybe my my thing is a bit behind here but yeah Cavendish not in a great situation kofidis this could be a poo Jersey an a State win maybe but EF education easy post is that thorn to this plan uh a lot of Riders just getting dropped back there we saw the Dutch national champion which the Dutch national champion isn’t that Dylan H yeah I believe it is we’ve had a plethora of new champions of course Ryan gibbons’s one of them being in the break of of course the South African one isn’t during the European and most of the other races uh Sean asking what happened to Mark Cavendish Cavendish uh not quite sure really heard stomach problems also heard the weather as well but uh the weather seems yeah I don’t know I think stomach issu is probably a more likely hormon by day we saw that in the Jalia he had stomach issues early on in the jro and that really hit him hard but uh we’re getting a bit of a splinter I’m not quite sure which group this is um but there’s a lot of AR Riders Dyan hovan’s in this group but now we’re coming up to the intermed Sprint and this should be interesting one 20 points up for grabs who are we going to see cash prize also there who’s going to get it we’re seeing yonas abrahamson going for it dardin going for it as well abrahamson wants everything he wants the polka Jersey he wants yeah he’s going to take it oh no the total energy Rider Sandi do Jardin takes it so uh yeah yeah that’s a shame for unox but B love the proc Continental teams for the cash prizes and yeah 20 points uh on on the account of total energy so yeah that was good very very good uh Scott McMillan almost 100 degrees in Florence uh is this where I have to say we should do it in Celsius and not Fahrenheit 100 degrees sounds like we’re all going to die 118 kilm still to go here Ryan gibons here for little Trek him changing teams I believe was it not this year he changed teams or was it the year before a former Rider of uaet memor but now riding for Leal track little treack um very interesting team you would say Obviously Red Bull borans is the most interesting team right now Coury of that upping of their budget from 25 million to 45 million euros a year and if you say 6 million goes to Prim much RL then you can see it’s quite a huge budget a really big budget I think their budget might be bigger than in your screen is ah there we go ver 38 degre oh my goodness that is terrible 38° that is ridiculous I would not want to ride my bike in 38° but the next K uh coming up is 10.5 km long 4.6% and the K apparently is held by Lawrence tindam remember him Lawrence tindam we’re just seeing a sticky bottle hair going on with jco YULA in we haven’t mentioned them either Binum gay um uh yeah Brian going out for CH ride I’m I’m taking the chat that’s good uh Michael Matthews was the rider getting a bottle not too much chap about Michael Matthews but he could certainly be someone ah maybe this this is a bit too hilly but um yeah these these hardier sprinters can any of them really hang on in that four succession of cins I think it’s a big ask to be honest if UAE T Ms or Vis Malisa bike or sudal quickstep uh really put put a pressure on ag2r the cathlon there now getting in the mix so is little Trek for some weird reason little Trek you have Ryan Gibbs up the road but that just shows they they don’t have too much faith in him I think this could be for the intermediate Sprint that doing something here mes Pon obviously wants to go for that Jersey we’ve got bam gay in there we’ve got yasper philipson as well it looks like his team are lining up for that the defending Champion but little Trek they’re opening it up here bam gai setting in the tail end of this group and it looks like the minor positions here remember this is ninth place that competing for might be won by Leal Tre Mass Pon opening it up here is he going to be able to take the Ninth Place yasper philipson is he in there bam gay not being able to challenge him but it looks like there oh that I think that was Jasper philipson I think that was Jasper philipson it’s hard to say uh looking at this is why I hate all these new kits because it completely confuses you um yeah who do we blame for these kit changes EF education easy post but just looking at the Sprint again here little Tre Mass pson was the first one to open it up yasper philipson sting pretty on his wheel decathlon with Sam Benner of course that was the right I was forgetting but yasper philipson making easy work here of the Dane unfortunately and kofidis was that Brian kokar I think that was Brian Kar and then bam gay as well in there as well just mixing it there so yeah that that is uh our intermediate Sprint the first one of the toal France 2024 and it certainly was quite interesting here in Santa sopia and yeah bit of action there so that was quite good uh what are we saying here talking of Greek National Road championships do you remember the Greek writer who wrote for yusari and around 20112 I think he represented Greece in in the copen yeah that was the guy they signed for his UCI world to points uh there was that habit where they would all these teams would sign uh well lesser Riders seems a bit cruel but um just to get their points so yeah maybe we’ll do a poll about the kits as well who has the best alternative kit so uh yeah we’ll wait for that 117 km still to go thank you for all joining so early as well and uh yeah it’s a long T France it’s a very long to France at this stage but I should get Patrick back uh eventually and or anyone else let’s let’s see if I can get a special guest as well as a a commentator we’ve had Dan bigam on before so uh maybe we can do that but 11 16.8 km 9.2 km to go of this cat three climb I believe it was yasper philipson and s benett coming back into the bunch now and just a memorial here of Marco pantani of course we’re going to his hometown of Chess Aro tomorrow uh chess Ino absolutely a beautiful little Seaside um town I was actually there one year for the mar sport which I thought was a sport it turned into a race that was quite crazy uh but yeah Marco Pani he’s definitely going to be pictured a number of places around the roads here in Italy certainly tomorrow and then tomorrow finishing in Bologna tackling that San LCA climb which is a dreadful crime um well it’s a nice climb but it’s a dreadful climb if you do it on a shitty City bike like I did it uh right now we’re seeing madis just pushing on here trying to keep the pace up their lead is 3 minutes and 12 seconds so it keeps coming down ever so slightly um yeah so Valentin madas I think he’s thinking for the stage win he doesn’t really care about that polka Jersey the poka Jersey more on the minds of Ian isiri perhaps Frank vandenbrook I mean DSM desperately needs like a great result here okay the tour of Turkey they absolutely wiped the floor with the field but yeah since then it’s not yeah it’s it’s been a unlucky season for them but Yan a g stage winner last year coford is dispelling that drought that they had with two stage of Victories Victor laf of course and then Ian nigiri but uh yeah are they going to win more stages or are we going to see the start of the next drought that they’ve had so it was 2008 to 2023 that was a huge gap to say the least um TP Cooper doesn’t that go up to 20% yes in very small parts it goes up to 20% it’s a strange clim Sandi D Jardin is out the back so the total energies Rider is the first one to drop so we’re from 8 to seven now so the total energies Rider the Frenchman I think the only Frenchman in this group um no of Clon Champion um so yeah odd Christian iing is with Alexander Christopher apparently Mar hes has David ballerini KES B mik gazoli and Mikel meru with him right now so it’s principally his lead out train you would say mechanical problem for Steven Williams here so yeah um Steven Williams you want to see Israel Premier take take away and they’ve been so good particularly Steven Williams uh Tor down under winner Overall winning flesh valone in those Dreadful conditions but right now it is Frank vanderbrook pushing the pressure here M mate moric also up here former stage winner himself not the Milan Sano Champion uh right now but he’s had a bit of a weird season not quite firing on all cylinders but that’s because he has such a high standard that’s why but Dylan kovan is out the back with one of his teammates for Jak aula I mean bringing Matthews and Jovan and Simon Yates is quite strange but uh do you remember the intermediate Sprint that we had a few minutes ago that is where Mark Cades finds himself right now so Mikel Maru a former polka do Jersey wearer as well back in was it 2013 when uh saxo bank had nothing because contador well no 2012 because contador uh was suspended and then yeah but here we are M marro on the first stage uh guiding mark Cades DB Cooper saying the tarmac is 118 Fahrenheit I have no idea what that means but uh I’m guessing 52 Dees or is that wrong Celsius 8 kmers until we Crest the next cized climb and who is going to be winning that poka do Jersey Sprint but yeah SE eight becomes seven and the Seven R Ryan Gibbons mate morage M Ian clayon champ Frank ven Brook and yonas abrahamson obviously Uno X they’re their team we might as well talk about some of the teams because we haven’t talked about any teams really in terms of lineups but uh Uno X Mobility as they’re now known uh this is their second Tour of France I believe or is it their third tour of France even let’s just double check that uh this is their second Tour of France so they weren’t there in 2022 still a fairly young team uh compared to some of the other teams in the bunch 3 minutes and 27 seconds for that seven Man Group out in front but in terms let’s why am I starting with Uno X well we’ll start with Uno X anyway Alexander Christo former stage winner a friend of the channel here he’s been in several interviews with us and very nice guy he’s won several stages including the champ Le day stage Jas abrahamson fairly good year this year winning the Brussel Cycling Classic second in dwarf store as well behind Mato Jorgenson second in the dto hit hageland as well uh so yeah yonas abrahamson only one Victory to his name but a big one in the terms of uh the Brussels Cycling Classic and yeah unfortunately last year we had unfortunately we don’t have any Peters scan here but we also have Manos nilson former stage winner as well won a stage last year for EF education EOS odd Christian iing he’s had a bit of a up and down career really uh taking the red jersey of the wel espia and then you’ve also got johanes kulet and Rasmus Tilla with son not S car son venal who’s a very big Talent uh within the team so within Norwegian cycling and Tobias Hal johanneson as well a former toal avaner winner who has who finished second in the GC in the tour of Britain last year 10th in the tour of Slovenia which was a bit of a underwhelming result really you would have thought he could potentially have challenged for the win but it wasn’t quite his race other teams as well I mean Mark kish’s team other than the lead out guys that have been kind of uh brought back but we’re seeing match vandero here absolutely dren the world champion I think they’re dropping back no he’s up in the front so mat vano up towards the front here the world champion the yeah P Bay winner tandes winner cych cross world champion winner I mean yeah you can you can put it all on his uh on his uh palarz it’s incredible what he’s done he’s an absolute legend of the sport already and nowhere near ing I’m a huge match of pole fan uh as you all probably know by now but in terms of win uh 61% of you believe it’s going to be the pelaton winning and not much faith in the yeah not much faith in the victory for the Breakaway so that’s a bit of a shame well we’ll do another poll well how many have we got we’ll do another poll when we on 150 votes so if you already voted it seems like the whole world is voting in politics this year here in France they’re having elections but uh yeah crazy stuff the UK are having their elections next year during the tour how disrespectful do they not know it’s the Tor of France but yeah I mean we’ll wait and see what happens who cares about the politics right now we care about the cycling and we’ve still got a way to go in terms of that c cat 3 climb when that cat 3 climb finishes then we got two cat two climbs and then two cat three climbs and then that’s the Finish we’re actually venturing into San San Marino one of my favorite countries if you haven’t been I imploy well I always say this anywhere in Italy San Marino you should go it’s my favorite country Italy San Marino its own country of course but yeah who thought that this San Marino would be seeing the Tor of France I don’t think anyone one had that on their bingo card but 5.9 km still to go here and the Seven Man Group are working well together I’m surprised Ryan Gibbons is doing so well the South African here maybe the temperature suits him he’s just like boys this is like winter for us uh he’s just pouring some cold water over him as well the little trekman um but mate moric I mean there’s plenty of people thinking that if he survives to that final c three a descent for him would absolutely be on the cards and then he could ride off to a victory I want to see Fran vandenbrook try and do something here DSM feric desperately need some luck here but I don’t think it’s going to happen if I’m honest uh right now but yeah we’ll wait and see here um Uno X I’ve talked about them too much I think grama fdj let’s have a chat about them because they have a very interesting team a late a late inclusion of Lenny Martinez who if you don’t know who he is he’s had one of the best seasons this year in terms of riders certainly for the under 23 uh category he is the best Rider he’s only 20 years old this guy is steeped in Talent won the classic VAR early on this year in a quite comical fashion with Tobias Hal Johansson getting the Finishing Line wrong uh second in o kamino behind none other than yis Bingo won the trao lalia one day race eighth in St biani in the Welter Catalonia he finished seventh over row and won The Young Riders classification then he won two he won the to dup and the other race as well the gr banon dup as well and then in the toour Romy he finished eighth and winning the meab tour classic Al team uh marim as well in quite a dominant fashion tauris whs nothing really to write home about other than a fifth place and a sixth place in the final individual time trial so um I think yeah he certainly has um he certainly has the the form to be in this team but yeah strangely they did not not strangely because he’s only 20 years old so maybe they wanted to nurture him a bit more maybe this is the next the next iteration of uh tbop Pino who knows but 10 minutes is the gap back to mark hich from the Pelon the peleton have a 3 minutes and 47 second Gap to the Breakaway and clemont Trum is the last Frenchman out of front group so now there’s six riders with no French riders in that group right now uh David guo is here as well but I mean David guo he’s been yeah 15th in Criterium J do that that is not really in my fire at all 14th in the Toral romandy he finished fourth in the Toral France in 2022 remember that he finished 17 crer de beforehand that’s where he won that stage as well um where wart celebrated a bit too soon but yeah uh trouble here for one of the EF education easy peros R is not one of their national champions uh yeah drinking is going to be a vital component here for all the Riders I can’t believe how hot it is that is ridiculous but we’re going from Florence to Remy or Fen to Remy and uh let’s just check what the weather’s like on uh BBC they’re saying 35 36° excessive heat warning is the Italian meteorology service they’re saying that this is a heat warning so yeah not really the best conditions to be riding the Toto France in but uh yeah these guys are Next Level athletes I firmly believe that the tour France is the hardest sport you can do I mean boxing you say get hit in the face UFC but in terms of like not getting hit in the face but I mean crashes is worse than getting hit in the face uh just to ask anyone about that but right now mate moric for Baron victorus Yus abah Hansson looking a bit shaky towards the back end of the Breakaway but ianiri is looking very comfortable in this group I think he’s going to be taking the points here on with 3.3 km to go on that next mountains Jersey Sprint Valentine Modis is looking very sweaty to be honest and uh yeah we’ll wait and see but great to have 200 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from if you’re new as well uh what are we saying here new poll should Scott make a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion chart uh yeah maybe what uh Aiden saying Wimbledon Tennis starts on Monday as well wonder what the weather’s like in the UK yeah there’s too much sport and today we have Formula 1 as well Formula 1 going on in Austria so uh yeah a lot of racing going on so uh everything’s happening in the summer no one wants anything to happen during the spring or the winter or anything we of course we have cycl cross that’s pretty good so yeah I believe we’ll do a new poll so who’s going to win the Pol Jersey that’s the new poll so bear in mind we have those six Riders out in front we’ve already had a number of the points uh decided or allocated so who will Who will uh wear where the polka dot Jersey today oh Mike saying Denmark versus Germany in the EUR I don’t really follow football anymore and I think Denmark should just stick to cycling and handball uh we’re not that good at football to be honest sorry any danger football fans I’m a Dane as well so I can say it uh Vore we’re just getting a reminder here of the VIS M Lisa bike Team obviously no se cus that like changeed for uh Bart lemon the former Soldier and former uh Pro Continental Rider like that is a big jump up for him that he he was going from being a proc Continental Rider to then going uh yeah here so uh we wait and see if if he has done enough we’re seeing Neils poet here out the back maybe just a bit of problems the German riding in that uh incredible UAE team changing for br HG what a buy he might be but we’ll have to wait and see uh how that turns out so who else was in that group uh for the break uh is W vard going to be annoying uh that is the big question we we’ve had a number of times what well last year wat vard desperately wanted that Victory and I think that hampered the team a bit but Ward is a rider that demands this kind of attention let’s let’s not beat around the bush he’s a in the top five of riders right now so obviously he wants to have victories Yan tratnik here riding the the the tour to France and the jro so another Slovenian doing the jro tour double uh but in a different fashion the Red Bull Bor hrow helmet looks so beautiful oh uh a bit weird that W vanal wearing a Red Bull helmet as well you have to say so uh yeah uh we’re seeing a briers out the back here 107 for up KCK that is Yas rard and another yonas who was the other riter that was thinking oh we can put other we’ll put other that as always uh I save you but yeah mark 11 minutes and 14 seconds like we said those four successive uh climbs coming up that is going to be a big big danger for Mark cavendish’s participation in the Tour of France going forward it’s yeah it’s not looking great here it’s not looking great for sure but they have to do this this is the Talisman he he crashed out last year in quite unfortunate circumstances and this is what you have to do you have to go all in okay hav got all the writers back heral tahala the Colombian uh he’s not back here which is good uh lenko as well Fabio Jacobson here struggling he’s well any uh subscribers of the cycling Dan extra channel will have listened to the interview he did earlier this year with uh well I was in the group and uh he was saying that he he isn’t a climber he doesn’t care if he finishes last as long as he finishes first in those after those last 200 meters on a flat but the problem is he’s had a bit of bad luck the jir tire was certainly not great I mean he also is doing the Jour double um so yeah we’ll wait and see what are we saying here Denmark are ranked 21 on the world ranking that’s more than decent for a nation with less than 6 million people to have more than so you have to more than agree there Scott yeah that’s true I agree we do very well as a nation in sports I have to say for so little people um I’m sure there’s cities in the U oh not cities oh yeah cities in the US that are bigger than all of Denmark uh but yeah it we we have to enjoy in Denmark this is the golden generation for our cycling so enjoyed now it might never happen again um or happen in a different iteration just look at the Colombian cycling that colan golden generation is gone now so uh they have to rebuild their their their generation once more so yeah we’ll wait and see but right now mwas is pushing on with e giri oh mate mored was the guy I was going to put as P option what a shame of course I hope we beat Germany in the football that would be funny uh 108.4 km still to go here we’re getting ever closer to this next ciz Sprint for the mountains and there 670 Metter and then we got those four climbs coming up as well uh ver saying do you think Remco will take a stage certainly I think he will take multiple stages if he’s on form he was nursing was still recovering from that tour of the bass country injury came down in a crash as well in doof I think two times and he was saying he yeah he was quite positive in the interviews he was saying that uh looking forward uh yeah his condition was better at the end of the do compared to the start so I still think he should have debuted last year at the toal France but yeah oh well broken record on that front uh mad struggling here the pressure being put on here by morich I think Mich but I think uh isig he’s looking very sharp he’s looking he’s pedaling so easily he’s looking very comfortable he’s out of the saddle I think Ian isig is on a great day right now um apparently it’s the cricked world World Cup finals today h interesting one day oh wait uh Ash wait 2020 Cricket anyways 326 M met to go here and uh yeah who’s going to take it oh yigi opens up eigi opens up here eigi the bask Rider is just putting the pressure on here the C Rider in that new kit this is very interesting well not really it’s two points ah this is too much energy is a get what are you doing this is only two points but he looks like he’s going to take these points abrahamson getting angry why is these two are not friends these two are definitely not going to be friends here uh why did he I’m not sure why he complained there the road is very wide and he was complaining that isig was closing him in but on that front I think isiga was in it was right well in no problems but the Norwegian and the Spanish Rider are certainly not going to be friends after this um yeah abrahamson looking behind they’ve got a bit of a gap now number four for Vis Malisa bike is this I was going to say laort but laort European Champion uh kelderman oh yeah kerman’s already been down in a crash as we heard uh earlier from teart so yeah I mean the mountain like the bad luck from this Melissa bike is absolutely astonishing it’s crazy that uh yeah the amount of bad luck that they’ve had um who’s upset what who’s upset I’m not sure but yeah we’ll have to wait and see here this is a interesting part of the race this is why bad luck can happen but 107 kilm still to go here we’re going to venture towards the next ceriz climb now so they have taken yeah that was a lot of energy for isig to spend for only two points if I’m honest um but maybe he’s just thinking if I’m not there if the pedons really step on the gas I need to have built up as much as possible maybe this is a goal for C this they almost won it with Simon geska in 2022 but y vingo winning it on that day or that that time um yeah I’ll I’ll get back to you on the polka do Jersey uh winners we all well I’m wearing the Jersey so we know how how much I love this this competition this jersey it’s my favorite jersey in the tour but yeah as we said uh the pelaton are looking quite comfortable here they’re not pushing on uh really e education he supposed to stop that chasing we’re seeing Anor dee oh Anor Dee this is going to be I hope Anor Dee takes a stage win this year he’s another one of these super talents to come out of Belgium yeah the Belgian generation right now is ridiculous with W Remco Veno honor Dee yasper philipson Tim Mia I mean can the rest of us have something as well but they haven’t quite cracked that GC front in the toal France and the Galia obviously Remo winning the VA espania back in22 but hasn’t cracked the Tour of France since he hasn’t ever taken part but right now we’ve got u m EF education East boast lot of Destiny why uh inos granders and this Malisa bike covering the front of the road so that just gives you an indication of who thinks that they potentially have something to do here or meddle with obviously lot of Destiny have really punched above their weight here they are looking to get back on the world tour Leonard Vana winning the UAE tour was a big result for them and then obviously we’ve had wins here and there Max Maxim van gills uh manels um finishing on the Perman St bian was a huge result as well we’re seeing oh my goodness that R Costa Jersey is absolutely Dreadful that is a dreadful kit ah the absolutely EF education e post normally has really good National kits but the Portuguese one is Dreadful ah if I was a Portuguese fan I would be annoyed with that um yeah we will wait and see what happens here in terms of the Breakaway but most of you thinking that Ian Zira is going to be in that stage in that poka Jersey here so we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see if he can do here can he repay your faith in in him um I think so but one of the strugglers from the Breakaway from ARA BNB hotels not samik oops uh he’s just been swept up Clem champ and it is Vis M Lisa bike pushing on here oh hello what is going on here what is going on here what guys this is stupid this is ridiculous why why guys we all know UAE are the strongest team don’t do this just expending your own Riders ah this is going to be painful um what are Vis Lisa bike doing here 3 minutes and 50 seconds they have to make up on the Breakaway if they want to take the win uh Mike saying that we have eight Danes this year so it’s a bit low from last year I think we had more Danes last year uh but yeah what why is this about what is this about 12 minutes and 43 seconds is the gap down to the mark cadish group so we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see uh Mickey Monday is saying that abrahamson was upset because the motorbike was too close ah okay you could cuz it looked like from one angle it looked like he was angry that I was being closed great to have an as well great to have so many regulars in the chat is team UAE the strongest in tour history I think yes I think yes can you think of any we have to look back at like the 2012 Toral France team for team Sky they had Richie Port there they had Garen Thomas Chris FR with Bradley Wiggins but that is like they were going to finish on the podium in the future so this is Riders who have finished on the podium before coming here uh yeah absolutely ridiculous um o losano here the former national champion of Spain he’s going out the back here the rider that we believe is going to Red Bull Bor hansra he wants to have that a beautiful helmet as well but yeah he was climbing quite well in the Criterium of D so quite shocked to see him out the back but stage one finishing in reminy in Italy the tour to France um being in the tour what are we saying here uh eight Danes equals three tour wins this year I mean yeah how many stage wins are D going to have obviously yis uh being a bit under the weather or like not under the weather recovering is bad for us but uh yeah anyone joining as well great to have over 400 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from but right now Mark cdes is struggling stomach issues throwing up everything that could go wrong on well apart from crashing on the first stage has happened but he is joined with Fabio Jacobson in there as well so I mean this is the gretto forming so I think they’re not even if they’re outside the time cut this group is not going to be sent home let’s be honest the tour is a business who would send in their right mind Mark hdes and Fabo akson home on the first stage um but yeah wil kelderman like tart said as well already involved in a crash so ah v m Lisa bike as much luck as they had last year that’s how much bad luck they have this year uh great to have Thomas as well from Tanzania I’m guessing DOA great to have Philippines in the house as well if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button and what are we saying have you talked about the Tactical deposition of yo X at the beginning of the day seemed like they were desperate to get I King in the break oh I didn’t know um I didn’t see that so please tell us more um yeah odd Christian iin would probably have been a better Rider to have in the break than Yas abrahamson um so yeah we’ll wait and see if they can potentially get a stage win here uh yeah we will wait and see if what are we saying sorry D Cooper just corrected me yeah me saying that yis vingo is under the weather was a bit of a uh yeah yeah broken lung uh punctured lung broken ribs and collarbone yeah not under the weather obviously disastrous uh condition for yoris vingo the fact that he’s even on the bike here is remarkable you have to say Testament to the True Grit of vingo to even be back on the bike in such a short time no racing preparation that’s going to be a big hamper but I mean he’s raced all the spring I mean he’s such an experienced rider so who knows who knows it’s just to get that extra Edge that they talk about uh that racing does help you like we were talking earlier with rco Veno using the doofan as a bit of uh training but less than 100 kilm to go now of the stage 3 minutes and 41 seconds is the gap to the break we have quite a while until we get to the next categorized climb which is the C Valco tagi 12.6 km long at 5.4% and is a cat 2 climb so a lot of points available there Yan hurt out the back apparently friend of the channel Gavin Tyson out the back Fernando gavia out the back as well Steven Williams out the back he had a medical o quite a lot of riders out the back but we kind of expected that so yeah we’ll wait and see what happens here but it’s starting to tense up a bit a lot of bad luck for certain Riders here but uh doing their best great to have Anthony here as well roads fan any newcomers welcome welcome uh we’re a friendly Bunch so get involved in the chat and Andrew watching from uh South Africa will watching from California let us know what temperatures you have in your countries right now because in Italy it’s absolutely scorching 36 degrees 35° even 38° at some parts but 98.7 km still to go here 3 minutes and 50 seconds and the break that we have up in front Ryan Gibbons mate moric stage winner of last year Ryan Gibbons the South African National Champion for Leal Tre valtin madis former top 10 finisher in the toural France Ian is air stage winner last year and looking to get that poo Jersey here on the first stage and Frank vandenbrook the youngster who won the Tour of turkey this year for DSM fic and yonas abrahamson the winner of the Brussels Cycling Classic this year the Norwegian riding for Uno X Mobility the big story is that Mark cdes is out the back so that is D for the mans missile D for aana Kazakhstan he said last year yes yesterday or not yesterday last year was uh his final tour but obviously that ended a bit prematurely so they decided another year and another year it is but okay that’s going to be our next poll is Mark cage going to win that stage because I have my doubts with hungry Lions of Belgium such as Anor D such as yasper philipson but one thing he does have over them is the experience how many times has Mark cdes been written off and he comes and takes stages in the tour but yeah we’ll uh we’ll wait and see what happens but vanderbrook wants a bottle here uh Frank vandenbrook no relation to Frank vanen Brook so two different spellings so anyone who watched uh what was he called what was his nickname Frank vandenbrook H was he called VDP v v Frank venberg I think it was VDP VDB even um yeah so we’ll wait and see Brian saying 37 degrees in Dallas oh my goodness 18 degrees in Australia so it’s Australia we should have been in uh 96.8 km 4 minutes and 11 seconds so the breakaway have built up well they’ve extended the Gap a bit uh to say at least Ox bear is say watching from UAE 48° okay there we go that trumps everything 48° oh my goodness that yeah I don’t even know if you could ride a bike in in that uh great to have the Philippines as well 30° a bit more modest but right now 37% oo this is getting very close this poll between other and um and isiri other has 33% if you did vote other let us know where where oh who not where who uh is going to wear the polka dot Jersey at the end of the stage remember we have got those four categorized climbs coming up that’s what awaits the Riders here um yeah two cat three climbs two cat two climbs the first one is the cat two climb coming up then we got a second Cat 2 climb and then the two final cat 3 climbs remember we do Venture into San Marino San Marino I love this country it’s a tiny country but has seen a lot of cycling action and is steeped in Formula One and racing history I think they have a racing track there uh but uh football fans as well will know it as one of their worst football teams I think 61.2 km squared 33,6 60 uh people in that country I think the smallest country in the world is yeah is uh the Vatican the Vatican in Rome um yeah but San Marino is an independent state and is doing its best but Remco Veno was interviewed at the beginning I mean he is the most hyped debutant that we’ve had in a while most anticipated not hyped uh out of any torto France debutant you would say When Ty Pat did his debut uh well was that was that as much hype uh I think this is grander hype if you will um the the Talisman of Belgian cycling the golden generation potentially of Belgian cycling Kean Al Brook’s coming up as well so uh there’s so many good Belgian Riders right now they had a era like a few dry years but it looks like they’re back and they they they’ve got it this is they’re coming they’re coming for us in terms of Danish cycling uh give it a few years and I think Belgium are going to be well and truly on top uh well you’ve got the Netherlands as well to some extent they haven’t really got a GC Rider I know wil Kellman but he’s more in the services of um more in the services of yoris vingo and his other GC uh teammates so yeah he had he kind of had his years where he he achieved good results uh former top five finisher in the toor France himself podium in the Jalia and I believe fourth in the G in the Welter spia as well as well but yeah we will wait and see here but great to have 600 people in the chat Remco Veno he should even be a poll in a in a well a question in our polls do you think Remco Veno can win this year’s toward France probably not can he finish on the pum probably not is he going to do a Welter espania style uh thing like he did last year by winning the pocko jersey and getting a number of stage wins that that wouldn’t be a Bad Tour of France to be honest him getting three stage wins and getting the poker Jersey would be a great Tour of France uh I would say for him but obviously they want GC they want podiums they want the big uh writing about rapole they completely committed to this rro fle project in terms of the grand Tours Tim earlier uh probably a bit disgruntled about that and uh yeah their classic Squad suffering as well on the back of that but right now Yan trck towards the front Israel Premier Tech as well what are you doing here the proc Continental team um yeah this is interesting bar Victorious up towards the front UAE as we would expect and um yeah we wait are we going to have a poll for the lantern Rouge the last the last rider in the GC oh my goodness he could actually be that who was it last year uh I think maybe Caleb Yan maybe not but right now 92.7 km still to go 4 minutes and 50 seconds so the breakaway have just built up a bit more of a lead here and we’ve got about how long until the start of the next climb 30 km is 37 km until we get to the next climb oh no sorry sorry sorry let’s just get that right oh I completely messed it up 5.9 km is the next stage at 7. climb at 7.6% in 21.8 km is when it’s going to be topped so that means in about 14 km we’re going to get the next climb the first of these four climbs um so yeah it’s it’s going to be interesting soon is this going to rip up the pelaton uh I think maybe maybe it could do we could see some real big gaps and Mark cish this is this is going to be some scary moments those four climbs he is a great climber they’re all great climbers let’s be honest uh there was the question between Chris Hoy saying who would win in the Sprint and Chris Hoy said he would obviously win on a track but uh in a road race he wouldn’t even be there at the end to finish the Sprint so uh yeah we’ll we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see what happens here but right now in the Breakaway we’ve got mat moric we’ve got Valentin madas yah has abrahamson and who was the other Rider oh Ryan Gibbon’s still up here so that’s quite impressive they’re just going through a feed Zone here and ion EIG currently sitting in the virtual polka dot Jersey so this is quite interesting if how long he can keep it for uh I promised you a bit a bit of a historical lesson about the polka do Jersey so we’ll Venture into that as well um we all know that I’m absolutely love this jersey uh hence why I’m wearing it and uh yeah last year it be yeah I I hate when it just disappears into the GC Riders I want it to have its own narrative not just like as a oh you won this as well but that is the nature of the new point system as well uh I think it was Anthony Shau when he won it back in 2010 they wanted to change the rules because as someone said anony short to isn’t the best climber in any race which I thought was such a slam of a uh criticism and not very nice to the rider but uh since his win we basically only had a big named Riders winning it we had Samuel Sanchez in 2011 Thomas vaka in 2012 Nido canana in 2013 where he also finished second uh Rafa Micah winning in 2014 Chris fum in 20151 he won the yellow Jersey as well Rafa Micah again in 2016 and then Warren buil in the peak Warren buil in 2017 writing for team’s own web J Philipe in in 2018 Roman B in 2019 tyacha in 2020 and 20121 Janus vingo in 2022 and Julia chakon in 2023 so um yeah in terms of Spanish writers the last Spanish writer was Samuel Sanchez over 13 years ago so maybe I looked at that and thought hang on a minute Italy ended that drought of many many years is the drought of Italy was all the way back to cloud kuchi in 1992 so uh yeah maybe that’s what they were thinking about as well obviously dear’s won it with Mikel Rasmus and yis wi go uh but 89.8 km still to go over the stage 4 minutes and 53 seconds 15 minutes down to Mark cendes now 15 minutes o um yeah that is that is not good numbers um with so long still to go here but he’s doing his best here and thank you DB Cooper for the kind donation as well uh bit of coffee money in the pot and uh yeah great to have 600 people in the chat make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel if you’re new here and join for every single day of the live commentary streams uh and check out our new channel as well the cycling day action Channel I’ll drop a link to that where yes tomorrow stage on stage two uh actually went on the climb the climb of that stage uh that is the San LCA climb which is going to be one of the main focal points towards the finish so if you want to see me suffering on a city bike I’ll drop the link in the chat as nothing’s happening too much there and uh yeah we we need a bit of subscriber support on that channel it’s still fairly new fairly young um so uh yeah but uh with that out of the way let’s get back to the stage and uh yeah 88.5 km we’ve got the American national champion Shan Quinn pushing on here for EF education easy post 5 minutes and 4 seconds is what they’re going to have to make up here if they get a Hope of uh catching the Breakaway many of you are very negative about the breakaways chances I think the break yeah let’s be honest they’ve been out there for quite a long time uh welcome Gabrielle as well anyone who does subscribe your name gets immortalized Forever on the stream it pops up but yeah today we are going from fenzi to Remy and we’re seeing here melli gatsi struggling here a bit one of the Italians I think he abandoned he abandoned the Italian abandoned oh no what a shame the Italian for aana Kazakhstan has abandoned oh that’s a shame that’s a big blow to aana Kazakhstan first abandonment happening oh that’s a shame what a shame what a shame and especially considering it’s on his home roads the grander par of the Toral France here so yeah we’ll wait and see um what happens and what are we saying here an saying every time a Dane wins a stage in this year’s total France cycling Dane will wear an extra Jersey actually that would be funny um but 87.3 km 4 minutes and 9 it’s still 5 minutes so it’s still 5 minutes um don’t worry K hunting is coming back there are some very good KS that I’m looking at this year uh just need the logistics there are a lot of Pros who are going to be worried about that uh so yeah we’ll wait and see wait to see 27° in Cambridge but the peleton coming through here and uh 86.9 km still a fair trunk to go we’re getting ever closer to these four successive climbs coming up so that is being going to be interesting you have to say what that what those four climbs are going to do not only on uh the breakway but also on the Pelon so yeah s not San rmo but San Marino is the country that they’re going to dip into the the small country that’s going to be featured uh in today’s Tour of France so who would have thought that Italy San Marino and no France in today’s Tor France stage but obviously the Tor France and the Granda it’s been all over the place in recent years Denmark Netherlands Belgium Yorkshire London etc etc it always goes to uh yeah where where are we going to see the tour next I mean um yeah I mean there has been talks of a grand tour trying to go to America but I don’t know if it’s logistically feasible uh maybe maybe not but just thinking of all the equipment that they would have to move over the Atlantic but you would love to see it you that would be a a big way to kind of revamp the interest in American uh cycling if they could do that but the place I would want it is in California because the Tor of California we need that race back but this isn’t what we’re talking about today that could be a whole hour of me ranting about why that race isn’t there um yeah EF education e still pushing on for the Pelon here who are they thinking about are they thinking about uh Alberto bettio here the national Italian Champion here maybe um he certainly wants to do something here on home roads and uh yeah there isn’t actually any I know we we know Chris comes in with these Chris room uh jokes but there is actually no Chris room in this year’s to France which is quite sad having a four four T FR four time to France uh champion on your roster and not using him at the to France I think is a bit of a shame uh whatever you think of him he still is a four-time tour France champion and he would Garner attention and for the publicity uh it would do it and thank you Brian for that kind comments it’s been a while uh stage 14 of the J I think the last time we did a commentary because uh just equipment failure and yeah cracking my laptop that was one of the saddest moments of this year for me uh but it’s all fixed now so we’re back we’re back it’s fine it’s fine and uh yeah what are we saying here um we talking about Mark cish alari uh yeah it probably is uh food poisoning that again what a shame what if the whole aana team has food poisoning that would be terrible we’ve had that with a number of teams before um yeah 84.2 km still to go here EF education easy post still driving this pace Rue Costa that kit is terrible I said it before but that kit needs to be redesigned that Portuguese kit we’ve seen some good ones before a friend of the channel Joel ma of course wearing it as well uh UAE I don’t know I don’t like the UAE kits they tend to be quite blond uh in some respect bring back the tour of Utah bring back all American cycling tour of Georgia us Pro cycling challenge all these things we miss it all um such a shame such a shame um what are we saying uh what are we saying here that’s because you were riding around with visma Scott and you got some of their luck so you think I okay I stole okay I see what you mean that I I absorbed some of the bad luck yeah probably probably 83.6 km 12 km behind is mar camage compared to the front group here 12 kilometers that’s a long way um hel heler is saying Antonio Mado what a talent yeah Portugal is having a good uh crop of riders as well and uh yeah we’ll Wai and see here we’ll Wai and see what what is going to happen in today’s stage 4 minutes and 44 seconds so it’s dipped down a bit here and I’m just excited to see San Marino on the Tor of France screen oh I’m so sorry about that um but yeah right now um Sean Quinn is still getting to the front here Alberto besso obviously Richard kopas not the Ecuadorian national champion on the road kit but their national champion in the time Trail we know that na is the winner of stage one of the Jalia he has the Ecuadorian national kit uh not in I believe he’s not in the race um I don’t know why I think he is oh he was in the toris WIS that was it he was in the toris Wiss quite a few of the Jalia Riders going to the toris Swiss and yeah but Shan Quinn getting the American Jersey uh on the screens here and um we’ll wait and see and Toro California we need to bring it back we need to bring it back superhero troop official I have no idea where vinum gay is I believe he’s must be in the palon because we haven’t seen him go at the back uh B gay obviously a bit like monus Court in some respect a a good climber can hang with some of the climbs and uh but I think today is going to be a bit too hard for him in terms of getting a stage win I mean obviously we all know I want to see that binam gay stage win such a nice guy friend of the channel as well uh I believe three interviews he’s appeared on the channel uh symbol for ER tra all this we all know this but I won’t go on a bam gaman uh 30 minute run but right now we’re seeing the back end of the Breakaway front Vanden Brook what’s he thinking is he thinking the stage or is he he hasn’t really been contesting for that polka out Jersey today but I think our poll is broken 350 people have voted in the poll so thank you to all doing that and I think it’s time for a new poll time for a new poll um what is the new poll the new poll is um where will Remco finish where will Remco finish the tour overall overall so that is in the end overall so first first second third second third uh top five top 10 or or other or actually no we’ll do top 10 or other so top 10 or other don’t know why we’re going in on Remco but you know how these poles are they’re very sporadic in the way that we’re doing it but 4.7 km until the next cized climb that is the Cat 2 climb that I miss well I wrongly qualified before they’ve got 4 minutes and 37 seconds here Johan yonas abrahamson and ion isiri the two oh actually Vera that’s a better poll will Mark cish make the time cut that was a better poll we’ll do this we’ll do that after the rer poll uh 15 minutes right now 15 minutes is what Mark cdes has and uh yeah that is that is a huge deficit to the pelaton the Pelon obviously are going to ramp it up even more when we come to these four categorized climbs and uh yeah we’ll wait and see what happens but uh reminder that on the second day next year we’ll do the recap race analysis unfortunately I have to do by myself today um and then we’ve got the previews out as well there so a lot to look forward on that channel but Sean Quinn still pacing the EF education easy Post train here just flicking the elbow uh EF education easy post we haven’t really spoken about the team so we’ll have a bit of a uh look at who theyve brought we know that Ben hey who is very active in the tour of Slovenia the Irishman he’s in the team Richard kopaz is obviously their Talisman right now Alberto Beto the Italian national champion Stefan Binger they’re hoping he can do something here in the time trials he’s been very unlucky in the time trials you would have to say Rue Costa uh very good Dark Horse obviously has form winning the national championships in Portugal Ben as we said Neilson P such a great riter he was in the pocket of Jersey last year early on Marian wenber crashing last year I recall and Shan Quinn as we’ve seen the American national champion um 39th in the Criterium D winning that national championships which was his second ever Pro victory his first one being in 2023 in the cop of Bly stage two where he managed to beat the overall winner at the end Mario smid in a Sprint there was other Raiders in that group as well but EF education easy post absolutely running Riot with the copy of Bley race last year nevertheless V mise bike that is the team that have been on many people’s lips bad luck is we talked about in the bucket loads and it seems to be continuing already in this year’s toal France sub cous going out wil kelderman crushing already on this stage so I mean they had such a perfect year last year in terms of the grand Tours so a one two three in the Welter winning the jro winning the tour so yeah if they don’t win anything this year that’s how it is the nature of life sometimes you’re the Hummer sometimes you’re the nail and they certainly have been the nail uh this year quite a lot so uh yeah on the cycling Dane there’s a video where I was actually at the jro uh seeing the team and yeah that was at the wrong time cuz there was only four Riders left uh yeah that J was such bad luck for them winning a stage win but obviously you want more than just a stage win they wanted the white jersey arur Brooks uh yeah getting ill what a mess that was for them um but in terms of our rco inol what are we saying here Mark uh great to have Mark back uh you have a long towed four time to France champion on your roster wait what uh roster collecting 4 million EUR no I believe it’s not4 million EUR anymore because he wasn’t in the top 20 uh most paid so I believe he’s not being paid that much anymore so Chris f is not on big money anymore well probably big money still uh compared to the minimum wage but not in terms of his former earnings we’re seeing the European Champion here Chrystal laort he was another one who was supposed to be strong in in the jayre um dropping out as well W was supposed to be in the JRE not happening so yeah uh Mark cish giving His Radio back to the team car here so he doesn’t want to listen to what the the yeah what the sports directors have to say I think that was quite a Gest like just showing just leave me alone just let me get through this hell let me concentrate we’ll get there we’ll get there it’s fine but 16 minutes and 18 seconds that is the deficit toor Cavendish so yeah that is big big time loss here big time loss 30 more votes and then we’ll change it to the m cish if he’s going to get in there what ah now I get it ah okay I was a bit slow in that front all of you guys making fun that it was Eddie MKS who spiked the food to get um food poisoning I get it I’m with you of course because they’re sharing the record I’m with you all now I get it um yeah you’re right uh we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see 67 km still to go here they are on that cap to climb 5.8 km 7.6% so the Breakaway are on the climb now this is the fourth last climb of the day and the first cat 2 climb of this of these two cat two climbs of these four climbs yeah that was a bit wordy so what I’m saying is there’s two cat two climbs coming this is the first one then a second one and then we have got two cat three climbs coming up before a descent down to the Finishing Line and that’s where they’re going to be going somewhere near or into San Marino San Marino oh beautiful country but nevertheless uh we’re looking here at the front group Ian is a such a good Rider like if you had a team you would sign him up for sure uh great have uh B well B from Seattle any chance you could say hi to Jane Jade hi Jade I hope you’re enjoying the to to France and right now we’re getting madas looking calm madas is looking great you have to say I isiri was looking great a bit earlier but we have to wait and see if he might just get drained because of the weather because of the effort Ryan Gibbons I’m so surprised that the the South African Sprinter here is here uh so deep into the stage we’ve seen other Riders getting dropped from this group maybe it’s just he loves this weather he loves this weather it’s just nothing challenging for him um but yeah 75.5 km still to go here 5.2 km left of that climb uh for the Breakaway 4 minutes and 21 seconds so it’s come down about 38 seconds since we last really focused on it so yeah we’ll wait and see how far they can bring this down uh before they get onto the first of these four climbs and I don’t for a second think Mark cish is going to be uh GNA get if he’s outside the time cart I don’t think that they’re going to do anything uh so Bora Hans are just sending a message through Red Bull Bor hansker they’re saying good job so far ah these messages aren’t we know we know I was against these messages a bit uh but I did say that all these messages were Justified with that CU La law message from uh T Bacha on the CU La law that was epic that was the message guys I’m dead it’s finished that was the message not because of the tacha just like the timing of it was perfect it doesn’t matter who it was if it was y as vingle but just the timing of it was absolutely perfect in terms of this new system that they’ve kind of tried to bring in but Red Bull borans are upping the pace here they are absolutely dominating the front christop laort as well for this Malisa bike but are they thinking of something here with rogl RIT is that who they’re thinking of inos granders as well they’ wiped off 20 seconds for the peleton here or the Breakaway but Bora and and inos granders uping the pace now uh uh christop leaport just getting pushed out the way here but this is Sensational stuff well not Sensational that that was a bit too far uh but this is uh interesting uh from these guys what is the tactic here still quite a big chunk to go uh to say the least it’s not like we’re anywhere near the Finish but they feel like these four client going to be something that uh could challenge or maybe they just don’t like Mar Amish this is getting very exciting now for the GC teams to actually do a bit of movement that is what you want to see you want to see them really getting in the Mix 4 minutes it’s down to 4 minutes now so you can see the bit of pressure being put on by Bora and inos what it’s done here they come on to this 5.8 km climb 7.6% average as we said and about 1.4 km further up that climb that’s where the Breakaway finds themselves right now 3 minutes and 51 seconds they’ve taken like 40 seconds out of them in the space of a couple of kilometers this is ridiculous wow this but obviously the Breakaway are going to be a bit tired as well inos granders at the front Red Bull borans efucation e post determined not to get lost completely this Melisa bike up towards the front UA memorit they’re kind of scattered across the front line here but yeah it’s uh inos Grand is with mik kovski uh I believe that must be Carlos Rodriguez up here they want to keep him safe I can’t quite see where Primos rogl is right now but yeah it’s good riding here by them to keep their their Rider in in the best position possible but yeah bit of bit of acceleration there good to see that they are willing to throw the cat amongst the pigeons here and uh yeah good riding there by uh Red Bull Bor hker we know the RIT curse every time he goes to France it seems like he crashes and uh yeah let’s let’s hope he doesn’t do that this year for sure but yeah courtesy of that bit of acceleration a number of riders are getting spat out the back 74.2 km the Breakaway still holding a bit of a gap of 3 minutes and 45 seconds and yeah time for a new poll time for a new poll if you vot it other in the other the poll what do you think is going to happen to Remco I mean dnf is one of them or he switches his Focus to winning uh winning the actually let’s do a Rog glit poll will Rog glit finally finally win the Tour of France there you have it will he finally win the Tour of France yes or no uh of course there’s a video here on the channel discussing exactly that uh if you haven’t seen it already um a number of negative comments shall I say but that’s part of the banter uh inos gr is lining up on the right hand side of the road we’ve got uh the French national champion up towards the front as well R Costa up here Richard caras is the guy they need to think of great to have Ricky back in the comments great to have so many regulars here we’ve got the German Champion up towards the front we got the Italian Champion the French Champion um yeah uh La Pi I need to work on that pronunciation um he’s up here but the Portuguese national champion up here as well the world champion was somewhere towards the front but right now it’s looking is this Tim willins I think UAE team Emirates are starting to just turn the boosters on here they’ve got the Superstar galactical team they are the ones that most people are going to be looking towards here and uat memor with inos grand towards the front V Malisa bike have vanished a bit jonis vingo looks like he’s quite far back right now the group is quite whittel down already and yeah this is exciting this could be interesting uh to say the least what’s going to happen right now are we going to say a very small Squad come uh Squad peleton come towards the finish and yeah not much love for Prim Rock glitch in the pole I can see but uh yeah I think we all expected that uh will the Slovenian win yeah I mean tacha if he wins he becomes the first ever Rider well the first Rider of the 21st century to win the jro and the tour in the same year so that is an incredible feat if he manages to pull it off here and he has the squad to do it the rivals he’s up against haven’t had the greatest of time and wow we have someone watching from San Marino please please take videos and photos and send it uh to us so we can see it that would be great Fred Wright here out the back uh the former national champion for uh the UK decided not to go to the national champions because he was preferring in high mountains but right now it is uat memores taking up the charge Vore has positioned himself a bit further up now so he’s sitting quite well Kat pass looks to have a better tour France than last year where he had to abandon after to stage one and uh yeah finishing this stage and yeah that is quite crazy if he finishes today’s stage he’s had a better total France than he had last year um obviously Jonathan Mo’s been on the channel before I’m not quite want to call him a friend of the channel um I think a friend of the channel means that you’ve been in at least three interviews I think that is probably okay but we’re seeing a lot of Destiny Riders being spat out the back um but yeah for climbs is what they well three climbs after this and uh yeah we’ll wait and see any 40y olds in this year’s race Garen Thomas uh Domino pivo obviously in the race in the j tire but uat memores lining up their might here all we’re going to see this incredible star started team we haven’t mentioned the team in this stream yet so I think I should do it cuz it’s ridiculous we had Jo Alo on the channel had a good chat with him he was talking about the ridiculous nature of their squad as well uh it’s a pro cycling manager team if you will it’s yeah it’s absolutely ridiculous the Riders this shouldn’t be legal uh tacha Jo ala Podium finisher in the Jalia last year Jo last year this year who won the jur this year no last year it was last year uh the J this year was Pacha what what am I talking about Jo Mera Podium last year juuzo podium in 2022 I believe in in the well espania Neil poet up there in om Head News blad this year finishing second been second in pyro Bay as well was on the podium in Tor Flanders uh pav COV former top 10 finisher in the tour France in the J Talia former under 23 jro winner as well Mark Solair former total avaner winner and Stage winner at the Welter spania etc etc Tim wellins we know he’s yeah bing bang tour specialist um and yeah we also have Adam Yates last year’s third place finisher and the winner of the torto Swiss this year David gou going out the back David Gordo is going out the back so that is a big uh a big red flag for David Goo maybe that’s because that’s why Lenny Martinez maybe was drafted in last minute you think uh but yeah David godo dropped like a stone 2.1 km still to the finish of this cat climb Cat 2 climb Manu caught Nelson out the back oh no so we’re not going to get the bon hmer in in the yellow Jersey here the Dane he’s not looking like he’s going to be tasting Victory on today’s stage three minutes of a gap still to the break over here so I’m starting to worry about the Bri breakaways chances for the stage win I don’t think it’s going to happen uat memer lining up with five Riders here um to try and close this Gap Valentine mad’s trying to up the tempo here in that front group what can they do here doing everything to just keep the pressure on they know that the UAE team machine is starting to work it’s magic ooh ion easy G has been dropped what that was not on the bingo card of today’s stage that is remarkable we were hyping him up to be the polka dot Jersey wearer by the end of the stage but with two cat two climbs and two cat three climbs if the break survives it doesn’t look like it’s going to be on his shoulders now we haven’t got abrahamson yeah abah hamson is here wow great climbing by the Norwegian Ryan Gibbon’s even doing better than iigu I did say he was going to have to pay for those bullets that he fired uh earlier isir he was looking so great Michael Matthew’s out the back as well um but that I mean that’s not shocking that’s expected he’s not looking for G6 success here let’s be honest uh but yeah great to have so many people subscribing as well let us know where you’re watching from and keep the comments coming get involved in the chat plenty of nice people in the chat so many regulars as well and uh yeah that was a big shock to see Yan zeri getting dropped from that front group they still have a lead of 2 minutes and 44 seconds but it’s whittling away remember we were talking about 5 minutes a few kilometers ago and now it’s 2 minutes and 43 seconds so not great not great at all this is yeah um ad let to Lo senko we’d love to see him do something here of course uh podcast favorite of the eston cycling podcast um 71.9 KET Tim wellin out the back here so his job is done and yeah we’ll waiting to see here Mark hdes is 16 minutes down 16 minutes down but uat memor here starting this machine this terrifying Allstar galactico Squad but will it’s yeah if Seb cus was on form Mark not Marsh Marsh has nothing to do with this m Spike and uh yonis wingle was on form and W Vernard was on form maybe they wouldn’t be as worried but now they are sitting ducks uh T Picacho was saying he was is in the best form ever or something like that but you never know if if that’s true or if if it’s just fighting talk Kevin VLAN out the back dark BNB hotels golden child or whatever seems to not be able to keep the pace there as well this is worrying for them um yeah at the front we’re still seeing Ryan Gibbons pushing on here the South African National Champion this is great to see uh I heard that the T the cut off time is apparently 46 minutes is 40 minutes is so I think they should be okay I think they should be okay here uh plenty of Americans in the chat great to have you all here 71% of you believing it’s not going to be a PR rug glitch Victory be joining us from Brazil there’s no we in Brazil uh Rio uh Brazilia but right now Ryan Gibb South African National Champion for little treack is pushing on here who thought that a sprinter is there any South Africans in the chat as well let us know um yeah Ryan Gibbons doing South African sprinters proud here on a rolling terrain of a stage but Frank vanderbrook what’s he got left in the tank you has abah hamson as well um ior Dee going out the back here but that was expected he’s done well to hang on for this long the Belgian national champion he’s looking more at stage three perhaps uh to get his first stage win getting that National kit was some task winning against Tim earlier winning against yasper philipson and wal Bernard that like that is incredible Steven Williams struggling here as well the welchman the winner of the tour down under flash valon but right now uat emirats still pushing on here EF education easy post are looking like the other team to R only team to rival them here in terms of taking up the mantle here yis Bingo this is why JY shouldn’t be changed obviously they need to get it changed because um they have the yellow oh 47 here struggling looks a bit like Mass Pon no yasper stvin yasper stvin yasper stvin pedaling squares here the Belgian he just needs to get inside the time cut 700 M to go until we get to the top of this uh yeah of this cized climb and the temperature the gradients this is all adding up um in the pain the legs the torture for these Riders and uh this is absolutely remarkable stuff these guys are modern day Gladiators make no mistake about it these guys are hard Nails we all know this as cycling fans uh but right now it is uat memor pushing on Adam Yates looks so good Adam Yates is so underrated in my opinion and here we go it is yonas abrahamson attack he wants the PO J Jersey points he was denied the intermediate Sprint Valentin madis holding his wheel Frank vandenbrook pushing on as well the three of them getting away from the remainder of the Breakaway and this is what they need to do if they’re going to be able to do anything to stay away as long as possible if they’re going to be able to stay away until that next Cat 2 climb this is what they need to do get on the attack and this is great great writing by the three of them Frank Vanden Brook the youngster it looks like the Dutch I think he’s Dutch he’s the one getting the better of the two others and they’re going up for the Sprint now abrahamson has something left in the tank this is going to hurt him later on and Valentine mad is looking behind doesn’t want to put that extra effort in the five points are going to go to Norway and Norway are going to be taking this Five Points go to abrahamson three points go to madw and Frank vandenbrook takes the two points here wow wow wow that was some great riding between the three of them there but they need need to get back together and work now because the peleton don’t give a toss about these points they’re just concentrating on the gap between them and this Breakaway 2 point uh 2 minutes and 24 seconds and mate moric he might just be able to get a bit of time back uh in terms of the deficit to the Free Riders here he’s got Ryan Gibbons on his wheel those two a bit heavier and they could potentially catch the Free Riders um the free climbers here but yeah that was a great little Sprint there for that cat too and johanes yonas abrahamson what a ride from him if he doesn’t get the most aggressive Rider uh competition today I don’t know who I don’t know how you should get that Jean mark saying Manch Vanderpool dropped um expected I guess I think we’re seeing the French national champion as well uh getting dropped as well M Pon I think is dropped uh but yeah all of this is kind of expected to some extent that none of them well much of un could nah I don’t think much of Uno could survive this um v m Lisa bike uh what can they do on this today stage this is just going to be mitigating time losses don’t lose too much time to T patcha try and minimize it to time bonuses if possible but yeah maiple as was said earlier in the group here but yeah they were more worried about other stages let’s be honest the Olympics coming up as well that’s going to be a big Target for him so yeah we’ll we’ll wait and see what happens here we’ll wait and see but it’s uh exciting stuff here it’s pav COV the Frenchman changing from Russia obviously uh he has every right to do so I believe because his mom is French um or grown up in French or something like that so he it was always the plan and then obviously what happened in the world just accelerated that a bit um yeah pav COV um could be a leader in his own right as well and yeah let’s do that poll will TB gacha win today’s stage that is we can do that yes or no um will pater win stage one yes or no there we go Mark Kish 16 minutes and 43 seconds down so that is a long way off still but they they managed it somehow it’s somehow they’re doing quite well they’re doing quite well uh to manage the Gap here and I believe is that mass pson yeah rainbow jersey bands that mass pson number 45 uh he’s not too concerned about this he’s already had a great season so far the Dane he’s actually very funny in Danish on Danish interviews he’s very bad on English interviews but in Danish he’s great I love interviews with MES Pon uh there is actually I actually cycle with my pills and I forgot about that in Spain and he was trying to drop me uh there’s a video on it on the cycling day action channel the new channel and he was a bit annoyed that he couldn’t drop this random amateur cyclist wearing a Danish flag um so that was quite funny but 68 km to go here and we are watching one of the group that been dropped oh Louie mes has been dropped that is a big loss for the inter maré team here in terms of his GC aspirations a former top 10 finisher of course um he’s appeared on the channel very nice guy and yeah he’s been top 10 in the tour before top 10 in the jro winner of a stage in in the Welter so yeah yeah wow Mark cish still struggling at the back we’re just seeing pictures of him Jersey sipped open yeah it’s it’s still a long day for them 17 minutes down he’s 6.8 km behind the front group so that is that is a big deficit to say the least but UAE EF education easy post visma Lisa bike that’s the three teams in order right now in terms of the GC 67.5 km still to go here and great to have 877 people in the chat remember we are going to do this every single day of the Toral France plenty of Toral France coverage on the cycling Dane Channel cycling Dane extra and the cycling Dane action Channel and on the cycling Dan action Channel right now there’s a video of tomorrow’s um climb where where the Riders are going to be going up tomorrow and I try and climb up that same climb on [Music] very heavy City bike that’s probably worth $50 so if you want to check that video out and subscribe to that channel to help it out let’s try and get to a th000 subscribers uh then uh I would dearly appreciate that all this is free obviously subscribing is free as well doesn’t cost you a penny but uh yeah right now we’re seeing I on EIG being brought back here oh Yan gir what are you doing what are you doing what happened what happened my friend well friend never met him uh but yeah what a shame what a shame cides I don’t think that Jersey is going to be on your way uh the poka Jersey well we were going to I I did say to you uh like a few hours a few minutes ago that I was going to talk about uh when the last time cof this won that Jersey but then I completely sidetracked and forgot about it so maybe we’ll revisit that at some point but the next cise climb is in about 13 km time that is quite a brute 4.8 km at 7.7% but it kicks up to 9.7 uh% in the middle part so that’s going to be quite of a test for the Breakaway Riders out in front um but in the overall Jersey competition abrahamson is leading now with 10 points and Ian is get eight points so Ian is get it if he had could have been there he would have been able to do something but Valentin madis moves up into third place six points for him Frank vandenbrook the Dutch Rider in fourth place in that competition and mate morit with one point in fifth place so yeah um quite surprised y not able to outlast Ryan Gibbons but I think yeah it was something to do with him uh just attacking a bit too early that in the beginning uh first time follow on this channel how stage one looking so far any strong break I mean the break we have right now is fairly strong 2 minutes and 15 seconds uh but U te M are dragging this slowly back right now slowly back so yeah it’s uh potentially going to be tacha wearing the yellow Jersey at the end of today’s stage he hasn’t worn it since 2022 so it’s been quite a wait for him well not quite a wait other Riders have had a longer wait than him but uh yeah great to have a th people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from and uh of course subscribe to the channel if you’re new here and your name will flash up and forever be immortalized but 65.9 km still left we’ve got next coming up a cat 2 climb the one we were just talking about 7.7% average and then we’ve got two cap three climbs before we get a descent and then we’ll find out who our first yellow Jersey weara of the 2024 toal Frances and that will be an incredible site is it going going be a new Rider is it going to be a rider we’ve seen before in that Jersey that is the big question but EF education easy post are hoping it’s going to be their man um yeah Alberto Beto Alberto betol winning the Italian national championship great Accolade to have as an Italian and as the and the grand depart in Italy uh but we are going to get somehow well let me try and figure out when we enter s Marino as well San Marino is well we I’ve already spoken about it I love this country it’s such a unique Little Country it’s basically a climb and such history with racing and such history with the jiral as well they had it back in 2019 um a time trial won there I think it was pretty much rogl that won the time TR on that occasion but Ian iseri back in the group here plenty of little Trek Riders here of course tail ginart that was the man that they were going to be writing for in terms of the GC but that’s not happening um unfortunately he didn’t quite have the shape so big shame there big signing for them and not really paying off there have been rumors murmurs of who they’re going to sign need Trek uh of course we’ve talking about that over on the the cycling day extra in the transfer talk so uh if you haven’t seen that check that out but yeah for now strapping we’ve got the final few well final 60 km coming up is so it should be a great little race to see who gets that yellow Jersey Mark cendes of course as well if you’re just joining has had a bit of a bad day today not being able to follow the pace courtesy of a bad stomach even throwing up on the stage as well food poisoning some of you speculating it was Eddie MKS getting making sure that he his dinner was was bad allegedly obviously he didn’t we can’t say that because he didn’t want him to surpass his record right now they’re sharing it so uh yeah but right now we have that breakout in front you abrahamson of Uno X Mobility we’ve got Fran Vanden Brook as well and as I was speculating Ryan Gibbons and mate morage has managed to bridge this Gap to the front uh three climbers and you can’t kind of would have expected that on this descent as they are a bit heavier and better descenders you would think so um yeah are they going to win the stage probably not at this point 1 minute and 56 seconds with uat memor and EF education easy post really starting to up the pace it looks like it is a full conclusion that it is going to be a win from one of the Pelton Riders but which one is it many of you believing tacha is going to win today 57% of you believe it’s going to be him winning uh Mike saying I have no idea what the time cut is so but I heard that it was 45 minutes was the rumored time cut right now Mark Hamish is on 18 minutes we got 9.8 km until that next ciz climb at Cat 2 climb the qu D San Leon and it’s quite a little bitey one uh not that long but certainly interesting uh in terms of what damage it could do and then we have those two c three climbs to finish off and then that descent into Ry Ry I mean every time we have anything about Italy I always glamorize it and say you should visit there and it’s it’s it’s a gorgeous country it’s my favorite country 62.2 kilometers and yeah this is remarkable what we’re seeing great to have Stuart as well watching from Japan um but yeah we actually got any Japanese riders in this year’s France I don’t think so arashiro is the one you always go to or beu but beu I think is has been retired for a number of years but 62 km is all that’s left of this year’s first stage of the Tor France and yoris vingo is looking like he’s okay so far so far so good for the Dane uh question marks over how he was going to be after coming back from the punctured lung the broken ribs the broken coll and all that what a nightmare of uh spring he had or the back end of the spring while tachu was busy winning the Jalia he was busy recuperating from that horrific injury Primus rugit was of course involved in that in in that crash as well and the toras and Remco Veno as well but those two seem to have bounced back somewhat uh RIT maybe a bit more than uh rco Veno but yeah time will really tell we’ve got a big test on stage four so that is going to be the big kind of Line in the Sand to see who who has it in them and uh we will see Mike saying Remco wins stage one and everyone get ax shocked I would love to see Remco win I’m if I’m honest um yeah but we’ll wait to see 18 minutes and 49 seconds for Mark Cades Sir Mark camish and he is of course looking oh we’ve got Mr watching from reminy so we’ve got someone watching from San Marino we have Mr watching from Rony let us know if you’re on the course as well I will be on stage 10 so if you’re watching stage 10 I will be there at stage 10 in the start so come and say hi I guess um I’ll make sure to wear the cycling D kit uh but right now uat memores are pushing on Vis M Lisa bike as well uh they are lining up between uh Behind These two Riders inos SC days as well GR and Aon beral two former champions in their team but their their their big name that they’re going for is of course um Carlos Rodriguez fifth place finisher last year taking a stage win as well crashing on stage 1819 um yeah quite a horrific crash on a descent and then getting like rolled by one of the Riders so jmr I was just in these last week oh that’s a shame but yeah 59 .4 km still to go here 19 19 minutes and 14 seconds that Gap is going to extend even more you would say um in these next coming kilometers but yeah this is incredible stuff uh the dynamic that we have right now with the break still being a bit out of touch but the UA team Emirates boys just showing their hand a bit not too much so we’ll wait and see if they can actually close this Gap uh between the two in France obviously we’re finishing in Ni because of the Olympics so that’s a whole another thing coming up uh so if you are living in France a lot to look forward to or if you’re not looking living in France a lot to visit France I guess but Mark Hamish struggling here getting a bit of water thrown on him by Mikel meru his lead out man here not just a leader man also a Shepherd in terms of these climbs and Jacobson in this group as well we said yonas recard is here as well in that group great to have people from Japan how many countries can have we done every single continent I believe Africa we have North America yes South America yes anyone watching from Australia I believe we had some Aussies or kiwis but right now 58.2 km still to go here valtim MZ mate moric Frank vandenbrook yonis uh not yones vingo yers abrahamson Norway yores and then you’ve got Ryan Gibbons that is your front five yeah five fiveman group mate moric a fan favorite but I’m not sure that he’s going to be winning the stage today maybe if he can limit the losses on the climbs well this is assuming that they’re Let Go by the peleton a bit more of the peleton start looking at each other but I think as soon as one of the GC favorites moves then this Gap is absolutely going to be wiped out wiped out but yeah great to have so many people across the world we have Philippines South Africa Portugal many Portuguese as well uh Philippines I said that twice Sri Lanka even uh but yeah out of these five Riders who do you think is going to be the B Last Man Standing Kuwait as well um Kuwait must be scorching if UAE was 48° you wait was me must be hot as well um great to have bad credentials uh watching from Australia I guess but 59.8 km in terms of that final well that final Cat 2 climb that we have to well we don’t have to do anything uh but that final Cat 2 climb that they have to tackle that’s coming up very shortly now 19 minutes oh almost 20 minutes now the gap for Mark Hamish eight so 3 km until we get to that uh 4.8 km climb 7.7% average this is where this fan group really need to hit out if they’re going to do something here if they don’t ramp up the pace on this cat 2 climb then I think they might be caught on this climb from the pelaton or be very close to uh if I’m honest Felix gal as well last year’s I think he was in the top 10 but winning the ca L stage and the HRI de gr prize uh Andre de gr PR of course coming on stage four which is the highest point of the Tor of France in terms of elevation and this year is going to be the C the galib of all places uh such a climb a climb steeped in history of the Tor France as we know so many great moments but right now it’s uat memor still pushing on here Alberto Conor of all people um big fan of him um he is at one of the the polka dot points so um not quite sure which one he’s at but yeah Alberto cador absolutely incredible guy um whatever you think of his career we know certain things what am I talking about 55.5 km uat memores pushing on here with vor’s Team lining up behind I think vingal is sitting about third wheel to his is in his train um but yeah 2 minutes and 13 13 12 seconds uh to the pelaton right now and from the Breakaway and this is going to be very exciting to see if they’re going to be able to catch them but right now this is remarkable writing by the Breakaway still to maintain that Gap just a bit 5 minutes they was probably the highest they had at one point so yeah um this should be quite interesting but UA te M with I think it’s Pavo COV a rider who could be a leader in his own right lining up in front of juuzo Victor campat putting on a hurt face as well for lot of Destiny not quite sure who they’re writing for but Mau star up here as well enri math and Richard caras both taken out in that crash on the first stage last year so both of them will be hoping to just survive that stage um this stage here but yeah kater pass oh no kater pass what are you doing kapas has a mechanical I think this is not a great moment to have a mechanical uh change of bikes here and this is not great oh cater pass come on come on come on vamos vamos vamos but he’ll probably ride the cars maybe this is just comfortable enough if you will but we’ll we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see here it’s it’s getting it’s getting quite interesting right now uh in terms of the GC battle no one really moving and um yeah thank you tart for those kind words and yeah some of my friends are very annoyed of me now because because of we’ve been doing this I can talk for a long time so uh yeah we’ve punished all my friends and family for this oh well Richard carass here he’s back on a new bike here the equadorian national time trial Champion Olympic champion still until the champion is is uh crowned in Paris who will it be probably not Carabas because I think he’s not even selected which was really bad if you think about it uh you win the Olympics for your country and then the next next time you’re not selected it’s also something to do with a course maybe they don’t think he’s going to win of course um but yeah uh beautiful beautiful country of Italy like we said San Marino is coming up so San Marino look forward to that 4.6 km now of this climb 7.7% the qu to San Leo as we said now we’re going to see this front fan group 2 minutes and 21 seconds so they’ve just managed to take a bit of a uh chunk here um out of this so we’ll we’ll wait and see what what happens if uh any of these are going to hit out but they’re looking like they’re very labored all of them it’s been a long day for them in the heat with the rolling terrain who is the best Rider Valentin madis potentially he was looking quite good mate morit looks like he’s riding to a certain power just looking down on his power meter here Frank Manden Brook those two know that potentially the pocko Jersey is up for grabs now courtesy of what happened in the previous uh climb so this is a huge moment for both of those Valas why do I feel like he’s won the poka Jersey uh I’ll come back to you on that one I feel like they have or he has has Valentine mad worn the pooc Jersey I’ll do a quick Google to find out but we’re seeing pictures here of another man who had a unlucky spring and that is none other than w venard um great Rider one of the best riders in the world and yes we have had Valentine madis in the polka Jersey but in Paris n so I was wrong apologies guys Paris n was what I was thinking of um he has not warn it at the toal France so I wasn’t wrong but I was the wrong race so uh yeah maybe he can get his first polka do jersey in the Toral fronts great to have uh I presume Alex Alex from Cancun in Mexico and we’ll wait and see what can happen here um yeah this is exciting to see what uh right now we’re seeing this Melissa bike um taking up the pacing at the front uat memorit going off the front in terms of not doing any other pacing anymore which I think yeah you haven’t got the yellow Jersey yes you’ve got the favorite for the tour this year uh but I don’t think you should just waste your bullets in stage one like let the other teams do something you’ve got no threat from the Riders up in front do you think you want us abrahamson is going to win the total France no so why do you care why are you burning expending bullets now like I I just feel like uat M should just conserve the energy it’s a long race and there’s no need to put the Riders Under Pressure here 3.8 km until the Riders get to the top here M pillon seems to have gotten back into the bunch here so good ride by mes Pon does he think he might be able to just get the win I mean if mes P’s here by the end I think he might just take the win but you hear you hear me say that Pacha beat him in Milan San rmo for the podium so H we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see 52.2 km still to go here great to have so many people in the chat if you’re new here let us know where you’re watching from and uh why not subscribe to see your name forever immortalized on the stream and of course we’re going to do this streams every single day and if you want to see more total France coverage the cycling Dane extra channel channel in itself has the previews and the Recaps and other things as well all that goodness coming up there so uh a lot to look forward to as a cycling fan of course I’ll try and get some interviews along the race as well um we have quite a few friends in the peleton I would say um so that’s nice uh Yus one of them as well he’s been twice on the channel very nice guy and uh we hope he does well here but Pavo COV is the man who is trying to guide them up here and uh yeah what are they going to be able to do PR much rage there in that Red Bull borans jersey I think it’s a beautiful Jersey I love that Jersey so much I’m a big fan and uh yeah it’s it’s going to be exciting Victor campat still here that’s good ride by him looking after Maxim vils I think uh you’ve also got plenty of enri mass is here as well Remco Veno no longer the B Belgian national champion unfortunately uh weird to see him in his trade kit uh he’s been the world champion he’s been the Belgian Champion but now we’re seeing him in the trade kit it looks it looks bad we need him to have some sort of Kit get him the white jersey as soon as possible we don’t want him to see him in the trade kit here but it’s uh great writing right now um we’re waiting and see what happens here in terms of the stage uh plenty of fans on the side of the road which is always good to see at the tour um popular race as ever and in this year’s race is so intriguing with that three-way battle between tatcha yonus Bingo rage and yeah is it going to be one for the ages that remains to be seen But M Pon has made it back what a Climb by him what a climb such a incred incredible Rider mes PS and he is really the guy who started off this golden generation for Denmark uh that that kind of belief that Denmark could do something again uh they’ve got Chona here the poot Jersey winner from last year SCS they’ve got caros Verona Tim the clerk Julian Bernard uh Tom SC friend of the channel maybe we can get an interview from him within the the race that would be quite cool um spoke to him when was it he in Springtime so we’ll wait and see great to have Patrick D in the comments as well and right now number 35 mik kovski just going out the back is he just getting bottles here maybe maybe that’s what’s going on but great to have over a th people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from 1,200 people oh my goodness that’s a lot and uh yeah we are getting ever closer to that win 1 minute and 39 seconds so the Breakaway they are hemorrhaging time time now hemorrhaging time they had a 5 minute Gap but now it’s going down wildly and that is not great not great news for any fans of the five Riders up in front uh cage 21 minutes and 22 second we still have 2.4 km of this climb left great to have you null from Saudi Arabia as well oh my goodness we’re reaching a lot of countries on this stream already great to have you all here we’re all United by our our passion of cycling and friend of the T Channel Jo MAA let’s try and get him during the tour that would be a great interview uh he is looking very cool com collector after his toris Swiss performance Roman bad as well he wants to bounce back after Poor well disappointing Jalia he would have wanted more out of that he was looking for a Podium even the win maybe but it just wasn’t meant to be um yeah tyacha remember him from the Jalia we’re seeing him here Adam y the Third Place finisher of last year uh yeah this is crazy stuff this Melisa bike are the team now taking up why Yas what are you guys doing this is not great great to have San Marina in the house with Mato here love your country um absolutely love your country great to have Michael from Thailand as well uh Amanda from Norfolk all over the place b as well is that Bell pan is that the Capital that’s me just trying to test my own knowledge 2 km left here 1 minute and 23 seconds almost inside the last 50 km of the race almost inside the last 50 km of the race this is going to be an astounding finish uh we would hope explosive we want it all we want the explosion everywhere in terms of the writing not literal um but here we go a move happening from the pelaton one of the Riders I think this might be B is this B bit of movement happening here and is that r b yeah it looks like Roman b b is attacking Roman bade is attacking Roman bade the number one for DSM fmin has decided this is the moment he is attacking um and thank you for all the kind comments I couldn’t do this without you guys so really appreciate your your well tuning in and the subscriptions everything so thank you for me as well but right now we’re seeing matate morage getting dropped from that fan group up in front we still have 50.4 km he looks to the camera saying look away from me I’m over this is my race done for today Ryan Gibbons as well he’s out the back the two heavier Riders out the back and the three climbers up the front making use of the power to rate ratio here so it is malti madas yones abrahamson who I don’t even know what we’re going to do um uh what category are we going to put him in abrahamson fans what kind of Rider is he because I’m confused he wins the Brussel classic but we’ve got madas here Frank f vandenbrook as well so but right now we’re seeing Roman bade trying to get up the road is this a clever move I don’t think it is uh but he’s feeling good so maybe it is a good move is Frank vandenbrook going to drop back now is that is that what’s going to happen now with with Roman B coming up that could be it so it could be a onew attack here and this could be a great move from DSM if they pull it off I forgot that they had that move rer up the front as well but in terms of uh tacha winning stage one 1,000 people have voted oh my God that poll needs ending now um but yeah we’ll wait and see what happens here uh but right now Wan by day is throwing everything at this stage trying to get up the road to join his teammate he’s closed the Gap quite con convincingly but Valentin madis hearing this doesn’t want to have another Countryman up here Fran van Brook dropping back servicing his teammate so that is great writing here by DSM feric um they are going to get a link up and what a link up that is so it’s going to be DSM against these two guys here madas and abrahamson but we’ll waiting to see what happens and it’s all still to play for here in terms of the stage win the polka dot Jersey the white jersey the the yellow Jersey let’s be honest uh but yeah our new next poll is will will will Mar cendes uh win a stage win a stage cuz then he’s broken the record um this year so this is a great moment for ran bad quite if if they pull this off this will be a splendid move to say the least um come on DSM fic they they’ve been very nice to the channel in terms of letting us into the the Press days uh R was also on the cycling day extra he was talking a lot about uh him loving riding the jro and uh yeah we’ll waiting and see we’re waiting to see what’s going to happen here uh but right now now he’s seeing his teammate um Vanden Brook who’s dropped back in the distance they’re coming under well r b is coming under the one km to go Banner in terms of this cat to climb and ran this is this is what we want to see we don’t want to just see them riding through the power meter until the final climb and then someone attacks we want to see this the the attack the emotions the the spirit all this uh but he’s seeing Frank vanderbrook up in front maybe this was the tactic all along this could have been the tactic all along if I’m honest and uh yeah this is exciting stuff to say the least uh no wait it’s not his teammate it’s Ryan Gibbons it’s Ryan Gibbons so his teammate is a bit further up obviously there’s Ryan Gibbons and there’s uh there is yeah Frank vanderbrook is a bit further up so Ryan gibons is between those two Riders mate morage I’m not quite sure where he is but uh Roman B riding up to Ryan given just to get a few seconds of support between the two of them Ryan given ran B nothing really in to bind them together here but uh yeah just riding up the road here Frank vandenbrook pushing the pressure on they are together now and now we’re going to see the Dutch Rider really accelerate the pace for his his team leader Roman B oh I want to see Roman B in yellow right now Roman B and Sensational climber a great descender and has won the Poo Jersey been on the podium before one stages he’s done it all he’s just not won the yellow Jersey not won the Tour of France but this I’m not saying he’s going to win the Tour but I’m saying this could be a moment to reach out for yellow paaps btim madas here of this kicks out 250 M to go until the top of that climb he wants to try and get the win here in terms of that pokero Jersey take the first pokero jersey of the year is that going to be uh achievable it looks like abrahamson just doesn’t have anything left in the tank to respond to the French Rider I think the French Rider is going to be the one crossing the line first on this cat 2 climb and taking those Five Points Five Points up for grabs here for Valentin madas I think it is going to be five points and then we’re going to get three points for abrahamson and I know that the two DSM feric Riders are not going to be caring at all about these points so I think Frank vandenbrook might just take these points and then one point goes to Roman B but great to have so many people live and kicking here in the Dan community and it is Frank vanderbrook who’s going to take the two points and Roman B is going to take one point as they cross the line now 20 seconds down on the two other Riders so this is getting interesting now DSM feric versus the two other Riders and I think Frank vanderbrook is going a bit too hard he needs to just ease it up now he’s excited now he’s like come on let’s go let’s go let’s go um yeah but the bunch behind this Melissa bike oh someone got a bit too excited there Scott uh this Melissa bike they are in control of the bunch for whatever reason they’re not putting the owners on uat memor which I think is a mistake um you haven’t got the favorite let’s just be honest you’re not the favorite right now it is uat memor with that star studded Squad that we’ve seen so yeah we’ll wait and see here but uh number two is out the back it looked like t sput uh the Spanish National Champion as well who is that it’s not o losano h who’s the Spanish National Champion I can’t quite remember here but 47.5 km still to go here 14 seconds between the B group and the Abraham and what are we going to call it the ab the uh mad AB The Mad up group um but Yan tratnik just guiding them here uh vict comp still up here as well but teas P dropping they still have two ciz climbs left remember we’ve got this descent and then we get on to the next ciz clim we are venturing ever closer to our new favorite country of San Marino San Marino I implore you to visit this country and I’m not being paid a single Dollar by the San Marino uh tourism board for that I just love the country and I think we had some San marinian in the chat so make yourself known as well but a country with less than 40,000 people so quite incredible to say the least and uh yeah what are we going to see Happening Here we haven’t had an update about Mark H show I’ll get you that in a bit but what an exciting race this has been so far yeah kind of yeah kind of exciting we’ve had a lot to talk about so far the mar camish mar camish 21 minutes and 43 seconds down the gap between the two front Riders of the Mad up group uh is 9 seconds now to Roman bade and Frank Vanden Brook we know Roman bade is so strong on the descents here 1 minute and 25 seconds is the gap still so it’s um yeah exciting stuff uh if these guys are going to stay away 2.7 km until the next ciz climb the C Monte magio maio so that’s our next climb and we’re getting every closer to that San Marino climb or San Marino borderline the Rolling Hill here and tomorrow we got the Ilia Romania stage and that is going to be a stage for the ages potentially with the San LCA climb and uh yeah we’ll wait and see if if uh if anything will be done about that but yeah what an exciting uh opening to the Torance here in Italy um these two stages and then the cuig Gia from the is also going to be quite uh from pinolo to Vala obviously we’ve got the stage previews coming up on the cycling Dane extra channel so check that out if you want to stay up to date with that and yeah wait what are we hearing tat is dropping no that can’t be right uh Roman B and Frank vandenbrook here they’ve got the riders in sight here on The Descent they’re just making up that Gap it says they have 5 Seconds which is nothing for a descender of the of the talent of the pedig of ran B here just being able to do his best uh Frank vandenbrook a great descender as well here so yeah we will wait and see what happens and 52% of you believe it is going to be Mark Cades breaking the Eddie MKS record that he’s is right now tied he has the record he just wants to be by himself um is that going to happen with the likes of Anna Dee and yasper philipson in the race who knows sprinting is a strange game uh we can all agree on that but right now it is the two DSM fic Riders trying to chase down the M up group up in front of course is sen well of course in referring to madw and abrahamson of grj and Uno X Mobility respectively and we’ll wait and see what’s going to happen here it’s an exciting exciting exciting time here uh happening and we’ll wait and see if ran bade can get a stage win and get the yellow jersey for the first time in his career that would be amazing who wouldn’t want to see that I want to see that um but ran bade what can he do here is he a friend of the channel he has been on the channel three times but I don’t know if he knows the cycling day that well nevertheless R aside um madas and abrahamson 6 seconds should they just sit up here um madw maybe he should just be like okay okay what am I going for today am I going for the stage or am I going for uh the yellow Jersey or the Poo Jersey but right now they’re on this qu maio theultimate ciz climb of the day 4.2 km and 6.6% average and this is going to be interesting they have made the catch they have made the catch om man B has made the catch so there’s two Frenchmen now in this group ran M day they have made the catch two Frenchman one Dutchman one Norwegian that is your front quartet here great to have devil from Costa Rica are you in San Jose let us know and of course when we think of Costa Rica and cycling we think of adrey Amador um I think he is retired now unfortunately 42.9 km still to go here 4 kilm left of this climb Roman bad is the one pushing on here not Frank Vanden Brook so that’s quite interesting um oh now they switch around it’s like they heard what we were saying but Frank V BR the Dutch Rider I believe this is his first tour to France the winner of the tour of turkey absolutely Splendid ride by him you want to ask abrahamson just doing his best to hang on behind the Norwegian certainly one of the most aggressive Riders of the stage today but canny hang here this is what we don’t want to see the Norwegian team do be up there in well they have a very aggressive team in terms of the Sprint finishes with S anerson no not anerson Ven shold and um Magnus C Christ of so we’ll wait and see and Tobias Hal Johanson I’m sure he’s going to be up there as well so Yan tratnik is the one pushing on they are on the pon ultimate cise climb we’re going to see anyone attacking here Ben Healey py dun would be very proud of this Ben hey is attacking off the front uh the man who was very aggressive in the tour of Slovenia of course we got the highlights on the cycling day extra if you want to see that but he was very aggressive in the tour of Slovenia and he’s being very aggressive here in the tour not the Irish champ ion anymore unfortunately but right now he’s pushing off the front no one really reacting to this and this is the kind of Rider that could be a danger right now uh to take a stage win he’s very good Arden classic rider was up there in Le B and amster gold last year and has won stages in the copia battle and won a stage win in the GE Italia last year as well but we’re seeing mate morage just fall at the back of the favorites group but he’ been up there um so we will wait and see um what he’s going to be doing in deeper into the race as well many of these Riders who get into the break also are trying to ride into some Fitness unfortunately this is over the day is over for abrahamson what a day he had and uh yeah 42 km from the Finish he won’t be wearing the Poo Jersey at this finish but madas might just wear it if he can get past vanderbrook and Roman bade here on this cat uh three climb so we’ll wait and see if he can do anything um but madis looking a bit shaky here four Become Three uh well Two Become four and then four become three and now uh yeah 13 13 points is what abrahamson has so uh yeah madas needs points here on this categorized clim if he’s going to take over that Jersey um yeah how many points available on the cap three wasn’t it two points or was that on a cap four I think cap four has won but Ryan Gibbons uh is being overtaken by Ben Healey Ben hey is just making his way up here he’s already got a 14c gap on uh the pelaton right now so the peleton comfortable letting Roma bade and uh Ben Healey off the leash but yeah Ben he this is a great move maybe this was what EF education easy person was working for not Alberto bettio but rather Ben hey uh Ben Healey was great in the tour of Slovenia absolutely running Riot with the race so yeah yoris vingo and his team are the ones leading this up which I don’t understand anyone can explain that to me I think this is a mistake by visma Lisa bike don’t do any of the work when y visma oh well with UAE are the strongest team you need to you need to just hold your powder dry uh okay they’re not going absolutely kblo uh they’re just nursing the Gap here with Yan tratnik 41.5 km 2.5 kilm until the finish of this cap 3 climb and yeah it is very exciting uh what’s going to happen M Pon in the back end of the favorit group here I think we’ve got Lou M’s back in that group as well so that is very very uh good for any fans of uh U mes p and Lou minky as well Frank vanderbrook just uh the one driving the pace for this front Trio here mad is looking like he’s very uncomfortable right now but he knows that there’s a poo Jersey up for grabs now if he can just get around these two Riders is madis going to be let go or like is he going to be be allowed to be the first Rider to cross the light I mean I think why not um yeah quite yeah we’ll wait and see but in terms of the mark CES count 22 minutes and 7 Seconds abrahamson getting caught by none other than Ben hey here Ben Healey 1 minute and 8 seconds to make up on that front Trio so we’ll wait and see um yeah uh it could be quite cool to see Roman bade in the yellow Jersey uh I don’t know if that’s going to happen and that seems like a good point to do a poll will Wan B who will be in the yellow Jersey uh who will be in the yellow Jersey there you go now the people us can vote I’m going to vote by day uh we’re seeing hyal Taha here struggling unfortunately so uh yeah the Colombian not not on a good day I I don’t know what I thought hero tah was going to be like the next big Superstar for Colombia but it’s not quite happening he took a stage window in the the tour well the Colombia tour um the tour Colombia strange name but great race uh Colombia great cycling Nation you have to say uh they’re just having a bit of a break I’m sure they’ll be back in the top Echelon of the sport but ran V is pushing on here he’s taking no prisoners so maybe madas might not get those points on this penultimate climb but yeah it’s all still to play for here for the riders in terms of the yellow Jersey this is such a fresh stage like nothing set in stone anyone can win the wear the yellow Jersey and uh everything’s up for grabs even the green jersey and the POG Jersey so the freshness of the tour it’s the 2024 tour to France starting in Italy we’ve got two more days in Italy before we venture into France but we have got San Marino as well San Marino is on the course uh B uh talking to front vanderbrook there what was that about we’re not quite sure but uh yeah it’s an interesting stage nonetheless what’s going to happen on today’s stage I mean Pacha you don’t want the yellow Jersey from start to finish okay it would be another record to add to his achievement to add to his incredible palaris madas is looking cooked m is looking cooked this is the moment m is gone mad is gone D is gone that’s a shame maybe he can catch them on The Descent but that polka do jerseyy is riding away now that polka do Jersey is gone that face that he pulled just a Grimace of grimaces that was a shame but madis doing his best but B and Frank vanderbrook DSM this is incredible if they can do something about this and if they win I’m pretty sure we’ll have a special interview in the secondy D extra recap race analysis after the stage so look out for that as well also available on Apple podcast or Spotify under the secondy Dame podcast so uh hope to see you there as well but 39.8 km is all that these two Riders have left 1 minute and 3 seconds to Ben Healey and there’s 700 M until they top the crest of the climb and Juan Yuzu number 13 he’s flipped the number looks like he’s struggling a bit here who’s putting the pressure on in this group who knows who knows oh this is starting to get very interesting in terms of Roman bade in the yellow a 51% of you are saying pogacha in yellow guys we need the Roman believe only 15% of us believe that it’s going to be a r yellow Jersey H what a shame what a shame come on guys we need to believe we need to believe um but yeah we’ll wait and see what happens uh here with the chase but can Ben Healey catch them up Ben hey shaved his head not those long lashes anymore uh or locked now he’s completely shaved that’s going to help him in the climb with his power to weight ratio but yeah Roman bade drenched in sweat drenched in everything this is a hot day just Grimace the yellow Jersey could be going his way Frank vandenbrook as well could they get the yellow Jersey after having such a up and down season this would be great for a DSM you would love to see it such a history as a team when they were sunweb ran by day trying to achieve the high this is like we’re seeing the what we saying the final few Strokes of this man’s career and you would love to see a yellow Jersey to be added to to this I think they’re just doing um they two up here they don’t really care who wins as long as someone wins here 1 minute and 1 second down to to Ben Healey 1 minute and 43 seconds down to the Pelon Frank magn Brook of course also in contention for that uh polka Jersy he is the one who takes maximum points former B in second place former poo Jersey winner himself outright and uh yeah uh Ben Healey here he’s third fourth on the road we’re not quite sure I think he’s fourth on the road I’m not sure he’s caught madas as of yet madas needs to hang on to get those points in the pock Jersey but if abrahamson gets the Pogo Jersey that is going to be a huge scalp for them just to get more exposure the Pogo Jersey obviously you have a lot of exposure of that it’s a jersey of the Toral France and it well it’s the easiest one to get on stage one you would say uh nothing’s easy in in in the tour to France but uh relatively easy considering you just have to get in the Breakaway and just get in the Breakaway is also a very loaded um sentence there or underestimated sentence uh 38.2 km 56 seconds here we’re coming into the yeah interesting part of the stage where’re veering into San Marino I believe the next clim is called the Kur the San Marino so there we are definitely in San Marino um but yeah Ben Healey there 58 uh seconds of a gap I mean even if he does bridge the gap how much has he put into this Chase so it’s a hard Chase when it’s two teammates up the front and could we maybe see a one two woman b or DSM fic win that would be crazy but great to have 1300 people in the chat in the Pelon we’re seeing v m Lisa bike for whatever reason taking up the charge here are we going to see bot lemon the former Soldier um do some of the work here they’re coming under the banner for that penultimate ciz climb here is NEOS granders up there as well what is this meisa bike doing what are they doing come on this is ridiculous I don’t know what they’re doing um I would rather see them keep their powder dry like uat mem are doing which is absolutely great tactic by them they’ve kind of baited V miss m Lisa bike into doing work here so yeah San Marino is going to be the second country that this Tour of France is going to be visiting and they haven’t even gone into France yet so how many countries they’re going to be visiting France obviously Italy San Marino uh I don’t think I’m not sure we dip into Spain but we’re going to be in Monaco as well they’re starting stage 21 in Monaco but two points go to front vanderbrook so there I I lied sorry madis if you were listening uh there was no points available as it was a c three climb so Frank vanderbrook takes those two points and that means we’re going to have yonas abrahamson in the polot Jersey so what a SC out that is and I’m sure many of our Norwegian friends will be very happy about that but ran looking FR vanderbrook they’re working well together these two what is going to happen between them and uh yeah this is remarkable riding by the two of them uh they’ve got a gap of one minut still to uh to Ben Healey the Irishman R running rampant right now trying to chase down this group but out the back they’ve got their teammate Fabio Jacobson struggling to hang on so quite a quite uh what what would you say uh yeah Jacobson out the back oh Jacobson’s being dropped by the mar hdes group that is Dreadful Mar hdes is dropping Fabo yakobson but out in front his teammates are the ones putting the H on so in a way if Roman bade and Frank vanderbrook win they would be the ones eliminating Fabio yobs in courtesy of uh the them their winning time setting the mark for the for the winning time if you will or for the cutof time that’s what I mean but Roman bade um yeah first Riders they are the first Riders into San Marino they’re 2 well 2 kilometers away from this final cise climb and then the only thing they have separating them from the finish line is a descent and who do we know that is very good at descending yes of course Roman B and it looks like Frank vanderbrook is a very good descender as well they’ve got 1 minute and 1 seconds to Ben Healey 1 minute and 51 seconds to the Pelton so quite a big uh lead here and Mark hdes is more than 24 minutes down now and jakobson even further down so Panic stations for the DSM sprinting part of the race V Melisa bike pushing on here for whatever reason as we know ah this Melisa bike what are you doing this is weird tactics you not the strongest team we know that no seus Bart lemon is a debutant of the tour France Jes vingo is recovering this is his first racing since that tour of the bass country crash so what are you doing are you trying to grind down UAE te memer’s team I’m not quite sure but we’ll discuss that in the recap race analysis over on the cycling day extra Channel or on uh the cycl D podcast which I hope you all join me for but 34.3 km to go go here 1 minute and 2 seconds should Ben Healey sit up now what do you think do you think this is too much he’s putting too much energy he’s reaching out for Glory no glor no guts no glory uh as Ritch would say or no risk no glory I think it’s no guts no glory um but yeah 1 minute and 53 seconds so it’s sitting quite pretty here uh the Gap deficit to the Pelon so if they can maintain that margin to the top of the climb I think they could be in a good position Maybe but Mass Pon is in this group so M Pon could maybe get the yellow Jersey uh who would have thought that um so it’s helping it’s helping Mass Pils in this right now you would think but how many teams would would be willing to help 7 kilometers long is the qu de San Morino at 4.8% the current K is at 14 minutes and 22 seconds so uh yeah I believe m pson is in the group okay uh we’ll let you decide is is Vis M Lisa bike um are visma Lisa bike visma being silly pulling now yes or no are they being silly pulling I’m going to say yes and I could have used another word beginning with L but we’re going with silly because that’s a bit more friendly uh but 6.6 km left of this P of this final climb Ben Healey is catching up to Valentin madis so potentially these two can work together uh but he’s no longer in that weird Purgatory of not having anyone with him so um madas is coming with him now there is that final cized climb up for grabs but I don’t think he’s going to be able to get all the way up to the two French Riders and beat them or French Riders two DSM Riders and beat them uh what are we saying here as well um that visma is just testing their own Fitness yeah perhaps you never know um and maybe this yeah I don’t know it’s strange I think but uh that’s just what I think they’ve been in the mountains of course over in Tena not too far from here so yeah as a tart saying visma is trying to establish dominance maybe you never know um hanana yuzo is struggling uh H is one Uso struggling is f Uso struggling I’m not quite sure cryptic messages there 32.2 k 1 minute and 9 seconds 2 minutes and 5 Seconds now to the peleton so it’s extended a bit more now they’ve gained about um yeah we will wait and see what happens here um oh thank you L cornball uh gifting 10 cycling Dane memberships wow I didn’t even know what this was um I didn’t know you could gift memberships but thank you very much for that and welcome board anyways 30 that I’ve never seen that before and we’ve streamed a lot uh thank you for that L uh 31.9 km still to go here 1 minute and 8 seconds we’re seeing Simon y the fourth place finisher of last year towards the back of this favorites group we’ve already seen one of the so so favorites um David godo struggling but yeah L what a move here um thank you for that and of course we got competitions coming up for all the channel members and uh uh subscribers as well so two different competitions uh a signed bottle of well no I think something with Alberto contador I think that’s what oper grabs um but V Melissa bik will the wounded wico kelderman is the man um pushing on right now and uh yeah we’ll we’ll wait and see what happens here wow Lessa I’m still bamboo by the kindness you did there also to everyone who’s not been gifted those memberships as well so Hero of the Day L um yeah we’re coming towards San Marino and this beautiful country oh it’s small but it’s beautiful the they have uh I think it’s four Three Peaks or Four Peaks and it just has this beautiful castle at the top of it it’s such a ah anyone that hasn’t been I implore you to go San Marino tourist board if you’re listening you need to hire me I could sell your country better than anyone else um but right now Roman B and Frank vanderbrook 5 kmers until they get to the top of the qu the San Marino and yeah this is going to be quite interesting how much energy these two have left uh Frank vanderbrook of course been out there for quite a while and we will see what happens um uh right now and uh madis is been dropped by um Ben Healey so he’s out the back unfortunately and yeah 31 km to go this is going to be an interesting one to say the least wait hang on Leslie did you gift everyone a membership but not gift yourself if you did that that very generous uh but number seven for Vis Malisa B going out the back and that is Yan tratnik who was in the G Tire I believe it is Yan traik yeah it is Yan traik they’re Slovenian there lenan doing the jro tour um double Egan Bernal is up here as well we can see the UAE team just Gathering behind yeah but now you’re wasting Welco kelderman oh this is silly this is silly I don’t know what this is about but uh great to have so many people here in the chat, 1300 people in the chat and uh let us know where you’re watching from Plenty of Danes watching I hope uh being a Dane myself and uh yeah we’re seeing Ryan Gibbons here so South African guys look away your National Champion okay he I think Ryan Gibbons did a great ride here he’s I think he’s more of a sprinter esque Rider about 4.2 kilm left of this final climb 30.6 km left of the stage 1 minute and 4 seconds for Ben Healey to try and close I don’t think this is going to happen to be honest uh the catch between Ben Healey and the two DSM Riders up in front uh 2 minutes down to the bellaton that is the more interesting Gap right now but if they get up this climb enough um I think they they could have enough in it but who knows who knows um yeah we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see but uh yeah in terms of our poll 62% of you believe that this Melissa bik was silly doing the poll so uh yeah uh L apparently sailing to the pharoh islands oh pharoh Islands Thomas watching from Finland oh I was in your country last two weeks ago uh video coming up on the secondy Dane action Channel um on Tuesday so look out for that featuring valry Bas so that’s quite funny but 1 minute and two seconds between Ben Healey and this front DSM group with Frank magn right now Roman bad is the one pulling 3.6 kilometers left here they are going to see the beautiful country and uh of San Marino not in the way that you probably would want to see it great to have Larry with Chicago uh well Chicago in the house uh we also have Australia as well in of Ian and are we going to see any moves from any of the Riders here great to have critical M joining back again from Iceland but Ben not Ben Healey yeah Ben Healey uh is absolutely just trying to do everything he can here to stay away uh but suffering a lot such a great attack in the tour of Slovenia but this is the Tour of France he’s already won a stage in the judia like we said former National Champion as well um and yeah doing his best here to try and stay up U maybe he can get a third place is the stage even decided that that is the question as well um yeah I I don’t well all man B in yellow that is the poll I don’t care uh will B be in yellow there you go yes or no so as a r fan I’m going to say yes we can dream wel kman is trying to sabotage that dream right now 1 minute 53 seconds down um they’re a bit further down the climb they’ve got three kets left that front DSM Duo here so we’ll wait and see if they can do something here we have not an update for camish Hillary just reminding us here as well uh 25 minutes and 22 seconds right now so it is quite interesting what’s happening on the road in terms of that battle as well um yeah welu Kellerman pushing on right now W vard part of that team as well yonis Bingle being Shadow it by shadowed by Tom pitock of old people could Pitcock try and do something here we saw in the Netflix documentary it wasn’t too much of a team player uh but obviously it’s a bit like w vanart these will will well Cy cross Riders they have a big reputation and they want to be the leader they want to be the ones um oh oh oh uh one of the one years for Red Bull Bor hrow just fell over there so that was a bit of a shame what a shame but valtim madw is being brought back here by Vis M Lisa bike so will kelderman bringing one of the Breakaway Riders back here 2.3 km still to go here for Roman bade and Valentin madas no and Frank wangb well just got caught as we said by wil kman but wil kman here are they just testing him is that the thing going on here we’re seeing a bit of movement here but on the side Egan beral oh they’re just getting a feed here that’s it that’s it we’ve got 28.5 km left here 2.1 km until the top of the final climb of the stage Lou Louis verak of sudal quickstep one of the medium Mountain support for Remco venol is out the back here uh we haven’t really seen we haven’t really seen too much of rcoo which you would say is a good sign no news is good news on these kind of stages as well um I think no news is good news on any stage in terms of going out the back uh 1 minute 1.9 km left of the climb uh Roman B really trying to push on here they’re doing the best to just keep this Gap it’s 1 minute 54 seconds 1 minute to the pelaton 1 minute and two seconds down to Ben Healey 25 no 26 minutes almost to mark hdes from the front to the back uh does that include Fabia yakobson that is the question right now but hopefully they’ll be fine and not thrown home that would be a shame but yeah um we’ll wait and see here 28 km to go here 28 kmers to go and if ran B wins the first stage of the Tor of France in it wearing the yellow Jersey that’s quite a funny one isn’t it after having transitioned across San Marino to as well uh any opinion on bernal’s performance uh I need to be quite careful with what I say about Bernal because my partner is from Colombia I think Bernal is looking great no I actually do think he’s he’s his comeback is quite Sensational you have to say uh that he’s come from where he was to where he is now uh but 27.8 km still to go here and we’re getting a real push now from bade he knows that there’s a yellow Jersey and Stage win up for grabs here and this is a hard one do you what do you do now let’s imagine they come to the Finishing Line together do you give it to Roman bade or does Frank vanderberg think this is probably the only chance in the near future of me wearing the yellow Jersey so I’m going to go for it uh I know the team would say ran bade you need to let him take the win and the yellow Jersey because that’s so much bigger for the team a french guy wearing the yellow Jersey um and winning the stage so uh yeah but uh 1.1 one kilm left of the climb now Ben Healey Ben Healey Ben Healey he’s still pedaling he’s losing a bit of time now 1 minute and 11 seconds Now 1 minute and 52 seconds to the inios Le pelaton now so they’ve said Thank You Vis M Lisa by we will do our normal V meisa bike inos Grandes and absolutely ramp the pressure up even though we don’t have the favorite H or are they thinking of Tom pockock potentially who knows uh Mass Pon is he still in here I think I just saw him holding uh the team car so uh yeah that was a bit H sus but H yeah W vard in there w vard we haven’t really spoken about w vard w vard could certainly be uh one two is yeah wait I think we just saw m Pon holding on to the team car a bit too long I would say but valtim madis gone sunk like a stone and yeah what vanart might be licking his lips over this Prospect now if if they catch uh yeah uhoh I didn’t think of that uhoh W vard could maybe be on for winning the stage now but less than 500 meters to go here uh for the two DSM Riders to cross the final climb of the day they’ve got a 1 minute 48 second gap down to the peleton the danger group and uh is bade going to let Frank vandenbrook just cross in front of him um come on Roman he might just give you the stage win and the yellow Jersey so I think you should give him the points here um sit up sit up sit up uh it’s almost 27 second minutes of a gap now uh two to uh who are we seeing about cdes now so this isn’t good this isn’t good but yeah I think yeah r w Brook is just coming around okay so they knew what was going on these two so that’s good uh it is going to be frank vandenbrook who’s going to take the last points of the day in terms of the polka do Jersey so that is good to see teammates being teammates and yeah that that is good good riding by them but the Poo Jersey certainly a lively one here in the first week it might just be crushed on stage four let’s be honest uh with the mountains being introduced so early on but we wait and see we wait and see great to have so many people still in the chat over 1,400 people and we still await the Riders here we are doing the streams every single day so subscribe to the channel to stay up to date with everything and of course tomorrow we have got the San Luca climb uh coming in to play so if you want to see me trying to write up that on a silly uh City bike um I’ll put the link in the comments down below but right now EF education easy post with nilson palus are putting the pressure on for whatever reason and this is for bety all you would assume so this is a problem as well for the DSM boys DSM where is Oscar only could he potentially be um uh do something here uh bit of I’m almost messed it up on The Descent here of under Brook they know uh what what’s going to happen um yeah it’s it’s all this is super high stakes for DSM right now it’s a it’s a jersey and the stage win so it’s super high stakes for them uh we got now Ben hey’s back so he’s doing a splendid work now he had his opportunity but showing that they are a real team uh doing a solid work here to every ounce he’s got left to try and catch their front Duo here Garen Thomas up here still 1 minute and 38 seconds 24.9 kmers still left here there’s no climbing left and it’s all still to play for here oh this is going to be a heartwrenching moment or is that I think this is going to be a very very nervous moment for any DSM fans here 55% of you believe it is going to be a r m day yellow Jersey so let’s believe um what are we saying here as well Stuart saying uh cab has four teammates with him is that cab or I think it might be Cav yeah cab um but uh yeah this is getting excruciatingly close 1 minute and 40 seconds now it’s 28 minutes now for the Cavendish group I think they are holding it somewhat uh to a good level and Elton saying as well visma Tre inos taking turns to P yeah this is this is nervous times now for DSM um 1 minute and 37 seconds with 24 km to go and they they might be quite tired as well so this is uh yeah it’s not a done deal for sure this could end up being a WN out Victory uh nothing against W vard but I just I like the idea of R in the yellow Jersey a bit more because he’s never wonn the yellow Jersey and I think W vard yeah he has woron the yellow Jersey of course uh in 2022 winning in the yellow Jersey which was absolutely remarkable uh on the coastline of of the shores of France was it Don Kirk C but yeah 23.3 km still to go here um 1 minute 34 km they’re still descending so that is you would say in the favor of Fran vandenbrook and and Roman bade but yeah it’s if you’ve ever been in a Pelton it can go very fast quickly downhill and these guys are some of the best well the best descenders in the world not some of the best the best descenders in the world and who is interested in this that’s the big question as well I wouldn’t maybe that was why this Melissa bik were pulling for w vard is that what we’re thinking that might be it uh we saw that a lot in the early stage of last year’s toal France that they did a lot of turns a lot of work early on to get try and get wman AR that stage win Roman V needs another bottle here this is this is panic stations for DSM this is going to be oh my God could you can you even imagine what’s going through Roman B’s uh yeah head for DSM this is the moment for them we are leading the Tour of France right now we could take a stage and the yellow Jersey this is sponsor gold for us and we can’t mess this up the team car needs to watch out now because uh yeah this is oh just a bit of a sticky bottle well for like like half a second so not really a sticky bottle uh but yeah by day they need to push push push this is nervous times for DSM absolutely nervous times you need to push all you can 21.6 km 1 minute and 33 seconds this is nervous watching for anyone who likes b day or DSM and uh yeah any DSM fans or sponsors or the team itself you cannot imagine what it’s going through them the team of course a huge team probably like 30 40 people and everyone’s going to have their heart in their mouth right now in their throat uh anxious times 21 km it’s come down 5 Seconds now so this is yeah ah this is tantalizingly close now EF education easy post are the team that really pulling the pace now uh so there’s not going to be any Christmas cards to EF education easy post from DSM uh so this is this is crazy stuff now miss Melisa B could be the benefits of this with wat vard being in there if he’s in any great form but H yeah anyone seeing where mes Pon is because if mes Pon is up there then uh this could definitely be one for him uh we didn’t see bam gay get dropped um so I’m not sure where he is I still think it would have been a bit too hard for him to hang on but yeah we will wait and see because uh yeah it’s getting very close now 20 km to go here the coletas are ticking down they are ticking down the coletas now so ah this is uh this is really nervous times am I a am I a DSM fan uh I’m not sure but I’m certainly a a fan of uh Roman bade being such a nice guy so uh yeah we’ll we’ll wait and see here this 19 kilm it’s ticking down slowly and uh yeah the speed is 20 km an hour moderate Breeze in a easterly direction apparently uh according to the weather forecast not sure how that helps the Riders um but they’re still not finished with this The Descent here I think The Descent finishes about uh in about 6 km a time so they’ve got 13 km uh that they have to um play with in terms of staying away here but 1 minute and 27 seconds so it just EES down a couple of more seconds this is yeah it’s getting too close now so tight absolutely so tight the rade trying to do his best impersonation of the super tuck here um yeah this is very very tight now this is O mark cish is almost half an hour behind these guys now so that is very bad in terms of that but I think they should be all right you would think I think they will be all right when they get over that final climb and get on this descent I think they will make quite a lot of time back um but yeah right now it is a 5050 in our poll whether or not B will be in yellow and we have 350 of you have voted in that poll so that just shows how close this actually is 5050 wow 17.6 km still to go here and it’s all still to play for wow wow wow this is absolutely astonishing what’s going on in front of our very eyes and uh yeah are we going to see yeah 17 km Now 1 minute and 25 seconds it’s come down and further oh no gone up now 1 minute and 27 seconds oh this is very very close now very very close oh this is close but uh I think r b struggling there with something but great to have so many of our channel members in the house and Le of course giving a lot of you Channel membership as well so yeah great to have Vera and Eric Brown plenty of you from across the pond uh um tuning in and uh yeah everyone let us know know what time it is where you’re watching from who has the earliest time right now um and thank you every single one of you for joining 16.6 km is what we’ve got to play with right now 1 minute and 28 seconds 30 minutes down to the mar cdes group this is going to be a very very close finish this is oh Roman B is this how you would have wanted you win your first uh yellow Jersey by uh cresting Sun Marino being in Italy and challenging the bunch to get into uh in Italy who knows uh yeah how what more fitting to get the first yellow jersey in the grandapa in in uh yeah in France in Italy being in a french guy uh who knows come on R We believe We Believe 1 minute and 24 seconds H right now Tart Is with the earliest time of 8 minutes and 34 a.m. I’m not even sure I could get up for that uh but yeah great to have so many people here in the chat and uh yeah thank you to every single one of you joining across the world and uh yeah right now we’re witnessing potentially history we don’t want to see just W vard getting another one of his his uh victories he’s had a lot of victories in in the tour of Rance we want to see the win being won by Wan B getting the yellow Jersey I can already see it let it happen please please let it happen uh 15.4 km 1 minute and 21 seconds they’re still in The Descent here and uh we got a radio message radio message incoming what is it nope no he not incoming uh I’m not sure what the message was was the message Al Al Roman come on uh let’s go let’s go um this is yeah crazy 15 km to go tart being awake since 2:30 a.m. and you’ve got the Formula 1 to look forward to and the recap and all these things so uh you have to stay up a bit more no that go to bed you need it uh but yeah right now Roman B doing some absolute grimaces at the front Frank vanderbrook he’s a debutant at the tour I believe wow wow wow this is remarkable stuff going on in front of our very eyes B pulling faces here doing his best to keep this a bay great to have 1,600 people in the chat absolutely remarkable and uh if you’re new here why not hit the like button subscribe to the channel we haven’t even talked about how many likes we have on this stream we better have over 100 ah 354 okay 45 so yeah okay well done guys uh can we make 500 likes um yeah we’ll wait and see but in our poll it’s swinged to 54 51% of you believe that is going to be a r bad Victory it shows you how tight it is here oh my God this is going to be ridiculously close 14 km and 1 minute and 15 seconds remember we have that arbitrary rule of 10 km to 1 minute I think that applies here because it’s somewhat of a flat finish so with that rule I think it would be a very tight uh tight here to say the least uh who’s going to win the the good thing is um if you’re in the Roman BAD Camp is it’s not completely sprinted teams behind the it’s mostly Mountain squads and and things like that but the bad thing on the other side is that these DSM guys are certainly going to be very very tired um what an attack by B absolute genius heroics oh my goodness uh come on body you can do this you can do this history being made 13.3 km 1 minute and 10 seconds o um let’s hope little Tre we want to see the pelaton we haven’t seen the pelaton for quite a while here so pelaton can we see the peleton please uh not that the TV the The Operators are looking at listening to us in any Shadow of Doubt uh welcome as well uh bad daddy fish and Colin uh subscribers Joan as well some of our new subscribers um uh welcome welcome and welcome to all our new channel members as well but uh yeah it is little Tre little Tre are pulling so I think that means that mes pson is in the bunch oh no no h who thought that I would be against a mass pilson yellow Jersey and here we are mass pson of course having won stages in the J Tire before uh this is uh yeah little Tre and EF education e post are venturing together now they’ve pulled out the mountain uh the mountain bikes the ah this is this is not good not good uh great to have Leo here as well welcome welcome everyone who’s subscribing and uh yeah EF education easy post and this Melissa bike with little Tre are the the bad guys in our story here of of the ran b yellow Jersey that might never be guys can we just not but they don’t care this is cycling this is ruthless this is the Tor of France they don’t care there’s no feelings here it’s vicious it’s wi kman at the front are they thinking of Laport are they thinking of uh is the European Champion still in this group we can see Lando with Remco venol the UA team Emirates team very happy about this Uno X have plenty of riders in there but who who are they um yeah Mato Jorgenson pushing here is this for w vard i this must be for w vard that they’re wasting all this resource so uh yeah 11.6 km to go 59 seconds now 57 seconds 11.5 that is a long distance separating them and this Victory here so ah guys I’m starting to get the sinking feeling it’s looking like it’s not going to be that ran B Musical that fantasy that fairy tale we are adults most of us and uh they tell us to stop believing in fairy tales when we grow up and it looks like today might be the same thing what a shame 11 11 11.1 km to go here and little track pushing on here Tom skan up here as well Mass pillon the Dane is in here and this is going to be ah big moment for Leal Trek now this could be it he is already tasting that yellow Jersey now the Dane from Shayan uh I believe halbeck um HCK are we going to agree halbeck any of our Danish listeners our friends uh HCK great to have Bob mob Bob mob great name that um wi Kerman pushing on is this this Melissa bike just thinking well if Yas isn’t great we could at least get a jersey here uh early on and we could get a stage win uh for our sponsors that’s maybe what they were thinking 10.3 km to go here 52 seconds is the gap 52 seconds Fran Manden Brook and Roman B are riding their hearts out here this is where you would have wanted to see Power data um great to have Lawrence H as well and uh so many others subscribing as well welcome welcome plenty of things still to come in the total France we’re almost 1,700 people in the chat and if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel as I’ve said and uh if you haven’t already check out the secondy Dane extra Channel yes there is a sister Channel and the secondy Dane action Channel which is the baby brother I guess T Bacha we’re seeing him he’s looking cool calm Collective the Jalia Champion the Strat of Yankee Champion the LI B leer Champion he’s already won a host of accolades this year mostly on Italian soil um six stage wins in the Galia never done that in the tour France but well this year it could happen potentially uh Julian Bernard for little treack is the one pushing on I think this is Ben Healey as well for EF education easy post 45 seconds that’s what we got left 9.2 km left to the Finish we’ve got some DSM Fermin riders in this group as well and maybe they should have gotten in the mix before this is a bit silly that they hadn’t just got in and tried to slow up the chase a bit um um yeah it’s a shame that they they didn’t try to disrupt the chase just a bit they could have done so much these two but uh yeah Oscar on Le and I’m not sure who the other guy is um yeah that that is a missed opportunity you have to say uh for for DSM they could have done so much that would that could have gained them like 20 seconds maybe if they just had been in there just mixing it up a bit just yeah but they were maybe a bit uh too excited about the prospect that they weren’t quite thinking who knows Remco Veno here uh ah it just looks weird when he’s not in his Tri when he’s in his trade kit I don’t like it I don’t like it he should be in a jersey get him in the white jersey let’s get him out of his his trade kit as soon as possible um but yeah 8.1 km still to go here 39 seconds uh 32 minutes down to Mark Cades of course we’ll talk about that in the recap race analysis what happened there but uh yeah 40 seconds still to go here a lot still can happen in the race and uh yeah what an incredible race it’s been here on the opening stage these two DSM Riders if they don’t quite make it that is a shame maybe Frank vanderbrook might be the one with the more left in the tank by the time we get to the finish line and we will see the Dutchman wearing the kit I mean which isn’t isn’t uh bad either um for the Dutch sponsors of the team but in terms of guarding the front page of the keep etc etc maybe Roman B would have been the man that they would have wanted but uh yeah we’re almost at 500 likes so if you the already make sure to hit the like button and uh yeah let’s see what happens here um the the favor of Roman bade has swung in our pole unfortunately 52% of you believing it’s not going to be a ran bad day courtesy of needle Tre and EF education easy post guys this is not nice but uh it is an opportunity to win a stage of the Toral France so no gifts are given um that’s for sure and uh 7 km to go now 40 seconds o it’s very tight now they’re saying 544 M and they’ve got about a 3 kilm difference apparently so um yeah Derek is saying B will get caught with the Finishing Line in s oh that would be so bad um we will wait and see what happens here 6.7 km 37 seconds they take another few seconds out of them and this is getting very close they’re coming towards rimy the first stage of the grandapa in Italy looks like it might be a dramatic finish here is it going to be m pson w vard Roman B Frank vandenbrook what we yeah oh guys chill just relax let bad have his moment why H it’s either going to be M pillon I think at this point Ty gatcha could even get in the Sprint as well or yeah who else who else can we think M pill W vard tacha no Binum gay it seems um yeah I think that’s potentially it we had some Uno X guys but I don’t for a shadow of a doubt believe that it’s uh who let’s see who it is if it is Manos Court we we’ll see what if Manus court is in that group cuz uh yeah he could potentially do something yeah like Elton said the and have smelt blood uh and uh yeah 5.5 km 34 seconds I mean it’s not over it’s not over it’s certainly not over guys it could happen believe believe oh 53% of you believing it’s not going to happen uh come on where are these DSM guys I have a bone to pick with them they should have done something here to just uh rupture that bit of a a Chase or just just get in just get in the mix just upset them a bit get them angry just you’re trying to defend your team leader or one of them oh come on 5 kmers to go here 36 seconds they’re doing a splendid job out in front come on guys come on motorbike if you’re French just get a bit closer to them help them oh this is so close this is absolutely incredible what a finish I didn’t for a second believe that it was going to be this kind of finish I thought we were looking at maybe a yeah a Sprint finish here DSM coming up come on boys this is really good oh they’re say come on boys this is really good this is amazing yeah it is amazing it is really amazing oh come on we believe 35 seconds 4.4 km ah we’re going to see pills and out potentially attack out from that group behind um yeah I’m not quite sure why those DSM Riders are not getting in the mix here come on DSM get in the mix try and play a bit dirty other teams do it all the time why can’t you get your hands a bit dirty here H 4 kilm is ticking down now 4 kilomet that’s it that is what separates Oman bade and Frank vandenbrook from a mission complete here but how much is left you need a gel you need a gel desperately bad is grimacing he it looks like he knows that the yellow Jersey might not be there or is this him thinking it is still there cuz if it wasn’t if he believed it wasn’t there what would he be doing if this Melisa bike up there as well little Tre doing what they can oh come on B come on 34 seconds 3.6 km still to go here it’s Julian Bernard this is tantalizingly close they can see the Breakaway in the distance ah no no no um yeah this is ridiculous don’t you think guys uh EF education easy post Vis M Lisa bike and um little Trek they’re working well together it’s down to 21 seconds oh no no DSM what are you doing all my ah Vander Brook they and I don’t even know if they have anything left in the tank I think the peleton know that this might be in the bag now with 21 20 km to go under the 3 km Banner to go here come on come on come on come on this is it this is it now come on we can do this we can do this believe believe believe believe this is it this is it believe oh 20 seconds now this is not happening oh guys I think we’re looking down at this not happening 18 seconds Fran vandenbrook turn your this is why you guys became bike riders the yellow Jersey a stage win of the Tor of France in France in Italy admittedly probably not what you were dreaming out when you’re becoming a kid but that aside oh come on the pelaton are doing 38 km now anyone friends of B help him out in that front favor group anyone 16 seconds just mess up this Chase oh no 16 seconds they’re going to come under the two km to go here this is happening now come on come on this is it ah 15 seconds mat jensson bad boy he’s helping out little Tre and wal vard of course oh no and Victor compan is waiting in the rears here this is ah diabolical 2 km under the 2 km to go here and I think we’re going to see the pelaton in the background come around this corner oh this is oh no go go guys you only have 12 seconds this is go go go this is It’s Panic stations this is Def conon One go go go Red Alarm Red Alarm anything you have now 1.8 km away from getting the yellow Jersey this is what you need dig deep dig as deep as you can oh the DSM boys in the back I’m going to be so annoyed at them man I’ll reflect that in the recap race analysis after this 11 seconds you’re still in the lead 1.5 km to go here they’re swinging around another corner here this is it this is it Oman by day come on you can do it head out come on you can do it this is it Glory no Gods no glory need to hit out it’s 1.4 km with 11 seconds to go the fast men they’re they’re smelling the blood here Mass pillon he wants this he wants the yellow Jersey what ver not wants to win after a disappointing season from his standard this would be a great result from him they come under the 1 kilm to go now 1 kilm to go that’s it 1 kilm oh no this is going to be this is going to be dramatic stuff come on guys you can do it you can do it this is it oh this is it DSM they look behind Don’t Look Behind Frank V Brook you need to go go go go go oh the fast and are they going to pip them on the line they come under a Slovenian flag the the sprinters behind are seeing them they can taste them almost but the DSM group are doing their best now they’re just kicking it off they’re coming inside the sprinters are far away the sprinters haven’t opened up yet so they’re doing their best here they’re looking behind om B you need to go you need to go you need to go inside the last 300 M to go this is it 250 M to go come on they’re far away from you you can’t be the sprinters are Galloping they’re trying to do their best this looks like it’s not going to be it fairy tales do come true W takes the Victory and front vbook in second place third place to what we not and here we are people wow wow wow can we just take a moment to just what just happened there what on Earth was that oh my god fairy tales do come true and what a way to kick off the 2024 torto France wow ran We Salute You oh my God and front vanderbrook because he could not have done that without him for sure what was that absolutely incredible that that was wow wow wow wow oh my goodness what just happened in front of us that was ridiculous over stage the tour is back the tour is back with a slime and uh yeah what was that that was incredible you guys absolutely incredible that was ridiculous I am so glad we saw this Roman B winning was the cherry on top of this cake he’s crying we’re all almost crying I don’t think he realizes what just happened and DSM after having such a annoying part Warren buil hugging him there rightly so DSM wow we spoke with him at the start of the Year here on the channel and uh yeah such a nice guy and what a victory DSM Shao yellow Jersey stage win this is it this is what you want to see wow wow wow uh we’ll we’ll go through the top 10 and the the stage win um uh wow 200 to win uh 14,000 profit uh well done to you uh but yeah that was remarkable that was absolutely incredible what a stage win from Roman bade there that was absolutely exceptional just look to uh Frank vanderbrook what did he say there that was incredible yeah that was absolutely incredible there wow Wan B what more can we say yeah Mark Hamish and Fabio Jacobson are the guys we’re going to be thinking of as well I’ll get you the top 10 the top uh of the GC as well and then I’ll Scurry over and do the recap race analysis on the cycling day extra Channel or the cycling day podcast unfortunately alone because there is no Patrick or Yun um but yeah wow of course hit the like button subscribe to the channel here uh to yeah stay up to date with everything and of course um we’ll we’ll get the the the preview of Tomorrow stage up as well and uh a lot of things still to go but yeah that that was an absolutely remarkable stage and uh quite still it still hasn’t quite hit home how ridiculously good that stage was uh the Finish wow that was incredible um yeah absolutely incredible but uh yeah still in shock after that so uh yeah if you want to see me uh cycling up the stage of tomorrow uh one of the climbs uh make sure to check out the cycling Dan action Channel I’ll put the link in the description and uh yeah we’ll uh do the top 10 before I disappear but yeah that that was ridiculous from the team what a team effort by them um shapo you can’t say anything DSM having such a TD time this year and then coming back getting the yellow jersey and a stage win on the first stage of the Tour of France that is what you want to see it’s remarkable it’s yeah it’s just um yeah stage two I’ll call it stage two climb uh tomorrow uh but yeah that was ridiculously how good that was and uh yeah if you have not already we’re over th people here so if you click the link to our little brother Channel and then hit that subscribe button we would really appreciate that it’s not a thousand subscribers yet but uh we’ll get your top 10 I say we I’ll will get the top 10 um yeah what a stage um ridiculous absolutely ridiculous of a stage uh the top 10 coming up and then I’ll do the recap race analysis for the second day extra Channel but uh the top 10 up this stage what a yeah what a remarkable bear in mind that Frank vanderbrook was in the early Breakaway so that was ridiculous but we don’t need to do the GC we know the GC uh it is what it is so we’ll get you the top 10 uh and I hope to see you tomorrow for a very exciting stage there uh which is going to be from chess in Alo where Mar pontani his home City all the way to Bologna where we’ve had uh the Tor the Jalia on a number of occasions and is the home of the ILO Romania stage as well so uh yeah what what a ridiculous stage that was uh in terms of a good way not a bad way a good way that is a stage that going to yeah stage of the tour is already a hard proposition for the rest of the 20 stages uh judging by this one so uh yeah wow just just wow but I hope you can see that if it’s not too small but the winner ran B who takes the yellow Jersey as well in front of his teammate who was in The breakfront rer Brook the young debutant the Dutchman uh winning with 5 Seconds in front of w vard and tacha of all people in fourth place Maxim Mills of the lot of Destiny Squad in fifth place so this makes a little Tre doing anything quite silly um and then with Alex aruro the Spanish National Champion he was the Spanish National Champion that I didn’t mention earlier um and then M Pon he’s going to be very frustrated with this day because he probably was targeting this day let’s be honest uh or this well certainly how the situation was unfolding on the road uh REM Veno in eighth place and then Po bbau in ninth place and Alberto betel the national champion for Italy in 10th place so that’s the top 10 we’ll get well we’ll see who the white jersey is well we could probably work out who the white jersey is on this I think it’s Frank magn Brook is the white jerseys though they’ll have the yellow Jersey and the white jersey and the green jersey within the team so uh that is quite a scalp for them completely and uh yeah um wow I’ll make sure to get all the interviews and stuff like that for the recap racing NES I’m sure DSM fic are going to be over the moon over this result I don’t think they were expecting this at all and uh yeah a very very nice team to be honest and uh yeah wow absolutely incredible a French rider in the yellow Jersey can we think of the last time we had that I can’t quite remember um so uh yeah absolutely crazy that what more can we see in this toal France if this is the stage one the bar is High guys the bar is very high tomorrow is going to be a dramatic stage as well uh we’ll have the Stage Preview out on the pying day in extra Channel I’ll try and get that out once we finish here but the Poo Jersey as well I think is going to go for uh johannas yonas um Jonas abrahamson so he that’s going to be a big result for the Uno X team as well so just all around it’s been uh jerseys for teams that probably didn’t expect it and uh this is ridiculously great this stage uh for how how good I don’t I I don’t think for a moment they were thinking that this this looked impossible with 10 kmers to go with 20 kmers to go and they pulled it off absolutely ridiculously good and I’m so happy for all M by day and DSM I think all of us are pretty chuffed about this this is a ridiculous outcome um in a good way and uh I’m sure they’re very very happy about this and let’s hope that Fabio yakobson stays in the race as well because we don’t really know about that as well um yeah it it could be it could be uh interesting Journey that to say the least but yeah stage one W vard is going to be frustrated about that mass Pilon is going to be very frustrated about that and there there’s there’s a lot to happen here still W by day such a legend of the sport poker Jersey winner as we said um Podium finisher stage winner and uh it’s just yeah words speechless that that’s what you can say of this and um yeah Zed 200 can vla do a vla who knows hopefully he can carry it into French territory that would be good but uh yeah ran B I believe he’s never worn a leaders jersey but anyways with that I’ll shoot off and do whatever the recap race analysis check out the cycling day in action Channel and you can see me cycling up the S LCA climb from tomorrow stage and uh yeah plenty of more videos like that to come and uh please help us out with the cycling day action Channel um to subscribe there if you haven’t already and of course thank you to everyone who donated and Les as well for gifting 10 people uh a membership but uh yeah anyways with that thank you for watching and of course there’s


    1. 💥 top ten Bardet, 2. Van Den Broek
      3. WVA. 4. 🌪 Pogacar 5. M. VAN GILS. 6. ARANBURU. 7. PEDERSEN 8. Evenepoel 9. Bilbao 10 Bettiol.

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