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    My Dad and I cycled from Cardiff to Holyhead UK, following NCN route 8. The weather was mostly torrential rain and stormy winds, which made for very tough riding conditions!

    My dad started to struggle with joint pain at the end of day 3, so he abandoned the final day, leaving me to finish the final leg solo.

    #bikepacking #lonlascymru #walescycling

    00:00 – Intro
    00:46 – Day 1
    03:41 – Day 2
    06:10 – Day 3
    10:11 – Day 4

    Feel free to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Strava.


    What gear do I use?:

    the long Las Cy a bike packing route across the length of Wales this country is only small but it packs a punch with brutal climbs and often Terrible Weather it was me and my dad experienced firsthand this is our story of bike packing across Wales where we experienced a terrible storm brutal weather insane climbs and everything this country had to throw at [Music] [Music] us Cardiff day one 75 Mi to hayon Y we knew there was a storm coming so we wanted to make as much progress as possible before it arrived PR [Music] w o [Music] all [Music] after a real mix of weather on day one day two was only going to get worse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as we left land Li Lewis and headed up to p MADD we knew it was going to be a really brutal day 75 Mi and well over 5,000 ft of climbing in more horrendous weather [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you may have noticed that me and my dad had been separated for quite a lot of the day I could tell my dad was in a lot of pain he was suffering with arthritis in his hip so he made the call that night in Port madic to head home and leave me for the final day okay so I’ve just said goodbye to Tom um I’ve decided to abandon I’ve just got carrying too much weight I’m mean too much pain my brakes are not working properly so I’m a bit disappointed but especially since it’s such a lovely day uh no wind and rain today so hopefully Tom will have a good ride up to uh hollyhead uh and I’m just getting a train home so hey ho Lessons Learned now that I was on my own I had to muster up enough motivation to do the last 70 mil to hollyhead [Music] alone thankfully the weather had finally finally cleared and I was now able to experience the true beauty of North Wales [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] I’d done it I’d finally made it to hollyhead I’d cycled the length of Wales when I look back on this trip I don’t look back that fondly it had all the potential to be a glorious epic wonderful adventure with amazing scenery but we pushed ourselves too much we did too many miles over twoo few days and the weather was shocking our lack of experience cost us we were both exhausted after this trip and we learned some valuable lessons along the way so although it wasn’t that enjoyable for me has made me and my dad tougher and more experienced bik Packers and it’s helped me feel confident going to bigger and better places in more remote locations and trusting my ability to tackle anything that comes my way thank you so much for watching if you have any questions stick them in the comments and I’ll see you in the next video


    1. This was shot and ridden in summer 2020 – Very different times! Let me know what you think as my films have changed a lot since then! 😀

    2. I have this view now as I'm older that I am not overly concerned with the toughing it out despite anything/ character building ethos. I'm 60 plus now and have had as hard a life as I'd want so dont feel the need to build my character anymore by enduring crap conditions.
      I always get as good a weather forecast in advance as I can and amend or cancel a trip accordingly. I work so dont have a large amount of flexibility but rely on an understanding employer.
      I'd rather not waste valuable holiday and time in general slogging thru s….e weather just to say I done it….whose listening anyway but yourself.

    3. Mister – your videos are a true inspiration. Well produced, engaging, beautiful. I’m jealous of your time on the saddle. Hope to meet you one day, just to say ‘hi and thanks’

    4. Yes, definitely an epic ride – and you were right in saying it wasn’t glorious (in terms of conditions, but both of you deserved ‘glory’). But, epic in terms of scenery and effort. Shame your dad missed cycling on the sunny day, but his effort was also epic, and as they say, ‘old cyclists never die…’ (I’m allowed to be rude and use the ‘old’ because, I suspect, I might be a fraction older) Anyway, well done – another enjoyable video

    5. This was my first solo multi day trip in my mid 50s in mid Aug 2020. I was lightweight camping but just had 2 small panniers. Finding somewhere to wild camp was the most stressful part by far. Were you camping? i started in Bristol and went via Chepstow/Gospel Pass then up to Bangor via Machynlleth Barmouth etc in 2 1/2 days. There are so many variations on the route. Awful weather most of the way and no inside options for eating etc as only just coming out of lockdown, I was able to get a train home as essential travel only ban was lifted day before. Incredible experience and I loved it in spite of the challenges. My only hot meal was fish and chips in Barmoputh!

      Edited to add only just seen it was a similar time you did it too!

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