fantasic 50k ride going down the Thirlmere east road which has just re-opened after 4 years the i go down the fantastic keswick to Therkeld railway trail

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    morning welcome to the late district and I’m the late District cyclist oh as the comments have been saying on face uh YouTube at the minute fat useless lazy get off that ebike I’ve about all sorts of crazy comments but you know like my granddad used to say if you got to say anything nice don’t say anything nice at all but it’s all used people who watch me and give me the love with comments I’m doing this far so block them get rid of them stay off the channel anyways today I’m going down so today I am going down the best trail the bike trail uh in Britain I think it is and uh I’ve done this before but I’ve never been down on mean so s the canyon and Jun is down there and also look at that so there is the kig where there was obviously rockfall and uh the road was shot for four years there been a lot of work done on it to get it where you can pass it it was literally just this and that was it and the whole road was closed off there’s a group on Facebook which I’ll put in the description of the people who’ve been fighting for it for uh oh years been trying to get it back open just CU of that yeah so that’s FIA Dam there uh it’s nice to see actually cuz like I said the road’s been shot for four years and you I think you could get up to the dam it’s just obviously for cycling you could do this road and this road is absolutely beautiful I do up there that’s Eagle Crag the most instagrammed Summit at the minute everyone’s G there and take picture cuz it’s got a lovely Lookout looking right down for here uh yeah that’s a way right as well so I’ve done that a few times but yeah it won’t be a day I’m cycling it today yeah so that’s the dam let’s carry on I’m about 5k in so let’s get on with the ride and let’s show you more beautiful late District yeah I’m about 5 miles in now uh the plan is to do about 50 km on the uh endurance taking in some absolute beautiful stunning late District scenery uh haven’t been on for a while cuz the weather is been Absolut atrocious and this weekend the finally finally the sun has come out so anyways let’s get further down I’ll show you some beautiful views and then we’ll get to the uh [Music] [Music] Trail so I’m just coming to the end of the dam now so and that’s the next argument for the ferier team who’ve been fighting this road on the dam is closed there is a way of getting around but they want this road opening but they’re saying it’s not wide enough for two cars so that’s the excuse but luckily for us it’s open for cyclists and Walkers so it’s happy days for us cuz we’ve got it all for ourselves so yeah I’m going to carry on get on of the Frack Old tozik Trail that’s the trail I’m going on I think it’s brilliant no cars on that either so let’s let’s get down there and let’s carry on so the road I’m going down now which will take me to fral it’s one of the most stunning roads for views in the late District you’ve got the hell valon range going right along to your right and then you get a beautiful view of blank cathra in a minute there she is blank AA bit of cloud on it but it do look that big from here but I’m telling you now it’s around about 2,800 ft I think top 20 mountains in England it’s around about 15 16 don’t quote me on that though it’s a long time since I was in one so I’m currently on the Freel kazic cycle way it’s see an Old disused Railway line and it was ret timea and redone up after the storms in I think 2018 storm storm Desmond the whole Bridges collapsed and everything they put all new Bridges up put new time M down had to cut then cuz uh they’re doing a bit of tree fell and thought the path was shot thought that would have been good video is it 2 seconds onto it kicked off yeah but it’s beautiful and uh yeah it’s got a fantastic tunnel coming up soon so I’ll get back to you in a bit and show you this beautiful route and I’ll talk to you a bit further down let’s go so obviously this is part of the co to co if uh coming from St be over obviously you’ve come along this cut out the main a66 road to penr uh cuts out a big chunk of it from Kik so yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] so the trail itself is about 3 miles from FR out kzk and I’d probably recommend if you come a walk it park at Freel walk into kzk get a meal have a drink have a look around kezic and then walk back full Route 6 miles all no traffic and it’s a beautiful lot of Route you can even bring a picnic and come halfway and there’s nice little spots near the rivers and that if you just come to cycle it do something similar park at fral and then come along you can look at this route on this driver and see if you want to do this route what I’m doing this is about 50 km so really good anyway near that at the end now so coming into kazik so I’m just coming into kazik now Town Center well I’m just coming to the top of a 15% climb and this is the views you get absolutely stunning is where we’ve come from the door falls and uh yeah it’s an absolute stunning view that was a bit of a killer coming up that 15% there but I’ve managed it I’ve done the climbing now it’s all back down and we’re going back down the trail and back to the car so let’s get on the bike and let’s get back [Music] right so I’m back at the dam 5 minutes from the car uh just want to thank you all for watching and uh put the comments in the positive comments in for me uh I’ll just block the negative ones but never mind anyways if you like this sort of video subscribe it helps the channel and I’ll see you on the next one hopefully the weather’s going to be nice now because it’s been three months of terribleness I’ve be on the zift most of the time but I want to get up here and see this so yeah thanks for watching I’ll see you next next one and if you want to watch call my other videos on the canyon or any other videos of Dr the Lake District I’ll put some at the end so stay tuned for them thank you


    1. Looks like a great ride Dave – thanks for taking the time to put the video together 👍

      I always think, the only opinions that matter are from the people who matter most to you – the rest is just losers who troll you because it reminds them how sh!t their lives are and no one cares who they are or what they have to say 🤔

    2. I can’t believe you have had such nasty comments. Oh, to be as perfect as some of these know-it-alls! Thank you for the video of your lovely ride. I never get tired of the gorgeous scenery.

    3. Forget the trolls pal , haters are just jealous . They are obviously so perfect . I love your enthusiasm for the lakes . Keep it up . I have e bike as well as analog and switch between the 2 as I want

    4. Wow!!! What a stunning bike route!! If I lived there I would ride that trail all the time. So beautiful!! Maybe I will just have to take a trip soon. 😉

    5. Well done , looks and the wife love coming up to the lakes stopped near Penrith last time , have ridden up there a couple of times on the Fred and a coast to coast but didn’t do that trail ..looking forward to more visits soon ..

    6. Hi mate you've inspired me to ride around Thirlmere, I've walked round. There's a massive pine tree so far round and apparently Wordsworth used to sit under it and write poetry. There's some unkind people around, because I'm small someone once asked if I have little man syndrome, I think he was jealous as I was mountain biking at the time. 😊😊😊

    7. Lovely video as normal ignore the morons they must have very sad lives and be very lonely to make such horrible
      Negative comments!

    8. Great video Dave. Sorry to hear you're getting idiots commenting on your videos. My method is that anyone that does that is obviously some kind of weird idiot, so feel sorry for them, block them from your channel, and forget it.

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